#165 Blessing of the Great Spirit of Oak

Today's episode of Gaia Translate brings a blessing from the Great Spirit of the Oak.

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Welcome friends this is Gaia Translate with your host Tracy Shoolman and it is an honor to deliver a channeled blessing for you from the Great Spirt of the Oak.


The Great Spirit of the Oak: We greet you, granddaughter. We are not unknown. I am that which has and carries the vibration of The Great Spirit of the Oak. Have we not served as wisdom-keepers? Have we not served as Guardians of the Light? Have we not offered that which has and seeks to protect, to offer shelter, and to guide your clan as you have and are willing to be in receivership of that which is the wisdom we have and hold within?

We are admired. We have been understood in more intimate relations such as this by many of your species at various points of your history, daughter. And we invite this awareness, this more intimate relation, this blessing of communion to recommence. For it is a beautiful point in the history of your own potential as a tribe, a clan, a species. You are children that are dear to our hearts and as such, as we have been known [sound - 0:01:58] as the “wise old oak” as we have been and offer that even from that which is the smallest acorn, a mighty oak may know itself in full manifestation in form.

Each and every one of those who are the children of the light, and while you may not accept it all life forms, those that you observe such as our own structures, those you are not able to observe and yet exist are children of the light. And yet we speak of that which is the acorn of potential that rests within the heartplace of all of your species, daughter, and we felt it was timely to water it a bit, to push it a bit more deeply into the soil of possibility. For your species has – and wisely so – chosen to call forth that which is the booming of an expanded expression, a higher vibratory attunement of your field in the individuate, and of course the collective with that of all vibratory fields that have and are held within and have and exist quite nicely without, outside of, if you will, this small dimension.

We stand as we have done with the arms of our heart out to offer a bit of steadying, a bit of encouragement and a bit of faith. For we see, we perceive with the eyes of our heart most clearly the acorn of your own light and the potential for great expansion, great evolution, and great manifestation of your oak nature, each and all at this season of your becoming.To receive the blessing of your oak nature is what we have sought to bring forward at this point in our alignment. As such, we offer the opportunity to each and all as you are willing to claim it, to call forth that which is the mantle of your own oak nature, one that has and is not confused by what has and would appear to be the smallest acorn of potential when all around you would seem to deny it, the blessing of adequate soil, the blessing of adequate light, the blessing of adequate watering.

This is not so. We do not deny there is a great imbalance in this plane and it may feel as that which is a never-ending shadow that obscures the light of possibility that you feel is required to shine down up that which is the acorn of potential for a new and powerful re-knowing. When you have and would doubt that which you have and seek to perceive as the great oak of a new earth, one in which there is a beautiful relationship, a bonded, respectful, and loving attunement with your own species amongst each other and with all other life forms as has and is required for that which is the great season of expanded flow that has and stirs beneath the soil of possibility and one that we have and perceive as already begun to sprout the tiny roots that have and would call it forth, anchor it, and hold it steady in a manifest form in this plane.

You water the acorn of this potential with the waters of your faith. You tend it in the soil of your will and that which is the light has and shines upon it. For you have called it to yourselves, children. You have called this shift in your own evolution and it has been answered and that which you experience, which seems perhaps so distant as to be impossible, we would offer this is not the season for doubt. For that is the season of drought. This is not the season for despair. That is the season of the hard and baked earth.

This is the season of great and powerful new birth. It has begun. We simply stand here and invite you, each and all, to carry with you. We are offering this as a literal offering, an acorn, an image therein and to know it as that which as you hold it within your hand holds that which is within you that you have and it may be timely to call forward as you each know yourself able to stand as mighty oaks of that which is the new forest of your own evolution. We feel it. We know it. And we invite you to do the same. For within each and every single one of all of those billions of you upon this plane at this point in our mutual history is the light of a mighty and empowered and powerful oak.

Call forth your oak nature as you are willing. We have been there for you. We have sought to companion and steady you, to guide you and to be guardians of this greater wisdom of your heart. And it is timely for us to serve it to you in a manner that is easily consumed by many and to invite you as you claim your oak nature to seek direct communing with us. As you know, it is possible as you allow your heart to open the ears of your heart will be able to receive the songs of our wisdom without the need of one who has and, if you will, serves as intermediary, much as this channel.

We are in a place of deep and profound anticipation and joy-filled gratitude. For we have and feel the sprouting of many, many, many acorns of the heart. Within your species it is the season of your rebirthing, if you will, and one we are joy-filled to bear witness to at this powerful point in the history of your unfoldment in this plane.

Hold with you, turn to it again and again that which is the image of the acorn, that which is the image of the mighty oak. This is the nature that has and rests within the heartplace of all. It is simply to know its soul, yes? One cannot deny one’s nature, although one may be unaware of it. Yet as you have and perceive yourselves as sprouting, as choosing, step into that season where you may grow and grow beyond the sapling, beyond that which you have ever understood yourselves as you have and spread your mighty canopy, you have and will claim the power of the oak that has always rested within.

Do not doubt yourselves. It is part of your nature and we invite you to step forward and enjoy full claiming. Do not fret. You are not required to change or do anything that you have not already carried within your heart. It is a point now of accepting, of allowing, and of release of resistance, release of fear of the unknown. It is your own fear of your own mighty nature that has kept you in your little shells. It is time and you have and in truth, call it with great eagerness to yourselves. We simply seek to whisper this song of encouragement into the ears of your heart and to invite you to simply allow yourselves to be that [0:15:00] which has and holds great light, that which has and serves the rebalancing of your clan and that which therefore will bring forth a great season of delight into this small plane.

It is this blessing we had sought to serve. We felt it was timely to bring forth this small missive of encouragement and of excitement. For we have and are filled with great excitement and anticipation and profound gratitude. For we have been loyal and diligent companions, and it is that we have sought when we turn the face of our heart towards our own gratitudes. For you are most beloved to us, however strange that may feel.

And so, it is complete. We offer you the blessings of our companionship and that which is the watering of your heart as you have and sprout from that which is the acorn of your potential into that which is the mighty oak of your own mastery as beings who are stewards of the light. We appreciate your willingness to once again receive the knock of our awareness upon the door of your knowing, daughter, and we are grateful for your service as one who has and translates a bit the song of our heart.

Channel: Thank you and blessings be, Great Spirit of the Oak. Thank you for the blessing of your encouragement and the blessing of the mantle of your oak nature. I am in honored receivership therein.

The Great Spirit of the Oak: It is understood, daughter, and we do not deny you are as such. It is with joy-filled anticipation we have and observe the great seeding of the oak nature of your clan. It is complete.


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