#174 The Great Spirit of the Barnacle

Receive a blessing from the Great Spirit of the Barnacle in today's episode of Gaia Translate.

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Greetings friends and welcome with your host, Tracy Shoolman. The Great Spirit of the Barnacle is our channeled guest in today’s episode of Gaia Translate. My awareness was drawn to the Great Spirit of the Barnacle while reading the pulitzer prize winning book,“The Sixth Extinction, An Unnatural History” by Elizabeth Kolbert


The Great Spirit of the Barnacle: Do not cling so tightly to your own thoughtforms, daughter. Loosen your grip a bit as you are willing and allow us the ease of our own flow. We have and are that which has and vibrates as the Great Spirit of the Barnacle.

We appreciate that our abilities to cling steadfastly to that which we have anchored ourselves has and is understood as that which is less than admired by many. And yet, if you were to observe this from another angle, is not the ability to hold steadfast to one’s beliefs, to one’s intent, not a beautiful blessing? It is this aspect of our nature we have and would seek to bestow upon the sons and daughters of Eve at this point in your own evolution. The channel raises a flag of sorts, and we will acknowledge that that is a phrase that is not in direct reference to a particular religion, rather it is how you have and as a species are understood by many. And so, we would continue.

To perceive that which is the ability through one’s intent, aligned with one’s will, to be one who is attached most profoundly to that which is your own intent, is that not a blessing? Do you not admire those who have and are of your own species who have and stay in alignment whatever the external conditions may be with that which is their intent. It is this aspect of the barnacle nature we have and would serve upon your species as you have and are willing to claim it. We acknowledge that we are unable as you are to lift ourselves off of that which we have claimed should it prove to be less than optimal for our own continuance. And in this we would offer you the blessing of your own nature in small and gentle reminder. For you are not as the barnacle. You have the ability as a species and as an individual when you have and are aware that what you have clung to, what you have been most attached to may no longer serve you. Is it not a great blessing – and one we have often admired – the ability to release that your holding on to these patterns, those systems as constructs, those behaviors that have and through your clinging to them are much as that which is a vessel of your own making that knows itself over-burdened with barnacles as it has and creates great drag, and in some cases that which is less than pleasant in relation to its own continuance, yes?

Is it not timely to embrace the aspect of your own human nature, one that has the freedom of ease of flow wherein you have and maybe direct yourselves and reposition yourselves in relation to that which you have known yourselves most attached to, and we would offer it is more than timely to embrace this blessing, to invoke it, and to call it into manifestation with great joy and gratitude. For should we have that opportunity, we would suggest there are points in our own history that would have served us well.

When that which is the vessel that knows itself being pulled beneath the waves, the weight of that which is unwilling to release its hold, all that has and is a part of that situation, the barnacle or other is also known to be carried to a place that may not have been a part of its original intent and to further be carried to an environment that is unable to offer adequate sustenance or resource for the continuance of one or the other.

We are all on the same ship as it were, and while we find that we are resilient to much in the blessing of our nature, has it not been observed that a great increase in that which is understood as the acidity of the oceans, which are our habitat, yes, has and is that which we are unable to sustain ourselves within when a certain level is present. There have been points in our history where other branches, if you will, of our expression have been held in the weathers of the circumstance and so we have known ourselves unable to remain in form in that relation.

We find ourselves now where there is that which through the shifting in the waters is the increasing of that which is the acidity in our native habitat. While we are able to resist it at this point in great measure, we are more than aware of what has and is approaching should you not choose to claim your human nature as that which has and is able to shift your attachment to certain habits and behaviors, consumption, and discharge of contaminant into the waters, into the soils, upon the air and atmosphere, and into all aspects of this plane in a manner that in your barnacle nature as human, you will find in this analogy it will become more and more difficult to maintain yourself as that which is the acidity of this imbalance – we speak in metaphor – increases across this plane.

We would consider it a great blessing to be held in the grace of receivership of that which is  the attunement of claiming an aspect of our nature that is as barnacle and in this able to hold on with great ability to that which has and is in alignment with our intent through the attunement of our will, and we would also be most blessed to be able to attune to those aspects of our nature as a being who with that which is the fluidity of our will are able to reset our intent and to flow in the direction of rebalancing of all that has and has been called into great imbalance through what we have been unwilling to release our hold upon when in truth it is that which is unable to sustain us and perhaps you may consider it in high discernment to no longer choose to cling so tightly to those behavior patterns the manner in which you have and consume and despoil that which is finite resource, we would remind you, of our mutual ship of flow in and through as a member of the biological construct of this plane.

We have offered that which is the blessing of claiming the aspect of your own barnacle nature with that which is the alignment of your own ability to move yourself off of that which at one point may have served most admirably what you felt was your need state, and now to claim as you feel the weight of your resistance pulling all down beneath the waves of possibility for that which would be the continuance of flow upon that which are the waves of life in form in the plane.

We have offered that which we felt would be useful and we hold tightly to the joy of your willing and fluid receivership of all we have and serve. We have and would take our leave, as you are willing to grant it, daughter, and we are grateful that you have and released your grip upon that which were your own thought forms and, in this manner, offered us the entryway of our flow.

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Barnacle. Thank you for your patience as I moved my own thoughts to the side.

The Great Spirit of the Barnacle: You are welcome, daughter. It is appreciated and it is exactly that, your ability through your own will to shift that we hope will be called into forward awareness in and through all who are in willing receivership of our light. And so, we take our leave. Blessings of the day to each and all.


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