#56: The Great Spirit of the Monkey
Join me as we welcome the wisdom of the Great Spirit of the Monkey in today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.
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Welcome friends, this is your host, Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia translate podcast. I like to start each episode with a bit of a backstory about what drew me to channel a particular spirit. The Great Spirit of the Monkey came into my awareness via a fascinating National Public Radio show called “Hidden Brain”in which host Shankar Vedantam interviewed Dr. Laurie Santos about her research studying: “ What Monkeys Can Teach Us About Being Human” This show aired on NPR May 9th, 2021.
Great Spirit of the Monkey: We have and are not unwilling to offer you the grace of our attunement, daughter. We have heard your inquiry and are willing to serve it. We are that which is The Great Spirit of The Monkey. You have and were attuning to several variations of our physical expression in and through that which was the vibratory frequencies of that which has and is the radio, is that not so?
Channel: It is, yes, thank you. Thank you, Great Spirit of the Monkey. I am blessed to be in receivership of your light.
Great Spirit of the Monkey: We would agree. We have and appreciate your knock in truth, for we have and are relations, in truth. More than many, if you will, all are related and yet we have and would know ourselves as closer cousin, yes? We speak of to your own species, your own awareness, that of human expression and in this we have and would offer there is much that we have and share, there is much that while we do not communicate using that which is the vocal cords of language. Yet we have and communicate most clearly through that which is the open heart of our own attunement, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Monkey: We are complex. We are social. We have our own governance, some of which has been observed by those of your species, much of which has yet to be observed. And in this we have and would offer there is not that we do not understand that has and is in requirement for us. You have and equate and it is understood how we have and would perceive and you weigh and measure that which has and is what you perceive as our own capacity, or our intellect, or that which has and would be our social engagements or societal construct, simply through that which would be the comparison of or holding up to the light your own understanding, your own current engagement, and claiming this is how society has and is, this is how we have and define that which is of highest attunement in that which is a societal relation, and we offer we are not so narrow-minded in truth.
We have and seek to know ourselves as has and is our way, as has and is our nature, as has and is our delight, and while some has and may mimic or in truth be quite, if you will, vibrationally in resonance with your own behaviors and your own choices, if you will, that which has and is born through your will-based intent or that of your ancestry to have and call forth a certain construct of this or that, a certain system that has in serves in its own period of expression, its own season of high attunement. And we do not deny you your own, if you will, proclivities towards one or another method of knowing yourselves, in relation as greater community.
We would offer, however, that while you have and seek to hold that which is what you perceive as our own behavior, our own custom, our own nature, simply as it has and would compare, mimic or be recognizable by those of your own species, that does not, if you do not mind us offering, granted the blessing of having greater value, greater efficiency, greater attunement to that which has and is a high service of our own need state and our own construct, as we have and seek to relate to and to call forth that which is our own complexities of intent to that which is the greater agreement through that which is the collective awareness of the Spirit of the Monkey as we have and seek to call forth that which is our own learning, our own growth, our own expansion, and our own evolution, much as you have with your own. In this, it is, if you do not mind us offering, perhaps a bit unwise to seek to understand the limits or, if you will, the lack thereof of our own awareness, our own capacity to both communicate most clearly with each other, to teach and train, to grow, and to serve as member of a greater clan, which has and is our way, is it not?
In this we have and offer, we do not seek to judge that which has and is your own, if you will, societal construct as only that which has and knows itself as your behavior has and would mimic our own. For that would be a form of judgment, yes? A form of judgment that has and is served through a limited perception for are not all in a physical form most commonly able to perceive from that which is from the perspective of your own understanding, your own interaction with that which has and is this particular plane and that is as it is for many. It is those who we have and call forth in this discourse, who have and are willing and aware and able to pull themselves a bit further back from that, which is the micro-understanding that you have and often seek to claim as the macro-expression of a particular species, or intellect, awareness, or knowing.
We have great respect and in truth, enjoy -- many enjoy, anyway -- a profound connection, resonance, and relation with those of your own species, yes? And we have and further offer there are others, other as you understand them, subspecies, other branches of the family tree of the Great Spirit of The Monkey that have and have known themselves, that which has and suffered greatly beneath the hands and the willing intent of those of the human species. We do not seek to point a finger of blame to each and all in their individuate expression, but to offer that which is the attunement of what has gone past as perhaps not that which you have and would seek to continue to claim as we have and would seek to walk together into that which is the potential of our continuance and flourishment in this particular plane.
We have and sing a song of profound and joyous gratitude for and joy-filled expectation of that which is an even greater alignment awareness, compassion, friendship, and neighborliness between your own species and those of our own expression and we have and would seek that, which is in truth one aspect of our field that we would be most grateful to call to your awareness. We have and are mighty beings. We have and are filled with that which is blessing of intellect, greater than you have and would perceive, and we simply would seek as you have and would with any of your own species and in truth, for there are some who have and do not offer this, if you will, grace to those of your own species, one in and with each other, and that is the attunement of respect.
We do not seek. to have a seat at the table in your discussions of how you have and would seek to conduct yourselves in your own environs. We have and simply seek to know ourselves as, if you will, another culture, those who have and live in another part, another country, another place, that has and is occupied by those of your species and many others and as such we have and appreciate that which is the honor and the respect that has and we would seek to have bestowed upon us as we have and are willing to bestow it upon your own species. In this, is it not wise?
Those who have and are the children of the sons and daughters of Eve, it is a metaphor we offer for those who have and carry that which is the awareness of the human species. We have and would simply seek to be understood a bit more from that which is as you have and would greet those who have and would be emissary, those who have and would be in truth, dignitary who have and while they may not be familiar or near neighbors, they have and are yet members of the greater community of this particular plane and we have and all in truth know ourselves related that which is our source, the Gaia, the one who has and through her open and willing heart, the great power of her creative intent has offered each and all the opportunity to know themselves, say vibrate in a particular physical expression and hold that which is the resonance of one or other physical nature as they have and explore, expand, grow, and discover those additional aspects of their own nature, be it the nature of human, be it the nature of monkey, be it the nature of wind, be it, the nature of hope, be it the nature of that which has and is desire.
For there are many natures, are there not? And we have and simply claim one of these natures as the primary attunement that we have and would seek to know ourselves in expression of. We have and know ourselves in the vibratory attunement of those you understand as that which is the family of the monkey, as you have and describe us, as you have and resonate with our field through that particular choice of vocabulary that you have designated in this particular language or system of communication that the channel has and is able to access. It is the blessing that we have and would seek, and we have and would confer that which has and puts aside what has and have been the preconceived or limited notions of what one has and is when one has and is not imbued in human structure or physical form and to have and offer that which is the blessing, and in truth that which is the, if you will, polite behavior in an attuned fashion that has and would offer both respect, honor, and openhearted acceptance.
Not that those who have and walk in this dimension in a form that is foreign, different, or in some aspects as our own similar, quite similar in truth, to your own, but to all and not to simply seek to understand all that is foreign or other as that which is less than, as that which is somehow lacking, as that which is ignorant or unwise.
This has and is a great blessing of attunement that I have as that which has and is the vibration of the Great Spirit of that which you call monkey have and would serve upon you. For there are many who have and feel the depth of our spirit as you have and look into the eyes where you see not only the eyes of that which is of other, you see and feel quite clearly for many that which is a close relation. As you have and understand, we too have and vibrate with our own intellect, our own nature, our own wisdom, and our own grace.
We have and would seek that which is the rebalancing of right relation between those of our species and those of your own, and in this we would seek to have you, those who have and bless us with the willingness of receivership of our song of attunement, to have and consider as you have and are so willing how that may appear. We have and know that which is our natural environ, our homes, if you will, the environments that have, and we are accustomed to, that have and provide for us or have in the past being claimed for that which has and is the desires or expansion of your own species. And we are not unwilling as we have been to share that which is the real estate that has and is the blessing of this physical plane. We would however offer that it is respectful, polite in truth, not to seek to claim the entire domicile and land of a neighbor for your own and to simply, if you will, eliminate their physical expression in total or to simply shunt them out from that which has and was their home, their environment, the ecology that has and is designed in a particular manner, to have and serve them such that they have and know themselves in the grace of continuance and that which has and is a vibrant and powerful flow, yes?
Channel: Yes, Great Spirit.
Great Spirit of the Monkey: We have and would seek a bit of attunement or reattunement on the part of your species, for it is we understand your curiosity that has and matches our own, that has and would draw you to claim those of our species in these small cages and constraints, such as you have and may study and indulge your curiosity in one manner or a another. And while that is not, if you will, preferred, it is understood in some aspect. However, there are other that you have and would claim as study, as experiment, as, well, research into that which has and may serve your own species, which has and does not respect the value or the sanctity of our own life expression, and these we have and would seek to know as that which has and was and no longer has and is to continue.
There is that which is the study of your own potential medicinal product, that which has and is the simple study of that which has and may create that which is a positive, or in truth, detrimental or fatal reaction within the flesh of your own kind and we have and would seek to have you, if you will, call forth a bit of recalibration through your own open-hearted will, such that you have and would cease to have and apply that which would be the damaging or detrimental testing or experimenting upon those of our species to have and serve what may or may not be your own species need state.
There are, we offer, other methods that have and are being born into that which is the collective awareness of your species and we have and would offer gratitude for and call forth that which would be the timely and efficient shifting, if you will, from these particular behaviors which have and are a great wounding, and create great stress, distress, and deep sorrow for those who have and find themselves as that which you have and consider expendable or unfeeling or that which has and is not an astute awareness to understand that all have and are aware in their own manner and in a manner that has and is far more sophisticated, if you will, and far more attuned for many than has been understood by the sons and daughters of Eve, is in truth a first and essential step towards that which is the reclamation of right relation, not simply with our own species, but with all who have and know themselves as fellow members of the greater clan of life that has and is born through the Gaia and has and shares this as our common home as we have and are so blessed to, yes?
We have and appreciate that which is the willing and open heart of those who have and have taken this, if you will, walk with us and our awareness as you have and honor us with your willingness to remain in receivership when we have and would seek to call forth that which is a mighty shift for some and not so great a shift for others. It is this which has and is in truth a foundational step towards that which has and is the greater rebalancing of much that knows itself in a point of, if you do not mind me offering, precarious imbalance in this particular dimension. We have and would confer the blessing of our monkey nature upon those who have and are so willing to receive it and there are many of that which has and is the vibrational resonance of our own nature that you have and already are into attunement with our curiosity our deep heart, our love and honoring of community, and that and many others.
It is simply that where we have and would bestow upon you the vibration of respect for all that has and knows itself in an informed expression, who have and are part of this great song of flow of life that has been born to the will of Gaia. We are not offering that there are not many, many, of your species who hold great compassion and respect in their heartplace for all that has and sings the song of informed life in this plane. So this has and is a blessing to have and be taken up, if you will, and wrapped around that which is the form of your own awareness, those who have and may not have considered the power, the value, and the grace of respect of all.
There is that which has and is in one of your books that has and seems a common phrase, much said perhaps less, if you will, embraced in terms of your own action and intent. However, we would offer it as a small guidepost for those who have and may find themselves in a place of confusion. Is it not simply to treat your neighbor as you would yourself? This resonates deeply with us, and we have and will claim it as the simple, if you will, vibrational node that is most attuned to what we have and seek, and what we have and would bestow the blessing of that which is your attunement to your monkey nature that has and would call you to treating your neighbor as yourself.
It is that we sought to serve. We are most grateful, joy-filled, and in truth hold within us a mighty flame of hope that has and warms us as we have and feed it with the logs of our intent, our gratitudes, and our will. We would offer you the blessings of the day and as you have and are so willing, daughter, it is time for us to have and take our leave.
Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of The Monkey. Thank you for the blessing of your wisdom and your grace. Godspeed and blessings be.
Great Spirit of the Monkey: And to you, daughter.