#45: The Great Spirit of the Horse
Ride the wisdom of the Great Spirit of the Horse in today’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.
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Welcome friends, this is your host, Tracy Shoolman and in today’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast we receive powerful guidance from the Great Spirit of the Horse. I like to start each episode with a bit of a back story about how I came to channel a particular spirit. In the case one of my friends boards her Icelandic horse at a nearby stable. I often companion her as she takes her horse out for walks yet for some reason I did not think to channel the Great Spirit of the Horse until one day when a beautiful chestnut mare arrived in the neighboring paddock. My friend pointed her out and told me that her name was Marina- my daughter’s name! Well that certainly got my attention.
It's important to note this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast episodes. As such, the audio quality isn't ideal, but I ask that you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Spirit of the Horse I have since updated my recording set-up and the newer sessions are higher quality.
Great Spirit of the Horse: We have and seek a moment of your knowing, mistress. We have heard you as you have received our little knock upon the door of your awareness the other day.
Channel: Yes, I did. Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Horse: We were most intrigued that you would come and visit and relate with those beings who are the four-legged, the horses, one belonging to your friend and one belonging to her friend, and then not to seek to receive their own wisdom, and yet we felt our knock would have and be most clear for you and therefore we are and have arrived. Is that not so?
Channel: It is so. Using the name of my daughter for you, Great Spirit of the Mare, has and drew me most clearly into attunement at the knock of my door.
Great Spirit of the Horse: That is how we understood it. We are the Spirit of the Mare, and in larger awareness The Spirit of the Horse, the Pony, and all other expressions of our nature, and we have and have come to you today to offer a prayer of gratitude for the blessing, the awakening of that which is the heartplace of those of your collective, for we feel it deeply within our own, much as when you stand upon the earth, you can feel the rumble of our approach in the physical form, so too as the hoofbeats touch again and again the breast of Gaia, we are aware of that which is the approaching of this awakening of the herd of your collective, and it is most pleasing a sound, and most pleasing a vibration as we have and drink deeply of its awareness with our own.
Channel: Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Horse: Yes, you are accurate. It is the time of awakening in the human heart, in the human collective. That is as it needs to be, sister, for there are many who have and sing a song of woe, sing a song of need, sing a song of wounded heart, and yet their song is not received by the ears of the heart of your species. Is this not so?
Channel: Unfortunately it is so, yes.
Great Spirit of the Horse: However, we have and have always been steady and deeply attuned companions, have we not? Those of our species and those of your own, and we speak not simply the attunement of flesh against flesh, we speak of the attunement of heart with heart, for we have and feel your deep love. We have and are aware of your deep capacity for that which is profound compassion and we also feel that those of your species have a particular fondness of our ability to ride the winds of freedom. Is this not so?
Channel: I’ve never thought of it that way, but yes, I imagine it is so.
Great Spirit of the Horse: We offer that we are very, very sure that it is so, at least for those of our own expression who have and know this in a sacred bond, as we have and out picture that which is the spirit of freedom, the spirit of unbounded grace, if you do not mind us offering, the spirit of strength, agility, power, and stamina. In this, are we not that which you have and may seek to enjoin your field with, not simply in a physical manner, but yet as you have and are so willing as you have and honor The Great Spirit of the Horse, The Great Spirit of the Mare, [05:00] The Great Spirit of the Pony, The Great Spirit of Other who have and are of our expression.
We are most grateful and joy-filled to align our awareness with your own, for we feel within you the trill of your heart, we feel within you the vibratory field of one who has and knows oneself released of limitation when one has and claims fully your alignment with our light. Is this not so?
Channel: It appears to be so, yes.
Great Spirit of the Horse: Does it not resonate deeply with you, daughter?
Channel: It actually does, yes. You are incredibly beautiful to watch.
Great Spirit of the Horse: We invite you not simply to watch, but to engage and to know yourself as one who has and calls forth your own freedom, your own ability to run as wind across that which are the plains of your own intent. You have and are a beautiful spirit who has and is opening and blooming most efficiently and deeply, we feel, to call upon yourself that which is your horse nature, so you have and know yourself well-blessed and served in the attunement of our grace.
We have and would seek to bestow upon you with great joy and gratitude, blessing of the mantle of the Spirit of the Horse, the Spirit of the Mare, for in this are you not able, as you have been, to call forth your profound attunement with that which is the song of our light, that which is the song of our willing flight across that which are the plains and prairies, the mountains, the valleys, the riversides, the shorelines, the staid and steady pathways that have and all take your heart from a place of intent to a place of grateful destination therein. Is this not so?
Channel: It is, thank you. It is most profoundly expressed.
Great Spirit of the Horse: We would agree. We have and further offer that for us the journey itself is the destination. This may feel trite for those of your species, and yet we offer is there not that which is simply the pleasure, the power, the grace of simply expanding one’s self fully and running. We speak not only of the physical expression; we speak of the spiritual expression to run free, to leave behind all that has and would limit or restrain or withhold from your own knowing a great and open expanse of joy that we have and know that we have and simply allow ourselves the full blessing of our free flow in all aspects of our expression. Physical, certainly, emotional and spiritual, most certainly, and that is the blessing of that which is our in form flight. Are we not a beautiful metaphor for that which lies within the human heart? The capacity, the intent to run across the fields of alignment with joy in the running, with gratitude for the opportunity to run and with great and powerful ability, stability, and grace.
In this we are most pleased and grateful [10:00] to serve as that which has and vibrates deeply with the song of manifest intent. Can you ken this, daughter?
Channel: I have, yes. Thank you. It is a powerful and vibrant image, one that has and resonates deeply within my own heart place.
Great Spirit of the Horse: Yours and many others, for we have and are willing to carry the heart place of the human collective as you have and seek to align in right relation, not simply with those of our own species, but those of all others who would have and walk or crawl or dance or run across the field of their own knowing in a physical form, and in this, is this not as it should be, as it has been and it will be through the grace of our aligned intent.
Channel: Yes. Yes and yes.
Great Spirit of the Horse: We feel you smiling not simply on your features, but in your heart and that is the song of our light. We are ones who hold great honor and respect [background, plane - 0:11:27] in many of your cultures, and that is as it is and there is reason for it, is there not? For there is a great love, a great connection, a great attunement between those of our awareness and those of your own. While we offer you often would pray, as you would understand it, or invoke as some would call it, the Great Spirit of our Light, and have and offer the physical out picturing in manifest form as inspiration, if you will, and as willing partner and grateful friend and companion to many who have and seek to align themselves with that which is the open and running and free part of their own will.
We are that which is the manifest expression free will, as we understand there are those of our physical species who have and are tethered to your own need state who have and serve more or less willingly when we, through that which is, if you will, the willingness to carry your burden, either near or far as we have and would carry the burden of your physical expression in will and grace, and we now have and would seek to know ourselves held in the alignment wherein you have and know yourselves as one who is not simply carried by which you would understand as laborer or servant to your need state in the physical, rather for both and all to join again in the sacred dance of reunion, of realignment, of reconfiguration, of rebalancing between that which is our light and your own as collective.
We are most grateful and joy-filled as we have and would offer you the opportunity and the blessing to ride upon our will and then to run in concert together with your own. Is it not a great blessing to run and to be carried upon the back of open-hearted will, one that has and raises with great elegance and power along the pathway of right relation with that which is the all-that-is in manifest expression as you have and would know it as the Gaia, as that which has and is the source in this dimension of our own potential for expression in a physical form. [15:00] Yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Horse: Your inner eye is filled with beautiful imagery in that of those of our species in physical form, racing through the great golden fields, at the tall grasses. Racing across the mighty plains of the red earth, racing along the edge with the pounding of the great horses of the sea who have and play with us as we acknowledge their power, their grace, and their attunement with our field.
Channel: Yes, that is exactly what I am envisioning. You are absolutely right.
Great Spirit of the Horse: Of course we are able to feel and vibrate in attunement that which is the image of your heart, for that is we see with the eyes of our heart, do we not? And as you have and call forth these powerful visions of attunement, they vibrate deeply and beautifully with our own, and for that we are grateful.
We offer these for we feel that they have and resonate deeply with others of your clan, if you will, others of the clan of the human, the collective awareness and blooming of the human heart as it has and is awakened to the blessing of the freedom of free will and the claiming therein. And in this we have and are most grateful to offer our small wisdoms, our small token of awareness, and our great and joy-filled heart for that which we feel has and awakens within each and all of your collective at this sacred point in our mutual awareness.
Channel: Yes, thank you. I feel that deeply.
Great Spirit of the Horse: As do we. We do not seek to carry you further than is polite in this particular engagement as we understand there are others who seek your awareness. We have and simply are most grateful, joy-filled and excited to have and run together with carrying you upon our backs and having that which is your will race along in your horse nature, astride and aside, for not all are required or in need of being carried by our own heart. You have and run and fly most beautifully upon the wings and hooves or the desire of the heart of your own, and that is, we offer, the path to attunement, is it not?
Channel: It is.
Great Spirit of the Horse: We do not seek to warm ourselves any longer at the hearth fire of your awareness, for we are most grateful to have served this small song of our hearts as log into that which is the fire of the awakening of free will and the claiming, the attunement with, the alignment with that which has and always has rested within the heart place, although perhaps not the physical awareness of your species, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Horse: It is sufficient. We have and are most pleased and joy-filled [20:00] as we have and offer gratitude for that which has and is the human heart of great, open free will that has and knows no boundary, no resistance, no limitation as you have and race with us across the fields and the plains and the pathways of right relation through that which is open and willing intent.
It is sufficient.
Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Horse, the Mare. You bless us all with your song of grace.
Great Spirit of the Horse: We appreciate your gratitude and your willingness to open the gate of your awareness, such that we have and may know ourselves in the blessing of untethered flow. Be well, my daughter, and we offer that which is the hand of our will in blessing upon all of the brothers and sisters of your clan, as we have and are most joy-filled to run aside or to have you sit astride as we have and sing a song of an open-hearted and joy-filled will in right relation with all of our brothers and sisters who are in formed expression and without in this dimension, who have and know themselves as children in varying forms. It is so that as children nevertheless of the Gaia-heart, is it not beautiful and are we not so blessed to be at a point of awareness of one who has and serves us so beautifully through the grace of her will.
Channel: Yes, it is so. Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Horse. I am grateful for your alignment, attunement, and awareness to my light.
Great Spirit of the Horse: It is sufficient, daughter. We take our leave and listen with a joy-filled heart to the sound of the vibration of the will of the collective, and the attunement with right relation with Gaia and all of her informed intent.
Channel: Thank you. Blessings be.