#58: The Great Spirit of the Firefly

Discover the wisdom of the Great Spirit of the Firefly in today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.

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Welcome friends, this is your host, Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia translate podcast. The Spirit of the Firefly is our channeled guest in this episode. I was directed  to the Great Spirit of the Firefly by a remarkable image  by photographer Vitor Schietti. His work features stunning and dreamlike images created with a long exposure technique of fireflies as they hover in the trees at dusk.



Great Spirit of the Firefly: We have and are known by many names by those of your species. Is that not so? For some we are firefly, for others we are lightning bug, and for those who have and observe us on or near the soil, we are often called glow worm. We have and are pleased with each and all of these descriptors for they are not inaccurate in their own manner, and we further have, and would acknowledge we have a great and deep relation with those of your species, do we not? Are we not that which has and calls forth a lift in the heartplace, a piece of delight or wonder when you have and bear witness to that which is our remarkable physicality, as that which hasn't is the Great Spirit of the Firefly, yes? 

Channel: Yes, Great Spirit of The Firefly. I find you magical to watch. I am very grateful for your willingness to serve me the grace of your attunement, thank you. 

Great Spirit of the Firefly: You are welcome, daughter. We have and are, if you will, nondescript, some might offer, easy to ignore by others during that which is the great light of the sun, of the daylight, as you have and understand it. Is this not so? 

Channel: I perceive it so, yes. 

Great Spirit of the Firefly: We offer it is so, daughter, for there are not those who seek to run around and capture that which is our physical out picturing in a jar in which to have and wonder, admire, and in some cases hold onto as a manner to have and claim a bit of light for each and all of their own selves, although we offer it is not the manner that is most efficient in truth. 

We have and are those who may go unnoticed in that which is the everyday of one's existence and of our own, and yet are we not most deep and joy-filled companions with that which is the spirit of the night? For it is then that the great light that has and is within us has and is offered, that which is, if you will, the canvas upon which to paint that which has and would be the sheet upon which we know ourselves able to write the song of our own intent, be it to have and to share a bit of news with another, be it to have and call forth that which is possible mate, be it as that which has and would seek to dissuade another from consuming us for their own sustenance such that we have and are able to glow, if you will, to shine as we will and to fill that which is the heartplace of many of your own clan with great delight, joy, and wonder. 

We have and while it is not our favorite pastime to be gathered into a small container to be admired,  we understand why you have and would be drawn to it, for it is that you have and would seek in a greater aspect in truth to call to yourselves that which you have and continue to perceive as outside of yourselves, outside of your abilities, outside of your nature, and we do agree there are few, if any, of the human species who have and are blessed with the capacity to out picture their own glowing light, and yet is it not so that there are those who are perhaps overlooked, perhaps not so beautiful to the eye, perhaps that which has and blends most easily into their own native environments as we have and do. And yet when that reaches the great cloak of day has and drops away that is when we have and bloom truly with our nature that has and is to sing a song across that which is the great canvas of the night 

We have and are- most grateful, most appreciative, most in deep requirement of that which is the song of the evening as the Great Spirit of the Night or Evening, if you will, has and calls forth that which is for us that which is the opportunity to express ourselves, to know ourselves in that which are the requirements of continuance to express our desire our intent and to simply seek to live in the fullness of our nature, as we have and express our light, yes? 

Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of The Firefly. You have and are exquisite in your physical form and we are very blessed to receive the song of your wisdom as that which has and lights us in our hearts. 

Great Spirit of the Firefly: That is so, daughter. We would offer there is that and those of your own species who have and hold great and powerful ability and in truth, capacity to shine most brightly and some already do when that which is the womb of opportunity has and would offer itself such that you each and all have and may claim the light of your true nature and you have and will know yourselves most awe-filled, most delighted, most taken not only with those of our particular physical out picturing and our ability to, if you will, blink on and off that which is the song of our hearts. 

We have and offer there are many of you who have and are awakening to your own firefly nature, and while you have and may perceive yourselves as nondescript as that which has and does not deserve or seek in truth that which is the point of awareness by many, we have and offer through the that which is the light of your own heart you have and shine most beautifully and we have and we drink this glorious expression again and again, in with the eyes of our heart.  Do not doubt, children, that you have and may shine most beautifully and as you have and set your intentions to call to yourself that which is your firefly nature, you have and will know yourselves able and capable of calling forth and manifesting great light. 

We are most pleased to feel that which is the awakening of so, so many of those of your own species at this, if you will, delicate point in our mutual history and we have and are most pleased to bestow upon each and all who have and are so willing to be in receivership therein of that which is the nature of the firefly, as you have, and would willingly be in receivership, so you have and will know yourselves as those who have and will shine into the night of your current circumstance and bring that which is a mighty glow and enchantment and that which has and would draw to you the attunement of many, many beings, not only those who have and know themselves in that which is a human expression at this point in your incarnation and your history, but those who have and are called and bear joy-filled witness to the great dance and song of the light that has and shines so brightly from the heart place of those who have and embrace fully, their are firefly nature. 

It is not that which you have and do not carry, much as we have and carry that which you understand as the physical apparatus that has and serves this unique expression that we have and would serve to those of our own knowing and many other. We have and are most grateful, honored, and blessed to stand as we have and would hold the light of our physical form as that which is constant reminder of the light that lies within. You have and may not understand yourselves, brothers and sisters, as having that which, if you will, may actually know itself illuminated that aspect of your own physicality that has and would express as firefly in your nature, and yet it is not required for as you have and seek to call forth that which is the great and mighty blessing of that light which you have and may know yourselves having and resting in the shining therein, so you have and are the light and it has and is felt and received by many, many, many of your fellow brothers and sisters in great delight, joy and gratitude and in truth by many, many, many of each and all of the issue of Gaia that have known themselves unable to look towards those who have and are the sons and daughters of Eve and feel that which is wonder, delight, and joy in their own heartplace, and yet that has and is how it has and maybe should you each and all have and seek to claim that which is your blessing or grace and that which has and is as we have and perceive it the mighty heart light of your own species individuate collective and in all other aspects of awareness you have and shine most beautifully, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of Eve, and we have and offer it is a blessing to bear witness to the unveiling of that which is the great heart light of the human collective. We are grateful and have and would seek to take our leave as you have and are so willing to grant it, yes? 

Channel: Thank you so much, Great Spirit of The Firefly. It is a beautiful and blessed message. I have and consume it with such gratitude. Blessings to you. 

Great Spirit of the Firefly: And to you, daughter. We have and seek to take our leave as you have and would willingly grant it. 

Channel: I have and I am willing to grant your leave and I offer you gratitude, blessings, and Godspeed. 

Great Spirit of the Firefly: You are welcome, daughter. It is sufficient.


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