#46: The Great Spirit of the Iris
I channel the Great Spirit of the Iris in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.
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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. I like to start each episode with a bit of a backstory about how I came to channel a particular spirit. This summer one of my friends invited me to take a tour with her of the Tower Hill Botanical Gardens located in Boylston, Mass. I was simply taken by the vast array of colorful Iris exploding in bloom during that beautiful July day
Great Spirit of the Iris: We have and are those whom you have and sought to attune yourself with, sister, for are we not that which has and vibrates with that which is the out picturing of the Iris? We have and are grateful that you have and appreciate our expression in that which is your own backyard and that which has and is the gardens, the fields, and those other aspects of our own expression that have and are experienced or not experienced by those of the human species, yes?
Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Iris. You are most beautiful.
Great Spirit of the Iris: We feel that you have and vibrate with appreciation and it is deeply and gratefully received. Are we not that which has and is a song of light in form? For that is how we understand ourselves as that which has and vibrates with a tune of beauty, of delight of that which has and serves those who have and know themselves as ones who have and would seek a point of, if you will, a small blessing that has and soothes, intrigues, and we feel, delights those of your species and other, and that has and is for us a very gratifying, if you will, service we offer to many, for you have and cultivate us as ornamentation as that which has and lifts the heart place a bit of your own awareness that has and reminds you a bit that all has and is born of light.
You may not comprehend of this lifetime awareness, but that is how we have and serve, and yet we offer that is how we have and serve, as you have and in some aspect are aware, for are we not named after that which is in your own mythology the Goddess of the Rainbow? Is that not so?
Channel: Yes, it is so. Iris is the Goddess of the Rainbow in Greek mythology.
Great Spirit of the Iris: We are aware, and what is the rainbow if you do not mind us inquiring.
Channel: It is a visual expression of light refracted against the water, the mist that is in the air after a rain – at least that’s my understanding; however, I am not a scientist or never really studied it scientifically.
Great Spirit of the Iris: It is close enough, daughter, and so we have and in our varying array our varying shades. Are we not that which has and vibrates with these particular frequencies of color, to have and delight and grace that which is a place that has and would, if you will, tickle the heartplace a bit, lift the spirit a bit, bring that which is beauty, delicacy, and we would offer, a bit of charm to your environ. We are so grateful and blessed to serve in this very manner, for not all have and are required to be simply utilitarian, as they have and know themselves in a physical form. Is that not so?
We are aware that your species has and is quite attuned to that which is the out picturing of certain and other forms that have and are as you would understand them, life-filled, or simply that which you do not perceive filled with a life force that has and is a part of the environ, such as the manner in which a hill many cascade, the manner in which a tree is branched, may drape, the manner in which that which is a cloud may be formed as it floats upon the sky, and these have and serve as they are known to, other aspects of requirement in this particular dimension. And yet, too, do they not also offer that which is a bit of respite, a bit of perhaps grace, a bit of calm in that which one would know as a windy place in the emotions of the heart, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you. That is beautifully expressed. I had not understood it, but I feel it. I feel that it is accurate.
Great Spirit of the Iris: We appreciate that you are confirming that which is as it is, daughter, and we are aware that you are most taken with our physical form, and we are not simply the physical form as you have and others are aware. For have you not understood for many seasons as a species there is more to that which is bloom of a flower, or the bud of a bush or tree than simply that which has and would call forth the reproduction, the regeneration of another form or future expression, yes? Is it not why as we understand it?
You have and cultivate, you have and offer as high service to the emotional state you have and honor in another or the emotional state you have and would seek to call forth, or draw forth from the heartplace of another. Is this not so?
Channel: Yes, it is so. Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Iris: And we have and are willing and grateful to be known as one of the facets of our expression as that which has and bestows the touch of grace, peace, and upliftment in the heartplace of those of your species as many of our cousins, who are also as you would designate them, flowers or flowering plants, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Iris: We would offer, however, that it is appreciated to have and know ourselves able to, if you will, fulfil the entire cycle of our life state, our life experience, without that severing of that part which you have and would seek to enjoy for a day or two in such great measure. While we have and are most grateful to serve as that which has and blooms with each season in your yard and garden, for this is in that way an allowance, if you will, that offers us the capacity to serve other members of the community as we have and are designed. Those who have and would seek to drink from us, those who have and would seek to live with us or within us, or by us, those who have and would seek to be that which pollinates or receives other form of nutrient from our companionship in that which is the local environ of their expression, yes?
We have and understand there are many of us who are simply called forth through the intent to have and know us as that which has and as we have and seek to sing the bloom, we have and know ourselves and our song as extinguished, long not for a day or two, or perhaps even as long as seven days, or a week, as you understand it. Yet so it is. We are not unwilling to serve in this manner. We have out-- we would, however, also seek to know ourselves able to expand and, if you will, know ourselves in that place which has and was our informed intent or purpose through the will of Gaia.
For we are not unwilling to serve as that which brings joy through our own surrender into the heartplace of those who we have and would be gathered as bouquet, or part of that which would be a great combination of those of our cousins and others of the floral nature. It is simply we are also grateful for the opportunity to know ourselves able to fulfil those other aspects of our service to the light that have and are accomplished through that which is the addition of several seasons of our, if you will, bloom and fade, bloom and fade, as you have and would understand it.
We further offer the blessing of that upon those of your species which has and is the song of attunement to the awareness that each and every color of the iris, or each and every color, if you will, of the greater palate of the natural world has and knows itself as one or other singular, beautiful, vibratory tone. All color has and is of a particular and unique vibratory flow or wave, and it is that we have and would seek to offer upon the plate of your awareness as a species, for we are aware, daughter, that this is not un - that this is not foreign to you. It has and is to understand that within the color, within the form, within the sound, within all aspects of expression there is information, there is a particular vibratory field of expression and it is the great combination of these varying fields of vibratory attunement that have and are in truth what creates that which is a great and mighty rainbow of flow, not simply as that small out picturing, while dramatic and beautiful, we do not deny that it is limited, if you will, in terms of the mighty breadth of variation and expression that is known in the rainbow of life that has and is a song of Gaia, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you. That is so.
Great Spirit of the Iris: We further offer that while there are those who have and may not be as pleasing to the eye as you have and find our own species and other that you have and seek to cultivate, tend, and admire in your own gardens or other places that you have and would intend a particular expression or out picturing of a form of one or other of the plants or trees or shrubs or other that you understand, such as grasses, that you have and would, if you will, bedeck the naked soil that has and would know itself if you had not adorned it so. Yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Iris: And in this, we have and would offer that each and all, be it the deep green of the pine tree, or the pale yellow of our own iris petals, or the deep red of that which has and would be as rose or as other that holds that vibratory field, such as the turning of the leaf of the maple at that time of the falling, yes?
And there are many, many other examples we have and could offer, and yet we have and would seek the awakening, the awareness of the power and, if you will, the medicinal service that has and has served to all of our fields through that which is the exposure, if you will, the presence of these varying frequencies of vibration, whether you have and experience them as that which are the sounds, that which are the smells, that which are the colors, that which are the textures, or that which has and is, if you will, simply the feeling you have and receive the energy you have and is exchanged between one and other. For all is flow and all has and is in flow whether or not one has and is aware. That does not stop that which has and is the great flow and exchange of this energy, in and through each and all in each and every point in our mutual awareness.
Is it not timely, friends, to have and to honor, to have and to know yourself most blessed as we do in being that which is a part of this mighty song, this great and magnificent rainbow of vibratory attunement? For you in your own expression also have and vibrate in many aspects, for do you not have and express yourself in all that we have mentioned in the physical, and we have and would offer for as many of your own physical attributes, your senses, as you have and know yourself as that which has of many colors? For you are as we are, not simply of a single song in terms of you physicality. Is that not most delightful as you have and know yourselves in a vast array of varying attunements and expression?
We further offer that for as great as you may feel your physical variation has and is as a song, it is in truth a vibration of your awareness, your emotional state, that which has and is your energy field that have and are the greater expression of all that you understand yourself held within, and there are many who have and feel, many of your own species, and many of any others we would offer, who have and when they see, if you will, the colors of a particular informed expression, or being, or plant, or animal, or mineral, or other, they do not only see with the physical eyes, friends, they see with the eyes of the heart and the eyes of the heart perceive most clearly the great array of the light that has and is expressed through your energetic, your field of light, the wavelengths that have and are borne through that which is your nature. That which has and is called forth into attunement, or out of attunement through your intent and that which has and is constant and changing with that which is your intent, the varying and beautiful song of your own rainbow that has and knows itself borne from your will.
For it is the will and the intent that call forth the vibration of all that you have and are. We do not deny that you have and start, if you will, with that which is the soil, the seed of human form and that is, if you will, an aspect, albeit a powerful and easily-perceived one of what you have and are in your own vibrational attunement, and that is as it is. We all have our nature. I speak from that which has and knows itself in the nature of Iris, and I have many iterations, many variations for which I have and am most pleased for it is, if you do not mind us offering, a bit dull to be only of one or other, yes?
I am most grateful when I have and know myself able to express in many of the varying shades, colors, if you will, of the rainbow and of other, for that is what pleases us and is part of our nature.
You are guided as you are willing to turn and to perceive yourselves and all else through that which are the eyes of your greater awareness, that which is called the eyes of the heart, that which you feel and know, that which you sense or deny, and yet the denial is not that which has and would much as one would take the hand and wipe off that which was the mud that had splattered upon you, one cannot wipe off what one has and is in vibration. One can, however, shift that, change that which is your vibratory field through your intent, yes?
We are not offering that you can change your physical essence or core as one who has and knows oneself in a human vessel. We are offering, however, that those aspects of how you vibrate your combination, if you will, of your will-based intent, that is what you have and are most blessed to know yourselves, if you will, the owners of a mighty palette that has and is not limited, and you have and may claim that which is the great canvas of your own expression through how you have and seek to know yourselves in relation, not only with other, but with your own heart.
It has and is a beautiful, ever-changing, ever-flowing song. The rainbow of your own heart, of your own heart with its will has and is in truth is mesmerizing for us. For that is how we have and perceive. We do not simply perceive your physical out picturing although we are most welcome and able to. We have and perceive you as far, far greater than that which has and if you were to look upon us to understand that which is our stem, our stalk as the physical out picturing in that which is the bloom, the bud, the flower as our energetic out picturing, so that is how we have and perceive each and all of you, and you have and are so incredibly and wonderfully beautiful and exquisite and delightful, and at times in need of a bit more watering, if you do not mind us offering, for that which has and would know itself having and exposed to that which is unpleasant circumstance or lack of nutrient in the soil.
It is not that which cannot be, if you will, addressed, for we do not speak of where you have been physically planted, and we would seek to clarify that for those who have and would think or understand it in that limited framework. Rather we speak of the soil of your own intent and how you have intended it, fertilize it with your will and your desire, as you have and would seek to know yourselves expanded and growing and blooming. It has, and in truth is simply that which you have and as gardener and that which has and is in the garden of your own will. You have and may be one who is called a master, or one who simply does not seek to tend the garden of their own life, their own incarnate expression.
And so it has and knows itself as that which is burdened with other, overgrown, underfed, choked or thirsty, unable to bloom in the manner that has and rests as potential deep within its own seed state, yes?
We are grateful to have and companion and be that which is welcome neighbor, guest in your little pieces of earth that you have and would seek to bedeck and to call forth that which has and is our light and we have and are most grateful, for as you have and bear witness to our own physical expression, we have and enjoy and are grateful for that which is the opportunity to share and companion as neighbor that which you have and are. For us, those of the human species and other are part of the garden. We have and perceive the garden of energy that has and is most beautiful for us to be held within to know ourselves as a part of, yes?
We have completed that which would be our song of introduction and joy-filled attunement to those of your awareness who have and seek a bit of, if you will, opening of the ears of their heart and the assistance you have and have offered such that we have and flow and are joy-filled to know ourselves able to be received and a bit understood by those of your own community collective, yes?
Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Iris. You are a beautiful rainbow of the light, and I appreciate the blessing of your awareness and attunement in and through my field.
Great Spirit of the Iris: You are most welcome, daughter. We have and appreciate and offer prayers of gratitude for the blessing of this opportunity to lift the throats of our awareness, such that they have and may be experienced in the manner that we have chosen to serve them.
It is sufficient, we feel. As you have and are willing, we would take our leave.
Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Iris. Godspeed.
Great Spirit of the Iris: It is sufficient, daughter.