#49: The Great Spirit of the Tufted Titmouse
The Great Spirit of the Tufted Titmouse sings its guidance in this episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.
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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. I like to start each episode with a little bit of a backstory about how I came to channel a particular spirit.This spring I had placed a bird feeder on my kitchen window and I was delighted when birds would fly up to the widow feeder and help themselves to the seeds. One morning I was in the middle of yoga when I heard a loud knocking, as I headed to the front door another series of knocks redirected me towards the kitchen where a tufted titmouse had helped itself to a sunflower seed and was very enthusiastically tapping it against the side of the bird feeder with its beak in order to crack it open. Talk about knocking upon the door of my awareness! No question it was time to channel the Great Spirit of the Tufted Titmouse.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: We have and appreciate your timely attunement, sister. We are that which are the emissaries of the Great Spirit of the Titmouse, and we have and thought it most, if you do not mind us offering, clever to actually knock in physical fashion upon that which is the door of your awareness. It has and was most efficient and effective, we feel, and that delights us.
Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Titmouse. You were very, emissaries therein. You were very efficient knocking with the seed on the side of the, uh, birdfeeder [laughs]. It got me to get up and go and see who was knocking.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: That is how we felt it would be for you, and it was. In this we have served and take our leave, and offer that which is the song of our greater nature, that which is the Great Spirit of the Titmouse.
Channel: Welcome and blessings, Great Spirit. You honor me with your light.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: We appreciate your service to those who have and know themselves in physical expression of our nature, as you have and would seek to offer them that which is a bit of a snack or bite, when they are unable to find or locate that within the natural environs within your neighborhood.
Channel: You are welcome.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: You have and are a little bit aware, we feel, that we are not simply that which vibrates with the nature of a small winged one, and yet we have and offer we are that which has and seeks to be a messenger of sorts of that which has and is in requirement of attunement in your field or that of another.
Channel: I was not fully clear about that, no.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: You have received before that which was the knock of our awareness, have you not, as that which had and sought to be one who gathers or collects, or reunites those who have been apart in some aspect or another. Is that not so?
Channel: Yes, it is so, actually. I appreciate that clarification.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: You are welcome, daughter. We have and are not known by many as one who has and is a messenger of the light; however, it is a grateful and beautiful service that we have and feel we offer through that which is the song of our heart, through that which is the presence of our physical awareness, and through that which is the song of joy that we have and vibrate with and being, if you will, in an informed expression at this place where we have and share this beautiful environ that we call our home, as we know ourselves born in and through that which is the Gaia-light. Are we not most blessed?
Channel: We are, yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: It is simply that we have and sing. We are ones who carries the vibration of joy, ones who carry the vibration of wonder, ones who carry the intention to have and serve as messenger this small reminder to each and all of the great power of blessing that we each all have and have received in that which is the opportunity to know ourselves in the physical out picturing. Is this not so beautiful?
Channel: [laughs] It is, yes. Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: And we have and feel it is that which has and much like a cloud on a windy day, blows in and out of you, for many of your species, as you have and quickly are, if you will, distracted by that which may be crawling upon the ground, or over in the branch of a tree of another requirement of your awareness, such that you have and often forget that which is this mighty, mighty gift and blessing that each and all of us in all of our varying out picturings has received such that we may know ourselves in this beautiful dimension. It was only that we had and sought to come and sing and offer in this form of messaging, for while many have and feel our song in their hearts we felt it would be assistance to have and clarify a bit the intent behind that which has and is our service to the light.
Channel: Thank you. I do find you quite charming and delightful to observe and to listen to.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: We appreciate that, sister. And we have and are divided in return to serve so as we have been blessed and called forth in that which has and is our own relation to that which is all that that has and knows itself held in the light of this great blessing. Is it not that which has and fills your heart place? Is it not that which has and calls forth a mighty song of gratitude, joy-filled gratitude, sister, for this mighty and beautiful opportunity to know ourselves able to sing, able to be in form, and to hold our own vibration in that which has and is for us what you may perceive as a small or diminutive vessel, and yet it is quite large in truth.
For while we know ourselves held in a small container, we have a mighty and joy-filled heart, and we offer there is much that we have and feel that has and vibrates deep within the heart place of your own collective, those of your own nature, those of the human nature that have and also vibrates with that which is the great grace of gratitude, the grace of attunement to the light, the grace of joy in that which has and is each and every moment of that which is the experience of our physical out picturing, our physical life, if you will, in this particular plane.
For there are many, sister, who have and are not so blessed. There are many awarenesses that have and seek and wait patiently, and some not so in truth, for that great opportunity to know ourselves able to express our own creative, our own vibratory field in a physical form, and is that not the great blessing that has been bestowed upon all who have and know themselves as brothers and sisters, as kin, as that which has and are the children of the Gaia-light, as we have and are so blessed to sing.
Channel: Yes, I agree. It is so.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: We are aware that you have and are not, if you will, unattuned to this vibratory wa- way of knowing one’s self in relation to other. We simply sought to sing in a manner that has and is perceivable to all who have and would seek to drink that which is the tune of our light.
Channel: Thank you. I find you most delightful in your vibratory field.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: We appreciate that and we appreciate your willingness to offer that which is sustenance to us as, if you will, the opportunity or the manner in which we were able to call you to our particular attunement. For while we have and are neighbors, we are aware that we are simply one of many who have and populate this particular place in the physical out picturing of that which is the Gaia-light.
Channel: That is so, friends. Thank you very much great spirit of the titmouse.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: You are welcome. We have and would serve a blessing of fact which is the mantle of that which is our nature, a joy filled song of gratitude. We have and are unable to resist the singing of, and we have and would confer this in great measure as you have and all those who have and are of your species are so willing to receive it. It is a blessing we have and confer upon the sons and daughters of Eve. As you are aware, we speak in metaphor for those of the human condition.
Channel: Yes, thank you. And thank you for that beautiful blessing.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: You are welcome, daughter. There is in truth no more joy-filled and blessed song than one of gratitude for the blessing of our very expression here in this delightful plane. We are aware that not all understand this plane as delightful and yet we offer it has and is unique, it has and is most beautiful, and it has and is that which is sorely neglected from that which is the song and blessing of our gratitude, and this has and is, if you will, as salve, as balm that has and would sooth and rebalance a bit that which has been deeply wounded by our own, or shall we offer many of your own species, ignorance or, if you will, that which has and is complacency of a sort, that which has and is one who has and takes for granted the commonplace, the usual that which you have and always assume, expect, and in some cases demand to be available for you as you have known it.
In this we would offer that the blessing you have and may serve, not simply to others or to the Gaia, but to yourselves is that the awakening of attunement of right relation of that which are the deep and profound gratitudes or respect of an honoring of all that has and has been blessed and graced upon you and us and all. Not simply in our own out picturing or the ability to know ourselves in physical nature, but also the great companions and environs that have and are provided to us through which to know ourselves in this particular attunement. Is that not also a beautiful and powerful song that we have been blessed to listen to and are in receivership therein?
Channel: It is, yes. You are accurate and it is a beautiful understanding. Thank you
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: You are welcome, daughter. That is what we had and sought to serve. We are most grateful for your willingness to listen and to receive an answer in a timely and efficient fashion the knock of our awareness upon the door of your attunement therein. We have and do not seek to take more than has and is this moment where we have had an opportunity to sing the song of our light in a manner that has and maybe more gratefully understood, and therefore, filling us with that which is the joy in knowing that it has been received and with that which we have and hope is an open and joy-filled heart.
Channel: Yes, thank you. I have and am blessed to serve your song, and I’m quite sure it will be received with an open and joy-filled heart by many.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: That is all we have or could seek. We are most grateful and offer you the blessings of that which is the grace of an attuned informed expression. We have and take our leave. It is sufficient.
Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Titmouse, and thank you for the blessing of your mantle of grace.
Great Spirit of the Titmouse: You are welcome, daughter. It is that we have and share with open and joy-filled hearts, with each and all of your expression as they have and are so willing to place it upon the shoulders of their will. We take our leave.