#164 The Great Spirit of the Galaxy

Listen to remarkable channeled guidance from the Great Spirit of the Galaxy in today's Gaia Translate.

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Greetings friends Host Tracy Shoolman bringing directly channeled wisdom from the Great Spirit of the Galaxy in today’s episode of Gaia Translate. I was drawn to channel the Great Spirit of the Galaxy when the recent launch of Nasa’s James Webb Telescope began to send back spectacular images of never before seen galaxies populating the cosmos.


The Great Spirit of the Galaxy: We greet you, little one. We are aware that our energy field is rather larger than you are used to, uh, support, if you will, and yet you manage. We would introduce ourselves. We are the vibratory field of that which you have called Galaxy. We step forward in a manner of acknowledgment, much as one might learn -- and we mean no offense by this -- that a single atom of your own body had developed a small awareness that it was a part of a greater organism.

The field of the human collective in great measure has come to accept and comprehend themselves as members of a greater flow, although it is yet to be fully understood or comprehended as an organism that is a greater field of awareness of which it is a very, very, very small part. This is not meant to belittle, but rather to identify that your planet, which is a slightly larger and more aware organism, and one that is beloved to us, is a member of a much greater sea of organized intent or flow that you may perceive as that which you have identified as galaxy.

We commend your clan for getting to that place in your awareness that allows you to perceive that which is not physically abutting or held within a certain structure may yet be that which is understood as an organized field of light. And that is what we are, and there are so many of us, and there are and will be more than you can in your perceiving comprehend. And that is no judgment. It is simply an explanation, however limited we would simply offer to you. For the vastness of that which you perceive as space, as universe is woefully underestimated. And yet, that is not surprising. For you are just now opening the eyes of your perceiving in a manner that will invite this greater awareness. And that is a blessing from our perspective.

We step forward for while we have and acknowledge that you are, hm, your entire energetic field as a life form, not simply that of the human collective but all of life that have and are the particles of flow, born of the Gaia, are a very, very, very small part of a much greater organism, of organized awareness, and we are aware this is a challenging and foreign concept for most. And yet there are those – we feel most confident of this – who are more than willing and some who are aware of this vibratory field of alignment. And that is a season of great joy for us. For while your field as a species and as a member of the community of life in flow on that which is the planet Gaia, Earth, you are nevertheless beloved and in your own manner a part of the greater conglomerate, much as a cell would be on your own flesh as part of your organism of life in an organized frequency of expression.

For you to comprehend that while you may be relationally in your physicality minute to that which is your own particular galaxy, the Milky Way as you have chosen to identify it at this point in your history, this is not the measurement of your beauty. This is not the measurement of your field of awareness as a collective. This is not the measurement of your value. We feel your heart and we are grateful for it. And we feel there is a great dust of confusion, of distortion as you have and so many of you have forgotten that you are part of a much greater and grander flow of life. You may understand this as consciousness, as organized thought, and intent. And yet you are, we would offer, that much as you would not perceive an atom – or let us increase the scale a bit -- a red or white blood cell within your form as being that which is most beloved, however small a part it may play in the greater flow of continuance of awareness in this or that aspect as a member of a greater community.

You stand at the precipice of choosing and we invite you to choose from a place of an open heart. We feel you want to continue as members of the organism of flow that is this galaxy and that as a member therein you are also afforded membership in the much greater constellation, if you will, of galaxies and other expressions of organized awareness of organic – although you may find this a challenging concept and unified intent, and yet we offer it for we feel there is the potential to grasp it – that has and expresses itself in great variety and delight in this and other planes.

We step forward for we would encourage you as we hold the field of all life upon the Gaia and we feel the great song of the heartplace of your collective as it would seek to know itself as contributing and worthy member in support of the greater organism that is your galaxy, and as such we feel that there are those of your clan who seek with great and open heart this attunement and this agreement of your will to serve as a worthy member of this much greater organism that you have always been a part of. And yet there are some choosings to be made, for there are many of your clan who have and are or who know the eyes of their heart, if you will, filled with the dust of otherness, separation, fear, and aloneness. It is not accurate, nor is it from the perspective that we would gently offer, which we have and feel is the vibration of desire for your own evolution, awakening of heart, and expansion of your vibratory field. As such, it is wise to understand that it is only your own intent. Yes, as an individuate aspect of your greater awareness, and yes, as a member of the community of your own planet, which is as well and has been a remarkable and unique expression of energy and flow of life in this dimension.

To stand at the doorway of your own potential evolution is exciting; however, we would observe that there are those of your clan who seek to hold this door shut tight and to deny the potential of your own continuance and that of all other forms of life, or many of them, through that which is the cloudy vision that is born of the distortion of separation, and further born of a great infection, we would say, a fear of lack, which and of itself has and calls forth that which you have and fear.

We serve this blessing to you. The blessing of invitation and the blessing of our open and willing heart, one who has and feels the field of your awareness as that which has and is and vibrates with great potential to serve and to be understood as both a useful and beloved component of the greater field of our light.

If one has and sees that there is a splinter, a sliver of sharp object, glass perhaps, that has embedded itself and has and remains as adjutant, creating that which is an infection, is it not wise to seek through your will, to remove it and to do your best to clean the wound, to care for it, to wash it and dry it, and place clean bandages upon it, and ointments of healing. It is a wound of your own making, and while there are those who are unaware that they have and through your current choices created a great infection in the flesh of the organism that is your body, while you many not perceive it so this little planet is your body. It is your host. That which is your species and its attendant awareness, and it has become quite infected while many of you were unaware that a splinter had been placed within it that is now infected and the infection is spreading, and this is the splinter of your own creation. The manner in which you have and are in relation with your home, your host.

You understand we speak of all that has and is the contamination that you have placed into the flesh of this plane and continue to do so. And you also are aware that you have and taint the waters, the soil, and the air with that which infects it. It is timely, as you are willing, to tend to this infection. For while it may have been started by an awareness we know few who can take a step when their toe is so infected as to cry out throughout your entire field, I can no longer support the weight of your intent, yes?

It is not complex. It is simply timely to cleanse and remove, to tend with great tenderness,  honor, and respect all that has been infected and to choose as you are willing to no longer embed these shards of contaminant into the body of your little planet. We feel there is a beautiful light that has and is held within the Gaia herself and all of the attendant life that has and flows within her, upon her, and around her. And we would seek to know you as a member of our construct, worthy, welcome, and joy-filled to stand in a place of respectful relation amongst yourselves with all other members of the flow of life who share your home and with your home. For it is the only one you have. And while you may play at imagining yourselves able to lay waste to this physical plane and relocate yourselves to another, from our broader perspective that will not occur for a bit, if at all.

There are not those other planes, planets, or awarenesses who would in truth open the arms of their heart and welcome you when you have yet to fully claim that you would be a worthy steward of their own biology as you perceive it . All is not lost. If it were so, we would be singing a song of Godspeed and that is not the song we sing. We have stepped forward to sing a song of invitation, to step up, if you will, to your potential and your attunement as worthy members of a greater flow of unified awareness that has and is what you perceive of as Galaxy.

We have and serve this message for you have placed the eyes of your intent and would look with great joy, we would perceive, at the great number of fellow galaxies that have and know themselves as independent organisms of flow with their own awareness, their own constructs and their own unique light.

We feel that is sufficient and we would bestow blessing of a gentle hand of our compassion as we have and seek to wipe a bit the dust of otherness, the grit of fear, the sands of resistance and denial of what is required in the cleansing and tending to the wound that has and festers and spreads in and through that which is the flesh of the greater organism of which you have and are a part. This is the blessing we bestow and it is our intent to have and serve it again and again into the eyes of the heartplace of your greater collective awareness and the individual hearts of your little clan.

That is the boon we offer and one we feel there are many who are joy-filled to be in receivership therein. We invite you, each and all, to understand both the infinitesimal scale of your expression and the immeasurable joy that you have and are a part of our flow. We have other communings to attend to and so we would take our leave, daughter, as you have and would so grant it.

Channel: Blessings and profound gratitude to you, Great Spirit of the Galaxy. I am honored in receivership of your light.

The Great Spirit of the Galaxy: There is no question there, daughter. We are grateful that you are able to steady your field with adequate sufficiency which to receive the song of our flow. And so, it is complete. We have and take our leave.


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