#173 The Great Spirit of the Mountain Lion

The Great Spirit of the Mountain Lion hunts our awareness in this episode of Gaia Translate. 

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Welcome friends this is the Gaia Translate podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. Today’s show features channeled wisdom from the Great Spirit of the Mountain Lion. In June of 2022 a most unusual occurrence drew my awareness to the Great Spirit of the Mountain Lion. According to NBC News  A  mountain lion  cub wandered into a California high school classroom  before it opened and was found curled up under a desk.

A transcript and a link to the  NBC report  is available in the show notes for this episode at www.gaiatranslate.com



The Great Spirit of the Mountain Lion: We honor your request for that which is the attunement of our flow. We are that which vibrates as the Great Spirit of the Mountain Lion. You have turned your awareness to our grace through a unique interaction and one that may not be so unique as we walk forward in companionship with our mutual relation with one another.

As the Great Spirit of the Mountain Lion, we are not an overly social species, and we also are that which has no intent, no desire to intrude upon your own communities other than when they have and enter into that which is our native habitats, and even then it is not our intent. Rather it is simply our nature to have and protect, as is yours, to have and seek adequate foodstuff and resources, as is yours, and know ourselves free to be one with the land, to attune ourselves with that which is our nature in relation to that which is a habitat of our requirement.

Of late, the last few centuries or so, there has been a great migration of your species, daughter, into vast quantities of that which we had understood and are in requirement of as the habitat of our flow. There is a point where we are so far displaced or, if you will, cornered in, that we are no longer able to obtain adequate resource in a manner we have and are designed. You will observe there are not great flocks of mountain lions who gather by the hundreds and enjoy each other’s company, and that is as it needs to be. For each and all of our species has a certain requirement of intake that would be sorely challenged under most circumstance should we all seek to drink from the same well of resource; we would drink the well dry very quickly.

We are not requesting that you abandon your own territories, but rather that we have and seek to know a certain amount of land mass be preserved, if you will, or be acknowledged as required to serve our simple need state.

You have, and we do not judge you, for seeking to enjoy the hills and other environs through that which is your hiking, your exploration, your choosing to put yourself in close relation with the sacred and undeveloped land. That we have and vibrate with in great concert. It should come as no surprise, however, that when we have and would meet each other as you have and wander through our own backyard, it would be our nature to protect, and if there is no other option, we may seek to fill our own bellies or that of our own children or issue with whatever has and offers itself to us as it has and traverses our hunting ground.

We have stepped forward for we find ourselves in a place that is rather precarious in truth. We know ourselves as servants to the balance of flow in life. We serve as we are designed, and we are grateful to do so as a member of that which is the great current of flow in this plane. Our capacity for survival is in truth most jeopardized and shaky as the minimal requirements for our hunting have been encroached upon in such a manner that there is inadequate land mass and in truth, resource, life that inhabits what remains to support us.

We have stepped forward to invoke that which would be a collaboration of sorts, and while from your perspective as an individuate and as a societal collective awareness, it may seem inefficient or in truth, unnecessary to offer the blessing of allowance of other species, and in that allowance is the dedication, the preservation of adequate land mass and resource that all may know themselves able to simply be in continuance and in service to the flow.

There is much that is not yet understood in full by your species, daughter. Much as how each and all of us serve through our nature the great balance of flow here in this plane, and some have discovered that it is while most complex, it is much as a scale that is very, very sensitive and able to register even the smallest shift of the balance of required relation in flow.

We are aware that for some time now there has been a tend in your species to simply perceive all that has and is of this plane of this planet, as that which has and would line your grocery shelves, as simply a resource and no more. This is a distortion. For while you may not perceive that which has and is requesting an abeyance of your encroachment as other than nuisance or of little use or value, we would observe it is a limited comprehension of the far greater machinery, if you will, of that which has and is the requirement of a balanced flow of the energies that know themselves in a physical form in this plane.

We would seek and be most grateful for a redoubled effort and one that is embraced by a great surge of your individuate wills to preserve and to allow that which is a cohabitation, not only of our own expression, but of all life in flow. It may require that the temptation to either industrialize or to settle, as you would put it, places of the landmass that may appear to be most appealing. We would simply appreciate the consideration of how many will be displaced or destroyed in this vast surge of your own expansion.

Not all landmass has and will be in requirement, as it were, to serve so many, and there is sufficient land mass, we would offer for your own need state, even as you have and are as a great and searching incoming tide. Nevertheless, it is wise and appreciated that you would consider there is more to be lost than gained when you have and displace so very many of your neighbors in service to your great and unending flow of expansion. To be that which is the only species that remains and without any companions or resource, if you prefer, may not serve any of your clan as they had so imagined, or perhaps to be fair, as they had yet to imagine and therefore are unable or unwilling, or unenlightened in sufficiency to embrace in full the consequence of these actions, yes?

We appreciate your willingness to offer consideration to our request, that which has and seeks to simply be a fellow neighbor, a fellow member of the community of the greater life in flow, and one who has and is not unwilling to know ourselves in a place of cohabitation. We simply would seek to bring forward our small requirements and we offer gratitude for your willingness to receive them, to consider them, and we are grateful as you have and would honor them as that which serves your own and many others in a greater, if you will, vista of awareness than that which simply is what stands directly in front of you, yes? ‘Tis that we sought to uh, bring forward, daughter, with deep respect and gratitude, the blessing of the willing receivership of our need state. For without this consideration, we have and feel ourselves fading from the light.

Channel: Blessings, Great Spirit of the Mountain Lion. I receive your request and your wisdom with gratitude for your flow.

The Great Spirit of the Mountain Lion: You are welcome, daughter. We are grateful for your willingness to receive this rather somber and heartfelt request, and it is that which fills our heartplace with hope, for we understand there are many who are in a great awakening and will resonate deeply, we feel, of that which is the required rebalancing of the flow. It is complete. We have and take our leave.


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