#67 The Great Spirit of Nitrate
Image source Everpresent
Listen to the wisdom of the Great Spirit of Nitrate in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.
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Welcome to this episode of the Gaia Translate podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. I like to start each episode with a little bit of a backstory about how I came to channel a particular spirit. And in this case I had finally gotten around to dropping off some really old family films to be transferred onto a digital format only to receive a nervous phone call the next day from a company rep requesting me to please come right down right away and remove the film canisters from the building immediately. I was informed about the flammable nature of nitrate film and the danger of storing it. The company was not even willing to undertake the transfer of the reels as they considered potential combustion too risky. Yikes! To be honest, I had never really thought about nitrate one way of the other before and let’s just say this unusual event placed the Spirit of Nitrate front and center.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: We have and seek a moment of your knowing, daughter, as you have and are so willing to grant it to us. We have and are The Spirit of The Nitrate, and you have and we appreciate your attunement to our rather unusual knock upon the door of your awareness, yes?
Channel: Thank you. I am honored to sit in receivership of your light.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: That is so. There are few who have and hear so - carefully with the ear of their heart. And in this we are most grateful for we have often sought to offer our wisdom, our awareness to those of your species, and yet, as we have and would sing there are few, if any in truth are able to open the ears of their heart in sufficiency to align with the source of that which has and would nibble at them or seek to communicate in respectful relation, yes?
Channel: I am honored to receive and grateful for your knock, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: We appreciate that sister. As you have and are aware we are that who by our nature offers great benefit and power, and yet through our nature, is it not also so that as our nature we have and are prone to combustion, if you will, when left to our own natural flow in combination with other physical elements in this plane.
Channel: Apparently that is so, yes. I had no clue.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: Many do not, and we offer that is part of the wisdom we would serve upon the plate of your knowing and that of your species. For there is much that has and is considered inert, if you will, or simply taken up as that which has and is element, ingredient, or servant to the will of your species in your intent to create or manufacture this or the other to improve or to adapt that or the other. And as you have and are aware, we have and are a powerful vibration. And while it is deceptively easy to appear to harness our nature in service to your own, yet we offer there is that – and we are not the only example – that you have and harness without full understanding of the possibility of nature, of consequence therein.
We are not threatening. We are simply observing, and we would offer at this point in your collective history there are many, if you will, constructs that your species has gathered and woven together that have and include aspects or threads therein that while they may have appeared inert or simply as that without other qualities or other characteristics than those you have and would see in them in service to your own need state or intent at the point of your engagement, yet one cannot deny one’s nature, and there is that which is deep within your systems, sister, deep within your belief systems, your structures of government, your frequency of limited, if you do not mind us offering, awareness of all that you have and so quickly would grab and infuse into your own will-based intent.
And we are not offering that there is not much that you have and in your collective awareness have called forth of great beauty, power, and joy. However, there is that which has and may have walked into the informing of physical expression with an intent that either was less well-informed or less, if you will, held in the light of pure intent. And in this there is much whose nature may be addressed and yet not understood, whose nature may be claimed and yet, not fully comprehended.
Are we not that, much as there is much that holds the seed of potential within it? Much as child there is a seed of potential, and yet, the circumstance, the condition, the watering, if you will of the spirit, the weeding of that which is less than desired, the tending and removal of that which has or would seek to consume the energetic or even physical form of that which you have and would call forth in the garden of your intent. And in this, much is that [stammer ] – much that is known is but a pale moon in comparison with the great fullness with that which remains yet unknown in your species.
You may understand this as that which you refer to as the “dark side of the moon” and we offer that is simply part of the moon and its nature, and simply because it is that which is not available to you in your limited awareness, nevertheless that does not mean it is not part of the whole and always has been. In this we would offer, if you are willing to receive it, guidance, such that it has and is as you have and become aware that all, however inert, or lacking in that which you perceive as life force may be in a constituent elements or ingredients or components of that which you have and would call forth in combination, in weaving to bring forth that which is your intent through manufacture, through informing, through the creator that of will.
And in this we offer is it not wise to seek permission, if you will, of those elements that you have and would seek to have work with you in concert with your high intent, and to understand through respectful listening and, if you will, patient alignment of the greater landscape of their nature. It is understood that when one is young, one’s stride is not able to cover as much ground as when one has reached one’s maturity, and as a species it is well understood and accepted that your stride is only as long as your stride is able to be at the point of your evi - [stammer] evolution, yes sister?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: However, we would offer it is timely now to embrace that which is the greater stride of understanding, of awareness, of comprehension, as you have and no longer seek to only look as far as the tip of your finger, or that of the tip of your toe, and to look further, as many of you have and are, into that which is the great sea of awareness that you have and swim in, yes?
Channel: Thank you. I – I agree. I think it’s wonderful and amazing.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: We do not seek to take up more of your awareness, simply to offer that as you have been given the example. We by our nature are not of malintent, or ever have been. We simply were not fully understood in our capacity, in our alignment in relation to others that you have a physical form and would seek to marry us to. [inaudible - 0:11:48] and yet we offer as you have and offer gratitude and seek to know yourself in right relation and in alignment with our nature, we are not unwilling to guide you. We speak of the collective “you,” yes?
Channel: Thank you. That is a blessing that you have and serve upon us.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: It is understood. We are not unwilling to be, if you will, bed-partners in this dimension. We simply offer it is unwise when you are not able to read the full ingredient list of a structure or a awareness and to understand its nature in full requires, if you will, a deep and respectful heart as you have and are so willing as a species to open that aspect of your powerful wings to our alignment and willing receivership and mutual respect, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: It is, if you do not mind, important from our awareness, not to perceive that or all that might be incendiary, flammable, combustible as, if you will, evil or bad or less than, simply to be aware that as you have combined certain physical aspects together, so you have placed the ingredients in the pot of potential. We, on our own, are not seeking to destroy, to consume, to combust that which has and is called forth through your own will. It is simply we are as we are, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: You have and are learning. Were you not called with great intensity by those who sought to quickly remove our presence from the potential of their own incineration?
Channel: Yes, that is so [laughs].
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: We have and would offer that is all we sought to place upon the plate of your knowing and that of your brothers and sisters. We have and are mighty servants. You have but, if you will, scratched the surface of the great [15:00] and powerful potential that rests within us. We are not unwilling to share it. We are not unwilling to serve. We simply offer as you have and are so willing, a respectful and honoring of each and both of our natures will lead and has to a most beneficial relation, yes?
Channel: Thank you. Is there not other that you wish to serve on the plate of our awareness?
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: It is sufficient, daughter. Do not fret. We are not at that point of combustion yet in those film reels that were returned to you that hold the images of or ancestors, and yet we would offer it perhaps is timely to find us another bed to sleep in, for all is well.
Channel: Thank you. I have and I will.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: We take our leave. We have and are grateful for your willing heart. We have and offer a blessing upon you and your species. For as you have and turn your open-hearted will to the opening of the ears of your heart again from those points of your and our mutual awareness where your heart’s ears were full and willing to receive not simply what one could see or touch or what all could hear through the heart, so we have and would seek to return to this mighty partnership of right relation, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of The Nitrate. You have blessed us with your wisdom, and we are grateful to receive it.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: We understand you speak in the “we” of your species. It is, however, that we have served it to you and we offer there are some of your species who will simply refuse to listen with the ears of their heart, and that is as it is. There are those whose stride is not yet able to match that which will be able to know itself in the fullness of maturity, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: And yet, we are not unwilling to serve this, for there are those of your species, of your collective awareness who are most willing and have already opened the ears of their heart in receivership or in willing allowance of the flow of the greater awareness of the mighty sea of light and vibration that has and flows in and around this small dimension, yes?
Channel: Yes. Thank you.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: It is sufficient. We are grateful for your honoring of that which is a voice that has not been able to sing for many seasons. In this, you have offered us joy, the joy of hope, hope that not all through denial or resistance will find itself in companionship with those on their aspects of nature, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: It is sufficient. We take our leave and offer gratitude for your open and willing heart.
Channel: Blessings be. Thank you.
Great Spirit of The Nitrate: You are welcome.