#60: The Great Spirit of the Beaver
Receive channeled guidance from the Great Spirit of the Beaver in today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.
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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast I channel the Great Spirit of the Beaver. Living by a pond Beavers are some of my neighbors. I usually observe them swimming across the pond at twilight to dine on the yellow Lilly’s floating along the shore. The stars had come out and I had just started a fire in my outdoor fire pit when I was startled by a loud noise in the dark and I realized it was a beaver smacking its large tail against the water right next to my dock. No question it was time to channel the Great Spirit of the Beaver.
It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Beaver . I have since updated my recording set up and newer sessions are higher quality.
Great Spirit of The Beaver: We have and seek a moment of your knowing, sister. We are that which are emissary, if you will, The Great Clan, the Spirit of The Beaver. Have we not sought your awareness as the seasons have and offer themselves up to the springtime of our light.
Channel: Yes you have. Thank you for attuning to my field.
Great Spirit of The Beaver: You are welcome. We have and would seek a moment of your knowing, as we have and would offer that which is blessings of the spring tide, breath -- blessings of all that has and is bestowed upon your brothers and sisters, the sons and daughters of Eve. We speak in metaphor, for is it not the springtime of their awakening, much as it is for us as we have and emerge from that which has been the long winter's rest, the quietude of our lodge. We have noted those of your kind have also found themselves in the requirement of remaining within the lodge of their own domicile yes?
Channel: Yes, it is so.
Great Spirit of The Beaver: It is not so difficult once one has and accepts that that is as it is in the season. This is how we have and walk through the seasons of requirement and it is simply a matter of acceptance of that which is the natural flow. Is it not so?
Channel: It is so, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Beaver: We further offer it is timely as it always has and is to tend to that which has grown long in the tooth, if you do not mind us making a bit of a witticism, over the course of the winter, and that we have and would offer there is much in requirement of the trimming or removal or shaving down or realignment, if you will, in the garden of your own potential. Is it, and is there ever a better time than the sacred now in which to have and embark from that which has and serves not only your own personal wellbeing through the severing of that which has and knows itself, having grown with deeper roots and greater limbs over the course of the winter of your slumber. And in this we have and offer, there are great dams to build, great waters of potential to embrace and to claim. For are they not that has and would suit the flourishing, not simply of your own species, but of many who would seek to drink from the waters of this potential, this renewal and rebirthing of all that has and may be claimed and called forth again and again by the heartplace, aligned with the will of the brothers and sisters of Eve. Do you seek more clarification, daughter?
Channel: I receive gratefully all that you have and are willing to serve.
Great Spirit of The Beaver: We will take that as a yes. When we speak of the cleansing and clearing of the removal, or the construct of that which has and would serve your own species, do we not speak of that which you have and would be well-served to remove from your culture, from your industries, from your construct that has and does no longer serve that which is the wellbeing of your clan and all who have and would be born in and through your own issue and that of those who have and share in the great light of our mutual expansion.
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Beaver: We further offer there is that which has and you may call to yourselves in your own need state in the construct of that which, while we refer to it as dam, is simply that which in your own understanding is in requirement such that you have and do not allow that which has and would flow out of your awareness or your possibilities, but rather that which you have and claim, sturdy and steady, such that all that has and would flow in and through our interconnected awareness has and is served in the highest. For while we have and are mighty builders and powerful re-tuners in alignment with the Gaia, as we have and protect, as we have and preserve, as we have and call forth the great flourishment and nurturing of the environs that we have and are called to tend, so too you and your species has and is a mighty and powerful builder and constructor of that which has and may serve for good or for lack that which you have and call forth with your deep intent.
In this we would offer is it not time to dissemble those old dams of fear, the dams of ignorance, the dams of hunger, of lack that have and hold without as much as hold within. For as you have and seek to keep for oneself that which you have in fear is in a place of lack of resource, we would offer are you not better served to have them call forth that which has and serves the multiplication, the expansion the amplification of those resources you have and would seek to know yourselves and all who have and are your neighbors, your companions, your fellow inhabitants of the particular waterways of your own existence, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you. Great Spirit.
Great Spirit of The Beaver: We would make ourselves even more straightforward to suit that which is your questioning thoughts. Is it not timely to dissemble that which dams that which is required for the continuance as you have known it so of flow, in and through that which we understand as our, if you will, source river, the Gaia, the one who has and calls forth the marvelous and powerful foliage of our own continual flow through the grace of her will. In this, is it not timely to reassess the need state, not simply of your own species, but that of all other. For as you have and have observed we do not only serve our own clan when we have and call forth that which are the mighty dams that have and serve the environ, that we are good neighbors to.
We understand you have and are just as collective beginning to hold in deep awareness all that we have and are as mighty servants of the Gaia light, of mighty servants of our beloved Mother as she has and would seek us to reconstruct, to shore up, to make available resource that has been less than in ample requirement of one or other environ and we are most willing to serve. This is a great honor, is it not, to serve that which serves not only one's own need state, but that of all who have and are a part of the great song of continuance as we all have and would know ourselves, blessed to sing it.
Channel: Yes, thank you. It is a great blessing you have and serve to us and to all.
Great Spirit of The Beaver: We do not deny it. We simply would seek to welcome you and those of your species to that which is your great and powerful abilities as you have shown Are you not great architects of the light when you have been so choose? Are you not brave architects of your own intent when you have and so choose? It is not a matter of giving up that which is your nature to build, to construct, to call forth into form for you are and your species masters, are you not?
We have and admire and discuss late into the evening many of that which is your own lodge your own construct and we also have and know ourselves musing and considering those other constructs that you have and employ that are less than serving of the greater flow of continuance. In this we invite you to sit at our hearthfire and to entertain the wisdom of the greater, if you will, horizons of continuance that have and serve all. For while we have and are aware you are mighty and powerful manifestors of the physical, yet we offer you have and did not place a window that has and looks out upon the ho - horizon of future potential, the horizon of future possibility, the horizon of that which has and may serve to inform you as much as that which you are immediate or past need state or desire has and would inform you. Is not a sturdy structure one that has and takes into consideration the direction of all winds, not simply that which has come before?
Channel: Thank you. That is a clear analogy, or metaphor, I guess.
Great Spirit of The Beaver: We do not worry about the name you have and would serve upon it as we have and feel it vibrates in your awareness with the intent we have offered it forth within. We would further offer we have and are most willing to partner and to guide, as you are willing, to turn your awareness to our own, if you will, understanding of the relation of ourselves, our skill sets, our nature, and our wisdom as it has and serves. We create our own continuance and flow of the intent of Gaia, not simply to call forth that which is, if you will, a temporal expression, although all is temporal in this dimension of, say, the setting of the sun, the rising of a moon where these have and are beautiful, powerful, and brief from our awareness. We would simply offer that there is yet that which is the sky upon which these more temporal experiences have and are cast upon and we have and would offer that you and your species has and is in requirement of the canvas of sky, not only that which you have and would place upon it in its temporal fashion, although you may not perceive it therein as temporal as we have and do.
For we have and are aware at the greatest lodge, the greatest dam that we have and would call in and through our own intent in service to that which is the greater landscape of our interconnected alignment and service to the Gaia, so too these are simply, if you will, the rising or setting of a particular point in our mutual history now which has and may know itself in fullness and as quickly know itself in disillusion and return. We do not seek to hold on to that which has and by its own nature is called to return. We simply acknowledge, bless, and release that which no longer serves, that which no longer is able to contain the intent of our will. Can you understand this?
Channel: It feels like I am embracing it more fully.
Great Spirit of The Beaver: We agree and we are most grateful for you to offer this small token of our wisdom, our awareness, if you do not mind me offering our warning, for we have and have gone ahead and looked at the bend in the river. We have observed that which is and is washing away that which you have and would know yourselves while we simply perceive this from our own perspective, most remiss to have lost fully upon the currents of that which is no longer retrieval as it has been carried off in one direction and is not called forth through that which is what would lay and has and does upon the horizon of potential. We have and are and feel ourselves honored and the awakening of the greater respect of our service, most diligent, open-hearted and willing to that which is the greater weaving of the tapestry of the Gaia light. Her intent, we do not seek to have you take our work from us, but rather to allow our work to us. For we have and serve most efficiently, most effectively, and with great honor and joy and we are aware that you too are the other remarkable builders of the light.
We simply would offer as you have and are so willing to receive it, is it not timely to study that which would lay upon the horizon of possibility for that which you have and would seek to serve and know yourselves in service of as you have and release those old dams of limitation, the dam of restriction, the dam of limited perception that has and knows itself built from those which are the branches and the trunks, the trees of fear, the logs of hunger. We speak of the hunger that knows no satiating, the hunger from fear of lack rather than the hunger of the belly although they may at times overlap. In truth, we feel what vibrates most powerfully in certain aspects of your own collective awareness is the fear that if one does not constantly consume and hold close to your own lodge you have and will know yourselves in a place of lack, of loss, of desperation, and we offer this is a rather overgrown distortion, one that you have and would be well-served to point your own awareness to and to seek to remove with efficiency from your own field if you have and are so willing.
Are you not better served to seek out that which has and would call forth a great and mutually beneficial and powerfully aligned and attuned dam of your own consumption, a dam that has and restricts the flow of your endless and deep and gouging- destruction.
We apologize for this is a rather harsh descriptive of all that has and serves as the seeds, the shoots and the roots of the future of our own potential for balanced and invigorated and blooming flow. We are not usually ones who are impolite when invited into the awareness of another, and we do not seek to be so at this point. We offer truly in deep respect and honor of a fellow being who is a mighty architect in the physical dimension and one who has and is also that as we have and are an architect of light as you have and your collective turns your awareness, in truth toward one as and proceeds out of the window that looks forward into the horizon of your potential into that which is the future history, if you will, of your own species, and that of all others in this garden of the Gaia.
So we have and believe deep in our heart that you have and will open the eyes of your awareness, your heart to that which is in requirement to create a firm foundation, a balanced and steady foundation for all that you have and would seek in truth to call forth into manifest light in this dimension.
Channel: Thank you Great Spirit of the Beaver. Your wisdom and guidance is most deeply appreciated that I have and will offer it with gratitude to those of my collective.
Great Spirit of The Beaver: That is all we could seek or would seek from you. We have and would offer you and those of your clan [plane overhead] blessings and our willing service to that which is the great foundation upon which all may build the lodge of our evolution, our growth and continuance in a manner that would have and would please all most deeply and profoundly, as we have and are unable to proceed without each other to that which is the great expanse of our potential in this dimension in alignment, willingly, gratefully, joyfully, with the great song of Gaia, Mother to all, Creator of that which is known itself in physical expression as that which houses the spirits of our awareness as that which serves the mighty flow of continuance and evolution as you and we and all have and are so willing to claim it from that which is the deep and powerful heart light we all have and share. Yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you. Great Spirit.
Great Spirit of The Beaver: It is sufficient for now, daughter. We have and take our leave. There is much we have and offer to serve in the light of high alignment and expansion of flow and continuance in service to the Gaia. We have to offer you the blessing of grace bestowed that has and would call forth that to see opening the eyes of the heart, the unclogging, if you will, the ears of the heart and the great song from the throats of our heart in gratitude for your timely and efficient building of this new dam of reclamation, of reformation, of rebalancing of the light in this physical dimension as you have and are still willing to receive it and to turn its light towards the knowing of all who have and receive in and through your willing throat.
Channel: Thank you I have and am honored to serve and to share your message and wisdom and guidance with all who have and are willing to receive it.
Great Spirit of The Beaver: It is sufficient. Blessings of the season. We have and take our leave as you have and are so willing to grant it.
Channel: I have and I am. Blessings be.