#65 The Great Spirit of the Beetle
Today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast features channeled guidance from the Great Spirit of the Beetle.
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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. I like to start each episode with a bit of a backstory about how I came to channel a particular spirit and in this case I was heading off to do some errands and was greeted by a beetle sitting on the driver’s side door of my car- I tried to shoo it away but it was pretty determined to come for the ride. When I discovered the beetle was still attached to the car door on my return I knew it was time to channel the Great Spirit of the Beetle.
Great Spirit of The Beetle: We are a powerful light, sister. We have been revered, honored, and prayed to by more than one society that has arisen and also fallen away in your species’ history. We are that which has and vibrates as The Great Spirit of The Beetle.We appreciate your awareness of that which was our little messenger, and we have and are grateful that you have and were in attunement such that we had and did not find ourselves in requirement to knock again upon the door of your will.
Channel: Welcome, Great Spirit of the Beetle. It is an honor to have and to receive you at the hearthfire of my knowing today. Thank you.
Great Spirit of The Beetle: You are welcome, daughter. We appreciate the formalities. We have and are old friends, yes? And in this we may place aside the more formal attunements to our fields as you have and are so willing.
Channel: I am blessed and grateful to you, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Beetle: You are welcome. We have and are a mighty species upon this particular planet. We have and know ourselves as members of every community and of every environ, bar but a very few and in other points in the history of the Gaia. We have known ourselves as members, or residents, if you will, of those particular aspects of her geography. And while this may not be understood at this point, as you have and your species unearths and seeks to understand a bit more of that which is the origin story, so you have and will discover this.
We have and have sought your awareness today, daughter, in order to serve that which is a small wisdom that we have and would seek to place upon the plate of awareness by those of your species at this particular point in our mutual history. While we have and have not always been great, if you will, admirers of your own species, we have and are aware that that may also be how some have and observe our own physical expression at one or other point in your history and our own. However, we have and are fully aware of those who have and with a great attunement of their awareness have and understood and expressed in great measure through their drawings, their hieroglyphics, and their heartplace, their awareness of the great power of the Spirit of The Beetle.
It is that which we have and seek to bring forth today, such that we have and may offer that it is timely as your species has and is willing to align yourselves with that which is the ability through your own open-hearted will to walk in companionship with not simply our own expression, but those of all others who have and know themselves as fellow residents and, if you will, communities that have and share this small plane of existence that we have and know ourselves blessed to be a part of as we offer, are all of you as you have and are willing to attune yourselves to this great song, this great light of truth without distortion.
Is it not timely, we would ask, to seek to hold yourselves in a point of discernment in that which has and would be what you have and would seek to claim as your own environment, your own homes, your own places of continuance in this particular plane and the particular points in your own geographies, as you have and find yourselves such that you have and hold in one hand of the great scale of valuation, how you have and are in the process of continuing to consume and pollute to [pause - 0:06:03-06:08] disrespect and disregard that which is in truth at this point a limited resource for that which has and knew itself able to be in a great flow of renewal, regeneration, continuance, and purification, has been upended of late.
We speak of that which has and would be that which has and would be, that which has and has placed its foot in the door of this great flow, holding it ajar a bit through your own actions, your own will-based intent, such that that which has and would know itself able to be sealed in a manner that has and allows for the great continuance of a, in some manners, closed system of flow and regeneration that has and is most joyfully contributed to and participated by all of the members of life forms as you have and understand them, and by many that have are your- ah-are yet not fully understood by your species. And we would offer it is not wise to open the door of an airplane or hatch, if you will, while it is under its flight. This has and would have an extreme, rapid, and negative consequence, and has and would, we feel, be that which has and may call forth the complete dissolution of this particular structure, yes?
Channel: Yes, that is so.
Great Spirit of The Beetle: We further offer is it not wise to understand that which has and is occurring in this particular plane of existence on this Gaia, this earth, this place of Earth that has and is a dimension that holds so many powerful, sacred, and beautiful expressions of life force in flow, has and knows itself much as that which is an aircraft of sorts that has “lost the hatch” or had it willingly opened and held that way by those of your own species. We would offer it is your will to understand and seek to change, or to reconfigure or remedy that which has and through the imbalance that is called forth through those actions and lack thereof that you have and seek to claim at this particular point in your expression and our own. You have and are as ones who have and now, we feel, are quite aware of the consequence of opening the hatch while under flight, or in flight, if you prefer, and in this it is not an inaccurate description to offer that there is little clock-time available to have and to correct, to seek and reseal, to close with great agility and open-hearted will that which has and would decrease the pressure within that which has and would cause that which is such a great imbalance in that which is its physical expression that that which has and is the aircraft of your own and many, many others continuance on this particular structure of life, this planet, this Gaia that you have and will be unable to know yourself in that particular structure as you have and would seek to continue your journey of unfoldment.
There are those who have and are unable through their own physicality to call forth that which is the ability to reseal that which has been broken, to repair that which has been, if you will, unleashed. And while you have and may perceive yourselves as that which has and simply is, if you will, to continue our metaphor, an aircraft that has received from external force a blow, or that which has and penetrates its structure, such that the balance from without and within is destressed and such that that which has and is its physical integrity is challenged or in truth, denied.
We offer it is not from without that this has and occurs. It is in truth from within. And as you have and know yourselves both as that which has and has built a bit of this plane, we would offer you have and are also that which ride within it. Is it not best to allow that structure that has and offers you that which is the ability to fly, to be that which has and is allowed to be in its full expression of integrity? And while the great light of Gaia is far more than has and is expressed in one of your small airplanes or other craft that have and fly, nevertheless this small analogy offers you that – we hope – that has and is an illustration that expresses the damage and potential irreparable state of affairs is not that which as come from without; it is that which has come from within.
In this, is it not wise to have and seek to repair, reseal, reattune, and realign this physical, structure, this planet, this Gaia, as much as you have and are able, such that your own will is not that which opens the door to that which is the extinction of all who have and ride within? It may seem a dramatic and not a bit awkward analogy, and yet we offer it is the one that has and settled most easily upon our own awareness as consumable portion of wisdom we have and would seek to serve our brothers and sisters of the family of human. We have and are a species that has known itself in many seasons, in many seasons of varying physical expression upon this plane of existence, as you have and would seek to know yourselves able to continue, you have and are required to have and to take into consideration your own actions and how you have and would seek to know yourselves able to realign them, such that you have and replace, repair, and seek a greater attunement with the integrity of this physical plane.
We do not feel this is, if you will, beyond the reach of possibility. It is rather, however, as one has and experiences the great loss of cabin pressure, such that if one has and does not seek to move with some rapidity and urgency without that which would be additional assistance such as the oxygen masks that have and are (sigh) and in theory would drop so quickly from their place of security to offer you that which is additional clock time in which to function.
You have and may know yourselves in a place without adequate resource for continuance. We do not speak of that which has and is imminent as you would understand it. We speak of that which has and is imminent for the greater life attunement, and as we have offered, structural integrity, if you will, of this planet. We do not feel you have and seek to know yourselves in – if you do not mind us offering – a nosedive towards that which is the great mountain of your own decimation and that of all who have and journey with you. We have and feel it is not that which you would seek, and so we have and would offer the observation from a greater viewpoint than you have and may be aware of. This is what has and is occurring here in this plane, and there are those have and will continue and there are many who will be unable to, if you will, place the mask on the face of their own continuance in a timely fashion.
It is rather dramatic, we do not deny, and yet we sought to offer this analogy in what we felt would be clear and powerful terms that have and in truth call forth the vibration that we have and seek to awaken in your own heartplace. For there is that aspect of that light that you have and would not seek to see actually activated in case of an emergency. We have and would offer we sing this song, clearly, we hope, and with great intent, for we have and have enjoyed great seasons of mutual respect, honor, and grace with those of your species, and we would seek to continue in our own exploration and respectful attunements as they have and are called forth in the great unfoldment of your own light and that of ours.
It is a rather unpleasant tune we have and sing at this point in the day, and yet we could not sing another without being that which was one who does not vibrate with the deep node of truth without distortion. It is that we sought to sing, and we have and invite you to call to yourselves that which is your beetle nature whereas you have and would feel that which has and would penetrate your field. We speak of the greater field of humanity and its own ability for growth, light, continuance and grace. Is it not wise to simply close your wings and to seal up that which has been breached [20:00] or could be, such that you have and call forth your great beetle nature, one of wisdom, balance, attunement, and high discernment of right action, which has and is making itself quite clear in current circumstance. We have and would seek to know ourselves not simply at the end of our own relation, for we are not concerned in truth, of that which is the continuance of those of our own species. For while some may pass out of physical expression, others have and will continue to flourish. For we have and walk in discernment and invite you, brothers and sisters, to do the same.
We have offered that which we understand is a bitter tonic, if you will, yet it is one we feel, essential to have served to each and all. For we do not seek to know that which is the continuance of this breach in the field of beloved Gaia and her capacity to carry all of the life forms who have been so beautifully designed, created, and called forth in this, if you will, great loss of altitude in that which is the structure of her form.
We have and offer prayers of deep and profound gratitude for the blessing of the rapid and complete awakening of those of your own species to that which has and may befall them, if there is not efficient and a great alignment of will-based action and shift of intent such that you have and call forth that which is the reconstruction, the resealing, and the repair, much that has been damaged, much as you have and would not seek to allow those of your beloveds or others to enter an aircraft that had been known to be faulty in some manner or other of its construction, so too you would not have that which would be the continuance of a structure when you knew and understand that it has and is no longer in full integrity.
We have and sing our prayers of gratitude for your rapid and open-hearted awakening that has and is companioned by your great and powerful will and capacity to create as many solutions, repairs, or reconfigurations, if you will, of your own relation with that of the great structure of Gaia such that you have and may know yourself and all others blessed in a season of continuance, growth, and attunement. It is sufficient, daughter. We appreciate your awareness, and have and take our leave.
Channel: Blessings, Great Spirit of the Beetle and Godspeed.