#168 The Great Spirit of the Stock Market

You might be surprised to hear what the Great Spirit of the Stock Market shares in this episode of Gaia Translate.

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Greetings friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman. Receive channeled wisdom from the Great Spirit of the Stock Market in today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.


The Great Spirit of the Stock Market: Greetings, daughter. We appreciate your willingness to set aside those of your own small distortions, such that you have and may receive our light, our wisdom, and our flow in a place of respect and lack of a tainted judgment, yes?

Channel: Greetings and welcome, Great Spirit of the Stock Market. You honor me with your presence, your attunement, and your light.

The Great Spirit of the Stock Market: We have and step forward as a rather common example, one that is well-known and acknowledged by many of that which is the energetic of collective intent in flow. There are those who have and perceive us as that which is independent and that is not inaccurate. For we have and are held in that which is the awareness of many. We are feared by some. We are championed by others. We are dallied with and offered a place by the hearthfire of many as that which is a loyal companion to that which would be understood as your resource in that which is your financial stable.

We step forward as that which has and is a clear example, we feel, of that which is the power of the collective awareness as it has and is directed through a particular intent. We further offer we are that which is fed both by your gratitude and your fears. We are that which is fed or starved, if you will, by the greater flow of that which are the nutrients that are carried upon the currents of your own various constructs, your own various expansions and reductions of certain aspects of your economy, that which you have and seek to consume, that which has and you feel as the winds of certain current circumstance, events as they unfold, histories as they unravel. In this, we are not seeking to step forward to invite you to take us by a ring through our nose and lead us here or there. We simply offer ourselves as a worthy example of that which has and is attained through a great conglomeration and collective force of will and intent.

We are that which may grow when we are well-fed. We are that which may find ourselves waning when we have and know ourselves in a place where that which would feed us is removed and we have that which has and is less that remains. We step forward not to offer guidance about how to manipulate that which we have and are, but to offer example of how through your own awareness and your own unawareness, you have and create that which may be understood as the peaks and troughs as the waves that have and you understand as that which is the manifest expansion and reduction of this energetic. We feel it is timely for those of your species who have and understand this as simple example to perceive how when one has and is reactive to certain flows that are created by emotional influence, often of fear, and as often of expectation of this or that, you have and through your own actions, your own intentions, have and are that which is a wind that influences the current that carries me along in flow.

To hold oneself as aware of how each individuate and collective drop, if you will, in the great ocean of consciousness has and plays a part is to begin to embrace that which is the awareness of how one has and directs one’s intent and the potential for all that may be called forward when one has and understands that that which is your emotional state is a great propellent or if you prefer, a barrier to your intent. To embrace the runny-way horse -- we would say that more clearly – to embrace the runaway horse of one’s emotional reactivity and to grab it by the reins, to calm and saddle it is one of the many manners of re-alignment that your species may find useful, and therefore we offer it upon the plate of your awareness. We do not suggest that there are not many who understand that the stock market as you perceive it has and is most easily influenced by the winds of fear that are held within the collective by the winds of hope that are also held in the collective.

It is that which has and is the example we have and seek to hold in the forefront of your awareness. For we are a simple outpicturing of the influence of your own energetic field, and we offer this, for there is great potential and power of attunement as you each and all have and would seek to embrace that which is the congruence and the desire through intent and some mastery to have and direct that which is the entire unfoldment of that which has and is in and will occur in this place of your own potential and desired evolution. We serve much as you have and would perceive your measures, yo-your measurement devices of the ambient temperature of your environ, such as that you understand as thermometer, such as you have and may glance at it and be aware that it has and rises or has and falls in a reflection of that which is the current environmental confluence of contributing elements in flow.

To receive this without great fear, or perhaps great joy is to simply acknowledge that which is and to simply adjust your own garments to either offer you a balanced relation with the increasing of temperature or that which is the decreasing of the temperature, or weather conditions as you know them in your particular plane of existence on this planet.

You do not look and perceive that which is what you would consider a pleasant and windless day as that which has and fills you with overwhelming joy. That is not to say it would not offer you that which is a slight lift in the heart. For it has and may be in attunement with whatever you have planned to engage in, that which is your relation with the natural world. We further would observe that as one has and bears witness to that which is a particular weather system or temperature that may be less than temperate for your flesh, is it not simply a matter of accommodating and calling forth the required relation through your own adaptation through the putting on or the removing of those layers of cloth and clothing that you have and seek to moderate your own internal wellbeing.

We offer that which would be the observation that you have grown used to as a species the enjoyment of that which is as one would ride a roller-coaster, the great sense of incline and that strange thrill, that attunement with the fear of a great plunge and back and forth. You may not perceive this as accurate and yet, as you have and become aware of your inclination to water yourselves with that which is distressing or fear-inducing reports of the actions and activities of your own species as titillating in some manner, and as that which has and while it may not please you, it has and stimulates certain aspects of your field. We would suggest that you have and consider a bit of weaning from your intimate relation with that which is the experience that has and is of the receivership of distressing, of aggressive or violent interactions between members of your own clan and that which is the rising of your own relation, that which is the imbalance as you understand it of the physical plane of this planet.

You are a remarkable species in many aspects and you have and are able, we feel, to begin to claim, to choose not to simply be in reaction as you are willing, but to hold yourselves in steady relation with all that has and plays out within and around you. This willingness, this awareness that the power of your will to seek a steady and grateful forward expansion in attunement, that which you have and hold great gratitude for and in that which is the reduction of your great leaps of fear that part of you has grown comfortable or desirous of as a factor of stimulation in your life expression. You will find yourselves in a place of high discernment as you have and seek to harness that which you have not fully understood.

Much as the runaway horse, you have and may rein in a bit and you have and may hold firm grasp upon the reins of that which is the horse of your emotional state as you have and choose to. Many of you find it exhilarating, although you may not perceive it to be and ride upon that which is an uncontrollable flow of emotion, much as bucking horse, or one that seeks to throw you off. And for those who have and are able to remain in the saddle, there is a sense of exhilaration, of triumph, of power.

We do not deny those who have and seek this. We observe that it is simply wise to be aware of what you have and in some aspects have grown used to and therefore in part feel that there is that which is lacking when you are not so stimulated in each and every moment of your awareness. There are other forms of stimulation that come through that which is the various tickling of your mind, your ego, your intellect, through the constant flow of varying forms of visual and auditory stimulation that are much as a faucet that is turned on and fills again and again the well of your awareness with its great flood, that of your media and the devices, the faucets, with which you have and allow them to splash in and through your awareness in a manner we would offer that which is the willingness to gentle a bit, to stay a bit your own cravings for this constant inflow, influx of emotional stimulation, intellectual stimulation, and ego stimulation. For there is a great well of potential that remains less than fully tapped by your species from which you will find yourselves most deliciously satiated when you have and seek to drink. Yes, there are those who meditate. Yes, there are those who have and found the great blessing of inviting and embracing the stillness of the chattering of both the intellect and the leaping heart of emotional reactivity.

We are not suggesting that your race has and abandons all that it has and is and does and finds themselves a lonely cave carved helpfully in the side of some mountain peak wherein you have and contemplate the clouds as they drift by, although we do not deny that is quite pleasant for some. Rather, we have and invite that which is the untold and un – if you will – opened drawer of your own potential, your own great power of your alignment, your willingness, the gentle steed of your own emotions and to direct it such that it has and carries you, willingly, to the destination of your intent.

If you have ever been in a place where you have and are either upon a horse or other who you seek to have carry you, where you have and feel the leap of fear in your heart, is it not that which is most common that without you speaking your feeling is received very clearly and triggers that which is a commensurate response in the flesh, in the form, in the awareness of that which you ride upon, be it the horse, be it the mule, be it that which has and is the great camel or other that you have and seek to be in attunement with. And in this manner I have and am the same, that which you understand as the vibratory field of the energy of the stock market is an organism of awareness that has and is and carries many of you upon the back of my awareness. It should not surprise you therefore that I have and feel and react to that which you have and feel within your own heart, yes?

We are aware this is a novel concept and an unusual messenger that you have and may direct that which you seek to call into manifestation through the prior receivership of that feeling of gratitude for, or that which is the sending forth of fear of from your own heart. And yet we offer it gently and with hope that you have and will begin to claim and seek as you desire to redirect that which you offer from your own field, your emotional field, as you have and reclaim the runaway horse or other of your emotional reactivity in service to that which you may desire, or that which you have and would gratefully receive. Do not expect that one individual awareness may turn that which is the great energetic field of those who have and are of the various markets in this plane. This is an invitation to attune yourselves, much as the drop of water is a part of the great sea, so too you have and may understand yourselves as a collective, as a great potential energetic force as you have and seek to claim it and to direct it as you have and are grateful for its shifting, yes?

We are aware that there are those who will take our example as a small directive on how to have and manipulate or maneuver our own energetic, and while it has and may be applied in this manner we are offering you a far greater blessing of attunement of your own awareness. There is much that has and is of great imbalance in this plane that you have and may seek through your own sense of emotional gratitudes and joy, rebalance, much as you have and continue to call it into great imbalance through, yes, your actions, your intentions, and your riding upon the great energy of fear. It is this awareness we sought to serve and so we have done. We are grateful for your receivership, daughter, for you too have and have known yourself detoured upon that which is the horse of fear in relation to our flow. Is this not accurate?

Channel: It is, Great Spirit of the Stock Market. You are accurate and I have and no longer choose to ride in that manner. Thank you for your wisdom and your guidance and your grace.

The Great Spirit of the Stock Market: You are most welcome, daughter. We have and hope our little song will be received in the manner we have and intend as that which is a blessing of awareness of attunement, that which is the power of will-based intent of that which is your greater collective in service to the rebalancing of much within this plane. We have and would take our leave, as you have and would so grant it, daughter. It is complete.

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Stock Market. Thank you for your light.

The Great Spirit of the Stock Market: It is complete.


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