#50: The Great Spirit of the Mountain
This episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast features the healing wisdom of the Great Spirit of the Mountain.
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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and I am excited to introduce the Great Spirit of the Mountain as our channeled guest on today’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast. I was guided to the Great Spirit of the Mountain via a fascinating piece on NPR’s “To the Best of Our Knowledge.” The episode was titled: “When Mountains were Gods" and examines the historic kinship between mountains and humankind. This show originally aired July 28,2021. Please join me as we receive high wisdom offered by the Great Spirit of the Mountain.
Great Spirit of the Mountain: We are blessed to be the sons and daughters of the Gaia-light. We know ourselves as the “bones,” if you will, that which has and is the beautiful under-girding of the great physical out picturing of this mighty being’s will. We have and are that which vibrates as the Spirit of the Mountain, and we have known ourselves revered, honored, feared in truth, and blessed by those of your own species for a long as your species has been a part of this environ.
It is no surprise that you have and seek to claim our power through the scaling, climbing, or, if you will, engagement in some aspect or another with our great and powerful expression. Have you thought, and we offer this to all who have and are in receivership of this song of our awareness, why it is that we have and draw so many to nestle themselves in that which is the cradle of our proximity? And why it is that you have and understand there is a higher vibrational field at that which is the peak of our own expression? And we offer it is simply that for that which has and is of the Gaia has and would seek communion with that which has and is outside of this particular physical out picturing.
It is not inaccurate as we have and perceive your thought forms to understand that there are many who are not within a physical form, but yet reside within this dimension who have and serve the Gaia most joyfully, and that is accurate. We have and would speak with that which would be, if you will, a place where we have and know ourselves in high attunement with those other dimensional frequencies that have and are a part of the greater plane of awareness that holds all within its breast.
It is timely to awaken a bit, Children of Eve, to that which is your greater knowing, to that which has and you feel within your heartplace, and yet you have and find it as that which is unwilling to partner with your intellect, your physical awareness, and this is inefficient, if you do not mind us offering. It has not always been so. There have been numerous tribes, or if you will, blooms of a culture, of an awareness that have and understood with great wisdom that which is a power of our alignment and their own. Is it not a common illustration that one has and observes one who is such as spiritual master, as guru, as other that has and finds himself or herself up, held in at the breast of our physicality in cave, or other dwelling where they have and know themselves in, if you will, unobstructed receivership of their own alignment with higher knowing as you have and understand it so?
We are not suggesting that you all seek to place your domiciles, your communities, your cities and your towns up in the rarified peaks of those brothers and sisters who vibrate in physicality as mountain. That is inefficient and not necessary. You have and are simply guided to call to yourselves those aspects of your own mountain nature, that which has and rises with great power, majesty, and will, and pushes itself with joy upon that which is the welcoming alignment with higher awareness.
It is not that which is outside of the realm of potential, for each and all of your own species holds the great song of potential for your mountain nature within. We would offer there is no greater mountain to scale than the one that is within you, and when you have and claim not only your ability to reach that which would be the peak, the summit of your own attunement, you will know yourselves standing in the air, a most beautiful vibratory field wherein you have and will feel most blessed and grateful, and in truth as one who has and returned home.
It is not necessary to shed the physical form to know yourself in full alignment with your mountain nature, brothers and sisters, rather it is a matter of will and willingness to have and accept that each and all hold a great and powerful mountain within them, one that you have and are and one that you have and many know yourself not only able to scale through open and willing heart, but to have and vibrate as in attunement with those greater dimensional knowings that reside within.
It is obtuse for some, what we offer, and yet for clarification for those who have and are drawn, and there are many, to the mountains. We have and would simply offer that when you have and would perceive a great and powerful steady and majestic peak outside of yourself that you have and as you are willing, call it within, feel, and know that each and all of you holds a beautiful, powerful, and unlimited mountain nature within you.
We do not confer upon you anything that is not within your nature to claim; we simply offer you our own perception that has and sees most clearly with the eyes of the heart, your mountain nature as it has and vibrates and shimmers with potential within. At this place in the mutual history of the collective those of our own expression in physical out picturing and that of your own, it is timely to know ourselves in companionable relation, not simply as foreign or other, not simply as that which you seek to tackle, to overcome the challenges of, to meet and face and dominate, but rather to simply be in a companionable and joy-filled relationship with.
It is that we have and would prefer and that we have, and at this point in our mutual histories are willing to open our heartplace, to be in a relation with. We invite you and we open our own hearts in great and ips – anticipation and gratitude for your own mountain nature to have and push through that which is the soil of your own doubt, to have and burst through that which is the limitations of your own physicality, as it has and would seek to claim the limitations of the flesh, for the limitations of the heart. It is not necessary. You have and may know yourselves in a physical form and as you have and vibrate in right relation with the great power you hold within, you have and will be most glistening, most beautiful, and most vibrationally attuned mountains of light.
And it is that we invite and that we have and anticipate, for we have and feel the stirring, much as we have and know ourselves called forth and birthed through that which is the great and powerful will of Gaia. So too we have and feel the time of birthing, if you will, of each and all of your own expression. Some sooner, some later, and yet that mountain nature has and is ubiquitous within you, everyone, and all who have and have been and all who have and come in the flow of time in the near expression.
Embrace with great joy, honor, and gratitude, brothers and sisters, who know themselves in the limitation of their own physicality as only human. We offer this is a distortion that you are well-served to rinse off with great joy and efficiency. For when you have cleansed yourself from this limitation it is then you have and will truly call forth your unlimited and powerful nature, and we have and welcome it for have we not out pictured , if you will, the physical form what has and truly lies within the heartplace of all who are blessed to know themselves within a physical expression at this point in our mutual history.
We welcome and encourage the great birthing and blooming of that which is your mountain nature, brothers and sisters, that which knows itself a great power, great benefit, great open and joy-filled heart, one who has and may serve as willing and able companion to those other members of this community of life that has and vibrates in a physical form and without in this particular plane of awareness. Are we not all children of the Gaia in our physical form, and children of the greater light of the All-That-Is? And we have and are not so perfect. You may know yourselves not only with the blessing of one or other, but with some mighty and powerful attunement of one vibrates as both without limitation.
It is within you. It always has been. Claim it, seek it, and know it has and is so. And we have and will sing a great song of homecoming and welcoming to all who have and shine most beautifully in that which is the alignment of your mountain nature in great and timely unfoldment. When you seek to look to what you have and are within you and outside, if you will, of your own physical vessel, held within this form, and yet not restricted to it, simply glance as you are willing at our great and powerful form in physical expression and know it has and is so. This is not outside of your own realm of potential. We speak of our vibrational grace which has and may be called forth within each and all of you.
It is this wisdom, this attunement of awareness that we have sought to serve into the heartplace of the sons and daughters of Eve at this opportune moment in our mutual awareness. May you know the blessings of the full blossom and expression in all vibratory fields of awareness of your own mountain nature as that which has and is called forth in this great season of your own becoming. We have and serve this blessing upon and through all who open their heart in willing receivership therein.
It is sufficient, daughter. It is with joy-filled anticipation we have and take our leave.
Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Mountain. Thank you for your wisdom and your light.
Great Spirit of the Mountain: You are welcome, daughter, as are all as those who have and are members of the human tribe of awareness. It is time to sing the song of your greater knowing. It is complete.