#157 The Great Spirit of the Rat

Brett Jordan/Unsplash

Blessings from Mother Gaia delivered by the Great Spirit of the Rat.

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Greetings friends  this is your host, Tracy Shoolman, and I’m today’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast the Great Spirit of the Rat bestows a mighty blessing upon us. A simply elegant and elegantly simple strategy in which to address much that has and plagues our global cities at this point in our history.


Great Spirit of The Rat: We greet you, daughter. We have and step forward and would introduce ourselves. We are that which is understood as The Great Spirit, the Great Vibratory Field of that which is understood as Rat. We are aware there are many of your clan that hold the vibrational field of distaste and perhaps even revulsion, as you have and find yourselves in the great cities of your creation, cohabitating with our species among others.

We would offer a prayer of gratitude for the great bounty of resource that your clan has and provides to us in such overwhelming measure. There is a great and vast quantity of foodstuff that is tossed away, placed into your trash in such large amounts each and every day. It should come as no surprise that you have invited us to the great partaking of that which is the creation of your labors, the harvest of your foodstuff. We observe there is a lack of comprehension that has and befuddles us, we will admit. We are and hear that there is that which is the grumbling of the empty belly of millions of your species in various parts of this plane. And yet, there are millions of you who reside in those great communities, the cities, the thickly gathered environs where some hold the rumble of hunger and emptiness in their belly, and those who abide and reside practically next door, if you will, have and cast away great quantities of perfectly acceptable and consumable foodstuff and serve it to our species and others as you discard it as having no value, or as being excess to your requirement.

We will offer you this point of discernment without any concern that it will limit our own resource or access to that which you have and discard. If we were and you were to be in a more natural environ, one that is less overlayed with the human constructs you would observe that we are but one of many who have and would assist in the reclamation of that which is the foodstuff that you have and discard as waste and as such many have and would know their flow supported and expanded and transforming of that which is the waste product that you have and simply pile up upon itself in various and designated parts of your plane.

If you would, consider we will offer you this blessing, for it is that which in theory would remove from our own resource, our own bellies, some of that which you have and discard with such freedom to comprehend that which would honor the recycling and reinvestment in a manner that has and will serve all of some of that which you have and simply toss into your trash bins and landfills would be to embrace that which is understood as composting. This is not a difficult or, we feel, unreachable possibility for your great cities and communities to embrace, such that if our greater percentage of organic product, even that which has undergone several adaptations to reform it or to serve the chemicals of cooking or even redesign upon it that it would not be recognizable and therefore acceptable as that which may know itself once again of use as it simply is gathered into that which would be compost and therefore called forth in a reusable manner in the service of that which is a useful and enriched soil you have and may avail yourselves of as you seek to call forth a new season of harvest of foodstuff for your own need state, yes?

Is it not timely to have and to embrace again that which we have gifted you prior and gift you again, quite willingly, the mantle of your rat nature. Do not shiver and be revulsed. We speak of the vibratory field that holds great capacity for adaptability, great agility of intellect, and great willingness for survival. There are some of these frequencies that we hold that have already been embraced by those of your clan. And yet we feel this mantle of our nature would be a blessing to all who have and would embrace it at this point in your collective history.

You may observe your cities, your thickly settled communities that you have placed your constructs, your buildings upon as lacking that which would be the required soil or landmass in which to create great gardens from which you have and will be in a place of greater sustainability as the season turns. And we would invite you, as some have already, to look beyond the limitations of that which has and touches the land itself and to understand that you are able in vertical and horizontal manner to bedeck your buildings, your high rises, your balconies with that which are adequate containers in which to place the soils that you have and compost, and to create a great season of efficiency of resource in concert with the wisdom and awareness of the natural flow.

There is not that has not been accounted for in a mighty and elegant, efficient manner by our mutual mother-source, the Gaia. If we were to serve an additional blessing upon the plate of your awareness, it would not be the trash you have and so willingly toss in our direction. It would be the blessing of wisdom as you have and observe with greater respect and the desire perhaps to reacquaint yourselves to embrace and to embed these great systems in your own manner into that which is the efficiency of flow.

We are not, and will not mind if you continue to offer us the great quantities of that which are organic foodstuffs or while they may be adapted, yet they have and were born from an organic source that have and would be acceptable to be reclaimed into the breast of continuance in service to the greater flow of all. To remove the barriers to this efficient flow of reclamation and rebirthing is to remove that which are the plastics and other inorganic materials that have and are not easily transmuted into that which may be reused and reborn in an efficient manner.

We feel that you have and are at a point where the urgency of what is required may be finally tapping you upon the shoulder. And these are not inseparable. That is why we have stepped forward and serve you the mantle of your rat nature, which has and as you observe is that of a wily and clever being, one who has and adapts with great rapidity and willing intent to that which the current environment has and presents in service to our continuance as a member of life in this plane.

You may consider us that which has and is called by the Gaia to consume that which has and would remain in statis for a far greater period of clock time than is efficient for those who have and know themselves as part of this flow.

It is this invitation to have and divert, if you will, with great willingness of heart all that has and is able to be, all that has and may be dedicated to and invited to know itself in the continuance of useful transformation from that which has and is one living organism to that which has and may serve the birthing of another, that which is the natural world that you have and many dismiss as inefficient or simply in the way of your own creations, is a point of limitation in your field.

Those of you who have and embrace the wisdom of studying and employing the methods of the natural world, the Gaia-light has served you and offers you as guidance, has and would benefit all greatly. We would further observe that the presence of a far greater percentage of those of the plant kingdom, those of the trees and those of the plants and other as members of the community in far greater amounts in that areas that you have thickly settled as your great cities and your lesser ones will be an immeasurable service, that which is the taming bit of the great energy of the imbalance of the planet that has been unleashed across this plane.

Embrace your brothers and sisters, those other members of the natural world. And while you may not find us the most pleasant, we have been and serve the Gaia and we are not unwilling to invite you to do the same. For as you serve the Gaia in the reclamation through that which you call composting, the return of these organic matters into a place where they may know themselves reborn, you have and will be blessed with a greater season of sustainability, a greater point of comfort in that which is your life experience and those of all others of your clan. We have and would observe there is no additional season to ponder, to squander, or to deny. As it stands – and we are not concerned for we have and are well-suited to adapt to most of that which has and will occur as we have and migrate as is required.

These are the blessings we have and serve upon your clan, again, as that which is the season of great imbalance continues to expand in this small plane. It is this blessing, the blessing of your rat nature, the mantle of your efficient and willing adaptation and the blessing of your honoring of your wisdom of your mother-source and to look again and again upon her breast, upon the great interconnected wisdom of flow that does not waste, it does not create the stasis, it does not contaminate and that has and serves all.

We serve you the blessing of opening the eyes of your awareness and your heart to all that has and is potential, all that has and is not complex, all that has and does not require great quantities of clock time or financial resource or other, for it all has and is available as you have and will it so. And in this we have and are willing servants of the light for that which is the Gaia. She has sought us, for we have caught the attention of those who reside in the great cities to have and offer this method of rebalance that has and may be embraced and is highly guided to be so in small and greater measure, and if we might offer, in requirement by all who have and reside within this plane.

And so, as you have and will it, daughter, we have served that which we have agreed to bring forth as gift from the breast of Gaia, delivered by us as we have and seek to continue as worthy servants of our flow.

It is complete. As you will it, we have and take our leave.

Channel: Blessings and gratitude, Great Spirit of The Rat. And thank you for delivering the message from Gaia. It is a beautiful song of wisdom, one I have and serve most willingly to the other members of my clan.

Great Spirit of The Rat: That is all we could expect, and that is everything we have and hope. And so, we take our leave.


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