#52: The Great Spirit of the Oak
Listen to the powerful wisdom of the Great Spirit of the Oak in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.
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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. I like to start each episode with a bit of a back story about how I came to channel a particular spirit. My attention was drawn to the Great Spirit of the Oak by a friend of mine who was telling me about a new book that she had just finished titled “The Nature of Oaks: The Rich Ecology of Our Most Essential Native Trees” by by Douglas W. Tallamy.
Great Spirit of the Oak: Welcome, granddaughter. It has been a bit. We have and are that which is the Great Spirit of the Oak. We have and are not unknown to each other in our vibratory fields, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you, Grandfather Oak. Thank you for your receiving of my knock as I have and responded to that which was your own.
Great Spirit of the Oak: You are welcome, granddaughter. We have and appreciate all that you have become, all you have grown into, from the little sapling we have and guided a bit in an earlier season of your becoming.
Channel: Yes, thank you, grandfather. You have and bless me mightily.
Great Spirit of the Oak: We have and seek to serve a bit of wisdom today to those of your own species who have a long and for the most part, a respectful and honoring relation with that of my attunement. I have and am that which is the Great Spirit of the Oak, the Oak Tree, as you have and would understand it.
Channel: Welcome and greetings, grandfather. Thank you for your attunement to my light.
Great Spirit of the Oak: It is accepted, daughter, and we are most willing as we have been for many, many seasons to be that which has and offers our wisdom, our power, our light, as a bit of a way-showing for those of your species, for they do tend to get lost a bit and turned around when they do not listen carefully to that which is their higher awareness. It is for some a bit of a lost art and for others that which has and companions them in their daily sojourn across one or another lifetime. We have and are blessed to be the manifestation of that which has and is the power of intent as it calls itself into alignment in a physical expression. Can you understand this, daughter?
Channel: I think so. You are that which offers the example of a mighty physical expression that comes from a tiny seed, or thought-form that knows itself in a physical expression.
Great Spirit of the Oak: It is not inaccurate. We are that which has and is born of great and powerful, steady, and perserveeing - persevering will. We are that which is born of great and powerful and steadying perseverance of will, and we have and would offer it is greatly admired by most. It is little understood by some and it is unseen by others. To embrace the power of one’s own will with that which is your own perseverance that which is the steadiness and the blessing of embracing your own patient awareness that there are seasons to all that there is a physical growing and expansion that has and is called forth through that which is the constant watering, the constant nurturing, and the constant will of one who has and seeks to know one’s own intent, grow from that which is the tiny seed born of hope, born of desire, and born of your will into that which is what you would have and would understand has a mighty oak of manifest grace.
We have been and served not simply through our own higher vibratory awareness, our song, our well of wisdom, our well of steadying, our well of sanctification that has and is understood in the heartplace of your species, daughter. Is it not why over points in your own and others histories you have understood the power, the vibratory attunement of the sacred groves of the oak. Is it not why you have and admire and seek to claim for your own use and need state the great flesh of our physical expression that which you understand as “wood.” For are we not that which is most powerful, strong, steady, and unyielding in that which has and would be to the will of other elements for the most part, yes?
Channel: Yes, I had not understood it so, but yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Oak: You are welcome, granddaughter. We further offer that we have and would seek to return a bit to that which is a greater discourse, a greater willing relation between that of my own species and those of your own expression. There are and have always been those who receive with the ear of their heart, as you do at this point in your awareness, daughter; however, it was not always so, yes?
Channel: Yes, that is accurate.
Great Spirit of the Oak: We do not judge. We simply observe there is a season to all things, and as one has and places the finger of your will upon that which is the intent to rebalance the awareness and the relation of all that you have and are with that which is the Great Spirit of the Oak, much has and will be blessed, much has and will know itself in great reunion for there is not a one of those who have and walk in a physical expression as human in this plane of existence that has not known in one or other iteration or lifetime a profound and sacred relation with that which is the vibratory field, the resonance of the Great Spirit of the Oak, or in truth, another member of the deeply-rooted ones, that which you understand as tree.
And in this it has and is timely for we have and serve in myriad manner, and that which has and is in some aspect understood, and yet in other lost, if you will, for have we not been called to serve in many aspects, that as crown of your kings, that as medicinal for those who have and require healing, that as dye or other from our tannin, that as material to construct that which you have and would surround yourselves with as domicile or home, that which you have and would seek to make as your place of rest, your beds, your furnishings, and in truth, many, many other that you have and would claim from that which is the trunk, the flesh, the wood of our physical expression.
And it is understood we have and hold the attributes you have and admire. We have and are and vibrate with that which is great power, strength, and steadiness. Is it not timely, grandchildren, we speak of those of the human collective, for we have and understand you as much younger in your incarnate expression than we have and are, and we have and have always sought to offer you that which are the gentle winds of guidance, the gentle hand of steadying, and that which has and would protect and hold and bless you, if you will, with all that we have and serve, known and yet unknown. We have and are a member of those who have and exchange that which is the flow of our life force with those of the human and other who have and are of the four-leggeds and the two-leggeds, who know themselves in relationship with the sea of air or atmosphere. Yes?
We further have and offer in addition to providing that which is the great canopy, the great shade of our light, our wisdom, and our awareness in physical and non-physical form, we have and also would offer we are that also assists in the steadying of the entire atmosphere, the ecological balance of this plane of existence. We have always been honored and grateful to be that which has and knows itself deeply rooted and therefore held gently and beautifully in the breast of Gaia. And we have and know ourselves most blessed to reach the arms of our will towards that which is the grandfather, the son, the source of nutrient and continuance.
It is a delicate balance, granddaughter, and one that has and is not stable at this point in our mutual history and one that we have and would seek to guide each and all of you a bit, such that you have and are steadied as you have and are so willing to turn your awareness towards the requirement that has and is called forth at this point in your maturing in your [pause - 0:13:41] unfurling of the leaves of your awareness in the season of growth and expansion, to know as you have in your own collective history in many languages and in many forms understood the seed of your intent, the potential of your physical and nonphysical natures is that which is understood as acorn, that which holds within it a great and powerful light of your will-based attunement.
Do not deny yourselves the opportunity to have and know yourselves in the blessing of your fullness of your grace as you have and seek to claim that which is a seat at the great table of attuned awareness. For it is not out of the reach of your capacity. It is that which simply requires your will to claim it and to align yourselves with the wisdom that has and is served to you, not simply by my own heartplace, but by many, many others who are in truth your relations and always have been and seek to always be, as they have and are so able to know themselves in continuance in a physical form. That is of every living creature, every living form of life, that which animates, that which appears not to, that which is able to be ambulatory, that which has and appears not to be, that which has and is above, upon, within, and below, that which is the breast of Gaia, and that which has and is in a form and without, and nevertheless has and is a part of the greater song of life that has and knows itself born through the will of the great mother, of the Gaia heart.
We feel there are those who will shake their head in confusion, disbelief, and distrust when we have and sing of the great awareness, power, and light that has and we are a part of and willing and joy-filled servants thereto. We simply understand in a manner that is profound, if you will, that which has and is our greater song, our greater unification of flow, one that as much as you have or would seek to deny, as much as there are those of your species who have and would turn away from the idea, the blessing we would offer of your relation with all who have and are part of this great orchestra of light. It is not feasible nor is it possible. It is however that which you have and seek to call in manners known and unknown, and as you have and call this to yourself this denial, this abuse, if you will, of all of the bounty that has been offered and placed at your feet, so you have and seek much as one who has and knows their branches broken off in the high winds of discord who has and knows their leaves pulled away in the great storm of denial, who has and knows their trunk split and broken from that which is the great lightening of destruction. And who has and calls this to yourselves? It is not the hand of other. It is your own hand upon your own neck, grandchildren, and we have and as we are able would seek to stay your own hand from that which is your own throat and that of all other.
It has and is more than timely to have and look at your hands and understand that within them lies that which is the acorn of great potential, great possibility, and great opportunity. You have and are offered the opportunity now to plant that acorn of your own will, to water it intended and to call forth that which is the mighty oak of your own continuance and evolution. For as you are willing, for it is your will that has and, if you will, claims the direction that you have and seek to flow. You may take that acorn that has and rests within the heartplace in each and every one of you and rather than plant the great grove of mighty oaks of evolution that you have and carry within you, there is also that where one has and may seek to simply toss the acorn of this potential into the flames of your own choosing.
We understand this is rather dramatic in our explanation, and yet it is and vibrates closely with that which has and is currently and has been the weather system of the current times. We have and would reach our hands out and offer a hand to lift you up gently such that you are steadied a bit. We speak of your clan of your collective such that you have and may know yourselves not alone or abandoned. For there are many who while we do not appreciate that which has and is, if you will, being called forth or cast upon us through the acts or lack therein of your own expression. Nevertheless, we have and are most willing and with profound and joyous expectation seek to offer a bit of steadying through the lifting off and dusting off of one who has fallen a bit and simply needs to be held with the light of understanding, compassion, and grace, and that is how we have and seek to engage at this point with each and all of the human collective as that which has and would offer you the mantle of your own oak nature, one who is mighty, steady, persevering, and strong of will, one who has and knows themselves deeply rooted with gratitude into the breast of Gaia and reaching with the joy to that which is the great light of expansion.
It is not complex. It is simply that which rests most beautifully, most tenderly within your heartplace and there are some who know themselves already as that which has and offers the great branches of wisdom, of shade and guidance among your own kind, and there are others who stand and look into the hands of their heart and wonder whether they should serve up that which is their own will-based intent into the flames of another’s will, or to rather claim it and plant it, tend it and water it, such that it has and knows itself able to be in the fullness of its bloom and in the great season of its becoming.
We have and would bestow the blessing of your oak nature upon that which is the shoulders of each and every one of the beings that knows themselves in a human physical expression at this point in our mutual awareness, and as such, as you have and turn again and again to that which is the acorn of your intent, you are simply guided to call upon as you are willing your great oak nature and to honor that which has and is most beautiful, most powerful, and in truth, most sacred that has and is held in honor and blessed reserve in the heartplace of each and all.
We would offer it is timely to seek to plant and call forth the mighty groves of the great oak nature of your own vibratory fields, grandchildren. Do not take offense. It is that which we have and would offer to those we have great fondness for in our heart, and we have and would call forth that which is your own oak nature, for we have and see and hold deeply the mighty vision of the great and powerful groves of the human forest of oak that has and is called forth at this point in your own collective will.
Know yourselves blessed, not abandoned or cursed or in any other way sought to be denied in that which has and is your right, simply understand there are many, many beings who have and share this journey with you and have and seek to simply offer the gentle and powerful hand of their own heart, to steady and guide a bit and then to walk in joy-filled companionship, honor, respect, and grace, side-by-side into that which is the ascension of all in that which has and is the reparations and reconfiguring of that which is the wounded heart of Gaia.
We have sought to offer the song of our wisdom, the grace of our heart to each and all of you, for we have and feel there is great and powerful and steadying light that has and will know itself, both deeply rooted and powerfully branched and growing as you seek to know yourselves in the fullness of your expression and expansion in that which is your own oak nature, and it is that we have and sing our songs of gratitude for and feel in our heartplace that it has and is the season wherein many, many, many groves of the great oak-light of the human species shall know themselves called forth into the mastery of the fullness of their expression in manifest form.
We have sung our song, and we have and are always there to listen, to heal, to steady, and to companion all who have and would seek to turn their awareness to that aspect of their own nature that has and vibrates in attunement with our own. We would offer blessings to each and all and gratitude for your willingness to receive the song of our heart. We have and would take our leave as you are willing to grant it, granddaughter, and with that, we are complete.
Channel: Blessings be, Grandfather Oak. Godspeed and deep gratitude for your wisdom and your light.
Great Spirit of the Oak: It is received. It is sufficient.