#175 The Great Spirit of the Marigold

Discover the hidden power of the Great Spirit of the Marigold in today's episode of Gaia Translate.

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Welcome to Gaia Translate with your host Tracy Shoolman. Today’s show features channeled wisdom delivered by the Great Spirit of the Marigold. On occasion it may take a few attempts to turn my awareness fully in the direction of a particular  spirit of the natural world.  The Spirit of the Marigold sought my alignment  this summer  beginning with a neighbor describing  positive benefits he attributed to an eye health supplement containing Lutein sourced from Marigolds.  A few days later I found myself gathering up a bouquet of vibrant marigolds as part of my weekly farm share. It finally clicked when I attended the wedding of a dear friend at which all of the guests were greeted with garlands of marigolds. No question time to channel the Great Spirit  of the Marigold.


The Great Spirit of the Marigold:  We do not need a script or other thought forms that you would place for us to read. For we have our own will and our own awareness, and we would seek egress without your desire to dress us in the clothing of your assumptions, yes?

We are that which has and holds the vibratory field of the Great Spirit of what is in your neighborhood understood as Marigold. Our vibratory field has and holds great power. It is powerful in sufficiency to repel that which does not serve the intent. It is powerful enough in its field to be that which has and offers great healing. Yes, one has and may invoke our flesh for the healing of this or that upon your own, and yet we feel there are many, many, many of your species who have and are attuned to the resonance of our field as that which has and amplifies the song of resurrection, the song of rebirthing, the song of renewal, the song of that which is the light of spirit as it has and is welcomed into the vessel of physical form. That which has and is and holds the vibration of a marigold is that which has and acknowledges that which is eternal has and may appear to be in a physical form of life expression and appear to be bereft therein.

And that is part of our field. We are that which offers a bridge in your heart’s awareness of that which is eternal without the requirement of a physical vessel in which to be held in residence, and that which has and is, if you will, a field that acknowledges the transience of all life in flow, yes?

Channel: Greetings and blessings and welcome, Great Spirit of the Marigold. I apologize for the push of my will.

The Great Spirit of the Marigold:  It is accepted daughter. We do not feel it was served with malintent, rather with a bit of concern that we would not make ourselves fully clear with that which is the song of our own knowing. No more, no less. We step forward in the awareness of your species as we have done, as we have and will do to offer that which is the alignment of your own marigold nature as you have and would seek to claim it. We have and are most joy-filled to bestow it. What you may ask is it to claim the vibratory field of one’s marigold nature, yes? We will elaborate as you are willing to be in receivership therein.

Channel: I have and I am. Thank you, Great Spirit of the Marigold.

The Great Spirit of the Marigold:  We are that which has and holds the nature of eternal flow, that which has and knows itself at one point held within a physical embodiment at another able to have and flow from that which is the very short season of any physical expression, and that which has and holds the song of continuance as one has and aligns with this aspect of the ever-flowing nature of your own fields of knowing, your own spark of that which is the all-that-is. Some understand this as divine; some perceive this as other – it matters not. We speak of that which has and is never severed from that which is source, whether or not the energy or the vibratory frequency or field of flow that you have and are, each and all, as your human expression is at this point or another held at least in part within this or that human form.

We appreciate this is perhaps confusing and that this understood. There is often that which is simply the truth without distortion, which in the manner – and we used this -metaphorically – if you are one who had and stepped up to a counter wherein you might transact that which would be the purchasing of this or that with the being behind the counter that would be the experience of flow. And yet, for those of your species who are but newly born or in the first few years of their expression as “child” they may stand next to the one who is adult or caregiver who has and is conducting this exchange of energy, and yet they may not be able to perceive as yet above the counter and to bear witness to what has and exists in those higher planes, yes?

There are those of your clan, daughter who have and are – and this is not meant in disrespect –simply unable, even upon tiptoe to peer above or upon the counter where the exchange of this awareness is occurring, and that is as it is. It does not suggest that there will not be a point in the evolution of this or that individual expression where they will of their own accord and attunement be that which has and engages in the exchange of energetic through their own willing intent awareness and capacity.

All have and are evolving. Your species is no exception to this rule as you would express it. Your species has sought to know itself, if you will, able to see a little bit higher and perhaps to peer upon that which has remained hidden for so long. We are joy-filled to celebrate this great desire of your heart. It may not be understood as that which has been shouted from the rooftops of your-this-lifetime selves, and yet that does not deny that which is your collective higher consciousness awareness or field as that which has and from the throats of your heart most earnestly and with great depth of intent sought to know yourselves in this place of growth, expansion, and evolution of your flow.

To accept the blessing that you have called to yourselves as a species is to open your hearts to that which has not been so clearly observable for many seasons, and that is why we have and step forward and offer you all who have and are so willing to claim it, the mantle of your marigold nature, that which has and vibrates in the attunement of that which has and is an endless flow.

It is perhaps less clearly comprehended from those aspects of your expression, children, that have and are the intellect or ego. Yet as you cast your gaze upon that which has been your history across this planet in various pockets and cultures who have known themselves in higher attunement with that which is the eternal nature of flow. You will observe that that which is the marigold in form is often a companion to that which is the singing of an opening heart, be it in this or that practice, this or that philosophy, this or that sacred celebration, of union or dissolution, of coming together or coming apart, of that which has and holds great hope of that which has and acknowledges the transience of all in flow.

It is the vibratory field of our nature that has and calls your species to us in these points of sacred alignment and acknowledgement of all that has and is in the song of union and of dissolution, and not to be completed with the dissolution of awareness of your vibratory field as that which simply discards this or that physical form as that which has and simply flows in and through the season of this or that life or death experience transition, and we have and serve as companion, willingly so, to steady your field as you have and embark upon this or that transitory state, we will not abandon the willing heart.

We would further offer a small suggestion upon the plate of the awareness of your species at this place of imbalance in this physical realm. As we have and vibrate with that which is the frequency of resurrection and restoration of dissolution and reunion, we would invite you to consider the wisdom and efficacy of planting our expression in the physical soils of those aspects and points in the geography of this plane that have been denuded or stripped, nutrient that have and require a bit of resurrection, restoration, healing, and repair.

We have and are well-known for this aspect of our healing light, and we are not unwilling to serve as you have and would seek to apply our healing grace, not simply to your own physical forms in that which would be tincture or other oil infusion, but as that which is of the plant kingdom in service to the healing of the flesh of Gaia. For this is a being who has and bleeds deeply, who has and knows herself wounded and in a place of deep despair.

It is not our nature to bemoan that which is a transient state of all life in flow, and yet we feel this being in service to our own need state – and yours – that all will be well-served to invoke the blessing of the marigold in form and to claim the mantle of your marigold nature as a species who has and seeks to evolve in their own awareness. In this way we invite you to your eternal nature, one who has and does not fear the flow, one who has and comprehends it as simply that which is the sacred transition from that which has and evolves and is called forth in and through a form in that which has and evolves and sheds that which no longer serves in efficiency, yes?

We feel this has been a rather large meal for some, and so we will not place additional helpings of our wisdom upon the plate of your species’ awareness, at least at this point in our mutual flow. We have and offer prayers, deep and profound and joy-filled gratitude for the blessing of the season of that which is the marigold bloom as it has and is called forth in the soil of the human heart. And so, we have and would take our leave, for it is our nature to honor flow in this and all manner, yes?

Channel: Thank you and blessings, and thank you for your blessing, Great Spirit of the Marigold. I am honored to be in receivership therein.

The Great Spirit of the Marigold:  That is accurate, daughter. We appreciate your willing ear. We speak of the ear of your heart for that which has been a rather persistent knock from the field of our awareness of late, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

The Great Spirit of the Marigold:  It is complete. We have and take our leave.


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