#66 The Great Spirit of the Wolf
The Great Spirit of the Wolf offers the gift of guidance in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.
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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia translate podcast. In today’s episode I’m honored to channel the Great Spirit of the Wolf. Several of my friends recommended a book titled: “Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype” The book is a NYT Bestseller by Jungian analyst, author and poet Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD. Well in addition to it being an interesting read it may not come as a surprise that my attention kept returning to the Great Spirit of the Wolf.
Great Spirit of The Wolf: Greetings, daughter. We are that which is long-friend, powerful guide, and willing tutor to those of your species. We are known as the vibration of the Great Spirit of the Wolf. Have we not been that which has companioned you most willingly across the span of much of your expression in this particular field of awareness? We have and would take you back. Those of your collective who have and listen to this song of my heart and wisdom to that which is one or other, if you will, birthings of that which is culture, that which is society. For are we not that which has and through the vibration of our intent has called forth that which was one of those of your own, if you will, societies that which you understand as Rome, yes?
Channel: Yes, that is, that is the creation myth that I understand.
Great Spirit of The Wolf: There are reasons, daughter, for things that are identified as myths. For there is less than or little to take and point and say, “see this, it is here in a physical form” that has and explains, if you will, to those of your own species this is the origin, this is the vibratory attunement and source that has and is carried through that which is this field and into that which is manifest expression. In that the myth has and many have and pay homage, if you will, and attunement to the source of that which has and is the willing service of one or other of those of a particular vibratory nature as that which has and would seek to guide a bit to offer our wisdom and those aspects of our nature that have and are most potent and powerful, if you will, when you have and call them to yourselves, as you have and would seek to align yourselves, each and all with those aspects of your own wolf nature, such that you have and may know yourself both powerful, that which has and is able to be what you understand as “lone wolf” when in truth there are none who are ever alone as you have and understand it.
We have and offer that while we may appear to be solitary in nature, for some that does not infer, if you will, that we are not most willing to attune our awareness with those of our own clans and the awareness of other. For that is in truth, what we have and are most facile and able to claim to our own service in a particular informed expression. We are and call forth that which is the high wisdom of attunement, and it is this which we have and would seek to grant you, each and all of your species as they have and are so willing to claim it. For we have been there. We have walked by your side. We speak energetically, daughter. While you have and were but able to crawl, we have offered you the milk of our attunement and you have and understand that through the myth , as you would call it, of Romulus and Remus. Is this not so?
Channel: It is, yes.
Great Spirit of The Wolf: We further have and offer there are many cultures, many clans of your own tribes who have and are attuned in one manner or another to the blessing and grace of our high wisdom of our nature and all that we have and are able to bestow into the heartplace of those of your species in their varying iterations, expressions, and manifest attunements, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Wolf: We further offer that there is that which is out of balance and we speak not of what is in the outer physical expression of the planet, although that is fairly obvious from our perspective, even to those with great and limited awareness they have and are companioned with in this particular incarnate experience, yes?
We speak rather of the attunement to your higher and, if you will, greater aspect with that which is the attunement of your own awareness in this particular dimension. This is unique and individual to each and all. For each and all have and are, if you will, that which is a thread of the greater flow of your own spirit, your own awareness, your own vibratory field. Is this not beautiful, powerful, and a great blessing to have and receive into that which is the arms of your awareness at this most delicate point in your and our mutual understanding?
Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of the Wolf.
Great Spirit of The Wolf: We are speaking, daughter, not only to you, but to all others who have entered the room of our awareness through that which is the flow through you as channel served to those who have and are able and willing to be in receivership of this great song of our wisdom, our attunement, and our grace. We have and would serve to each and all those of the human family, the human clan, if you will, that which is the blessing of their realignment, that which is the attunement to your own, each and all of your own higher aspects. You may understand your spirit that has and is in this incarnate expression as that which is simply a small aspect of your greater awareness, of your greater, if you will, nature, and is that not a great blessing to have and understand that you have and are not simply that which is a drop from the great river of your own flow that has and would know itself in this particular dimension. Yet, you have and are born and will return to the much greater river of your own nature, and that has and is as it has and is.
In this we would offer you are not limited to know yourself simply as that which has been cast out of a greater river of continuance, of awareness, and of light. In truth, you have and are a part of, and always have and will be of, that great and unbounded aspect of your own flow that has and is not in requirement of being in a physical form, and in this you have and are most blessed to know yourselves at this sacred turning of the great river of the flow of your own awareness. We speak of as a species, as a collective that you have called to yourself at this mighty point of potential and opportunity as you have and seek to claim it in that which is the unfoldment, the evolution, the ascension, if you will, of your own collective awareness.
Do not confuse, sons and daughters, when we speak of your collective awareness. It is that much as we have and vibrate as that which is The Great Spirit of the Wolf. This is a vibratory field of awareness that has and encompasses, as yours has and encompasses all of the drops of the awareness of the attunement of the aspects, if you will, that create the great river of flow. The collective consciousness is a phrase that has and is bandied about a bit, and yet it is accurate as it has and describes this relation each and all have and many, many who are not at this point in linear history in an incarnate expression, yes?
For there is a great return of that which is the singularity into the greater awareness of the communal. You many understand yourselves as a beautiful and sacred part, most valued, most honored of the greater flow of that which is the unified field of the human collective consciousness. We further offer that that is not to be conflated with that which is your own individuate understanding and greater, if you will, awareness or nature in your own individuate or unique expression. Is that not the beauty and the grace of that which has and is the all-that-is, that there are those of your own aspects of your own field that have and may know themselves, experience themselves, and in truth expand themselves through these various experiences, these various, if you will, classrooms for growth, expansion, creativity, and design that have and are accessed through the gateway of a physical form in this particular dimension, we would offer.
We have and are aware that we serve you that which would be a great and mighty serving of wisdom in a single meal of attunement, and yet it is in truth, efficient not to offer as we have been known to in small tidbits, or little bites that have and are in truth a bit easier to digest; however, you are no longer that which is hatchling requiring that which is either the mastication prior to the serving, or in truth, the regurgitation of wisdom in small and easily-digestible amounts.
You have and may know yourselves in the great blessing of the freedom of flight. We speak of your spirit in attunement with your higher awareness in this field, in this plane, in this lifetime as you have and are so willing to claim it. It has been in truth, children, a long season of gestation for your species and it is with great pleasure and great hope we have and offer you have and as you choose to are able to know yourselves of independent wing, of independent flight that has and no longer requires that of other, such as the channel to have and serve as one who has and offers that which is flow of those who are in a non-physical dimension in and to that which is this lifetime awareness.
It is simply a matter of knowing it is possible of knowing and believing that you have and are capable – which you have and are – of being in receivership of that which is the greater awareness in each moment of that which is your higher aspect, your expanded awareness or consciousness as you call it. This has and offers to some, they will deny, they fear it does not, if you will, resonate with those stories, those belief systems, those that have and they have been raised as constant companion to their awareness, and it is understood for each and all have and claim their independence of attunement when they have and are in the season of readiness. This is not a place of judgement. It is a place of acknowledgement. That is as it is, yes?
We have and would offer, however, that there are many, many and more that have and know themselves able, and we feel, willing, to have and claim that greater aspect of all that they have and are as powerful, beautiful, and attuned beings of awareness that have and are not limited by that very small aspect of your own awareness or consciousness that has and is in residency in this particular plane in that particular form that you have chosen to have and enrobe yourself with for the learning that you have sought to seek and call to yourselves at this high place of potential in your and our collective expansion.
We have and would serve to you the blessing of attunement to that which is your own greater expression. We do not seek for you to have and claim other than you have and are. We simply offer you that which, if you will, is as one who has and lights a candle in a darkened space, or flicks on that which is the light in a room that has grown dark through lack of remembrance and through, in truth, the willing claiming of un-remembrance as was thought and may still be by some considered a most efficient methodology to have and consume the learning that one has called to oneself as one has and knows oneself in a human form in this dimension for their own expansion and individuate growth and gaining of that which they have and seek to rebalance in their own fields, or to have and expand as they have and are so willing.
We are, and understand that there are many who have and will listen to this and it will fall upon their ears as that which is, in truth, a language that has been long lost to the awareness of your species, and yet we offer what we have and sing has and will be as that which has and awakens the great light of remembrance, the great light of attunement to that which you have and have known, much as one who has and enters a place where one has and feels oneself at home. There are many who have experienced this in their physical lifetimes in their expression, and we have and would evoke that as a resonant attunement, for as you have and open the eyes of your heart, open the arms of your heart, it is as one who has and is embraced by all that you have and are, much as, if you will, a member of the family has and as you have and seek to know yourself in the greater understanding of the mighty and powerful being each and all of you has and is, you have and will feel as one who has been away from home from a long journey and who has and seeks to return and to be embraced by the great family of all that you have, each and all are in your higher expression.
We are grateful, daughter, for the opportunity to have and have that which is the light of our wisdom and our intent to flow with ease and without distortion in and through your field, and we have and have served all, we feel, could be consumed at this point in the awareness of those of the clan of the human family. We are not offering that we may not return at a point where we have and feel there is more room, if you will, in that which is the plate of your potential consumption, and therefore that which has and would nourish and sustain you as you seek to know yourselves in the fullness of your attunement of your flight.
We have and have served that which was that we had and intended, and in this we offer each and all the blessing as they have and call forth that aspect of their own wolf nature that has and knows itself as that which resonates with and carries as constant companion the high attunement of your own field of awareness in this lifetime with that which is the greater field of your higher self, your larger awareness, your larger and that which you would understand as your consciousness. For this has and is but a small part of a mighty river, one you have and will feel most empowered and most blessed to have and reattune yourselves with.
It is not one or the other, children. It has and is that which has and we are in that point of potential wherein you have and may no longer know yourselves held in the night of unawareness. You have and are called forth at this point to walk with great joy and open and willing heart into the dawn of your higher attunement, and we have and are most joy-filled to have and be that which has and bestows this great song of attunement and wisdom upon the heartplace of each and all of your species. For in truth, while you have, if you will, veered off the path of attunement a bit of late, we have and know that you have and are that which has and holds within you a mighty song of potential for that which is great, powerful, and blessed expansion.
And so we have and confer that which is your own wolf nature, that which vibrates with the resonance of attunement to your higher aspects, each and all. It has and is a wonderous point in our mutual histories that we have and are able to serve you this, and we have and are aware there are many who have and will willingly drink.
Blessings be to all, children, clan of human awareness. It is complete. We take our leave.