#47: The Great Spirit of the Octopus

In this episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast I channel fascinating guidance from the Great Spirit of the Octopus.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. I like to start each episode with a  little bit of a backstory about how I came to channel a particular spirit. Viewing the 2020 Academy Award winner for the Best Documentary  titled “ My Octopus Teacher” led me to channel the Great Spirit of the Octopus. This stunning film follows the year long journey of filmmaker Craig Foster as he forges a unique relationship with a wild Octopus in a South African kelp forest.


Great Spirit of the Octopus: We have and are in attunement, sister, with your heart place. Are we not that which you have and sought to align with in that which is the past several cycles of that which is the song? Are we not that which is the Great Spirit of the Octopus? We have and feel you are most deeply attuned with this awareness, yes?

Channel: I have and am. Greetings and blessing. Thank you for your light.

Great Spirit of the Octopus: You are welcome, daughter. You have attuned yourself nicely to that which is our, if you do not mind us offering, rather remarkable physical expression in this dimension through that which is the receivership, the song of our awareness and in through that which is the recording of and through visual nature of our relation with that other human and that which has and was a daughter of my light, yes?

Channel: Yes, I did. I watched the beautiful documentary My Octopus Teacher the other night. It was amazing.

Great Spirit of the Octopus: We appreciate that. There is much that remains unknown, undiscovered, unearthed, if you will of that which is the great landscape of our awareness and our capacity, for while we have and are very different in our physical out- picturings from those of your own species, we are not so different in that which is the ability to perceive, to analyze, to discern and in that we have and there are points in our history where we have and have known ourselves as, if you will, one who is a bit further along in that capacity, and where you have and are rather newly arrived from our perspective in this particular plane, yes?

Channel: Yes, that is so. thank you.

Great Spirit of the Octopus: We are not here to measure the length of clock time, not either of our species or yours has known itself in this particular expression. Rather we are here to offer that there is much in our nature that you have and would do well to emulate a bit at this point in our mutual history. 

There is further that which we have and would serve upon the plate of your awareness. We speak of the species for there is much that has and would, if you will, cause great turbulence in the waters of our mutual continuance as we have and would seek to acquaint ourselves with that which is our true relation, that which is our balanced , if you will, companionship. We are not offering that we anticipate, if you will, great communities of those of the human species to seek to companion and befriend those of our own expression; however, we would not refuse it should that be your intent.

We are masterful, although it may not appear so from your perception at the discernment we have and feel the vibration of your intent and that of others. We have and are most aware, and therefore are most able to align ourselves with that which is the ability to know ourselves placed advantageously in the current of continuance. That may have been made a bit more clear in a little visual record that was offered to you through that which was that which you call documentary of late. Is that so?

Channel: It is so, yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of the Octopus: We are able to use that which you understand as intellect, and we would also offer some instinct to place ourselves in a manner of protection from that which would seek through its own nature to understand us merely as food source, yes?

Channel: Yes.

Great Spirit of the Octopus: We are able to strategize. We are able to disguise. We are able to mask. We are able to learn with great avidity, and it is a joy that we have and claim as we have and explore and to know ourselves held in attuned relation with our fellow neighbors and what we would consider potential food source for our own sustenance, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of the Octopus: However, we would offer there is that which is occurring that which has and shifts the environ that has long been a welcome embrace for our continuance. In that we have and understand that there is that which has and would shift the temperature of the waters, that which is as you would understand it in your own awareness, the air that you would breathe, for it would not be a pleasant experience, we offer, to find that which is essential and required the air that you breathe to be toxic when you have and would seek to inhale, or scalding such that you have and are unable to withstand it as you have and would call it into your own lungs, and in this we have and would offer that is partially caused, called forth in imbalance relation by those of your own species, sister. Is this not so?

Channel: You speak of global warming.

Great Spirit of the Octopus: We speak of that which has and creates such discord in the balanced relation of the physical plane through that which is a distortion of the great flow that has known itself able to sustain for many, many seasons as caused by a consumption, the discharge, the ignorance, for we prefer to understand your species as not seeking through malintent; however, we cannot deny that may be the case for some. Rather, we seek to understand it simply as ignorance. For when one has and understands what one has and is calling forth, that has and does not only affect that which would be the simple octopus and their ability to know themselves in sustainable environ, but that which has and through your actions, your intent, and your will as a species has and would, if you will, be that which sets a flame in that which you have and know yourselves carried upon, or if you prefer, that which has and is a vessel upon which you float. How does it serve to drill a hole, and another, and another, and through the vessel of your own continuance, such that you have and are unable to remain afloat in the current of your own expansion?

We find this illogical and in truth, if you do not mind us offering, irresponsible and we would seek for we are able and willing to align ourselves with that which is a shared community on this particular planet with that which is the Mother Gaia, who has served us beautifully that which has and you have and know yourselves held in the environ of air, of land, that which has and we know ourselves in our own home environ, the great waters, which have and are the sustenance and birthplace of all that has and is born into that which is a living form as you would understand it in this beautiful plane of existence, yes?

Channel: Yes.

Great Spirit of the Octopus: We further offer there is not that which can sustain either your or our future issue as you have and continue to allow that which has and would in a manner create a roiling, a boiling of that which is the conditions that are in requirement for our mutual sustainability as we have understood it, yes? We would use ourselves as example for you are aware, or some are, that for us to call forth that which is our future our continuance as species it requires not a small surrender, but rather a full surrender of our own particular life force and form for those of the females of our species. As you have observed, and many are aware, there is that that once we have and would seek to offer that which is the birthing of the next generation, we have and willingly surrender ourselves as that which has and is in requirement to call forth that which has and would know itself in the continuance of the greater awareness of that which is the octopus, yes?

Channel: Yes.

Great Spirit of the Octopus: We would offer there is a bit of a distortion in what has and is occurring in your own species at this point in our mutual histories, sister, for while you have and do not surrender fully your own flesh, your own physical awareness, your life as you would understand it, although we know some do; however, it is not required in the general to call forth that which is the birthing of a new life in the form of human. Is this not so?

Channel: It is so.

Great Spirit of the Octopus: The distortion, we offer, is that you have and seek to know yourselves and this is your will as we understand it, to be able to continue in your own individuate awareness in this short span of clock time and do not seek to offer that which is adequate sustenance, adequate or, if you will, appropriate environ to call forth that which has and would be the next generations, the next, if you will, the progeny, those who have and would come who - who will of your desire as species to know itself in continuance in a manner that has and would sustain not simply your current, if you will, season, but those seasons to come and in that we find it most foreign to our nature. We do not offer that you in your own awareness are in requirement to, as you would understand it, sacrifice yourself for those who have and would come as future generations of the human species. We would however offer that through perhaps ignorance, doubt, or a distortion that it has and does not matter, that it has and will not make a difference, that it has and is untrue, that which has and would be that which you have and would offer as that which has and is unsustainable, untenable, if you will, a - an environ that has and is not accepting, not able to support, not able to sustain those of your species or of many, many other.

We have and would offer our wisdom to those who have and are willing to receive it, and we feel as we have in that particular individual relation that you have as a species deepened, great heart place that it would not be your intent to have and to suffocate through acts, through lack of action, if you will, through the lack of ceasing of behaviors, of actions that have and create a choke-hold on that which is your own issue, your own continuance. We have and believe and feel most deeply there is a great song of open heart. There is a great desire in a place of many of your species to have and return to that which is a beautiful song of balanced relation, the beautiful song of that which has and through the mastery and will of Gaia, knows itself able to flow without distortion, interruption, or in truth, extinction.

We are and understand that there are those of you who see us merely as a food group and we are not unwilling to serve as it has and is a part of the great balance; however, we would offer there is much that we have and serve in our own environ that is yet unknown to those of your own species, and while you have and may not judge it as holding value or that which has and is a powerful contribution to that which is the balance of flow, we would suggest you are mistaken. We do not seek to have you understand all that we have and are and how we have and serve. We simply would ask that you have and offer us the respect of accepting what we have and would offer into your own awareness as that which has and is the truth without distortion. Yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of the Octopus: We are in some manner more similar, your species and our own, and while we may not appear to be physically similar, we offer that we each and both have the capacity to align our will with our intellect such that when we have and know ourselves vibrating with great intent, it may be that which is served with great light, the light of awareness, the light of conscious will, and we have and would call upon you, each and all of the brothers and sisters who have and are of the human expression to align themselves with this great power that you have and have been blessed with, as have we, and in this we would seek to have you join us and others where you have and call forth that which is the attunement, the alignment of your awareness with that of your intent and your will in the direction in the reclaiming, the reclamation, if you will, and the rebalancing and the ceasing of destruction and distortion of that which was and may be a beautiful and sacred song of attunement in the physical form, and we have and would offer it is more than timely to, if you will, reach out those which are your own hands and grab as you are willing onto that which is the potential of that which is the song of our mutual beneficial and grace-filled continuance. Yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of the Octopus. I have and receive and have and will offer it.

Great Spirit of the Octopus: We appreciate that. We have and are aware of your open and willing heart. We have and are grateful for that which is the open and willing heart of all who have and receive this, the song of our own heart, as we have and would seek to know ourselves returned to that which is the opportunity, if you will, to get to know each other in a place of balance and grace.

Channel: Yes. Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of the Octopus: You are welcome. It is that which we wished to bestow upon that which is the will, the heart place, the awareness of your fellow brothers and sisters who understand themselves as members of the human community at this point in our mutual history. It is sufficient. We have and with open heart, we take our leave and listen for the song of your willing realignment with our own. It is sufficient. 


#49: The Great Spirit of the Tufted Titmouse


#45: The Great Spirit of the Horse