#61 The Great Spirit of Bioluminescent Phytoplankton

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In today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast learn from the Great Spirit of Bioluminescent Phytoplankton.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. I’ve always  wanted to experience the blue glowing bioluminescence created by certain phytoplankton in person, and never more after viewing  an ABC news video of dolphins creating a blue halo around themselves while gliding  through bioluminescent waves off of Newport Beach.



Great Spirit of Bioluminescence: Do we not delight the heartplace of your species, daughter? We have and feel the lifting of the heart in joy, in awe, in wonder when you have and behold our various physical out picturings that we have and served to many and in truth, more than you have and are aware of particular species, many who have and live within the waters, and yet we offer there are some who have and live within the air, who have and are blessed with the song of that which you have and would call “bioluminescence.” We are that which is the Great Spirit of Bioluminescence, and we have and serve with deep gratitude and, if you will, requirement, for are we not that which has and through each individuate expression knows itself as that which has and is, if you will, a physical lantern, a physical candle, a physical source of light.

It has and we are most pleased when you have and delight those of your species as you have and would wave your arms or feet in that which are the great oceans when they have and call forth a particular physical expression of one or other being that has and knows itself blessed with our nature and we have and find it delightful in truth to watch and feel your own vibrations of joy and wonder.

However, your response to that which you find unusual is, if you will, primarily because you do not venture forth much, if at all, in that which are the communities and the environments, for that which is a bioluminescent nature is in truth, commonplace. Are you not aware that there are, if you will, at least three-quarters, if not more, of all who have and live within the waters of the seas, the oceans, who have and are blessed to know themselves of a bioluminescent nature. While it may not be the only aspect or trait of their physicality, we would offer it is that which has and serves them in great capacity as they have and would seek to either protect their own physical expression from that which would be unwelcome intrusion, that which as and would be that which you know as predator, and in truth that which has and would be potential mate. For there is that which has and would seek to apply its light, if you will, to that which has and is in requirement of being, if you will, encouraged to move along, if their intention is not in service of a mutual and beneficial relationship.

We do not argue that as those who have and would seek to fill their bellies with those other members of the community, who have and are blessed to know themselves of a bioluminescent nature would not be blessed to consume one or other or many in order to serve their own personal physical need state; however, that is not what we seek to attend to at this point in our discourse this evening. We further offer that there is that which is little understood by your own communities that has and is the blessing of truly offering a light in the density of that which is the lower dimensions, the lower depths, if you will, of the ocean wherein that which has and is the light from the great source, that which is the spirit of the sun, is not so easily retrieved and has not that which is the great ease of flow. And in this, we have and hold the blessing of the conference of the bioluminescence in and to those who would seek to have a bit of light to guide their way, a bit of light to call their own suppers to themselves, a bit of light to have and communicate a bit of light to have and call forth a potential mate. Are these not most essential and powerful aspects of our particular nature of bioluminescence, yes?

Channel: Yes, they are and are remarkable. Thank you, Great Spirit of Bioluminescence for your patience, your grace, and your willingness to honor me with your attunement.

Great Spirit of Bioluminescence: You are welcome, daughter. We are not used to having those who would be honored by our presence, seek to postpone, delay, or reschedule; however, we offer you the grace of our patience, as we understand it was not through malintent. We have and would offer is it not timely for those of your own species to call forth that which is your own light, that which you have, and while we are not suggesting you may now know yourselves as that which has and flashes, blinks, or illuminates your environ through your own bioluminescence, nevertheless as you have and would seek to call forth your bioluminescent nature as that which you have and claim in and through your heart, you have and would know yourselves as that which has and is most blessed and able to offer that which is the light of compassion, the light of right relation, the light of, if you will, opening that which is the song of attunement and awareness to those who have known themselves only held in the darkness of unawareness, only held in the shadows of despair, only held in that which has and would be the depths wherein the light of the sun has and does not reach. We speak of the sun that has and warms the heart, not only the sun that has and warms the flesh. For that has and is, if you will, a beautiful song, and while you as a species may not know yourselves able in your physical form to out picture a bioluminescent physicality, you have and are able to glow, to shine, to blaze, and to warm with the great light of your own internal luminescence.

And we have and are most willing, joy-filled in truth, to offer you that which is the blessing of our bioluminescent nature and that manner that has and allows you to call forth that which is the great inner light of your own expression, such that you have and as you rest fully into that which is your nature with all of its beauty and all of its grace, you will know yourselves as ones who have and simply by their own natural attunement, offers great light as you have in service to each and all of your own community in service to those you have and love, in service to those you have and have yet to meet in a physical manner, and in service, most beautifully, most gracefully, and most honorably to that which is the greater song of the heart light of the human collective. Is that not so beautiful, daughter?

Channel: It is, thank you.

Great Spirit of Bioluminescence: Is that not so blessed? Is that not how you have and would seek to know yourselves? For as you have and delight in the little, physical out picturings of the bioluminescent aspect of many, many beings, physical forms, we have and offer there is that which is far brighter and far more potent that has and is the luminescence of the light that has and resides within all as it has and shines forth through that which is a darkness of unawareness, illuminating that which is the path before you, each and all of you as you have and would seek to find that which is the destination of evolution, the destination of attunement, the destination of right relation, the destination of that which has and is a beautiful, balanced, and sacred attunement within your own understanding, such that you have and walk in the light.

That is the blessing we have and would confer as you have and are willing to so claim it, as you have and know yourselves calling forth that which is your own luminescent nature. You have and will be most pleased, we offer, most delighted, and your heart as it has been joy-filled and dazzled a bit while you have and observe that which is our own nature, as it has and is expressed through the physicality of many, many of those we have and tend so you have and will know yourselves most joy-filled, most honored, and most delighted, as you have and are the light and as you have and feel the light, as it has and would illuminate the way towards right relation.

As each and all of you, my human family, have and know themselves so beautiful, so brilliant, and so, if you will, enlightened and in this it is a beautiful and blessed sight that we have and are joy-filled to bear witness to, as we have done. It is, of course, a choice to embrace that which is, if you will, turning on or turning up or amplifying, if you will, that which is the blessing of your own individuate light. Do not doubt there are none who have come unequipped. There are none who have journeyed without this, the great lantern of your own truth, the great lantern of your own compassion, the great lantern of that which has and vibrates as love without judgement, as compassion with grace, and as faith that you have and are of the light.

We have and are most grateful for the opportunity to call forth that through our discourse that has and has remained a bit hidden for some, or that has and there are those who are completely unaware that they do in fact and always have had that which is the nature of your own luminescent expression. You have and are most beautiful, children. You have and dazzle those of us who are the spirits of this or that. You have and are, if you will, for the most part, set on your lowest setting, much as that which you understand as a dimmer has and is set only to allow the smallest fraction of all that you have and may be, much as that which is the sun that has and shines and yet is behind that which is a cloud bank that would defuse or appear to block its great light.

Is it not simply a matter of will, brothers and sisters, to have and no longer seek to hide yourselves behind that which is your own unawareness, your own doubt, your own confusion, your own unintended despair? It is not necessary and we have and are joy-filled to offer a prayer of profound gratitude for the mighty blessing of your willing and open-hearted attunement and receivership of the great mantle of that which is the Spirit of Bioluminescence. 

In this, we have and offer there is not any who have and know themselves in a physical expression that is not able to call forth that which is the light of their heart, whether or not they also have that which is the blessing of a physical nature that has and would manifest a bioluminescent, if you will, characteristic that has and serves their own continuance through either sustenance, protection, attraction, or other, as you have and would seek to attract or simply need to know yourselves not as that which has outside of yourselves in requirement to seek to turn on a light that does not rest within simply and gently seek to flip the switch of your own internal light and rest into that which you have and illuminate and that which has and knows itself blessed through the light of your illumination of their own expression, their own heartplace, and their own need state, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of Bioluminescence.

Great Spirit of Bioluminescence: It is a mouthful, we do not deny, and yet we have and feel those images of our nature as they have and float through your awareness, as you have and bear witness in your mind’s eye to the great illuminated shoreline where those who have and know themselves of the seas have and kiss the breast of Gaia, on those that have and are the shorelines, the beaches, the sands. It has and is a blessing through that which has and is carried upon that which is the nature of those who have and are in requirement of a bioluminescent expression, and in this we have and will know ourselves as awe-filled, delighted, and joyous to have and watch that which are the many, many, many illumed beings of your own expression as you have and willingly turn on or up or open that which has held within the great gates such that all have and may bear witness to that which has and is the mighty song of your heart as it vibrates deeply and resonates beautifully with that which is the unique illumination of your own expression as you have and are in attunement with the great and powerful lantern, if you will, of your own light, flame, if you prefer, song for those who have and are attuned to the vibratory field of sound, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of Bioluminescence: We do not have other to offer, only to say we have and sing a song of gratitude and offer prayers, joy-filled anticipation, as we have and would bear witness to the mighty bloom of your own luminescent nature. We are not suggesting that there are not those who have and are not most luminescent, and in truth with each and every passing, if you will, cycle of the day, there are more and more who have and, if you will, turn on their own great and powerful inward light. It is a blessing that has and if we may offer, you have and are not able to perceive how very far that which is the light of your own heart has and reaches out into that which is this particular dimension, as it has and offers that, simply through its nature, that has and offers illumination through its own song of attunement to many, many, many others, not only of your own species, children, but of that of all of those who have and share this sacred place, all who have and are a part of the song of Gaia, and as you have and turn with open and willing hearts, and shine the light of your will and intent from a point of deep compassion and attunement. 

You have and will bring that which is a great and healing song that has and will vibrate deeply in the heartplace of the mother herself, of one who has and knows herself as the Gaia-light, for she has and feels herself, if you will, as one who has and does not feel that which is the song of grace that is known in the heartplace of those of the human species, as she has and would be in truth in requirement of, such that all have and they know themselves blessed to stand in that great light, the great heart-light that has and is joy-filled to call into that which is right relation and attunement, rebalancing, and reclamation, such that all have and are able to lift the face of their heart and receive the gentle caress of the light of grace in and through them, and not from exterior source mind you, simply from the great and powerful light that has and resides within each and all of those of the human family, and all others in truth.

It is that we sought to serve, daughter. We are grateful for that which is the open heart of your receivership that has and is the light that we have and are able to attune to, and it is appreciated. We have and offer this blessing to all who have and would open their hearts in willing receivership therein. It is complete, daughter. As you have and are willing, we have and would attend to other matters that have and call our awareness, yes?

Channel: You have and bless me and all, profoundly, Great Spirit of Bioluminescence, and we have – I have, rather – and offer a prayer of gratitude for the blessing of your light, your attunement, and your willingness to sing. Thank you. Blessings be.

Great Spirit of Bioluminescence: And to you, daughter. It is sufficient. We take our leave.


#62 The Great Spirit of the Deer


#60: The Great Spirit of the Beaver