#53: The Great Spirit of Smoke
I am honored to channel the Great Spirit of the Smoke in this episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.
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Welcome friends this is your host, Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. A few weeks back a friend of mine and I were enjoying a starlit evening by my outdoor fire pit. The evening was mild with a small breeze oddly however, the smoke from the fire began to shift its direction until it was blowing directly into our faces. It seemed that every moment that we resettled ourselves the smoke would simply shift directions again and we would find ourselves once more in the direct line of its flow. After the third re-arranging of our chairs it was becoming ridiculous! Honestly, it seemed as though the smoke was playing a little game with us. Right,I finally got the message, time to channel the Great Spirit of the Smoke. A transcript is available in the show notes for today’s episode at Gaiatranslate.com
Great Spirit of the Smoke: We are old friends and companions, are we not daughter? For we have felt your attunement to our awareness for several seasons now and we are grateful for that which it has and is a blessing not simply to serve as one’s nature has and calls forth, but to be acknowledged and served that which is the gratitude for how we have and would offer that which is the flow of one to another, that which is the carrying, the transport of one’s, if you will, songs of your heart, songs of your intent, songs of fair warning, songs of that which is change which has and knows itself present when we have and are in our physical expression.
We have and are that which is known as the Great Spirit of Smoke. We have many forms, many aspects of our expression that have and have been honored and claimed, have been called into sacred ceremony, have been that which has offered warning not simply to your own kind, but to that of many other who know themselves in a physical form in this dimension.
For have you not and do you not offer as that which is a common saying in your vernacular “where there is smoke there is fire?” And we have and are grateful to be known as that which has and is, if you will, a harbinger of that which is in the manner of being transformed and we have and serve with gratitude, for there are many aspects of our expression. While we have and may appear to simply be the, if you will, side effect of one or another that has and knows itself held in the tongue of the flame and being called into that which is the passing out of a physical form such as that which would be and know itself able to be consumed by flame, that which has and would be burned, if you will, that which has and you have and would seek to light those of your species much as incense, yes, or as that which you have and through the burning of would seek to call forth that which is a part of your daily preparations of that which would be your foodstuff, your sustenance.
We have and are aware that there are those who are confused that we have and are an independent expression of awareness. For often we are simply thought as that which is another form, if you will, of that which has been consumed to call forth our own expression, and while that is not inaccurate it is further for clarification that we have and are our very own expression of awareness, one that has and, if you will, works closely with that which has and is consumed, and yet one that has and knows itself as that which is an independent awareness, or attunement in what you would understand as consciousness, and we have and are. Have you not – we speak of your collective – used that which is our nature to communicate with each other on occasion and have you not and do you not understand that which is our nature as that which may, if you will, obscure that which lies ahead as that which has and may suggest or inform what has and may lay beyond? And in this we have and serve, do we not?
Channel: Most beautifully, thank you Great Spirit of The Smoke. And thank you for your attunement.
Great Spirit of the Smoke: You are welcome, daughter. We have and would offer that there are on occasion points in the awareness of those of your clan wherein there is that which you might understand as smoke, and yet it is in truth ignored or simply that which has and is of little concern and we would suggest you have and are surrounded by great and billowing columns of the smoke of what is to come.
And yet it feels there are many who have and do not connect, attune that which is the smoke of your own behavior and what it has and is calling forth as related. Is it not timely, my friends, to have and understand that which you perceive as the increase in the extremes of the storms, of the fires, of that which are the droughts, the increasing of the temperatures, the decreasing of water and food source, and that in truth of many, many of the members who have and knew themselves in a physical form in this dimension, is this not great smoke? Can you not smell that which has and is catching of flame? And have and are you not willing to have and seek should you so desire to understand, not simply that there is smoke, but that you have the capacity to address it and to receive the powerful message it has and would send to you as fair warning, if you will, of that which has and is in the process of being consumed, or that which has and will be shortly.
For there is much that has and smolders in that which you understand as your physical or ecological balance, and much that has and already knows itself turned to flame, and in truth the smoke of our awareness and our willingness through that which may not appear to be as physical smoke, but rather the smoke of awareness, the warning signs, the signaling of all that has and is in transformation has and is upon you. We seek to simply offer this observation to those of the human collective, for we have had a respectful relation and still seek to continue as you have and are willing and yet it is important, if you will, to lift the eyes of your awareness and understand that not all forms of smoke, of warning, of forewarning have and come as you have and observe our physical expression.
There is much smoke that has and would attest to the great flames, the great fires, great confli - conflagration of that which has and is the consumption of much that has and you understand as sustainability, as required resource for many, many life forms who have and are apart, not simply as fellow member or neighbor, or aspect of your physical environ, but rather who have in ways you may or may not perceive offer essential aspects that have and are in truth, burning, in truth beyond the burning in this environment.
We have and sing the song that has and is understood as the great smoke of forewarning. We are not always that which has and would bring your attention, your awareness to that which may or may not be desired for there are some who have and offer great and deep gratitude as they have and would see that which is the start, the smoldering of that which would indicate a flame of that which you have and would seek to call forth through your own will-based intent and we understand that that is also how we serve.
We have and would, however, offer a small piece of guidance and that is that it is our nature that which has and smokes to be that which is a messenger of sorts. We have been known for many seasons to carry through that which is the smoke that is offered through your rituals, your ceremonies in those structures that have and are your religious, if you will, domiciles and that which has and is upon the open flame of your own attunement in your heart that where you have and would seek to have our smoke, if you will, our nature, carry forth your prayers, your intentions, your desires, and that which is the hope in your heart. And we are not unwilling to do this. We have and find it a most pleasing and gratifying aspect of how we have and are in our nature and do not seek to refuse to carry that which are the songs of your heart to those who you have and would seek to have them delivered to.
t is through your intention, brothers and sisters, that you have and would bind, if you will, that which is the song of your heartplace as it has and knows itself companioned with your intent. We have and are aware and will carry it willingly to those you have and would seek it to be served to the awareness of. It is to honor and to open your eyes truthfully to the many physical expressions of that which is the Spirit of Smoke.
For as you understand that smoke is not simply that which is the discharge or side effect of the consumption by flame of one or other physical object, it is also that which has and through its nature offers that which is guidance, if you will, awareness, warning, attunement and we simply would seek to offer there are many of your species at this point who have and are unwilling, unable, or lacking in attunement to bear witness to the great smoke that has and surrounds you, and in truth is thickening with each day such that as you have and do not seek egress from your current condition, your current lack of, if you will, attunement, you have and will know yourselves consumed by that which are the flames of your own will or that which has and is your unwillingness to seek, to pay attention, to be aware, and to honor what has and is being called as that which is the potential for a great and unstoppable flame. We would offer that will consume much as it has already and is continuing to that has and is in requirement for that which you have understood as a sustainable expansion or continuance for many.
We are not suggesting that there will be a great consumption of the entire plane of existence here in this planet, but rather that much as you have borne witness to the increasing scale capacity and ferocity of that which has and is the wildfires that have and lick across your country and that of many others, so too, as you have and do not seek to attune yourselves to what and whom is in truth that lighting that which is the flame of potential. For these great places of transmutation you have and will continue to set that which is not only the environ of many others, but that which is your own.
We have and offer this blessing. We have and would offer that which is the awakening of the eyes of your awareness, the eyes of your heart to all that has and smolders and surrounds you with it,and to understand it is the blessing of fair warning that has and would not be efficient to continue to ignore should you have and seek to know your own species in a point of continuance and sustenance and, if you will, expansion both physically and in your own vibratory field. It is timely and efficient to open your eyes to all that smolders, to all that smokes and to see, as you are willing, if you seek to snuff out that which has and you do not feel would be in service to either your or any other beings continuance, should it be allowed to call forth the great flame of dissolution.
We have and sing in this manner for we have and have found that which is a bit of distortion, if you will, of denial and of, in a manner, willing unawareness and it is confusing to us and also, if you will, a bit concerning, for we do not feel that there are all who have and are of your species who do not seek, should they have and be made aware of that which is smoking to take, if you will, efficient and powerful action to douse through your own change of behavior, to smother through your own willing rebalancing and ceasing of certain action for right now, as you have and would understand that which is bellows, that which has and feeds that which would be the great flame with that which is the air of your own intent, you have and you pump this great bellow of that which is your own awareness, your own collective intent, again and again, and it has and breathes that which are the airs, the fuel, if you will, for a great and powerful consumption by the hungry tongue of that which is the flame of dissolution.
While there may be those who have and are not willing to cease the pumping of this mighty bellows of your will, we offer and feel deeply there are many who have, and as you have and are made aware of that you have and are in truth calling forth not simply the song of smoke, of the shift, of the claiming of that which you had and may not in truth seek to understand as being that which is the food source of the flame of dissolution. It is not for us to cajole, to force, or in truth to beg or plead. For we are as we are, and whatever has and is unfolding here in this particular plane it is not that which has and would in truth affect our own continuance. It does, however, in truth, and in great rapidity from your own perspective of clock time know itself upon you. We are simply as neighbor who sees that which is the smoldering of the ember upon the roof of your own continuance and we offer, is it not wise, as we have pointed out, that which is the smoke that has and may know itself turned into that which is the great flame of consumption.
It is for you, brothers and sisters to claim and open the door of the knock that we have offered as we have and would in our kindness and our attentiveness knock upon your door of awareness and offer we have and observe there is that which is not only smoldering, but has and knows itself born into the flame of disillusion upon that which you know is your home, your Gaia, your planet, your earth, as you have and would call it. We have and offer that there is much that is smoldering. There is much that has and is at that very point of combustion and in truth there is much that has already been consumed. It is up to you for you have and are able to claim that which is your action through your will-based intent, and we have and would offer it has been a joy-filled relation, one we would seek to know in continuance in a balanced and, if you will, less smoky environment.
It is that we sought to offer and we have and sing in a manner we are not attuned to through this channel such that we have and may reach the heartplace, the ears of the heartplace of those many brothers and sisters of your own expression with this song of fair warning and one who has and would offer to understand how we have and may out picture, to understand how we have as that which is the spirit of smoke, the messenger of change, if you will, of potential, if you will. We have and simply seek that which is your awareness to the many forms that which carries the spirit of awakening, of awareness, and of fair warning in your own physical plane.
It is that we sought to offer and that we have and offer our prayers of profound gratitude for your willingness to consume while we have and understand our nature is that of bridge being that who has and declares a great shift in form. We have and also offer we do not always seek to know ourselves as one who has and opens the doors, if you will, to the great consumption that has and is upon us. It is sufficient daughter. We have served that which we have sought to lay forth to lay bare, to clarify for that which is the heartplace, the eyes of the heart of your collective and we have and offer gratitude for your timely and efficient consumption and, if you will, receivership through that which is our respectful serving of this small piece of wisdom of our own nature and how it has and would serve yours as you have and are so willing to claim it.
It is complete daughter. We have and take our leave.