#43: The Great Spirit of the Mouse
The Great Spirit of the Mouse teaches us not to confuse physical size with the power held within in this episode of the Gaia Translate Prodcast
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Welcome friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. Like clockwork, as the winter weather settles in so does a little mouse who spends evenings rolling an acorn back and forth and back and forth along the eves over my head. As you may have guessed today’s Episode of the Gaia Translate podcast offers intriguing guidance from the Great Spirit of the Mouse. A transcript is available in the show notes for today’s episode at Gaiatranslate.com
Great Spirit of The Mouse: We have and are no strangers, is that not so, daughter? For have we not made our acquaintance with each other in other seasons of your awareness
Channel: You are accurate.
Great Spirit of The Mouse: It is the Spirit of the Mouse. Did we not pay you a little visit at one point when you had and would know us and our presence as that which had and offered you particular wisdoms that seemed in attunement with that you had called to yourself in your learning at that point in our mutual awareness, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of the Mouse. I have and am most, most aware of our prior acquaintance, and I am grateful for your arrival here and the knock upon the door of my awareness that you offered me yesterday.
Great Spirit of The Mouse: You are welcome, daughter. We are more common companions and roommates, if you will, to those of your species than may be known, in truth, and we have and are most willing to cohabitate. We are not bothered, if you will, by sharing our abode with others, although it cannot be said that is so for those of your own species, for we are considered that which is nuisance, that which is pest, that which is intruder, that which has and is in the requirement of, if you will, being shooed or cleared out in one or less pleasant manner or another, yes?
Channel: Yes, that is accurate.
Great Spirit of The Mouse: However, when one has and invites the consumption, if you will, of that which is your extraneous food stuff and the lovely shelter of your domiciles, your structures and other, how is it that you can expect that those who have and would listen to the need state of their own belly not be called to the table? In this as you have and are aware there is much that is discarded by those of your own species that we have and are most delighted to assist with in the assumption therein, and for that we are grateful. We do not seek to consume more that has and would be our share, and we have and are most grateful to know those bits and crumbs, those leftovers, if you will, as that which we have and are most grateful to fill our own need state, our own bellies with, yes?
Is it not also so that you have known this past domicile that when you have and only seek to habitate for one or two of the moon cycles, the months of the year that there are many, many months where that which is a perfectly acceptable and efficient shelter lies silent and empty and lonely and are we not that which has and would simply seek to companion it, to keep it company while there is that which is the winter weather or other inclement circumstance that has and would be carried on as the seasons have and know themselves in the great flow of continuance.
Channel: Yes, that is so.
Great Spirit of The Mouse: We have and are aware that it is not pleasant to find those who were not directly invited to be camping out in your environ. And yet, we mean no harm. In truth we have and are that which simply seeks as neighbor, as friend, as fellow member of the community to share in the bounty that has and is held in great degree by those of your species, yes?
Channel: Yes, I – I do understand.
Great Spirit of The Mouse: We are not unwilling to find that which is our own residence when there is that which are the environs that have and were bestowed upon us as we have and were called into form that which are the natural environs. In this where there are still woods, where there still are fields, where there are still those of water and other resources, it is not difficult for us to know ourselves well-served and well-provided for; however, as you have and may be aware when there is that which is the great forests of your cities, there is less opportunity to find a little corner for our own species to know itself, if you will, able to claim it as homestead, as that which would be a neighborhood wherein we may have and know ourselves able to sufficiently sustain our need state through natural resource.
While all is of nature, we speak of that which has and is directly of the Gaia, rather than that which is formed or called into form through the intent of those of your species in a structure that has and involves the elements of the natural world as you would understand them, combined or recombined or reconfigured in some a manner through that which is the will and intent of your species. In this have you not called forth great and remarkable structure, great and remarkable system, great and remarkable device all in service to that which you perceive as your own need state, your own requirement and in truth that which has and feeds most amply your own desire?
We do not judge this; we simply make observation and if you have and would honor us with the return of yet a small portion of that which has been claimed for your own structures, your own, if you will, communities wherein there is less and less of that which is as we would understand it our native environ. You have and would find that there is less need on our part to seek, to cohabitate, or to be roommate with those of your own species in those domiciles, those other structures, such as barn, or other form of enclosure that has and claims that which would be our own environ for that which has and would serve those of your own species, yes?
As you have and are so willing to observe how those who are not of the human expression have and are most willing to be that which is roommate and neighbor and cohabitant of the natural environs, those of the fields, those of the woods, those of the marshlands and other. You do not see us seeking to shut out all other members of the community such that we may have an entire field to ourselves. When I speak of ourselves I am referring to those of the physical expression of mouse, for example, or perhaps those of the physical expression of robin or other, for that is not as it has been designed in truth. There is an imbalance when there is a single being, a single species who has and would seek to gather up all of the seeds of that which would be the sustenance, the continuance, the land, the environ for their own need state and to shut out all others.
In this, is it not much as that which you would understand as “rush-hour” on those which you know as train or subway, where all are crammed into the small space with, in truth, not sufficient for adequate, if you will, atmosphere to breathe, ground with which to stand, and other that has and allows one to simply exist in a manner that is blessed and uncompromised.
We are not suggesting that each individual would seek to have their very own train car, although in truth there are many who would find this most pleasant and desirable, rather that it is simply a matter of a balance, yes? That is the word we sought – a balance, such that there is sufficiency in resource, sufficiency in the natural environs, sufficiency in the, if you will, cross cultural integration of many, many species, for in truth we each and all serve each other. We understand that we are a food stuff for many, and while we do not mind avoiding that particular aspect of our service, nevertheless we have and are aware it is one of the reasons we have and are able to procreate with such efficiency. For that is as it is, yes?
Channel: Yes. Thank you.
Great Spirit of The Mouse: We do not seek to bore you with the details of our own biology, although we feel you have and are familiar with many. We simply seek to offer that as you have and would seek to have your own private environs, if you will, is it not simply a matter of the willingness to provide sustainable alternative to those who are not of your own species, such that they too may know themselves in a place they may claim as their own domicile, or nest, or burrow, or other such that they have and know themselves as able to claim and consume that which has and is adequate foodstuff and to have and in truth serve as that which has and may be consumed by other members of the interwoven community of flow.
We do not seek to be, if you will, shut out in the cold to know ourselves lined up to be that which is the next in line for the barbecue, rather we have and would seek to know ourselves able as we have and were intended in truth to participate and to cohabitate with those other members of the community who have and are as you would understand it of the natural world.
You are also of the natural world, of course, as in truth are all of that which you have created in all that has and is and continues to be in a form of creation and expansion and depletion. It is all a flow, is it not?
We are aware there are those who do not comprehend the overlay of that which is implied when we suggest that there is that which is in diminishment, and yet do we not sing a song that is most clear of the diminishment of that which has and would serve our own need state. Is it surprising, brothers and sisters, that we have or would seek to consume the grain that you have and would harvest for your own need state, when in truth a few pieces have and are most welcome, have and bless us with our own continuance, as we have and are in requirement therein. We are not greedy. We are most prudent, if you will, and careful as we have and would seek to store that which would simply maintain us in our life force through that which are the winters where there is the barrenness of the land.
In such we have and would care for ourselves, those who are our young, those who are less than young, and those who have and are in requirement of assistance, for we are most family-oriented. While that may not be apparent to those of your own species, we have that in common, you know. We have simply sought to reach out at this point and to offer that which is the wisdom that comes when one has and understands there is a power, there is an attunement to the balancing of the relation of those other members of the community, not simply of the human community, but of the entire community of life in whatever form it has or may know itself blessed to be expressed in and through, such that you do not have and claim for yourselves all of the train cars of existence and leave but one, or possibly two, wherein all other aspects of nature are in requirement of cramming into. This is in truth not a feasible or, if you will, condition that has and can be maintained or expanded for any length of clock time. It simply cannot be sustained.
We have and call this to your awareness and to those who have and are willing to return a bit the use and to leave off the contamination, to leave off the pollution, to leave off the claiming for their own need state in that which are certain, if you will, parcels of the natural environ, such that those many, many, many of your fellow members of this particular planet, this particular life in its flow have and may know themselves able and blessed in their own capacity and potential for continuance, for growth, for expansion, and for service as they have been and were intended.
It is not that complicated, brothers and sisters. We have and do not seek to take over or claim all that you have and have created to serve those of your own species, and we simply would seek to request from a place of openhearted gratitude for your willingness to listen and to attune that which is the ear of your heart to the need state of the other, be they the other of your own species or the other of all other species who have and simply seek as you do to know yourselves well-sheltered, sufficiently fed, and able to sing a song of life, connection, community, and grace.
It is that we sought to offer. It is that we sought to sing. Do not turn as you are willing from the power of the small details, for while they may appear small as we do in our physical expression, we offer they are anything but small or, if you will, to be undervalued when it comes to that which is the mighty bloom of our mutual and blessed continuance together as that which has and knows itself called into form as that which has and is not isolated or, if you will, as single figure floating on an iceberg without other engagement but rather as that which is a beautiful and great weave of life that has and only through the weaving, only through the interaction, only through the combination, if you will, of all of our threads do we have and sing a song that has and will sustain us all, that has and will serve to protect us all, that has and will serve to nourish us all, not simply in the belly, but in the heart.
Is that not a beautiful song? For while we may not sing as you would understand it, we offer, we sing, and offer gratitudes with each of the new day, and each of the return of the night for the blessing of knowing ourselves as part of this great and mighty dance of life that has and swirls, prances, leaps, and tiptoes in and through that which is the song of Gaia. Is this not beautiful? And are we not all, each and all, so blessed to be a member of this mighty troop of merry beings who know themselves in the song of an informed expression, an existence here as we have and feel that which is the conductor’s wand of the being who is Gaia, as she has and seeks to have us all sing, play, and attune ourselves such that we have and are all in concert with, rather than in denial of that which is the symphony of our interconnected alignment.
We realize this is cliché, and yet it is serviceable, and so we have plucked it with that which is the basket of potential as it is a simple and clear metaphor for how we have and feel with all of you, and how we have and hope you have and will open the hands and eyes and ears of your heart in willing acceptance of those who may not appear as you, those who may not speak as you are used to hearing, and yet those who have and hold a mighty heart and a great will to work in attunement with, in alignment with, rather than in that which is exclusion of.
We have and are most grateful for your willingness to receive our little song, our little wisdom that we have and would place these crumbs of, such that they have and are most tempting and are consumed with great avidity and enjoyment by those who are members of your own family, your own communities of the human light. We are most willing and joy-filled to know ourselves in that which is the attunement of companionable relation, and in this we have and do not seek to nibble away at that which is your awareness any further.
We have and would take our leave.
Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Mouse. You have and bless us with the song of your wisdom.
Great Spirit of The Mouse: It has and is my honor to share it with those who have and would open the ears of their heart and the arms of their heart in receivership therein.
Channel: Blessings be.
Great Spirit of The Mouse: And to you, daughter. We are aware that we have and will see each other, connect with each other, and know each other in other points in our mutual attunement. Until that expression, Godspeed, be well. We take our leave.
Channel: Blessings be.
Great Spirit of The Mouse: And to you.