#64 The Great Spirit of the Giraffe

Journey to new heights as you listen to the wisdom offered by the Great Spirit of the Giraffe in today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. I woke up to a text from a friend showing the image of a giraffe staring right at the camera and wishing me a good morning. At first I didn’t get the hint until later in the week an instagram post popped up on my feed  also featuring a giraffe. Got it- time to Channel the Great Spirit of the Giraffe.


Great Spirit of The Giraffe: We have and seek a moment of your knowing, sister, as you have and are so willing to grant it.

Channel: I have and I am.

Great Spirit of The Giraffe: We are those, emissary if you will, of The Great Spirit of The Giraffe. We had knocked a bit before upon the door of your knowing through the being who was serving of you the image of our tuned awareness, and we have and are grateful that you have received it and welcome us to that which is the table of your awareness, as we have and are grateful to join you, as you have and are willing.

Channel: I have and I am.

Great Spirit of The Giraffe: We are for many an example of what you would call adaptation, such that you observe that which is the great breath of our neck, the length of our leg, the height upon which we have and are able to reach that which would provide nourishment or sustenance, and continuance for those of our species. Is this not so?

Channel: As I understand it, yes.

Great Spirit of The Giraffe: It is as many of your species understand, and yet we offer are we not that which is an example of the great mastery of our Mother Gaia, who has and does not seek to be other than efficient in that which is the flow of that which has and is the continuance of the life force she has and calls forth in this dimension? For it would be, if you will, inefficient to leave those which are the branches, the leaves, the nourishment that have and are at higher points on that which are the greens, the trees and bushes that we have and would seek to consume. And is it not that which we have and therefore do not compete, if you will, with other members of our community. For there are only those who reach but the lowest, or the mid-level of that which has and would serve to be nourishment for all, and is this not beautiful attunement, such that all may have and know themselves able to consume in the needs, to meet the needs of their own nourishment without undue competition, or denial of one in service to the other, of those who have and are of a single community. Is this not most effective?

We are grateful to the ones who have and do not have many who have and know themselves able to also partake and those points of consumption have the digestion of those aspects of the Gaia that have and are able to sustain us and to support us in our maturation and in our continuance as that which has and knows itself in the vibration of giraffe, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of The Giraffe: We have and would offer that while we have and are an example of that which is the balance and the mastery of Gaia, but there are others who have and are no longer able to know themselves at a point of adequate or ample sustenance by that which has and was most bountiful, most fruiting, most available in other season. And in this we would offer in many ways we are similar. I speak of species to species, not individuate to individuate, yes? And in that are you not those who through your intellect have and know ones self the great and long neck able to have and reach that which is not feasible for other members of our natural community to avail themselves of in terms of method or manner of that which has and would provide you and your species with sustenance and nourishment in an adequate fashion as we have and know ourselves as good neighbors to all who have and are members of our community.

And in this, we would offer that while it may not be from malintent, perhaps it is from ignorance or unaware nature, that there are those who have and share this common community, this Gaia, this planet, this earth. It matters not. The vibration is the same. And in this, is it not both wise and compassionate and efficient in truth, to have and avail oneself with the long neck of your intellect, as we do with the long neck of our physical expression, and to consume that which is, if you will, available to you while not to others in their natural state of expression, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of The Giraffe: We would further offer that we do not seek to have you or your species or collective know oneself with empty and rumbling belly. That is not our intent. For we do not seek to forgo that which has and would sustain us, nurture us, and support our continuance. Rather we would seek and offer with deep respect that there is more than enough as you have and look through the eyes of your intellect and that which is and are the ears of your heart, a knowing of balance wherein it is not so much to be able to consume that which you are able to reach and to offer that to your neighbors and fellow life forms, which has and is not able to be reached by their life forms as they have and are not designed therein.

And we further offer that while this may appear to be simply an act of open-hearted and joy-filled compassion, which we have and are most delighted to know that you have and are able to vibrate within, we simply would suggest that there are many who are members of the community who hold that which would be of primacy in the continuance of flow, of a central and nature of service to that which is the ongoing interrelated and interwound alignment of all that the Gaia in her great wisdom has created.

There is, as we have come to understand, plenty for all as long as we all have and honor, not simply the brothers and sisters of our community, our neighborhood, but also the brothers and sisters of those who have and would serve that which we understand as nourishment, those who have and are brothers and sisters of that which is the plant realm, as they have and are great and essential to that which we know as our own continuance. In this we have and offer prayers of gratitude for the blessing of their service to our light and to the light of others who have and walk in a form in this dimension as children, as we all are, of beloved Gaia.

It is only that we have and would offer. For we have and resonate deeply with those extraordinary features that have and bestow their grace upon you. While ours may appear as a physical construct with our high and long-reaching neck and our great and powerful legs and trunk, as you would understand them, we have and offer that your long neck of your intellect is served most beautifully when it has and is guided by that which is the will of the heart. It is simply to honor not only those of your neighbors and companions who also seek to know themselves nourished and sustained in this which is a balanced and elegant environ, yet also to know yourselves as ones who have and may reach the long neck of their will, such that you have and claim that which is the nourishment of your own expansion in this and on this beloved planet that we have and know as our Mother, our mutual source, our blessed light of expression in this sacred and physical dimension.

We have and do not seek to consume more than is our share of that which is the sustenance of your awareness, sister, and in this we have and would take our leave and offer gratitude for your willingness to have received that which is the small wisdom that we have plucked from the branches of our own resource and serve it in gratitude and honor to each and all of those of our neighbors and other members of our community, those of the human collective, and we have and offer blessings and would take our leave as you have and are willing to grant it.

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of The Giraffe. I have and I grant it and offer you blessings and Godspeed.

Great Spirit of The Giraffe: You are welcome. It is sufficient.


#65 The Great Spirit of the Beetle


#63 The Great Spirit of the Oyster