#160 The Great Spirit of Sweat


Surprising wisdom is channeled by the Great Spirit of Sweat in today's Gaia Translate.

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Greetings friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman bringing  you today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast featuring channeled guidance from the Great Spirit of Sweat.  Ever wonder why you sweat? So did I which is what attracted me to an NPR Science story titled: “Why Sweat is a human superpower.” After listening to this fascinating  report  I was drawn to channel the Great Sprit of Sweat.



The Great Spirit of the Sweat: It is not often that we receive the knock of awareness and the desire to converse in this manner from those of your expression, sister. Yet we are not unwilling to indulge that which is your willingness to feel our vibration and to receive in this manner the clarity of our wisdom as we have and are so willing to serve it. We are that which is the vibratory field of the Great Spirit of what is understood as Sweat.

We have come, much as have many, to represent certain physiological and emotive conditions in the field of the human collective. We serve greatly, we would offer, as that which has and communicates most directly without the need for language that is understood as the preferred means of communication with and among your own collective. Are you not offered that which is fair warning when you feel our presence in your palm? Are we not that which sings the song of labor that has and is companioned by one’s requirement or one’s intent? Are we not that which offers the blessing of rebalance in that which is your physiology? For we are most willing to serve and grateful to be a working and useful facet of the organism of your life force in flesh.

We have come to know ourselves adorned with additional vibratory attunements from that which is your relationship, most intimate we would suggest, with that aspect of your own physical organism that has and blesses you with that which is the production through that aspect of your glands that is known as sweat.

There are those who do not find that which is the physical presence of our attunement pleasant, either to their olfactory senses or that which is their physical out-picturing. And yet we offer we are that which has been known to offer that which is the rebalancing of health and wellness in a field more often than not. To experience the high fever and the blessing of sweating which cools the body, is that not a blessing? To experience the warning of that which is a spike in an emotive state that may offer warnings of potential threat either physically or emotionally, or simply perceived as such, is that not a blessing? When one has and feels the hands grow clammy with sweat or sweat gathering upon the temple or the brow, are you not forewarned that there is a presence of an imbalance in your field in one manner or another? Are we not that which as you have and identify the presence of our physical expression to represent hard work or labor, to represent that which one struggles to move through, be it the sweating out of a problem or that which is the blood, sweat, and tears that one has, at least metaphorically claims that that which you seek to call in to manifest expression through the relation of your intent and your physiology.

And there are other reasons that we have and offer the signal to the physiology and the service to seek to rebalance that which is a bit awry within as one has and feels that which is the increase in the emotive or other state of your awareness. While we are also aware that at this particular point in our mutual histories we have aspects that are considerate or social acceptable, if you will, and therefore you have called forth the rise of those products that are known as deodorants and other, and antiperspirants. And while we understand you do not seek to offer an offending scent to one another, is it wise to, if you will, block up that natural expression and service to the rebalancing of your field? Would it not be, perhaps wise to simply embrace the efficiency and in truth, at points the essential requirement of that which is your sweat gland, which seeks only to serve in that which is the blessing of rebalancing, however your field may have and know itself in need thereof.

You are an interesting species, and we are aware that communicating with an aspect of your own physiology may seem a bit odd, and yet you have strengthened and, if you will, expanded that which we carry in our vibration in this plane of existence through your own relation and understanding of what and how we have and are in relation to you. We would invite you to perceive that which is the required nature of this aspect of your own organism as that which is to be honored in truth, blessed in truth, respected in truth, and welcomed when it has and knows itself in the season of its requirement.

We are aware that there are those who would be less invited with their own desire to have and to be acceptable in your societies to claim that which is a natural flow and benefit of your own sweat. And this is inefficient and rather silly, we would suggest. That being offered, we have chosen to communicate in this other manner to have and offer that which is the awareness of that which is the attunement and the essential requirement of each and all of those of the human expression, not to deny that which is in truth a part of what has and serves you deeply, yet to reconsider your relation as you are so willing. Without the blessing of sweating in a fevered state, that which is your flesh or body when it has and knows itself, if you will, invaded or claimed by a foreign entity, be it a virus, be it a form of bacteria, be it fear, be it strain or stress of the physical flesh. Do we not serve as we have and are designed to assist, to rebalance, and to bless such that there is not such an extreme consequence to that which has and is, if you will, paying a visit to your physical, vibrational, emotional field.

There is much that has and simply serves and serves and serves again without seeking that which is gratitude, without seeking that which is recognition, and we do not seek that which is a place of honor upon the shelf of all you have and are grateful for. We would however offer that without the ability to cool off or rebalance your own physiology, however that state of imbalance may be or has been invoked through the presence of an external stimulation or an internal emotional state or warning of potential threat from an outside influence you would be far less able to navigate with as much ease in and through this physical dimension.

If we were to offer a single song of attunement with this our opportunity to use the human language for our expression, it would be simply honor all that is of your physiology. Do not seek as you are willing to diminish, to stop-up or to shift that which has been designed with great care and deep attunement to requirement that has been bestowed upon the field of your physicality, your physiology, and that which has and serves as most sensitive warning system for that which is your own wellbeing.

We are simply one of a great many of facets, if you will, in that which is the cut of your human physiology, and there is light that has and enters and blesses you through each and every facet. Is it not that which may be more timely to embrace to acknowledge and to feel in your heart the blessing of this service that has been bestowed upon you by that which is, if you will, the hand of the intent that has called forth the human expression in its current physical outpicturing. We do not require or even offer how one should name that which has and calls you into the blessing of your human awareness as you are informed of a physical vessel. You may know it as the Godhead. You may know it as the All-That-Is. You may know it as the I AM. You may know it as served through the great daughter of the I AM, the Gaia-light. And all have and vibrate in similar manner, do they not?

We would invite you, as you are willing, to have and apply a bit of that which you understand as your own powerful and will-based intent and to serve at bit through a willing agreement, of course, of your own nature as a being that knows itself able to apply its ingenuity and sweat equity, if you will, to the resolution of that which has and currently swings in great arcs of imbalance in this physical plane. We have and are grateful to be acknowledged as a willing and in truth, powerful field, an aspect much as, if you will, a band of light frequency that has and in that which is the blessing of alignment serves as an integral part, essential, yes, of the human structure of your physiology, of your flesh.

You may find it timely not to take as much for granted as you are willing the blessings of all of the facets of your life form, your organism, for they all have and serve and as, and yes, we would offer this simply analogy; you understand that if we were to be stripped of the ability to have functioning sweat glands that which is your life force would be challenged greatly should you know yourself in the requirement of this aspect of your flow and is this not in a manner as we have offered what has and occurs with the great being, the Earth Mother, the Gaia. For are there not aspects or facets of this being’s physiology that our being, if you will, stripped away and serving that which is a great flow through the efficient functioning and continuance of flow in that which is the great song of life in this plane as we all have and know it.

While that which is the earth, the Gaia, may not sweat as you do, do not hold the distortion that all of her physical attributes and interrelations are extraneous or unnecessary to that which is our powerful and attuned continuance. As much as you many understand yourselves in one or another manner, as an aspect of this greater organism of life, perhaps you as a species are her sweat glands. Perhaps you as a species are that which is carried within the blood as a part of it. Perhaps you as a species are that which has and offers one or another service in this or that manner. Perhaps you are a part of the lungs, perhaps you are a part of the spleen, perhaps you are as that which is the skin, that organ that has and serves so beautifully in your own physiology. Or perhaps you have become that which causes the fever, that which creates imbalance in all manner emotional, physical, vibrational in the field of the organism of the Gaia.

We do not feel you seek to be that which has and wounds the organism that is so essential to your own continuance and that of many other life forms in this plane. And so you are invited to be a bit with how you have and are in relation to the great song of life that has and knows itself in deep imbalance in the organism that is the Gaia-light. We appreciate that which is the willingness to hear the song of the heartplace of that which is in truth an intimate member of your own – each and all – physiology. And we would suggest that you have and sit a bit with your relationship with us and with your relationship and how you have and perceive yourselves as a facet of the great organism of the Gaia-light.

We have and would grant you this blessing as you have and are so willing to be in receivership therein, and that is the blessing of the Great Spirit of Sweat, wherein you have and may claim that you have and serve as you have and seek to, not in the service of the calling forth of greater imbalance through your actions and intentions as they have and rain upon this plane, but rather through your own sweat nature you have and are that which offers the return of balance to this great organism upon which and through which you have and understand yourselves in form.

To align yourselves with how we have and perceive your relation, we are an integral part of that which is the flesh of your expression, are we not? And so, as such we week to serve in a manner that has and assists, heals, rebalances, and offers benefit to your organism, each and all. We, as you are a part and when your own physicality is no longer viable that aspect of it, that facet of that which is the gem of this physical life also is carried upon the currents of dissolution. And so in a manner you may receive this song of our heart as that which is what should create the message that we have sought to offer another manner with our relation. Perhaps you are well-served to be a bit with the consequence that has and will be for all should the greater imbalance of this plane go denied. And through that denial or resistance to have and claim your nature as one who may serve to lower the fever that rages across and through the Gaia to be forewarning of that which has and calls forth potential danger, are you not simply that which has and denies through the unwillingness to serve as a contributing member of this greater organism that which is the blessing of your own light, yes?

We have offered that which we sought to serve in this manner, and we continue with honor and gratitude to know ourselves as an essential component of that which is the physical mechanism of the flesh, the vessel, if you will, of the human form. We bless you with this awareness, the conference, if you will, of the mantle of your own sweat nature, and we invite you to embrace it and to offer your service in this manner to that which is the rebalancing of the fevered field of the Gaia. It is within you. You have and may claim it, and we have and offer gratitude for your willingness to have so done.

It is complete, daughter. We are grateful for your willingness to attune to that which has and is not considered an independent life form, rather that which is an integral part of your own, yes?

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Sweat. Your wisdom has been gratefully received.

The Great Spirit of the Sweat: That is as it needs to be, daughter. We have and would take our leave, as you have and are so willing to grant it.

Channel: I have and I am. Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Sweat.

The Great Spirit of the Sweat: And to you, daughter, and to yours.


#161 Blessing of the Great Spirit of Owl


#159 The Great Spirit of the Zebra