#59: The Great Spirit of Probiotics

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Don't miss the fascinating guidance offered by the Great Spirit of Probiotics in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast

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Welcome friends this is your host, Tracy Shoolman and in this episode of the Gaia Translate podcast I channel the wisdom of the Great  Spirit of Probiotics. If you have ever needed to take antibiotics for an infection you might  have experienced as I did, an imbalance of the microbiome in your gut. After a completing a recent course of antibiotics the infection cleared up nicely however something felt off with the rest of my system. I decided to start on a program of daily probiotics and gratefully I felt my body rebalance itself pretty quickly and I felt  so much better. Whew!  A transcript is available in the show notes for this episode at Gaiatranslate.com


Clan of the Probiotic: You have and are accurate daughter. You have called upon, if you will, that which we would offer is a collective of sorts, and we honor you with our presence. 

We are not an individual, if you will, representative of one or other, of the many, many, many expressions of what you understand as bacterium in this case, were you not seeking to align yourself with what those of the human awareness understand as probiotic?

Channel: Yes, thank you, I was. 

Clan of the Probiotic: We are aware and we would offer this is that which has and most recently has risen above the horizon of awareness of those of your species and this is as it needs to be. For we are that which is essential to that which is the great flow of health, wellbeing, and flourishing of each and all of your own individuate physicality’s. Is this not accurate? 

Channel: It - it is accurate, yes, as I understand it. Yes, thank you, Great Spirits. 

Clan of the Probiotic: You have and may understand us as a delegation of sorts, for there are many of us that you have evoked when you called upon that, much as if one had and were to address that which you understand as the United Nations. For while we have and are of a general sort, we have and all have our own particular areas of expertise, if you will. We are both in that which you understand as the Probiotic and that which are other members of this community of, if you will, members who have and know themselves as living within the plane of your own physicality, although some of us also live upon and in various parts of the system that has and would be one or other individual lifeform, human, or other. 

We are not by any means simply relegated to the human form. For we have and know ourselves as that which has and enjoys the great vastness of, if you will, domiciles or opportunities and environments depending on how you have or would perceive them in which to have flourish and thrive. It is a bit of a distortion, daughter, to consider some of us as that which is good or pro and some of us as that which is bad or harmful when in truth it is more about balance, is it not? 

As you have and know yourself in what has and would be an optimal balance of your internal biosphere or ecology, so all has and works in great flow for the benefit not simply of our own expression individually, but for that of your own greater expression as a whole living organism, yes? You may equate it, if you will, or understand it if you are so able to perceive, much as the great living organism of that which is the planet herself, that which is the Gaia light, and how you as part, one of, if you will, the members of those many, many, many life forms and living expressions of flow of light in form that have and know themselves a part of the greater organism of flow that is the Gaia. 

In this you have and would be considered, if you do not mind us offering, many of you that which would be considered damaging or bad. This would not be our term, but we borrow it as an example of how you have and refer to us as bacterium, or virus, or other that has and is out of balance and is causing harm to that which is the balance of flow in a particular organism of greater awareness. 

We are aware that this is just resting gently upon that which is the dawn of awareness of those of your own species and yet we feel there is a sufficient grasp of our sacred and essential relation, that of our own species, many of them within your own physicality and many others and that of your species as part of that which is the greater organism of the Gaia. 

And how it has and would be that you have, and through that which is waste product, discharge, or overgrowth, if you will, and consuming a greater portion of that which has and would be an adequate or sufficient aspect of your own expression within a certain environment or habitat so you have and know yourselves out of balance, and as you have and know yourselves in that which would be overgrowth without balance of those other members of the life forms that have and are of the Gaia, so the entire organism is thrown a bit, is unable to return to that which is a balanced and healthy state of flow. 

You are able, we would offer to … we do not seek to say to serve yourself what you would call as an antibiotic in order to diminish or cease the flow of those of your own nature, and yet we would offer, are you not well-served to find that which would be through your own will and intent a form, if not of antibiotic, a form that has and is called forth to rebalance with great rapidity and efficiency a mighty severely imbalanced system of life within this particular plane. 

There is much that is not understood about the manner in which we have and would serve and are an essential integrated part of each and every single being knows themselves in a human expression on this plane, and we have and appreciate that which is the rising awareness, that which is the dawn of your own attunement to the sacred nature of our interconnected relation. For we have and would seek to know ourselves and, if you will, the high efficiency of flow, and yet there are those aspects of lifestyle, of food stuff, of activity or lack therein, and of that which would be contaminant through what you consume willingly or unawaredly and that which you have and combine, if you will, with this or that or the other that have and cause these imbalances within your own system. And in this we offer as you have and become aware of the negative effects that may not have been created or intended to cause or be understood as offered with malintent, nevertheless, as your wisdom has and amplifies with its own awareness, so too you have and are offered the opportunity to willingly rebalance or reassess and reorder that which you have and would seek to either consume or not to consume as that which has and would damage the gentle and yet powerful flow of a balanced organism of life that has and knows itself in a human form. 

There are many others who have and through the adaptation of certain foodstuffs, the desire for or overconsumption, if you will, of only one or other particular types of foodstuff or other. For example, there is a great overconsumption of that which has and is of high acidic content in particular areas of your own communities in various foodstuffs, various liquids, and in truth other aspects of your own 

consumption even and through that which are the waters that have and know themselves as simply unable to offer that which would continue the internal systems of your own nature in a balanced manner to become aware and to discern the relation between that which has and offers you high functionality in that which is the vessel of your physical form is an aspect of wisdom we have and feel is not out of the reach of your awareness or your own desires at this point in our mutual history and we are most grateful for this. 

We further offer that it is timely to understand that there are many aspects of your own expression that have and through your unawareness, not necessarily malintent, have and call forth the great imbalance that has and is upon the entire climate and that of the Gaia at this point in our mutual history, and while we have and know ourselves as essential in truth and as most potent and powerful for that which is the successful machinery of a human form in its own flow, we have and are not limited to that which is a human form to know ourselves. For many of us, in continuance for some that is not always so and we do not only speak for ourselves as we have and would ask is it not timely? Members of our own family, most directly so, for we are a part of your organism as you are a part of ours to have and to assess, to consider the wisdom of how you have and call forth that which is the greater organism or vessel that has and holds you in your own flow, out of balance, as you have and contaminate that which is the vessel, that is the Gaia, that is the planet. 

There are many individual forms in human expression at this point in your awareness, more than have ever known themselves as members of the greater clan or community of life that has and sprawls across this great plain of opportunity and of light. And in this when you have and know yourselves in such abundance, you might be considered as being that which has and is a bit of an overgrowth in terms of the stress it has and puts upon the greater organism to maintain and to support those of your species, as well as all other members of this greater organism of flow. We are not suggesting that you have or remove or eliminate yourselves. That is not what we have and infer. Rather, we have and offer that is it not timely to adjust as you have and through your great intellect and will are able to do so should you choose to call yourselves into that which is a rebalancing of sorts, such that you have and if it is not that which has and reduces your own numbers and the effect that these numbers and your consumption or overconsumption of certain resource without replenishment, has and would call forth in terms of the greater and greater imbalance of the system. 

Are you not well-served to then cultivate and encourage the return of a balance of the other aspects of the resources of the Gaia light that have and know themselves threatened or in truth, extinguished or on their way.  For we offer when you have and have such great imbalance in the greater organism of that which is a continual flow, or rather, as you might understand it, a flow of ongoing expression, rather than that which has and much as say those forms that have and come and go within an hour or a day have and know themselves by their nature only that which is a single note in the greater song of expression. 

In this we have and would offer it is really and most vital to have and assess and to claim that which is your highlight of discernment, which each and all have as you have and are willing to walk in companionship therein as that which has and may know itself both as that which has and maybe the probiotic and the antibiotic, that which has and may serve to rebalance through the re-culturation, not simply of that which is within your own gut, if you will, but for the re culturation of this entire plane through that which is the return of the other aspects of the community of life, the rebalancing, the cleansing, the purification, and the diminishment of the great cyclone of overconsumption. 

We apologize for the graphic nature of this descriptive, and yet we feel it is accurate vibrationally of all that has and occurs, for there is that point as it has occurred within your own individual expressions wherein that which is an overgrowth is no longer able to be contained, held back, or mitigated. 

While you may not understand this and that which is as you understand us, probiotic or other that have, and are the great communities of life that have and are essential to your own continuance in a manner of balanced and vital flow, you have and are aware, but there are others that have and when they move into the neighborhood are not so willing to be restrained, know themselves filled with great hunger, and it's only their own need state they seek to com – to meet through the consumption of that which is one or other vessel of life. 

We offer this is perhaps the nature of those who have and are not able to perceive from a greater vantage point that as you have and consume that which has and is of limited resource there comes a point where there is nothing left to consume and in this it is the extinction not simply of those who have and are consuming, but of those who have and are consumed rather, and those who have and are the consumers, and in that we offer you are in your own species consuming at such a rapid pace that you have and are not perhaps as aware of the fact that the vessel in which you have and function, which you have and know yourselves as a part of the greater flow, has and is in truth in a place of delicate alignment. 

Is it not timely to have and look around and to honor, and to seek to rebuild to re-culture to replant, and to cleanse and cease from the contamination therein of the atmosphere that which is and is in diminishment in a manner that has and knows itself as greatly overweighted with this or that, that is expelled through that which is your own actions, or the actions of those you have and keep in service to your own needs state, be they a four-legged, be they a device, a construct, a machine of sorts. There is no other vessel that has and will hold the greater song of the human collective. This is the vessel and it is simply a matter of claiming your awareness in a timely and efficient fashion, such that that which has and knows itself in great imbalance is not that which has and calls forth the full consumption of the greater life force that has and holds it within. 

Dramatic? Perhaps. Accurate? Certainly. We are grateful that you have opened the awareness of your intellect to our essential nature as a part and willing contributor as members of our own community and that which is the song of the organism of the greater life of this plane, and of the individuate expressions that have and are each and all of you as you have and know yourselves in human form. 

We have and are aware there are many of you who will not find or appreciate the comparison of yourselves to any form of bacterium or other that has and rests and understands itself as part of your own biological environment and yet that has and is as we have and would perceive it. You are simply that which in another level is as we are, a member of a greater community, and therefore and so on and so on. And is this not most beautiful, most amazing and most blessed? We do not seek to berate, we seek to inform and we seek to be that which has a great and honored relation, both in the individuate aspect, with each and everyone. For are you not that which is our own organism of flow, our own home, our own place that we have and know ourselves both as part of and in service to as we have and know ourselves in balance. 

We simply invite you perceive yourselves a bit from further afield, if you will, and as you do we have and feel you will embrace that which is the speedy and timely rebalancing a bit, cleansing, and reconfiguring of the vessel that has and contains us, each and all and we are most grateful for your willingness to consider this and to understand that it is our intent to serve as part of a community and not to be that which has and is so out of balance that one or other of those of our nature have and simply through that which you may understand as our over running of a particular system has and shorts it out, if you will, through that which is the great imbalance of flow. It is not our intent, it does not serve. 

We have and would offer. It is not your intent either for the greater part that we have and feel is the awareness or the resonance of the human field. To have and understand that you have great power and through that which is your will and your desire. It is not to wait for those who have or would come after, for there is not that which can be savaged in truth in many aspects for those who come after, if you will, through you, from you and are that which would look to you as ancestor, as blessing, [25:00] and as that which has and served them with that which is a sustainable environment to know themselves blessed to have and be in continuance of flow. 

We are that which you have and understand does not take long, if you will, to have and get out of balance through this or that, through infection, through illness, through lack of balanced consumption, or through other, and we offer that you have and, if you will, that vessel, this greater organism of life that is the plane, the Gaia, the planet, however, you have and would understand it has and is in great need of that which would be antibiotic, if you will, and is it not timely through the great love and understanding of both your heart and that of your head to offer this to this beloved being this organism, this home, that house, and holds you and loves you and is in truth essential for that which is the flow of your own clan and many, many others. 

We have and feel there is great willingness in the heartplace of those of the human species and we have and offer gratitude after gratitude for the blessing of this highlight of awareness. It is through our joy-filled anticipation and expectation that you have and will step up to the plate, the plate of rebalancing, the plate of reconfiguration, the plate of reformation that is required, such that you have and know yourselves no longer so out of balance with that which is the greater song, the heart, and the flow of that which is our mutual home both individually and as a collective awareness. In this we have and would bestow the blessing of attunement of your own probiotic nature, if you will, as that which as you have and turn your will towards that which is this great rebalancing and healing, this cleansing, and reconfiguration of those aspects of this physical plane that are in sorely in need of your assistance and your will and your redirection, so it has and is. 

And for this we have and hold great light of gratitude and joy in our hearts. We are most willing to work together and it is our honor and our joy to know ourselves as members of a balanced and aware community of light. You have much to learn about what we have and serve you in individuate aspects, and we have and invite you to call upon our nature and our awareness to attune yourselves to how we may work together in service of the healing, not simply of your own physicality, but of the healing of the greater organism of life that has and is home to us all. 

We await those of you who have and would seek with respect, honor, and curiosity to knock upon that which is the door of our awareness. We have and are most willing to answer it and so we have and offer the song of our heart and our great desire, hope, and light to that which is the clan of the human collective. 

It is sufficient daughter. It is complete. We have and take our leave. 


#60: The Great Spirit of the Beaver


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