#176 The Great Spirit of the Bat (Blessing of Collaboration)

The Great Spirit of the Bat teaches us to locate what we cannot see in today's episode of Gaia Translate.

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Greetings friends and welcome to this episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host Tracy Shoolman. In  today’s show powerful wisdom is delivered  from the Great Spirit of the Bat. I was directed to Channeled the Great Spirit of the Bat after listening to  Shortwave, NPRs daily science podcast  with a light hearted debate between hosts about  all the ways bats are cooler than birds. Without sacrificing  my neutrality on this subject I knew it was timely to channel the Great  Spirit of the Bat.



The Great Spirit of the Bat: We seek a moment of your knowing, sister. We are that which has knocked a bit upon the gates of your awareness and we appreciate your willingness to open them at this point in our mutual history. We vibrate with that which is the Great Spirit of the Bat, and we step forward to invite a collaboration of sorts that has been considered by some, implemented by few, and yet we would invite those of your species to revisit this possibility.

You have a tendency, if you do not mind us observing, of seeking to place [sigh] value on that which is born of your own thought forms and to replace that which has and serves most efficiently and without negative consequence as we would perceive it. Are we not designed to consume insect, that which you have and are seeking to remove from your areas, your agriculture, and your environs? We are not that which has and works the day shift, as it were, and in this we find that we are well-suited to be co-inhabitants of this or that neighborhood. What it is you seek to have reduced in your field, in your community is that which we are most joy-filled to accept as that which we would place upon the plate of our own nourishment, yes?

As it stands in recent seasons you have taken to your own measures and contaminated with poisons much of what you consume and those insects that you seek to diminish with your insecticides. And in this, it is not that we lack the ability to find other resource, rather that there are points in our history where many of us find ourselves consuming that which has and carries the taint of poison for all within it.

There is much that is not understood, we would offer, gently, that is the consequence if not of the direct ingestion of the pesticides by your species. We assure you there is a great amount that is ingested as it would be difficult not to do so as it is and saturates the soils and is consumed by those which are deeply rooted ones, the plants, and by those who have and partake in all that is offered, be it the nectar of the bloom, be it the fruit that holds the seed, be it the leaf that offers the required nutrients to one or another number of that great kingdom of insect.

We invite your species as you would step forward in a place of rebalancing to reconsider this extensive application of the insecticides into all that you have and seek to cultivate for your own consumption and to turn again as you are willing to that which is the efficient deploying, if you will, of our presence, the invitation, which many of us have and would consider accepting to be in collaboration with a greater flow and a rebalanced relation with all that has and is of Gaia.

It is impossible to seek to consume either food or waters that you have and would drink, or the foods, the fruits and vegetables, or that which you have and would consume that which has consumed them, those of the animal flesh, and to believe that if one has and asks or waters, if you prefer, that which you have and would seek to consume with a tainted flow that you too are not in some aspect consuming the very poisons that you employ to remove what you call pests. This and these pesticides have and leech most willingly and with great ease into soils, into the watershed, and they have and create great destruction in life that has and is of this plane.

You are aware, we feel, that these are ever-increasing concerns – or should be – we would gently offer. Much that has shifted in the behavior and development of your youth, your children, your offspring has shifted a bit of late and there are those who are curious and unable to quite put their finger on the source point of these imbalances within the physiology of your own flesh. We would turn your awareness toward all that you have and willingly place into that which you then consume and offer to your offspring as that which they have and are in a place to consume as well. We do not consider these acts of malintent; we feel they are that which has and comes from an open and honorable heart by those of your clan to have and nurture, to have and offer support and adequate food stuff and environ in which those of your offspring will thrive, yes?

And so it is with us. We too seek that which is the sweet waters. We too seek that which is the uncontaminated resource. For us, the insect, for us, the fruits, and for us that which is the blood that flows in the veins of some. We are a vast species and we have grown in various tributaries across the span of our evolution, yes? We have stepped forward to invite this collaboration and to acknowledge our willingness to serve in this manner and to seek that which is the blessing of the cleaning and purification of that which are the essential resource that we all have and know ourselves in requirement of, yes?

It is not as challenging or as impossible as some may think, and there is no need not to claim that which has and will serve in a greater span of our continued expression in a place of long-winded consideration when there are those of your community that are very much aware and may offer useful and suitable guidance as to the effective manner in which to create acceptable shelter or construct for those of our clan, and to place these larger and smaller within your communities next to your fields and farms and in service to that which is the cleaning up a bit of all that has and continues to flow, to contaminate and to poison the resource that we all have and are in requirement for our own continuance and wellbeing in this plane.

Many of our species have undergone stress of late, as we would observe as yours. We shift in the climate and the increasing contamination of source materials from which life has and flows do not serve any.

We have and would invite you to claim that which is your bat nature, one that has and is able to perceive with more than just the eye what has and is clearly in the environ that we have and inhabit as you have and know yourselves willing with an open heart to accept your own bat nature, you will find yourselves claiming a wisdom that has always resided within you, and yet has remained in a deep slumber for some. We would gently shake you a bit and invite your waking and encourage as we would place our will in gratitude for that which is a great and powerful collaboration, mutual respect, and acknowledgement that we may serve each other, and we may serve ourselves [0:15:00.0] through the shifting of that which is the relation, not simply between us, species to species, but for the benefit of all life in this plane.

That is what we had sought to offer, as we have knocked upon the door of your awareness, daughter, and we are grateful for the opportunity to confer this blessing of attunement upon those of your species, as you have and offer this small song of our heart and our intent upon the plate of willing consumption.

We would observe that the meal of our wisdom is not tainted with other than that which is the truth without distortion. We have and are grateful to know our flow at this delicate place in our mutual histories may be served into the heartplace of the collective, and we have and listen with the ears of our heart for all who have and would seek to know themselves in the blessing of collaboration and service to the greater wellbeing of all concerned.

It is complete, daughter, as you would offer it, we would take our leave.


#177 The Great Spirit of the Alpaca


#175 The Great Spirit of the Marigold