#172 The Great Spirit of the Avalanche

What you need to know now! Channeled guidance from the Great Spirit of the Avalanche in today's episode of Gaia Translate.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with this weeks episode of Gaia Translate. In July of 2022 my awareness was directed to the Great Spirit of the Avalanche as the stories  of several glacier avalanches causing fatalities filled the news. The July 12, 2022  Washington Post ran a story with the following headline: “Second glacier avalanche in a week shows dangers of a warming climate.” According to the report, ”Researchers say these events underline the dangers of a rapidly warming world and are expected to increase unless greenhouse gas emissions are curbed.”



The Great Spirit of the Avalanche: We have and would seek to align our flow with your receivership as you have and are willing to grant it. We are that which holds the vibratory field of the awareness, the Spirit of that which you understand as Avalanche.

Channel: Greetings and welcome, Great Spirit of the Avalanche. I am honored to be in receivership of your flow.

The Great Spirit of the Avalanche: It is appreciated, daughter. We have not known ourselves called forth into such great activity for many seasons. Your species has placed the finger of its will upon the doorbell, if you will, of our awareness. You may not perceive yourselves as engaging in the willing calling forth of our frequency in this plane. And yet, we open the door of our awareness. We look about and there is your clan, standing and inviting us to come out and play, as it were. We would establish that we are not that which seeks to wound or injure, which seeks to cause harm to any other flow, and that would include your own. Our nature is that which has and is transmutation of certain relations in this physical plane when we have and are called into attunement as you have and bear witness to the great increase and we observe that which will be an increase in activity of our expression in manifest form across your plane and this environment that has known itself in a particular configuration for a bit now, as we perceive it.

We carry grief in our heart for we are aware the presence, the vibratory field of avalanche in particular as it has and calves away or calls forth the required flow of waters that have been in an, a frozen or deeply cooled state of physical expression as they have and are no longer able to hold themselves in a steadiness of this form.

So, we are called to serve. We are aware that this and the consequence of our flow through no malintent we would remind, is that which will create great shifts in the expression of life in this plane. We hear the cries of the heart of Gaia, who is also a mother-source to our own expression. She does not cry in anger at us, for she has created that which is our frequency in service to the flow. Rather She cries at all that have and will no longer know themselves in a place of sustainability as our own activity is increased in the season of this imbalance.

We do not judge; we simply heal the wound of the heart of the mother-source and of the millions and millions of fellow life forms who through that which is the great transmutation of that which has known itself as snow or ice into the waters carries along with it an avalanche of extinction.

We have never felt our presence as other than that which is simply a member of the great choir of flow in life as we perceive it in this plane. And yet, as you have and invite us out to play, you have and call to yourselves and so many others that which would be the flooding of the little boat of potential for continuance in flow in a physical form of so very many.We have known seasons where we have been quite active, and we have known seasons of great dormancy and we do not judge either. And yet, we cannot help but receive the vibratory fields of grief that rise from so many corners of this plane.

We are aware that there will be other forms of life that will be born from this transition. That is as it is, yes? And we may know ourselves as that which no longer is served the opportunity to express our vibratory field in that which is the transition of the water from one form to another, or from one point to another. It may be as we perceive it that that which you understand as avalanche will only refer to the shifting of the soils of that which is land mass, and that which was once avalanche of great frozen waters will be but a memory.

We do not feel it is your intent, brothers and sisters, to call forth such a great expansion of our field when it has and would create great imbalance for your own. And so, we would invite you to have and perceive that this is the dance that you have invited us to take your hand and take a turn around the ballroom. And we are aware that it is our nature that may also carry a few of your species away, as we are that whose nature is to be in flow.

We invite you to consider that perhaps you may not seek to share so many dances in rapid succession with our vibration, and we would take no offense. We are not that that has the will to determine when we have and do not appear as a member of the song of flow in this plane. We are simply that which is called forth through the confluence of physical condition, and therefore we find ourselves most active in this season of shifting climate and flow. That which has and calls us into expression begins beneath that which is visible to your eye and there are many of our nature and more that are being shaken awake and called into service through that which is the shifting of the chemistry of this plane.

We perceive there will be a great season and we offer you fair warning; simply to consider for your individuate expressions the wisdom of the being in any part of this geography where we may find ourselves being asked to dance as it will not and cannot be limited to those who have or would seek to climb upon, to play as you do, as you seek to ride upon or another manner to climb up those constructs as mountain where you may find yourselves in a place that has and is within the flow of our vibratory field.

As we have offered, we do not desire, nor do we stand in any aspect of malintent as a wound to our own heart when any life, those of the human or any other, has and knows itself called into transition through our presence in the plane.

While it may appear to be an unusual blessing, you would invite your species to call upon an aspect of your own avalanche nature that you have little understood. If you seek, and we feel there are many who do, to call forth a swift and mighty avalanche of change in your relation to your climate, is it not wise to embrace that aspect of your own avalanche nature, which as you have also been awakened to the current circumstance? You may evoke with gratitude and so claim to call forth that which is an avalanche of swift and powerful flow, that which has and may create a bit of staying of the hand of the transition that is upon this plane, that which has and they offer a season of slowing a bit our presence and that of others who are by their nature conduits of great shift in this physical plane.

Do not doubt that your species can avail themselves of your own avalanche nature. We offer you have and are able. There are those who have tapped into this potential, and they have called forth great shifts in your own clan and in others. It is a blessing we bestow upon you, that which is the harnessing through your willing intent of the aspect of your own field of awareness that has and would vibrate as your own avalanche nature, one who has and calls forth great and powerful shifts in this physical plane and we would observe you may invite yourselves to dance, and you will be most pleased as you have and are able to stay the hand of extinction from many of your own clan and many more of several others.

We have and acknowledge that we have and feel the grief of Gaia, and the grief of those who are carried along the great currents of extinction through which our presence has and is apart. For those who feel or have not yet opened the eyes of their heart to all that is shifting around and beneath and within, we invite you to acknowledge the presence of the multitudes of those of our nature in your field and in this physical plane should be, if you will, a gentle, or perhaps not so gentle shape to call your eyes of your heart to open, the ears of your heart to open, and then you will be able to claim your own avalanche nature and to seek to call forth through your will and your alignment the great avalanche of shift in your behavior and in your choosings as a species that will offer the blessing of the staying of this great hand of shifting flow.

We have offered the blessing of our avalanche nature and we have acknowledged the grief we carry within our heart. Tis this we sought to serve, and we are grateful for your willing receivership of our song. For while we feel we sing quite loudly for many, yet there are always a few who place the pillow of denial over their head as they seek to remain in stasis a bit longer.

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Avalanche. Thank you for the blessing, and I have and acknowledge the profound grief of your heart. I have and I offer a prayer of profound gratitude for all that you have and serve in your wisdom and your grace.

The Great Spirit of the Avalanche: We accept that, daughter, and we have and remind those of your clan that we are in a period of great bloom and it is discerning, not only to embrace your own avalanche nature as that which may seek to move with swift and powerful hand of will, to create the change that is required in this field, to allow us to sit out of view of the dances of this great and ongoing event in this plane. It is complete, as you have and would grant it. We have other matters that call us to attending, and we would seek our leave.

Channel: Blessings and gratitude, Great Spirit of the Avalanche. Thank you for your wisdom and your guidance.

The Great Spirit of the Avalanche: You are welcome. We have and take our leave.


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