#51: The Great Spirit of the Bear
The Great Spirit of the Bear offers timely guidance in today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.
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Welcome friends, this is your host, Tracy Shoolman and in today’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast we receive powerful guidance from the Great Spirit of the Bear. I like to start each episode with a bit of a back story about how I came to channel a particular spirit. A few months back social media news was filled with a video of a bear chasing a skier down a ski slope in Romania. No worries, the skier managed to escape without injury and my attention was most definitely drawn to the Great Spirit of the Bear.
It's important to note this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast episodes. As such, the audio quality isn't ideal, but I ask that you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Spirit of the Bear. I have since updated my recording set-up and the newer sessions are higher quality.
Great Spirit of the Bear: We have and seek a moment of your knowing, daughter. We have and are the Great Spirit of the Bear. We were honored to allow the Spirit of the Woolly Bear a chance to step before us in the queue. Those who have and would seek your awareness, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you. That was very kind of you.
Great Spirit of the Bear: We are a gracious in our nature, are we not? We are also one who has and feels the touch of the spring awakening of your collective effort as has and rests its hand upon our back, and in this as we have and rouse ourselves from that which would be understood as a long winter’s nap, our season of hibernation, our season of solitude, our season of reconfiguration, and the rebalancing of our own field, we are aware this has been a most interesting season that has passed for those of your species, your collective, yes?
Channel: That is so.
Great Spirit of the Bear: You have known yourselves called into perhaps an unwilling form of hibernation, not in a manner I speak of in relation of how I have or would pass the dark and cool of winters night, and yet while you have and may not have called to yourself through your own will in your awareness that which has and calls you to the hibernation of your own social engagements, of your own interactions with other of your own daily busin-- busyness, for we have and observe that you have and as collective have been far less busy, if you will, perhaps not in the heart nor in the head, but in your physical expression you have, and we honor this, taken into the hibernation of your flesh, as you have and know yourselves called, willingly or no, into alignment with that which is the potential of the awakening in the spring of this season of unfoldment, yes?
Great Spirit of the Bear: Yes, it appears to be as you have outlined it, Great Spirit.
Great Spirit of the Bear: There are those who will stumble awake and find themselves as they have and fall over each other in the great rush to return to the busyness, to the rush of the days to that which is as it was in your societies, in your communities, in your collective, and we offer there is wisdom in abeyance of a sort, not simply for the protection of those who have and are of your own clan from that which is external source of threat to your physical expression, that which has called the Great Hibernation, the pandemic as you would phrase it, and in this we offer it is wise as one who has been in hibernation for a bit not to run into the dazzling light of that which you understand as the new day without a pause to adjust oneself to the external environ, or have you not, many of you, been turned inward, and in this we have great respect, while it has and may not have been that which you call to yourselves in awareness, yet we offer it is most definitely that which was called in service to your alignment, and that which is through the higher self, the will of the collective to emerge from the hibernation of many seasons of denial, of doubt, of fear, of anger, of lack of clarity of who and why you truly are and how you have and may avail yourself of your great power of will, your great wrath, the strength of your own will that has and has been in truth enhanced through this opportunity, if you will, to allow that which has and would seek realignment through the companionship of one’s own knowing, rather than that of all others.
While we offer many of you have felt overwhelmed, and understandably so, with the requirement to teach those of your cubs, to care for those of your elders, and to change in great measure that which would be your normal routine, and yet we offer there are times when a change of routine is, if you do not mind us offering, just what the doctor has ordered to call forth that which is the reinvigoration, the realignment, much that has been forgotten, much that has been lost or mislaid, much that is in the back of your closet, if you will, and yet is it not the season to bring out that of your deeper knowing, to bring that which is the shedding of the winter, growth, such that you have and may know yourselves in individual and collective awareness as that which has and emerges into the season of great potential, into the spring of growth, of opening, of blooming of your heart such that it has and is no longer in alignment with fact which is your ego-self, your intellect.
For there is no need to choose one over the other. If that were so you would not have been granted the blessing of both your ego, the intellect, and the heart. Is this not accurate?
Channel: It feels accurate to me, yes. Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Bear: We offer it is accurate and it is simply that not a common guest and many of your tables. You have and would seek to consume that which is the understanding, the awareness, the integration of this dimension, this knowing, and your relation in and through it with that which is your greater awareness, your greater knowing, and we offer it is timely to understand yourselves as most capable, able, and as you are willing to carry all that you have and vibrate with without feeling the need, requirement, or distortion that as one has and walks in the light of intellect, of ego, of individuate expression that one cannot also walk in the right attunement to your own higher will, to your heartplace, to your knowing, and to your grace. And we are joy-filled to call this awareness to the forefront of your alignment as you have and are so willing to consider it, to observe it, and as you have and would to claim it, for it is in truth a mighty part of your own nature, a mighty part of your own expression, and one we that offer should never be left far behind, as you have and would venture forth into that which you understand as your daily experience. Do you ken, daughter?
Channel: I believe I do, yes. You are inviting us as a species to claim not only the power of our will in individuated knowing, the power of our will in combination with our intellect and our ego as they have and they all braid together into a powerful alignment.
Great Spirit of the Bear: In a manner of speaking, we have and feel your awareness is aligning. We further offer there are seasons for all things. Is this not so? And it would not serve for those of my expression, my spiritual understanding to remain in a point of stasis, of inactivity, of unresponsiveness when that season has passed. For at a place in our mutual history that we have and find ourselves, my friends, those brothers and sisters of the light who know themselves in form of the physical expression, have and are called to further awareness, alignment, and attunement of our relation with each other, and with all of our cousins and kin who have and walk the earth-walk, who have and are in a physical form, who have and know themselves as a part of the Gaia, interlocking, interlacing, interwoven of puzzle pieces, if you will, of life.
It is not an unworthy analogy to understand your species as one puzzle piece. My species in physical expression of bear in all of my variation as another puzzle piece, that of the woolly bear, if you will, the butterfly, the ram, the soil, the wind, and the light are all simply another puzzle piece in the great and giant vision of Gaia. And while a single puzzle piece may be most unaware of those of the cousins and brothers and sisters in their own individuate structure, the other puzzle pieces of the greater, if you will, landscape of life, that does not dismiss their essential nature, yes? Or have not many of you known the frustration of feeling you have completed a great and masterful alignment of many, many pieces of a puzzle, be that a thousand or two thousand or more? Or even fewer, say a hundred or so, only to find that as you look back into the box wherein all who have been called forth, you cannot find that single remaining puzzle piece and there is great sorrow and frustration we feel, for is that not that which has and pulls it all together and completes, if you will, the song of the intention of the vision of the one who has and created the puzzle, and that image it has and is your willing alignment and joy-filled intent, although some are frustrated, we feel, with this physical exercise, to call it forth and to take the disparate pieces of that which you understand as jigsaw puzzle or other, and define how they have and work in attunement, in alignment with each and all.
There are times and one would seek to place a piece and wish that it has or would fit most perfectly, and yet only to realize it is, with a sigh, not quite in alignment and yet understand that each and every piece of a mighty puzzle has and is essential. It may be a bit of sky, it may be a bit of tree trunk, it may be a bit of smiling face or running brook, or other, and yet as you have and would seek to know yourselves in that which is in the flow of rebalance, realigned, and re-attunement with all of the other puzzle pieces of the natural world, it is wise to honor each and all whether or not you are aware of their place in the overall plan or scheme or design. Yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you. That is a clear analogy. I appreciate it.
Great Spirit of the Bear: You are welcome, daughter. We have and appreciate your willingness to share this analogy, for we have and would offer to those of your species, your collective awareness that there is not one single living, or in truth, that which you do not understand as having life, yet of a living form upon this particular planet or within this particular dimension or ecosystem that is not an essential piece of the great puzzle, the tapestry of life that has and is not complete without its presence in its particular place in the interlocking and interwoven alignment that is called forth by the puzzle creator who we have and understand as the Gaia-light. Yes? One who we understand is our ancestor, our most respected and honored and blessed grandmother, mother of our expression. Not simply as a single piece that sits by itself on the great expanse of the table or other surface you might call forth the connecting pieces of a puzzle. Yet, in relation is how we have and to know ourselves to be that which is greater than, that which is in truth complete, that which has and knows itself in the light of attunement.
Have I made this simple analogy most plain upon the plate of your awareness?
Channel: Yes, you have. Thank you, Great Spirit of the Bear.
Great Spirit of the Bear: We are powerful allies and there are those of your species who have honored that powerful relation and that which is our spiritual attunement most willingly across the span of your histories and our own, and we offer that it is timely, is it not, to reacquaint ourselves with each other as worthy neighbors, worthy companions, worthy pieces of a greater puzzle of life that has and may only know itself in that which is the blessing of completeness, and each and every piece is honored and respected in truth, and not served or dropped with carelessness off of the table with continuance or lost under the rug of awareness, or forgotten in the corner of the closet where it was jostled out through lack of awareness, lack of intent to claim each and every piece of life as you have and would understand it.
That is what we sought to serve and to call forth. For we are no enemy. We are in truth most deeply aligned. For you have and understand, or there are those of your species who do who have embraced the power of going within, the power of spending that which is time in the inner recesses of one’s awareness, such that when one has and emerges from a great hibernation, such as this one, and one that has and is held through our species in stasis, if you will, for many seasons, as it has and comes to the end. You do not walk out into the light without taking with you the wisdom that has been cultivated and grown in your heartplace as you have rested, as you have turned inward, as you have studied, as you have pondered, as you have dreamed, as you have hoped, and as you carry these beautiful seeds, beautiful blossoms with you, are you not able with great ease, we would offer, to plant them in the soil of your own continuance, of your future, of your expansion, as you have and would look to reclaim and realign all that you brought with you with each and every puzzle piece of the interconnected and powerful song of manifest grace that has and is called forth by Mother Gaia.
We have offered that which we feel essential and timely, and we are grateful for your willingness, daughter, to carry it forward with honor and respect and care, and to serve it as a great gift, a blessing of this spring season of your own species awakening from our heart place to your own. For we have and feel a mighty song of awakening and we understand it has been a long winter. Therefore we have and serve this upon your awareness, and offer gratitude for the blessing of your willing receivership, your attunement with the greater light of right relation. Yes?
Channel: Yes, Great Spirit of the Bear. You honor all of us and I am honored to share your song with those of my collective.
Great Spirit of the Bear: It is a simple request. It is a simple song. One we hope will have and be that which catches the ear of many of those who have and walk as, well, as human in this incarnation, in this dimension, and in alignment with the brothers and sisters, the other puzzle pieces of life, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit. I have and receive with gratitude.
Great Spirit of the Bear: That is all we sought to place upon the plate of your awareness. We have and would take our leave; however, we are not far behind or a way or out of reach. It is simply a matter of intent, of your heart, of willing intent if you have and would seek to align yourself with the Great Spirit of The Bear. We have and will listen and keep our ear open for the song of your own hearts if you have and are so willing to sing it.
Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit. Thank you. Thank you for all of your light.
Great Spirit of the Bear: We take our leave. Blessings to you, daughter, and to those of your collective. It is sufficient.