#177 The Great Spirit of the Alpaca

Sebastien Goldberg, Unsplash

Wrap yourself in the wisdom of the Great Spirit of the Alpaca in today's episode of Gaia Translate.

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Greetings friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman and welcome. In this episode of the Gaia Translate podcast the Great Spirit of the Alpaca wraps listeners in the warmth of channeled wisdom. Last winter I purchased an incredibly warm sweater only to discover it was woven from the wool of the Alpaca. This piece of clothing is incredibly warm and comfortable and fills me with gratitude  for the blessing bestowed by the Alpaca.


The Great Spirit of the Alpaca: \ We appreciate your attunement to our awareness, daughter. We are that which you would describe as the Great Spirit of the Alpaca. We are not as, well, understood in the Americas in the North as we are in the Americas in the South. That is accurate. And yet, we have and appreciate your willing receivership of our attunement. For we have and would seek a moment of your knowing and that of your brothers and sisters of the human family at this point in our mutual histories, yes?

Channel: Greetings and blessings, Great Spirit of the Alpaca. Thank you for your patience and your grace.

The Great Spirit of the Alpaca:  You are welcome, daughter. We seek a moment to have and to invite those of your family – we speak of your greater family – those of the human collective awareness, light, as those we have and have served in many manners over many seasons in these parts of the physical and geographical plane that are understood as the Americas of the South and other names in other seasons.

Are we not that which is a mighty blessing as you have and understand both that which is our wool and that which is our flesh has served mightily in the continuance of those clans of your own awareness in these parts of the geography of this plane? We are not and have not been unwilling to serve, daughter; however, there is a shift in the field of this physical plane that provides a challenge to the flow of our continuance without interruption. As you have and are aware, there is much that has and shakes beneath our feet that has and calls forth greater extreme of weather conditions, has and calls forth extended periods of drought or of cold, and we have and are not designed in our physical expression to withstand these extremes, nor we would offer, are many of you.

We have and would beseech, if you will, those of your own species to have and hear the song of our concern. For while we are not only that which has and is created to be of service to the need state of your expression, we have and serve other, we have and serve our own through that which is the song of life as it has and seeks to know itself in the bloom of continuance. We would simply observe that neither our own, nor in relation your own interests are served in this current imbalance, or in truth that which is becoming or has already become the song of the climate that has and is companioning each and all of us at this point in our mutual histories, yes?

We have had and are not unwilling to continue for the most part a respectful and honoring relation with those members of your communities who have and depend upon us in great measure as the blessing of resource in many aspects, that which provides through the shearing of our wool, that which has and would hold your flesh in a manner that has and offers protection from those elements that are the weather, the seasons, that which has and for those who are not so blessed as to be and to walk with that which is a sufficient outer covering around their physicality to have and withstand these particular circumstances. Are you not well-blessed to have and claim that which has served our own for so many seasons as you would seek to claim it, to weave it, and to wrap yourselves within it, yes?

We have and offer we are not unwilling to serve in this manner; however, we too as that which is the great scale of imbalance knows itself flung this way and that are in requirement of our own, if you will, natural coat when there is that which is decreasing in the temperature at certain points, or that which is the increasing of the climate, such that we have and would know ourselves naked in this manner and unprotected from that which would be the great winds of change, the great heat of imbalance.

There is also that which has and threatens our own foodstuff, and as it threatens our foodstuff through the imbalanced expression of the seasons that we have and find ourselves walking through, how are we able to sustain ourselves adequately, we would offer, if this has and is of concern and we are most aware it is of deep concern for those who are intimate in their relation with us, we have and invite those other members of the human clan to, if you will, glance up from their own backyards and understand that that which has and is called forth at various other points in this plane of existence has and is that which is the source of this imbalance that has and threatens that which is our own foodstuff, that which we would graze upon and that which in consequence has and threatens many of your own species who have come to depend upon us for both our flesh and their life style, their livelihood rather, as you have and would harvest that which is our wool.

We have sought to step forward into the awareness of this being to have and observe that we understand ourselves as a great and powerful blessing to that which is the continuance of many of your species who have and reside in close relation with our physicality as a species, and yet we are in truth unable to support ourselves. We have and would be unable to support another.

We do not seek to know ourselves as that which was only remembered as that which is simply a part of history or fable of those who once were and no longer are, and yet we feel a great wind of this potential as it has and blows across our awareness. It does not only blow and seek to extinguish that which is our own expression, but also that of many other that which has and are the grasses that we have and know ourselves in requirement of, that which has and are the other members of the river of life in the geography we have and call our home, and that which is in relation in the manner that you have and understand us as great resource and blessing for your own kind.

We would invite you, those who are not directly or intimately in relation to us to have and to consider as you are willing how that which has, and you call forth through your own intent has and creates a great wind of destruction through the imbalance in the atmosphere or climate of many other places of the geography of the Gaia, or the planet if you prefer.

It is difficult, we feel, for members of your greater clan to associate or perceive that which has and occurs far from their own sphere of awareness, and we would invite you to call upon this aspect of your own greater awareness not simply as member of this or that society or community, but as member of the greater family of life and flow, be it human or other in this plane. For while it may seem perhaps absurd that that which would occur or be causally attuned with the actions that have and are a part of certain members of your own collective in that which is the consumption and the depletion of these limited and vital resources such that they have and tip the sway and that the balance of this plane, we nevertheless would invite you to sit at the hearthfire of those fellow members of your clan’s awareness and circumstance and to hold your knowing in attunement with that which has and befalls those other members of your clan and ours in truth.

It may seem that there is little that has or is in connection with those who seem so far away that they have and may feel a bit as though you have simply imagined them, and yet this is a distortion in the field. For what has and befalls one human or other, has and ripples across the field of life flow in this plane in a manner that is little understood in truth, and yet has and will make itself most clearly expressed as it has and is, as it has and is that which has and reaches into that which is the pantry of your own resource, not only that of those who know themselves most directly affected, however distant they may be in physical expression.

We have sought to offer this as an invitation, if you will, to hold yourselves in the greater knowing of your clan, such that you have and honor, respect, and embrace with great tenderness and compassion those brothers and sisters who are your own expression as a species, those who have and vibrate the attunement of human such that you have and hold, honor, and address that which you have and call forth that does not serve for what has and occurs to one we would reiterate has and reaches all, has and is the wind that fills the sails of all at one point or another.

We understand there are seasons to the flow of life in this plane. We have known ourselves as that which has and at one point was merely a spark of potential and we understand that is how we have and may be once again, and yet it does not have to be this season unless your species is simply unwilling to have and lift the hand of their heart as that which stays the great winds of dissolution that have been called forth through that which is the – and pardon our expression – indiscriminate or ignorance of consumption of the great resources that have and are a part of this physical plane.

We invite you to have and call to yourselves the mantle of your own alpaca nature. When we offer this blessing, we speak of those who have and are willing to offer that which is the wool of their own expression in service to the protection and to the expansion of another. We are less willing to seek to have you also offer your flesh, for it is not that we invite cannibalism and in truth you have and would be well-served to seek other resource rather than the flesh of any being to have and sustain yourselves. For that is a part of the imbalance that currently creates the winds that blow across this plane.

We further have, who we bestow upon you, that which is the blessing of gratitude for being one who has and is able to serve those other members of your own community in a manner that enrobes them with that which is the wool of your joy-filled intent, to have and protect, to have and embrace, to have and sustain those members of your community and all other as you have and are so willing. Is that not a beautiful blessing, and one we have and sing songs of joy-filled gratitude and joyous anticipation of your willingness to have and claim it with great enthusiasm and in a timely and efficient fashion, yes?

Channel: Yes, Great Spirit, thank you.

The Great Spirit of the Alpaca:  You are welcome, daughter. We appreciate your willingness to have and answer the knock of our awareness so quickly, and yet we have and invite all members of your clan to embrace and to claim the mantle of their own alpaca nature as that which has and would serve and offer that which would be the wool of compassionate protection and willing partnership with another member of the flow of life in this plane. In this it is that we would serve is most powerfully embraced at this point in your history as you have and apply it to your own need state and that of all others.

It is that we sought to serve. We are grateful as we have offered. We have and offer the blessing of the mantle of the alpaca nature that vibrates within the heartplace of all. It is simply a matter of joyfully claiming it for you have and are and vibrate with the potential of great service as you have and embrace all of the flow of life in this plane in service to their need state and therefore in service to your own.

It is complete, daughter. We appreciate your attunement. We have and take our leave.


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