#57: The Great Spirit of the Swan
The Great Spirit of the Swan is today's channeled guest in this episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.
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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. I like to start each episode with a bit of insight as to how I came to channel a particular spirit. In this case I received an early morning text from my next door neighbor encouraging me to look outside at the pond as a large swan was swimming straight towards my dock.
Great Spirit of the Swan: We have and would seek a moment of your knowing, daughter. We have and are well-acquainted, are we not? For we are that which is the Great Spirit of the Swan and we have taken this moment to tap upon the shoulder of your awareness with our physical presence as that which has and would serve as sufficient knock upon your door as you have and are so willing to open it and allow us egress into your fold.
Channel: Blessings, welcome, and greetings, Great Spirit of the Swan. I have and am honored and blessed to receive your light.
Great Spirit of the Swan: We appreciate that which has and is the open door of your will as we have and would seek to offer that which is a bit of our wisdom, a bit of our knowing upon the plate of awareness of those of your species, Tracy. Not simply of you in your personal and individual expression, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Swan: Are we not that which has and is some of, written of, admired, if you will, and a source of, we feel, fascination by those of your species. We understand you have and are drawn to our physical expression and we have and would offer that you have and would note our presence and a great many of that which you understand is your myths as you are, creation stories as you are, metaphors or analogies for how to understand your relation with that which is your own species and that of all others. Is this not so?
Channel: It is, yes. Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Swan: We further offer that we have and are joy-filled companions of those of your species and have been for many a season, for are we not that which has and vibrates with that which is the frequency of light as you have and would understand it, and while all have and are a vibration of light, we speak of the light that has and would warm your heart, that has and would lift your heart, that has and would sing most deeply and joyfully in that of the heartplace of all, that have and walk in that which is the human awareness. We further have and offer that we are well-known and have more than one story that has and acknowledges the difference between that which is our initial physical form or expression, that which is called cygnet, than that which is in your own phraseology, understood as made ugly duckling, or that which is awkward or unable to present in that which is our fully matured aspect. Is this not so?
Channel: I am aware of several, yes.
Great Spirit of the Swan: We further offer that -- and we offer this from a place of deep respect, honor and joy -- that you as a species we speak of, not the individuate, although you are one of many who have and may know yourselves as having been that which is recently hatched, the, if you will, in that phase of your own evolution that has and might be less than fully graceful, less than fully matured, less than fully feathered with the plumage of your attuned alignment. Much as we have and understand having seen with the eyes of our heart the Great Swan of Grace, the Great Swan of Light that has and is held within each and all of your heartplaces, yet it may not, if you will, manifest itself in your physical expression or in truth, in that which is the vibratory field in this particular point of your expansion.
However, there is a season to all things. There is a season to that which is the great claiming of one's swan nature, if you will, as that which has and has gone through much where one has and does not have the feathering to have and actually know oneself able to rise above that which is the current conditions to have and be that which has and is only able to swim a bit and to— who it -- less than facility, walk upon that which is the soil and in this we have and offer that it is with time, it is with will and open heart that one has and slowly matures and slowly grows that which is the mighty plumage of your full expression.
And in this we have and would offer it is that time in your own histories and ours where you have and are no longer that which would be called, vibrationally speaking, as the less than fully matured, the awkward, or the ungainly, if you will, point where one might be described, not through our own descriptive, but through yours as the ugly duckling, as that which has and is yet to be fully matured. We speak vibrationally and while there are some who have and know themselves fully fledged and fully formed in their swan nature, we offer there are many who have and are still, if you will, feeling that which is the great feathering of their attunement as it has and knows itself in the unfoldment of its expression.
We are joy-filled in truth to have and bear witness to that which is the sacred point in your species, unfoldment, ascension, claiming of that which is your true nature. For is not the smallest hatchling of a swan however it may out picture, however unable it is to claim all that has and is blessing of full and independent expression of one who is fully completed and grown as great swan? In this that does not mean nor is it so that the nature of swan does not rest fully and is simply that which is and vibrates deeply from within and simply seeks to know itself called forth in the timely and, if you will, essential requirement of its growth, of its maturation, of its claiming of all that it has and is in its own nature and in this is this is not a beautiful and joy-filled song that we have and would offer in that we have and sing in our own heartplace, great gratitude for the blessing of that which is the full flight, the full claiming, full and beautiful alignment in the heartplace of each and all of those of your expression who have and know themselves at that beautiful place in the season of their own unfoldment. They have and they fully claim all that they are as that which has and is a beam who walks in the light of their greater awareness, the light of awareness of that which they have and are in their swan nature as a being of light.
We are not suggesting that you as humans are less than beautiful or are less than able. We simply use this as an analogy for it is that which is, if you will, not unknown by those of your species, the out picturing, the physical expression, if you will, of our own less than matured beginnings that you have and most commonly would claim are very far removed physically in the out picturing of that which you have and know as our fully matured physical expression. Is this is not so?
Channel: It is so yes. Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Swan: We are not offended for we have and understand that it matters not how we have and appear in our external formation, rather it has and each and all carry within that which is the mighty vibration of their own nature and for us it has and is swan and for you it has and is that of great beings of light and while you have and may understand this analogy, we have and would suggest it has and is only that. For within you is your own swan nature, if you will, that which is your higher attunement, that which is your great wingspan of alignment. Of all that you have and are when you have and fully claim the wings of your own grace, of your own ability, of your own knowing, of your own awareness, and of your own attunement to that which is your own nature and higher awareness and that which has and is upon many, many, of our brothers and sisters of the human form. Claim this great season of your maturation in this manner? Can you ken this, daughter?
Channel: I believe I can, yes.
Great Spirit of the Swan: We are suggesting that this is the point in our history where we know ourselves, those of my collective able to claim our greater potential and alignment with our greater awareness and that which would be a more fully complete and aligned human field.
Channel: Is that what you are offering?
Great Spirit of the Swan: That is sufficient daughter. It is most accurate and we feel clearly stated from your heart.
Channel: Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Swan: Is it not such a great and joy-filled song to sing, the song of one's own will as one has and would offer gratitude for the blessing of one's own full, if you will, claiming of your own beautiful and fully featured and fledged nature in high attunement with the great light that has and burns within each and all of your human family.
Channel: Yes, thank you. It is very exciting and beautiful.
Great Spirit of the Swan: We agree. We simply sought to offer this small, if you will, analogy in terms of our own physical out picturing for they have and are within a most beautiful light in each and all of your species. It has and we feel it deeply, and while it may not appear so as you have and cast about and see what you would consider the cygnets or the fledglings of those of your own species, the hatchlings, if you will, who have and stumble a bit, who have and do not … do not bear that which are the wings that have and allow them the blessing of flight above their own current circumstance and without the requirement of remaining, if you will, bound to the soil of your own limitations.
We have and hope that this small example that we claim from our own pool of awareness has and may serve, for as each and all have and would turn and see reflected back to themselves and that which is the physical mirror that which they would claim as less than Swan, as less than that which filled with light. We have and offer you have and are guided to look with the eyes of the heart and to feel that which is the mighty flame of your own light that has and is called and vibrates deeply with its desire to know itself fully birthed in this small dimension as great companion, as that which has and is the mantle of your own grace in form.
You have and are most beautiful, brothers and sisters, and while you have and may not on your own behalf bear witness to the light that we have and feel most deeply as it vibrates in that which is your ascended nature, that which is your truth without the limitations of your, if you will, season of growth. You have and will be most pleased. We have and do not deny that you have and are not totally beautiful as you have and are, for we do not bear witness to our own offspring and see other in that which is the Song of the Swan.
While we have and would offer they are a bit awkward and quite limited, and yet we feel and see most deeply the great vibration of potential of that which they are in truth within their own heart, and it is that we offer most joyfully to those of your own species, for you have and are quite beautiful, quite powerful, and in truth filled with grace, as you have and would proclaim it, as you have and would but know yourselves as that which has and is by your own nature mighty swan of light.
Channel: That is so beautiful, thank you. Thank you, Great Spirit of the Swan.
Great Spirit of the Swan: You are most welcome, daughter. We have and would take our leave. That is all we sought to offer, that little bit of, if you will, perspective of one who has and sees the great light within, as we have and would serve it, such that it has and is that which as you each have and all would seek to carry it as that which is, if you will, the light that reminds you of what we have and perceive as we have and view you most beautiful species with the eyes of our heart. It is that which we have and would bless you with and confer upon you at this point in our mutual history and we have and are joy-filled at the receivership and willing acceptance of that which is our bestowal of our own attunement to your light, yes?
Channel: Thank you. I have and carry it with honor and will serve it to those of my species with gratitude.
Great Spirit of the Swan: You are welcome, daughter. It is sufficient. We have and take our leave and watch with great joy the great feathering and flight of those of your human family, which is quite beautiful and we are quite joy-filled to bear witness therein.