#48: The Great Spirit of the Condor

In today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast I channel the wisdom of the great Spirit of the Condor.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.  I was first introduced to the Great Spirit of the Condor when I called to wish my California based cousin happy birthday and asked how she had chosen to celebrate. An avid birder, my cousin had just completed a early morning hike to a nearby peak in hopes of seeing one of the critically endangered California Condors soaring on the updrafts off of the cliff.  My cousin’s  birthday wish was granted one of the  condor’s tagged and monitored by the Ventana Wildlife Society launched itself off the cliff and with it’s massive wing span was easily carried upon the morning currents. Kudos to the Ventana Wildlife Society which has dedicated the last 25 years to restoring critically endangered California Condors to the Wild.

It's important to note this particular channeling session was recorded before I  decided to release them as podcast episodes. As such, the audio quality isn't ideal, but I ask that you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Spirit of the Condor. I have since updated my recording set-up and the newer sessions are higher quality.


Great Spirit of the Condor: I have waited, daughter. I have waited as one has and waits the currents, as one has and waits the updrift, as one has and waits with patience for of will and wisdom, have I not? To knock upon the door of your awareness, I have and am that which is the mighty Spirit of the Condor.

We have and are not unacquainted, yes?

Channel: Yes, greetings Great Spirit, in gratitude for your patience with my light.

Great Spirit of the Condor: It is served, daughter. We have and appreciate your awareness as we have and knocked, we felt, most cleverly upon the door of your awareness and in through the being who was cousin, is cousin to you. She has and is one who fills our heart where she has and honors us without the distortion of disdain or other that is, if you do not mind me offering, somewhat common in your species.

Channel: Thank you. Blessings be.

Great Spirit of the Condor: And to you, daughter. We felt it was timely to offer that as which you are willing to receive it. It is a bit of guidance we have picked up upon the winds of our journey as Great Spirit of the Condor, yes?

Channel: I am blessed in receivership. Thank you.

Great Spirit of the Condor: That is so. We are great servants of the light. We are loyal and willing servants of Gaia, and we have and are that which is the reclamation, the transmutation of that which has and is a shell of the flesh excuse me, that which is the vessel that has and holds awareness, be it in one form or another, but we do not serve all forms, yet we have and are called to the service of those larger of the four-leggeds and other who have and have released the spirit from the flesh and yet would seek to have the flesh returned to the womb of Gaia, and so we have and serve, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of the Condor: Are we not that which has a mighty wingspan and in this we have and glide without effort, without resistance upon the song of the winds? For we are efficient in our consumption of the energetics that have and are a part of this little dimension, and we have and would offer that it is timely to turn the light of your knowing, both as an individual and as you are willing to share as species that which is most efficient use of the energetics that have and are naturally served upon this dimension in and through the relation of that which is father, grandfather, or father-son as you would so choose, and Mother Gaia as we have and are so willing and other informing influences, energetics, and awarenesses, such that we are not that which has and struggles to push ourselves against that which are the cross winds, yes?

It is so. We have and find ourselves upon occasion in a particular point in history where that may be in requirement; however, it is our nature to honor efficiency, to honor consistency, to honor that which has and is offered to us, such that we have and are masters of conservation. We have and would offer it is most timely and efficient to have and call forth that which is the vibration of conservation in and through the field of your collective. For as one has and conserves one’s ow - one’s own energy so one has and is able to fly further afield with less effort and with greater capacity, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you. That is wise.

Great Spirit of the Condor: We are not going to argue. We further offer that while it may appear as peculiar to see us in the efficiency in the lack of feathering or (cuttering?) of that which is our head, can you understand the wisdom of Mother Gaia in this design?

Channel:  I believe that you are designed that way so that you do not get parts of what you would transmute consumed in places where you are unable to cleanse or remove it.

Great Spirit of the Condor: That is fairly accurate, daughter. That is astute of you, and while we would offer it may not be the most elegant of styles, yet as we have said efficiency is one of our hallmarks, although little-known by many.

Channel: It’s beautifully designed.

Great Spirit of the Condor: That is the other aspect we have and point out to your awareness and those of your collective. There is not that is not designed great mastery, great finesse, great artistry, and powerful will through that of Gaia. For are we not a small example of the mastery of efficiency of design that has and is the hallmark of the Gaia’s creative summit of grace?

And we would further offer as you have and are willing to share it with those who have and are of your species that is little understood, perhaps a pocket here or there, of greater or deeper awareness of the full functionality and interrelatedness and interconnected machinery, if you will, of the Gaia’s flow that have and are imbued, embedded, a part of the nature of each and all of the species, each and all of the life forms, each and all of the sentient beings that have and would walk or crawl, would stand in great stillness, such as cliff, as limb, as rock, as pool, and those that have and are more apparent in their life force, such as that which has and is the animal, the insect, the winged ones, and other. Amoeba and smaller and microscopic lifeforms that have and teem across this planet in through the waters and upon the land, and beneath the land for there is much that holds great wisdom that is beneath the land and has and is little understood by the sons and daughters of Eve. Yes?

Channel: I’m quite convinced of that.

Great Spirit of the Condor: It is not about convincing, daughter, it is about what is accurate and true, and that is accurate and that is true.

Channel: Thank you.

Great Spirit of the Condor: We have and would offer that while it is that which we appreciate the abundance therein of varying, if you will, effects of your own industry, your own consumption or lack therein, we have and are more than amply satiated in this point in our history, for as you have and are aware the imbalance in the environmental field of Gaia has and calls forth and will continue to amplify in the quantity of available nutrient for our belly, that which has and is the destruction, the snuffing out, if you will, the flame of the life force from many, many of our fellow brothers and sisters and cousins, who have and know themselves an integral part of this planetary structure.

We have and would offer much as one who has and bails out that which is the overflowing tub, there is more than we are able to consume in efficiency at this point in our mutual histories. It is one of the points of discussion we chose to bring forward today and place upon the awareness of your species. We offer it is not through the direct mutilation or cleaning of the life force of these other beings that has and is overwhelming for us, if you will, rather it is through the imbalances in the great environs of the flow of the waters, the winds, the rivers, the air that have and are called forth through the discharge and creation, if you will, of the imbalanced systems of flow of weather that have and have been and are amplifying and increasing in power, in length of presence, and inconsistency, or the seasons are shortening, if you will, between the arrival of that which has and would be great wind, as you know as hurricane, or great wind as you call typhoon, or other great waters, great reams that have and cause the rivers and the bellies of the rivers to overflow and cause that which have and are in truth the lands that abut the rivers, the lands that abut the seas, the lands that abut other forms where they have and stand between that which is the requirement of release of that which is swollen and seeks to diminish the pressure that has built up within it and that which are the livestock, the local fauna, the presence of other living beings in a particular environment, including your own.

For that has and is upon us. The increase in these particular circumstances, these, while natural in source are yet in truth called forth through the imbalance or lack of alignment with the Gaia’s natural rhythms and flow, and in this there is much that has and enjoys the growing in that which is, if you do not mind us describing a bit graphically, a bloated and swollen flesh of those who have and are saturated with the waters, those who have and are left and untended to in an efficient manner, those that have and are in the line of consequence of this great environmental and ecological imbalance that has been forced upon the breast of Gaia and all of us who have and serve her requirement as we have been designed therein, yes?

Channel: Yes. [sigh] Thank you. It fills my heart with grief. 

Great Spirit of the Condor: We are not surprised, sister, and yet we have and would invoke a great prayer of gratitude for the awakening of the heart place of your species to that which is the lack of efficiency, that which is the mighty imbalance that has and is causally sourced, the source of the river of this imbalance has and is found in the hands and the hearts of those of your species, sister, and we have and would call this to your awareness for there are many who are aware and there are many do not believe, and truth is truth, belief is not required. Truth stands as a pillar and is that which stands and sings, vibrates without the need of one to garnish it with, belief that it has and is so, and in this we offer that there is much that has and is carried, if you will, with great increasing rapidity of flow, and we have and would invoke and beseech and seek and call forth that which would be a rebalanced alignment amongst us. 

For we have served you, we feel, in great powerful blessings for we remove that which would claim your own flesh, that which would consume in its own manner the decaying flesh, vessel of that which once held life that has and is not as companionable with your own species, the bacterium, the other that has and would carry within it that which has and would taint your own blood, that which has and would seek to consume your own flesh while you have and would still know yourselves in form, as well as that which has and is no longer a life force resting in the vessel of the flesh. In this, have we not, with no malintent, relief for that which is gratitude for our balanced relation and neighborly alignment? 

We have and appreciate your willingness. There are those of you who have called forth that which is the preservation. Those of us in the northern climes who have known ourselves, also the, if you will, victims of over-consumption. We understand there is great power and it is sought to be claimed by those of your species through the talisman of feather, or perhaps even cloth or beak, and yet as you have found, these great talismans, these great tokens or tools of our power, vibrationally have and will not serve if there are none of us left to sing our song and to vibrate with that which has and is the rebalancing that is in requirement at this point in our mutual history, yes?

Channel: That is so. I receive with gratitude. Thank you.

Great Spirit of the Condor: We are aware that ours is not the most pleasant of missives, and yet we are no - not able to stand on the, if you will, traditional flow of pleasantries that one might exchange with another. For while we have and would seek to return to that balanced relation, we have and are offering you that which is a mighty blessing from our heart to those who have and have honored us, those who understand our power and our grace, and that we have and are willing to continue to serve in our manner, Gaia, most beloved and in truth to the service of our own need state, we have and are very aware that we have and serve most efficiently that that of your own through the transmutation of that which has and would be fertile soil for less companionable neighbors.

Channel: [sigh] Thank you. That is a blessing you have and serve to us.

Great Spirit of the Condor: You think upon that which is the human awareness of that which is song of the condor and the eagle. This song of the new age and rebalanced, realigned, and reattuned relations across all planes of awareness, all levels of existence in service to the great continuance and upliftment of all, and we have and vibrate deeply and resonate, if you will, for it is time and has been to call this into the fullness of manifest grace and for this we turn to our brothers and sisters of the human collective and would seek to have you raise the eyes of your heart in willing and joy-filled receivership of this our heart-felt wisdom that we have and serve to you, as we have and call you to the power of your mighty will, to have and claim and transmute as we have done that which has and no longer serves our mutual continuance to have and transmute with efficiency, to have and cease to over-produce that which has and is toxic, not simply to Gaia, but through its presence in the Gaia has and knows itself toxic to many of the living organisms that have and are essential to the continuance of flow.

We would speak of that which is the chemicals, the artificial structures as plastic and other that have and in parts too small to even be aware of for the most part in your daily existence, yet we offer they still have much as the air, permeate not only in and through that which you willingly consume, but in and through that which you are unaware of consuming. This has and it is essential, in truth, to reverse the flow or drain the river of these contaminants, for they are that which has and chokes more life forms than you can imagine.

We do not feel your heart places are filled with malintent. We simply feel it is and began with the light at that which offered convenience, convenience and ignorance, and then we would have and offer there are those who do not take personal ownership of their own contributory flow into that which is the great sea of contaminant that has and plagues this planet, much as there are plagues that have and rest within the flesh of your species at this point. Is it not an interesting parallel? There is that which has and simply through its own expression] serves to consume that which is the flesh of your being to the detriment, for in truth the complete ceasing of the relation of your awareness in the physical form, so too, that which has and was created in and through the will of man has and now is that which has and chokes and poisons and disgorges itself in and through the flesh of the Gaia those of her informed intent, those life forces and creatures that she has called into form through her will and we offer is it not timely, brothers and sisters, to have and no longer seek to contaminate, to wound and to choke that which is the very source of our own life force, if not those of the individual awarenesses that have and walk the Earth Walk at this point, than those who have and would walk behind you, the children, the sons, the daughters, the future generations, for there is not that which they will be able to walk upon and know themselves held in the steadiness of the long and fruitful expression, a life which you have and are blessed to hold in your own understanding. Yes?

Channel: Yes, Great Spirit of the Condor. Thank you for your wisdom.

Great Spirit of the Condor: We seek to rest in the heartplace of your awareness, not as that has and is a foul wind, rather than that which is the wind of grace, for we have and offer that which is our willing partnership. We have and have had a long and interesting relation with your species, and it is not that we seek to no longer know, it is that which we seek to have and be in the high balance in that which has and serves the Gaia together in a powerful alignment of willing and open-hearted agreement. Together we each and both have and will rise as we have and choose to upon the great updraft of our own will, so too without that updraft of our will we have and will not know ourselves able to rest upon the winds of our mutual continuance in the manner that we have and would seek.

Channel: Yes, Great Spirit. 

Great Spirit of the Condor: You are a powerful ally and we have felt the love and honor and respect of your species for many, many seasons. We simply have and are in requirement [noise - 0:30:49] to open the throat of our heart, to have and with great faith as we have and lay bare for you the bones of truth, which has and is our way, yes?

So we have and are blessed to have you embrace the truth of that which is laid bare, more clear, if you will, such that we both have and may know ourselves held in the grace of that which is a season of renewal. That is what we sought to serve upon the plate of your awareness at this point in our mutual history.

We have and would take our leave in deep gratitude, sister for your willingness to open the will of your heart and to offer that which has and flows in and through your vessel in service to Gaia, in service to each and all, who have and know themselves in a physical form in this dimension who have and know themselves as brother, as sister, as cousin, as kin, for all that have and are in physical form and all who have and are without a form, and yet are present, such as the Spirits of the Winds and other that have and serve this flow. In this we have and seek to walk together in that which is the great and beautiful alignment we have known and seek to claim again in the hearth fire of our awareness.

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit. I have and serve your message, your song with a grateful heart.

Great Spirit of the Condor: It is sufficient and efficient for us to take our leave.


#51: The Great Spirit of the Bear


#50: The Great Spirit of the Mountain