#68 The Great Spirit of the Goat

This episode of the Gaia Translate podcast reveals timely guidance from the Great Spirit of the Goat.

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 Welcome friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman and the Great Spirit of the Goat is our channeled guest in today’s episode of the Gaia translate podcast.  I often share a little  bit about how I came to channel a particular spirit and in this case of the Great Spirit of the Goat a good friend of mine has  texted a photo of several goats basking gloriously the afternoon sun, fellow residents at the farm where she boards her horse. Well later that same afternoon a second friend shared a story about  “The G.O.A.T” referring to quarterback Tom Brady. Well it was definitely time to channel  the Great Spirit of the Goat.  


Great Spirit of The Goat: There are few who have been as worthy a companion and a servant to the need states of the human species. We have and are old companions that which is The Great Spirit of the Goat, that which knows itself as the awareness of the human collective. We have served willingly, for the most part, not only our flesh, but our milk. We further have and offer we have been friend, companion, source of warmth, source of nutrient, source of life, in truth for many, many seasons and are we not that which is still and remains as a primary source of food stuff for those of your species?

Channel: Yes, welcome, Great Spirit of The Goat. Thank you for receiving my attunement.

Great Spirit of The Goat: It is understood, daughter. There have been a few delays, but we have and honor our nature, which has and is, if you will, persistent. We prefer that to the word “stubborn.” And so we have and bless you after a few false starts, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you. Thank you.

Great Spirit of The Goat: You are welcome. We have sought the awareness of those of your human family as we have and would seek to call forth that which is a bit of our wisdom as you have and are so willing to be in receivership of it.

Channel: I have and I am.

Great Spirit of The Goat: We appreciate that, daughter. There are many traits that are attributed to our spirit, our physical form, if you will. Are we not known, and do you not identify us as having that which you identify as stubbornness, as strength of will? And we would offer it is a blessing to know one’s self determined and able to persevere, again and again, when that is what is most highly in attunement with the intent of your own nature, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you. I agree.

Great Spirit of The Goat: We appreciate your agreement. We offer this to all who have and bless us with the open ears of their heart. For we have and are that which have and would bestow a bit of our goat nature upon those who have and are so willing to enrobe themselves therein. We speak of our ability to set our intent and to be as we have offered, quite persistent and to persevere no matter what has or would seek to obstruct, to resist, to delay the achievement or, if you will, the reaching of the destination of the intent we had set forth. This is a mighty and powerful skill, a mighty and powerful attunement, and one we have and are willing to open our hearts and share with all of those of your own family, daughter. For there are points in your own history, and this be one of them, where it is timely to call forth that which is the great spirit of the goat nature, one who has and is quite persistent and determined, if you will, and perseveres while all else or others have and may be those who fall to the wayside, as they do not seek to lift themselves up again and to continue forward when the going gets a bit rough, if you will.

We are not suggesting that you have and are only in requirement to consider calling to yourselves your goat nature when things have and are, if you will, great challenge. For it is not that which is a blessing of companionship of that which you have and would seek to carry with you at all points in your awareness. For is that not how one has and is, if you will, blessed with the facility to claim that which is the manifestation of your set intent?

You may use the word “stubborn.” It has and is not a negative for us. For we understand the underlying vibratory nodes therein, and we offer it is a blessing to know oneself stubborn when one has and would seek to call forth that which are great and powerful shifts in that which is the awareness and the attunement and alignment that you have known yourselves in that has and is imbalanced to that which has and would be a new, more balanced, steady, and healing alignment with your own knowing and those of the natural world, and that in truth of the Gaia herself. For it is that we have and would offer it is not out of reach, children. It is available to you. You simply have to hold steady with that which is your goat nature and to know that all that has and is in deep requirement and urgency, we would offer, in terms of the clock time to be called forward through that which is a deep and open-hearted and willing intent to have and rebalance, reattune, reform, if you will, your own relations with that of the Gaia.

There is that which has and may appear as great and jagged mountain peak, that which has and would appear as the great structures, systems, and behaviors that have and are embedded a bit in the awareness of the collective, and that has and do not in truth serve that which is the greater good, if you will. We speak of this not in judgement of good or bad, but rather in that which has and will serve to sustain one’s physical awareness and presence, one’s capacity for continuance, as you have and would seek it in this particular plane. And further, that which has and requires the great nature of the goat from each and all of you with an open heart, is the ability and the desire, the intent, if you will, to have and stay the course that has and may appear as great and mighty mountain and jagged ridge or peak, that which has and is in requirement in truth, the climbing therein of the great shifting of behaviors, shifting of consumption, shifting of pollution and others that have and call forth that which is a most precarious cliff upon which many, many of those who have and are the fellow species, the fellow life forms in this particular plane of the earth as you understand it. For there are those who have and are no longer able and know themselves having slipped off the cliff edge of continuance.

We mourn this greatly. We have and feel this grief deep within our hearts and it is with great solemnity and respect we have and would serve upon your awareness. We speak of the collective, daughter, that which is the attunement to your own higher awareness of what you have and are and are in if-- [stammer ] in truth the middle of losing. We would like to say that you have and are only at the entrance of that which is impossible to return through, and yet, and it is with great grief in our hearts, there are many who have already walked through the door and know themselves unable to be that which is in a physical form, as a particular unique and beautiful expression in service to that which is the greater flow and interaction and engagement of all of us, here in this plane, in this dimension, in this planet, and this is a deep and profound wound in our heart.

We have not been unwilling to serve as your primary food source for many. We have not been unwilling to share the milk that has and would offer sustenance to those who we have and birth. And we have not been unwilling to serve as that which grazes or clears the lands that you have and would seek to plant in. And all of these and more are the blessings we have and bestow upon your species in particular, and we are not unwilling to continue. However, we would offer that that which you have, and we would know as our mutual home, if you will, has and may not support either or your species or my own as things have and are not called into great, mighty, and rapid shift from that which we would and offer prayers of gratitude for would be the open and willing heartplace of each and all of those of your own expression.

How may we offer to you that which is the pain of feeling, the loss of so many, many of our fellow companions, neighbors, and in truth the central resource in many, many aspects of the Gaia-light. We are aware there are those of your own species, and many who have and also vibrate deeply with deep and profound grief in their own heartplace, and we offer is it not timely to claim that which is the deep grief of your  heart and to, if you will, partner it with a great and powerful intent to have and reclaim, rebalance, and seek to realign in right relation that which is your own actions, your own consumption, your own disregard, if you will, for that which is the sustainability, the life force of so many aspects of this beautiful plane.

While we have and know ourselves most sure-footed, more so than most, we have and offer that there are points in our own history where even we have and may stumble a bit, and yet we have and know ourselves able to reclaim and regain our steadiness, our balance, and to continue as we have and would upon that which is the great and steep incline of our own [15:00] intent. When you have and bear witness in physical form to that which is the physical out picturing of those you understand as mountain goat, are you not amazed and in some cases truly inspired by their ability with great fluidity and grace to climb, to, if you will, navigate great and challenging geography and to know themselves able to, in a manner, journey where many others are unable to claim their footing.

It is timely in this aspect as we have and are willing to offer with the many other gifts that we have and serve your species, that which is the sure-footedness of our mountain goat nature, which is an aspect of our flow. In this, as you have and are so willing to claim that which is the ability to have and know yourself sure-footed and able to ascend that which has and would appear most challenging, if not in truth, impossible for many, as you have and set your intent and you have and claim that which is your mountain goat nature, we have and offer you will be companioned by that which is the grace of sure-footedness and the power of the great and unyielding will, such that you have and know yourself able to climb, able to ascend, all that is required and with great, if you will, efficiency, such that you have and may find yourself at the peak of your ascent toward that which has and is the mountain top of rebalanced alignment with this physical plain.

It is with our nature that which may appear to be a great challenge or difficult is no longer so, as you have and simply know yourself sure-footed and with deep wells of perseverance and intent. It is this gift and blessing we had sought to offer to each and all of your species. For it is more than timely in truth, and we hope and offer gratitudes and joy-filled expectations for your claiming that which is the mantle of our goat nature, and that which is the attunement to our mountain goat nature, such that you have and know yourselves, each and all, able to mount and to ascend to that which you have and in the past have observed as, if you will, out of reach, impossible, untenable. Do not doubt your ability to ascend to that which is the efficient and required shift in all that you have and have known, such that you have and may know yourselves and those who have and would come through you and from you, again and again, able to enjoy and experience that which is the great and powerful blessing of being informed in this mighty and sacred plane of physical awareness.

We have and would offer that it would not be that which would, if you will, ruin our day, so to speak, if you sought not to consume quite so much of our own resource, either through that which is the milk [20:00] or that which is the flesh. We are not demanding it, for that is your own will. We simply offer that while we are less, if you will, a source of stress upon the physical nature of balance in this plane, nevertheless we have and are in requirement for consumption of certain resource that in truth may be better served in other manner and with more efficiency.

We are not suggesting you turn away from that which has been a great resource and blessing through the consumption of our own physical form in various manner. For that would be at this point, perhaps more difficult to conceptualize, and yet we offer we would be grateful for you to hold this possibility close in your heart and to consider not only for that which is your own immediate need state, but for the greater, if you will, expansion of all that has and claims itself as a part of the greater organism that has and vibrates as the Gaia. We have and are not without our humor, and we have and in truth quite enjoy the companionship in many aspects of those of your species. We have and would simply offer as you have and admire particular traits, observe particular traits of our own behavior. You have and are well-served to seek to claim them in your own manner, in your own desire to attune to those aspects that you have and carry within you that are of the goat nature. They have and are powerful and will serve you mightily.

It is that we sought to serve, and we have and would acknowledge that we have and would seek to know ourselves in continuance as worthy and valuable companion, and we have and are not unwilling to serve. We simply offer that it is a point in our mutual histories where what has been may not be in highest service to what has and may be as that which we have and each and all would know as our continued relation. We have and offer prayers of deep and profound gratitude to each and all of your species for their blessing of willingness to be in receivership of that which is the song of The Great Spirit of the Goat.  We have and leave these gifts of our will, these blessings of our nature for those who have and are ready to be in receivership and to claim them from that which is their own heart, open and willing, and therefore empowered and in attunement.

We have and would seek to walk with you and all we have known as our fellow brothers and sisters, cousins and neighbors, friends and companions in the sacred song of life that has and is born through that which is the light of awareness that is the Gaia, the Earth, the Mother, and in this we have and offer gratitudes for that which is the awakening of attunement in the heartplace of your own collective awareness and each and all in their individuate expression, as they have and mount and climb and know themselves at that which is the peak of rebalancing, reclamation, and reconfiguration of that which has and is in deep requirement therein. We offer you and those who have and honor us with their receivership, blessings. It has and is complete. We have and take our leave as you have and are so willing to grant it.

Channel: I have and I am. Thank you for your blessings and your wisdom, Great Spirit of the Goat. Godspeed and blessings be.


#69 The Great Spirit of the Possum


#67 The Great Spirit of Nitrate