#171 The Great Spirit of the Swan

Be sure not to miss the Great Spirit of the Swan and how to claim the blessings of awakened grace in today's episode of Gaia Translate.

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Welcome friends this is your host, Tracy Shoolman and the Great Spirit of the Swan is our channeled guest in today’s episode of Gaia Translate. LIving on a pond I am afforded the occasion delight of sighting a swan or several gliding upon the waters. One morning I received a text from my next door neighbor with an emoji of a swan and the message - Look -right  in front of your house. I hurried  over to the window and sure enough I was able to catch a glimpse of  a family of swans  sailing by my dock.


The Great Spirit of the Swan: We are not unknown to each other, yes? We have made our acquaintance more than one or another point in our mutual histories – is this not accurate?

Channel: It is. Welcome and greetings Great Spirit of the Swan. I am honored to be in receivership therein.

The Great Spirit of the Swan: We appreciate your willingness to receive that which is the song of our heart at this tender place in the unfoldment of your species and all life in this plane. And so, we have and would seek a moment of the awareness of your clan as they have and would bless us therein. As we have been announced, we vibrate as that which is The Great Spirit of the Swan. We have an interesting relation with your species, for there is that within you, within the heartplace that has and is aware of the higher vibrational attunement of our nature, one that has and holds that which is the resonance of grace in form. We are blessed to be this and we would offer that it is also blessing to have and serve it that which is understood as grace in form, and while we acknowledge you find that which is our physical outpicturing most graceful, we speak as well of the other aspects, the other resonance of grace, which is and may come through the physical, but is not limited to the physical, yes?

We seek to confer to all who have and are so willing to receive it the blessing of your swan nature, sons and daughters of Eve. It is that we seek to confer upon you at this point in your unfoldment. For many have and vibrate deeply with that which is the internal awareness of grace and there are those who have and are unable to turn the eyes of their heart within and perceive that such a light has and is of their own nature, and this is what we have come to persuade you, if you will, that that is a misunderstanding. For the great light of grace has and is a part of your nature as much as you may not seek to understand yourselves therein. Much as those who are our own hatchlings – you identify them as cygnets – have and are perhaps a bit awkward, or less than how you would define your physical understanding of beauty or beautiful in their appearance. And we do not deny they are most, if you will, indelicate in the manner in which they have and would seek to move themselves, either within the waters or upon the land, and yet, they are swans. It is their nature.

And so, we invite the small analogy such that those of your species may understand themselves as that which simply has and holds the nature of grace within, however awkward or cumbersome you may find yourself at whatever place of your own journey in this lifetime. You have and hold this vibration. It is impossible to be without it, for it is a part of your nature. We do not deny that as the human expression seeks to unfold itself to journey through the learning and, if you will, the growth of self-exploration and attunement, it may take more than several lifetimes to know oneself in the fullness of your swan nature. And yet it is not that which is external to all that you have and are in your flow.

And so we have stepped forward and invite you, each and all, to claim with deep gratitude as you are willing, your own swan nature. And in this manner you many know yourselves calling forth in what we would imagine would be a joy-filled song that which is this aspect of your own attunement in an efficient and timely manner. One is not required to hold that which is your nature so deeply within that you may not call it forth in the fullness of its expression, but for many, many seasons to have passed, yes? Is it not timely, brothers and sisters, cousins of the light, to claim that which is most beautiful and present, however distant you may find it, or however foreign you may conceive of it. Yet we have, and we have and feel it most deeply, there are many who have and are of the human collective who are calling forth most beautifully these aspects of your swan nature, that which is your own internal grace. And there are those who yet are still confused that it is only your external expression that has and would vibrate so.

We do not suggest that one cannot have a beautiful outpicturing or physical form and also vibrate deeply with that which is the swan nature, the nature of embodied grace. This is a distortion or a confusion in the field of your own awareness. We would also observe that there are many who may appear quite beautiful and perhaps even swan-like in their physical expression who yet, or have yet to fully claim the light of their own grace such that it is that which illumines them from within, yes?

We have and call forth that which is the blessing of the mantle of your own swan nature. It is perhaps that which you have not considered, and we would offer that which is the blessing that has and is carried within the heart place of all who know themselves in physical form, as human in this dimension.  To seek, to find that which has and is within through actions, behaviors, or gestures that have and would seek to take it off the shelf, or to go to this or that environ where things are bought and sold and to look within the pockets. One will not find the currency that is required to purchase. For this is not that which may be purchased, it is that which has and is your nature. It is simply that which you grow into. Much as that which you understand as the cygnet or in your story, The Ugly Duckling has and grows into a swan.

To embrace your swan nature, that which has and is the attunement of your own inner grace in this particular life expression is not difficult, nor is it unachievable. It is a matter first of awareness that this is and always has been a part of your nature and to simply claim it, to honor it, and to invoke it as that which has and would offer you the blessing of companionship as you have and seek to walk within this light.

To turn and to perceive with the eyes of your heart, as you have and are able to perceive that which is the vibration or resonance of grace within another, we invite you to know yourselves as that which has and carries that within. We feel there are many of your clan who feel they are, if you will, unable to enter into this alignment, unworthy perhaps, unwilling for some, and we invite all who cannot imagine that they too can walk in the light of grace to shake as one would shake off the water when one has left the pools or the waters of the great rivers of flow and to know yourself that which has and is and holds within the song of grace, of flow.

We are aware that not all would seek to know themselves as a swan, and we do not offer that. We offer you that which is your swan nature, that vibratory field of inner light, the light of grace in manifestation. You have and are invited to claim this aspect of your nature, as you claim that which is the mantle of your swan nature. We have and are honored to call this forth into greater awareness of your clan and to invite it, each and all, however you may judge another, or yourself for that matter, and to know whatever their physical outpicturing, whatever their behavior or patternings may be that each and all carries this within. It cannot be other.

To claim your swan nature, to start upon this path for those who would seek to know this is to perceive that the nature of grace is that which is within all beings of your clan. As you have and are able to look past to your cultural, societal differences, the differences in your physicality, your belief systems, your race, or your long-carried distortions, and to simply know and to see with the eyes of your heart that which is the light of grace which has and is within all. That is how you have and attune to your own vibratory field of manifest grace in form.

There are of course other ponds to swim in, and yet this is primary in truth. Is that not what that little children’s tale was seeking to offer when those of the duck perceived the physicality of that which is a newly-hatched swan as being ungainly, unattractive, and less-than, for it had and outpictured in a manner that was not considered acceptable in the society that it found itself a member of.

To embrace this simple yet accurate tale that in truth whatever the outpicturing that which is the swan nature has and resides within all of your species, and that is what we sought to offer to those of your clan, daughter. For we feel there is much confusion or doubt, a sense, if you will, of rarity of this particular frequency, or of an unusual aspect of one’s nature should you have and vibrate deeply or know another with that which is the resonance of grace within.

It is not so. We have and serve you the truth without distortion, each and all however foreign or strange or in truth, unappealing another member of your race may be to you. They are all yet swans in one or another stage of unfoldment. No more, and never less. You may understand this as perceiving the light, the spark of the greater knowing of the divine that has and is within all life, or you may not. That may not be your current of understanding that you seek to be carried upon, and that is as it is, yes? However you seek to journey, you do not journey without that which is your swan nature, the nature of the light of grace you have and carry it with you. It is simply for you to turn the eyes of your heart inward and outward [0:20:00] such that you have and resonate with that which you are and are able to perceive the great light of the swan nature of each and all that you have and encounter whatever, and in particular, however they may appear in their form, yes?

It is not a complicated blessing we seek to serve, and so we have offered it. We have and offer prayers of such profound gratitude. For we have and claim you, each and all of the human clan and collective as those who vibrate with that which is the blessing of your own swan nature. We feel that which is the resonate frequency, expanding and growing in great measure in your field as much as you may be unable to perceive it in these current points of our mutual history, yes?

It is that we sought to offer, daughter. We are grateful for your willingness to be in receivership of our grace, and we acknowledge that same light within each and all of you. We have and will take our leave, as you have and so grant it.

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Swan. Thank you for the blessing of your mantle of grace, your swan nature. It is a beautiful gift of awareness, one I have and receive and am honored to serve to those of my collective.

The Great Spirit of the Swan: It is simply that we sought and we are grateful for your willing and open heart. We take our leave.


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