#159 The Great Spirit of the Zebra

Compelling and timely guidance is offered by the Great Spirit of the Zebra in this episode of Gaia Translate.

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Greetings friends and welcome, this is your host Tracy Shoolman and I was drawn to channel today’s guest from a book of photography by wildlife photographer, David Yarrow. As soon as I opened the volume I was greeted by a dazzling image of black and white patterns. If you guessed I was looking at an image of zebras’ you would be right. How many of you also guessed that a group of Zebras is called a dazzle? Get ready to be dazzled by the Great Spirit of the Zebra in today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.


The Great Spirit of the Zebra: We have heard the knock of your awareness upon the doorway of our will, and we have and would bless you with our attunement now that you have settled the water of your thoughts sufficiently for us to approach without distortion.

We are that which has and vibrates in the frequency of the Zebra. We are understood, beloved by many, admired by many, and that which offers curiosity that tickles your thought processes by some who have and find the out-picturing of our physical form, both intriguing, marvelous, and confusion. And we have and smile a bit at this. Your species is most dedicated, we would offer, to determining a single source of why something has or is from your own perspective and in this of course you carry inherent bias, do you not? For you seek to understand the nature of another in this example, our own, as you have and would seek to parcel out to your own satisfaction the whys and wherefores for certain physical attributes in those who are both human and not of human origin who are the life forms you are able to experience in this plane.

Some of those who have and study us consider that which is our marvelous striping as that which has and is served, or serves, if you will the ability for us to camouflage the individual and the herd. And this is not inaccurate. It is, however, not complete. Others have discovered that our striking patterning has and serves a negative influence on that which would be the undesired relation with those who have and are the insect kingdom who would seek to drink from our blood. And that also is not inaccurate. There are others who have and bring forth various other hypotheses. Some are closer. Some are farther. And all are by their nature tainted from the perspective of a human, as you have and from your own need state or understanding seek to apply meaning, usefulness, if you will, or value to a variation in physical construct of another.

We are not here to question your methodology in truth, brothers and sisters, simply to offer as part of our wisdom that there is inherent bias when one has and would perceive the purpose, if you will, the point of either a physical attribute or characteristic of another being, as you have and would consider how it serves them and also as you have and perhaps less consider how another being has and may serve the greater flow of life in this plane.

We are born from the will of the Gaia, as are you. It might be that there is much we have and serve in our relationship with our own environs that has yet to be unearthed by those of your species and placed into the category of usefulness, or explanation for, which is so dear to you. We do not deny that there are great benefits, and some not so great to the dissection of another being’s physicality, characteristics, and behaviors. It is wise to discern us in relation to your own engagement with such a being, such a life form. It is further wise, we would offer, to allow that there has been – we will use the word a “broader wisdom” at play than that which has and is your own, that has called that which is the form, the physical expression of another, as a member of the community of this plane, a member of life in flow and in relation in this plane. And it is in part this small observation we would seek to bestow upon you.

While we may appear very similar in our patternings to those with the uneducated eye, we do not find this at all confusing. We would offer the same of you when those of our species have and perceive those of the human form. It is more difficult for us to discern the various individuate stripes upon that which is the nature of each and all of you. When you consider that which is embracing of your own zebra nature, we would invite you to perceive it thusly; to claim one’s zebra nature is to claim one’s unique expression as a member of a tribe, as that which has and stands in its own beauty, in its own individuate light, and yet is most blessed to know itself also a member of a greater clan of fellow forms and awarenesses, yes? You have and consider this extraneous of not of great use, we feel, and we would seek to clarify.

Channel: I apologize. I did not realize I was offering the shadow of judgment upon what you have and serve, Great Spirit of the Zebra.

The Great Spirit of the Zebra: Your receivership is understood and your relation with it is helpful, we would offer. When one has and calls upon that which is the attunement with one’s zebra nature, it is simply this to acknowledge that while there are aspects of your light of that which you are in concert with your physical form, and yet independent of it, you are also most unique and in this manner you have and sing a song of your own incarnate expression that has and is most beautifully embraced by that which is the greater flow of life across all planes. Many have and feel themselves as zebra in what might be a herd of horses or donkeys, that which has and understands oneself as similar in some aspect, and yet standing quite apart and appearing so in other.

It is to these we speak and to those who have, if you will, painted over their stripes in one direction or another, such that their own unique and individual light is masked a bit, and is hidden from that which is the full claiming of their truth. It is timely to have and to wash off that which is the mud of fear, the mud of desire, to hide oneself in the assimilation when you are in truth, unique, when you are beautiful, when you are dazzling. And we do not speak strictly of your external expression, but that of the vibration of your heart, your light, if you will. And as you have and claim again and again, I have and am, I have and embrace my zebra nature. I have and admire it and claim it and am not ashamed by it. I have and know myself as both unique and blessed to be so. It is the season for this aspect of claiming in the human field.

We would offer that while there are many who have never experienced our physical presence, and yet many have and are guided in the ways of the raising of your young as you have and assign one of your symbols that of the letter “z” or “zed.” And most often, we would offer it is an image of our own expression that is carried along with it, and we have and feel much as drops of awareness is a gentle rain upon our field when many, many, many of those of your own issue have and touch us with their awareness, as they have and claim that which is the other link, the learning of attunement in physical form through that which is identification of that which has no physical form in truth, yet a symbol of it, the “Z,” as a part of how you have and know yourselves in relation with one another.

These are your tools. The tools you have and bestow upon members of your own clan, such that you may know yourselves in a form of union, of concept of awareness, and that is an aspect when you have and perceive the physical out-picturing of the zebra, we would invite you to comprehend that each of our stripes have and recommend the relation, the unification of your physical form with your greater awareness. Some have and understand us with that which is the great song of the white and the black, or the black and the white. It matters not. As a physical manifestation of the unification of the masculine and feminine vibratory fields. And we are not unwilling to walk in that attunement. For it is also that which when one has and claims one’s zebra nature, are you not also claiming that which is a balance within that has and, we have and offer, through that grace of our physical form an example of without.

Do not shy away from that which has and makes you stand out in a crowd, that which has and claims with great resonance, I am unique, I am vibrant. I am all that I am. Without shame, without fear, without that which is the denial of the light that shines from within you. It is timely, we offer, for those who are the sons and daughters of Eve, those who are of the greater human awareness to claim and to embody your zebra natures as beings of great beauty, extraordinary expression, and powerful light. This has and is within and there are those who have and who are washing off the mud that has kept them hidden from the light of their truth. And we would offer you are most beautiful in your uniqueness. You are remarkable beings that vibrate with great light. Many have, and many more will find themselves in deep resonance with that which is the gentle claiming and gratitude for their zebra nature. It is timely and it is a blessing.

There is none who have and are a life form in this plane who do not carry that which is the spark of greater attunement, the spark of their own unique song, and it is this spark that you have and are both honored and blessed to be a container of in your physicality and that is most beautiful, we would offer. As you have and seek to claim yourselves in great balance with the non-physical aspects of your awareness and your incarnate ones, it is a simple matter to fully rest into your zebra nature, one that has and manifests a balance, if you will, of opposing energies of the masculine, the feminine, that which you understand as the light and the dark, the yin and the yang, and to understand that it is the song of your nature, not one to hide behind or fear, but one to simply rest into and to claim again and again with an open and willing heart.

There are many more of you who have and are embracing your own zebra natures than have ever known themselves in attunement in prior seasons of your unfoldment. It is a great blessing and one we have and would acknowledge, one we have and offer gratitudes for, as we have and invite and embrace this aspect of vibrational resonance with that which has and is both unique and simply resting fully into all that you are in your great beauty and alignment with the greater awareness of all that you have and are, not separate from, but combined, yes? Able to be in attunement, constant attunement, much as that great striping that we wear so proudly on our flesh. So too you may have and know yourselves walking in this attunement. It is a great power to claim all that you are and to know yourselves as able and steady carriers of this aspect of the human evolutionary process.

Not all will know or fully rest into their zebra nature in this season, or the next, or the next. And yet it is upon you and it is a great blessing. For when you have each and all and embrace that which is the confluence of your greater and eternal flow with that which is this moment, this blink of a physical incarnation, you have and will know yourselves as that which is as butterfly, born of that which was the caterpillar. We call upon this rather well-known example. We invite you to embrace us as that which is the ability to hold onto your caterpillar nature and your butterfly nature, as you walk into full integration as that which has and is unique, powerful, embodied and filled with light.

It is that we sought to offer and we would encourage, as you are willing, brothers and sisters, that when you have and feel that which is the rising in your awareness and your knowing, what you feel in your heart as what you have and are in truth. It is not that to be ashamed of. It is that to be embodied with and to embrace with great joy. For you have and are called into this attunement, as you are willing to claim it at this sacred point in your species-wide evolution.

We have and sing songs of gratitude for the expansion, the blooming, if you will, of that which is a great garden of humans who have and willfully and joyfully claim and rest fully into the song of their zebra nature. It has and is complete. We have and take our leave. And we have and listen deeply with the ears of our heart for all who have and sing in joy and gratitude the song of their own becoming.


#160 The Great Spirit of Sweat


#157 The Great Spirit of the Rat