#170 The Great Spirit of Grandmother Ginseng

Receive the gift of blessings bestowed by the Great Spirit of Grandmother Ginseng in today's episode of Gaia Translate.

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman. This episode Gaia Translate  brings you channeled wisdom the Great Spirit of Ginseng. I was drawn to the Spirit of Ginseng when a friend brought me a gift of Ginseng Tea and explained her family consumed Ginseng every day and spoke highly of the many health benefits it afforded them.


The Great Spirit of the Ginseng: It is appreciated. We are that which may be understood as the Great Spirit of that which you have called The Ginseng, although we have several names, it is this you are familiar with on this part of this planet that you hail from, daughter. Many understand us as such a wise frequency that they refer to us as “grandmother.” And so, we invite you to do the same. You may know us as Grandmother Ginseng, and we have and would seek a moment or two the awareness of your species and or rather those who have and are ready to receive our wisdom at this point in their evolution, yes?

Channel: Greetings and welcome, Grandmother Ginseng. It is an honor and a privilege to receive your song.

The Great Spirit of the Ginseng: That is accurate, granddaughter. There have been tribes or clans, outcroppings and great civilizations that are able and understanding the power of the consumption of our physical expression in service to their wellbeing. We acknowledge that there have been of late that which is not a pure version or tincture, mixture, or in some other manner prepared sample of our flesh, and therefore our reputation has been sullied by association with those other foreign particles, contaminants that have been added to our expression and then [clears throat – 0:03:12.1] marketed, sold, or offered as that which is the untainted, unsullied, and single note of that which is ginseng.

There is a wisdom, there is a discernment, granddaughter, for we are a mighty bringer of wellbeing in your own physical vessels. We have and offer that which much as those in the west may understand as, although not comprehend how, perhaps it functions that which is the broth of the chicken soup that has and is so greatly accepted as an assistant, a boon to the reclamation to the continuance or the enhancement and/or all three of the physical and emotional and psychological wellbeing, clarity of the thought-forms, purification in a manner of that [0:05:00.0] which has and taints those aspects of your matrix that we have enumerated. [clears throat - 0:05:09.0]

We seek to invite that which is the return or, if you will, the initiation of all beings who have and would seek to know their fields held in a vibration of wellbeing through the rebalancing of slight imbalances and some not so slight that have and are so rampant within the human expression at this particular point in our mutual history. We further invite those who have and desire a greater clarity in their fields to consider us a worthy companion, those who do not find the taste upon the tongue as pleasing, are invited to mix it a bit with that which suits you. For you have and would be, we suggest, fully aware of the sourcing and ingredients of what you have and would seek to combine us with, be it a form of the stringent lemon, be it that which is the warm water into which we have and may be called forth as we expand into that which you understand as a tea or brew and into that which has and would be a constitutional of sorts. It is a phrase that is no longer popular, and yet it vibrates similarly with that which is our field, one that has and offers to support and enhance the overall wellbeing or rebalancing of one’s fields.

There is a great amount of imbalance within the human collective, the individuate field, and the greater field, and we are most willing to step forward and offer small reminder and blessing as that which has and serves to cleanse a bit, to clarify a bit, to revitalize a bit, manners that are not quite understood by some of your species or some of your cultures would be perhaps more accurate in our descriptive. And yet we have and will serve as we have done many seasons as a healing vibratory field when we have and are claimed with an open and willing heart.

Many of your clan, daughter, have grown quite fond of the caffeine plant. We do not deny that it has and holds its benefits. We would observe it is not the caffeine, but rather all that is combined within it that has and you would invite those who would consume it [0:10:00] to consider with a bit more discernment.

All has and knows itself much as when you have and would seek to add the ingredients for a recipe. If you have and are seeking to call forth a particular end product, a dish, if you will, it is wise to be assured of all that you have and place within it that there is that which is the accuracy, the relative purity or singularity of that ingredient that you have and seek to add to this or that that you have and seek to concoct and to consume, to receive and to consume.

There is a saying in your neighborhood of flow, daughter, that your mother or grandmother might encourage you to eat your vegetables. That is wisdom. We would however offer that it is wise to consume one’s vegetables and also wise not to consume much that has been placed upon them in service to greater efficiency of production. The vegetable that is, if you will, dipped into the pesticides, which have and are designed as a toxic construct and then to consume them is to take the medicine and the poison in equal measure and wonder why you have and receive little benefit from the first, yes?

We offer you the blessing of calling forth that which is the mantle of your ginseng nature, that which has and holds the wisdom of your ancestors, the deeper knowing that has so often been lost and now may be found again. We are a powerful vibratory field when we are consumed with the intent to receive our nature and all that we have and may serve in the rebalancing and in some aspect, the cleansing and the revitalization of your expression as an individuate and at a point for all who have and are of your clan, you would be well-served as we have and perceive it.

It is so that that which is understood as the wild ginseng, that which we have and are offered the blessing of allowance to know ourselves able to reproduce, to expand, and to be as is required, deeply rooted for a certain period of clock-time such that we may undertake the flow of our own reproduction and expansion is a point of perhaps confusion by your species, or that which [0:15:00.0] is brushed under the rug of what has and feels most convenient or self-serving by those who seek to uproot us, to call us into a harvest for your own requirements.

It is not that we are unwilling to know members of this clan, that of the Great Spirit of the Ginseng, in service to your need state. Have we not offered it in this discourse? Rather, it is in high discernment. As you have and perceive, we feel, those who have and are engaged in this service and life path as those who have and seek to be the harvesters of the ginseng, you are guided to be those who have and hold the hand of your intent steady, such that it has and honors the requirement of resistance and therefore allowance of the claiming and unrooting of a portion of our expression in those that are the natural and the constructed environments that you have and seek to claim our expression from.

We would offer the blessing of the wisdom of honoring, of patience. For there is a season of growing, there is a season of fertile expression, and there is a season to be reclaimed in some aspect into the womb of the Gaia.

You have and are aware those who have and are more intimately in relation with that which is the ginseng that many seasons have passed by where there was little or no prudence in the pulling out of our life forms in the manner that has and has depleted in great measure and in some geographies in full measure our capacity to reproduce as there is insufficient time in which to do so as we understand it in our own requirement, yes?

To honor both the purity and the respect, the prudence of allowing a cycle of fertile reproduction to manifest in this plane, we speak not only of our expression, but of many other life forms that you seek to consume for your own need states. In this is an empty belly that has and is all you will harvest in those seasons to come without the blessing of [0:20:00.0] prudence and a rather efficient redesigning of your current agricultural practices in regard not only to our own expression, but all other members of the plant and animal kingdom, yes?

We simply sought to step forward and to acknowledge the blessing of our nature as that which offers a deep, profound healing, rebalancing, and reclaiming of your field, as we have and are that through our ginseng nature is able to purify a bit all that has and has made itself home in the heartplace of your clan, as well as the flesh therein.

It would not be unwise to consider an expansion of sorts that which is our expression, that expansion we speak of is in the dedication of greater landmass and fertile soil upon which to plant us, to honor and respect us, and to harvest us to meet your own growing need state, we would observe. And in this we offer you the blessing of your attunement that which is the resonance of the Great Spirit of the Ginseng.

We welcome the opportunity to open our hearts in deep service to your own. For we have been that which has companioned your species for millennia and would continue to do so as we are offered the opportunity. For as we have suggested it is our nature to offer the blessing of our healing light.

We listen with joy-filled ears of our heart, that which is the open-hearted and joyous receivership of all that we have and are in service to your own evolutionary process, as you have and claim and claim and claim again your attunement to the light of your own potential.

It is complete, granddaughter. We are most grateful for that which is the opportunity to serve our wisdom upon the plate of the collective awareness, the individuate awareness and that which is the collective will.

[end of audio]


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