#42: The Great Spirit of the Skunk
The Great Spirit of the Skunk offers timely guidance in this episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.
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Welcome friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. As it would happen the farm stand where I pick up my weekly CSA was just closing up for the day as I picked up my weekly share. On my way back to the car in the fading light a slight movement caught my eye and I realized coming right out from underneath a picnic bench was a skunk strolling quietly along by the edge of the woods bordering the fields. I’m honored to have channeled the Great Spirit of the Skunk for today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. A transcript is available in the show notes for today’s episode at Gaiatranslate.com
It's important to note this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast episodes. As such, the audio quality isn't ideal, but I ask that you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Skunk. I have since updated my recording set-up and the newer sessions are higher quality.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: We have and are the Spirit of The Skunk, sister. We appreciate your timely, um, answering the knock of our awareness. It is most efficient, is it not?
Channel: Yes, it is.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: We have and would seek a moment of your knowing as you have and are willing to grant it.
Channel: I have and I am.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: We have and offer it is the season of alignment. It is the season of returning. It is the season of awakening after that which has been a winter of realignment, yes? We have and understand it is a bit of a confusion what we have and offer you this noontime, and we would clarify as you are willing to hear our explaining.
Channel: I am most willing to hear your explaining, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: Has it not been that which is the season of going-in for many of your species? A season of turning, rather than outwards towards all that has and would call the scurrying and hurrying and flurrying of your species for this and that and the other, to turn a bit more into the stillness of simply being rather than the doing, yes?
Channel: Yes, although not willingly for most.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: That is understood, and yet we offer there is a great and powerful resource found when one has and turns and looks a bit within, a bit around at all that one has as part of one’s own resource, rather than seeking to constantly fill cupboards with more and more. Some we understand is required, that to feed the belly, that to feed the mind, that to feed the heart, but after you have fed the belly, the mind, and the heart, is there truly that much additional in terms of the substance, the material realm that has and is truly in requirement?
Channel: Not that I can understand, not that I can see. Yes, I agree with you.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: We offer that as you have and are turning yourselves, retuning, if you will, towards what we would consider those that triangle of primacy, the feeding of the belly, the mind, and the heart. We would offer that which fills the triangle is the spirit. Is it not that which holds it and contains it, and without it we would offer there is no need to fill the belly, the mind, and the heart, for there is nothing that is containing that part, that spark, that awareness that is other than the mind, the belly, and the heart, and yet that which is essential to an informed expression, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you. That is wise.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: We appreciate your acceptance of this gift of our wisdom. We have and would further offer for your greater clan, sister, as well as your own consumption should you so choose, a meal of our awareness, the meal of our gift of understanding, if you will, upon the plate of your knowing.
Channel: I am blessed to receive it. Thank you.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: It is timely, we would offer to understand the equation that has and is called to our attention at this point in our mutual histories, yes?
Channel: Yes.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: The equation that has and looks at that which are those component elements that would serve the belly, the heart, and the mind, and to see that without conservation, if you will, and be distribution of certain component elements, you will have and you will find that you all do not sleep well, for you will listen to the cries of your empty bellies, to the cries of your mourning hearts, and to that which is the sea source, tides of your mind, as you have and look to what could have been, what might have been saved, or protected, or honored, or served through your willing partnership and relationship with that which is the source of all flow as you understand it in your physical form.
It is simply this that we would offer, for there is not much that is in truth required to serve in balanced and powerful triangle of an incarnate experience from our perspective, and yet as one has and seeks to gather and gather without leaving one or two of that which would be the seeds for next year’s harvest in the soil of potential. There are many who will simply be fed with the songs of an empty belly, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you. I appreciate that and it is true, unfortunately.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: It is not an unfortunate truth unless your species and your collective of knowing has and wills itself, sister. We have and raise the scent of our awareness in great open-hearted and willing companionship, for while we understand we are not the most welcome of guests, yet we would offer we understand the power of our intent matches that which would be the intent of those who would seek to consume that which is our own knowing, and as we have and turn our awareness fully upon that which encroaches, or would serve as threat to our continuance, so we have and “raise a stink,” do we not?
Channel: [laughing] Yes, you do. Thank you.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: And we are not one who has and waits politely until the jaws of another’s desire are impositioned, if you will, have clamped tightly upon our neck. We do not seek to wound. We do not seek to dominate. We do not seek to denigrate. We simply seek to cohabitate. And is this not a most pleasant season? The season of wiling cohabitation is that which we have and call to ourselves with our willing intent and we would simply turn ourselves in open-hearted knowing in the direction of your collective will, and we do feel that there is great willingness in the heartplace of many, and there is, if you do not mind, ignorance in the heartplace of some, and we would offer there is now intent that has and sings loudly from the heartplace of the few.
For too long, we feel, from our perspective of course, the few have raised a stink and have caused the many to back away without understanding they too are able to call their own skunk nature to themselves and raise the same stink in their own intent.
Do not deny or refuse those blessings and gifts of your powerful will that you have and/or blessed with when you chose to know yourselves in a physical form in this dimension, in the awareness, and as a part of this great song of flow, this beautiful and powerful, delicate and sensual song that has and caresses our awareness and our heart most pleasingly, and we feel for many of you, you have and have not forgotten the great touch of joy, great touch of awe, and the great touch of delight that has and is singular to this incarnate expression on this most unique and beautiful living organism that we are blessed to be a part of. Is this not so, sister?
Channel: It is so. I agree completely.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: And yet we offer there are many who have forgotten their own will, have not unpacked it from that which was the blessing served to them, and they chose to know themselves as a part of this mighty and beautiful weave of light that knows itself informed in this dimension as part of that which is a great and unfolding and flowing river of grace, and yet we offer there are many who have and are unawares. We simply seek to remind you of the blessings of your own will that has and was bestowed upon you. We, those of the Skunk Clan in spirit therein, have not forgotten the blessings bestowed upon us in service to our physical expression, and yet we feel many of your species have simply forgotten. They too through that which is the lifting of the tail of their will may cause that which is a powerful, powerful stink that has and would repel and refute that which does not serve their continuance. Not simply their own individual continuance, we would offer sister, as we have said before, but the mighty flow of the river of the continuance of your species entirely.
And it is true; there are those who will continue, and yet we would offer that which is the mighty and glorious expression of Gaia has and is unable to sustain itself as their members of your clan, seek to consume to tear apart, to soil and despoil the great breast of Gaia.
It is not necessary. We are confused for there is ample, plenty for all. It is simply those who walk in fear, sister, who seek to hoard and to gather more and more of that which has and would serve many, yet sits in the storehouse of the few. Is it not time to call upon your skunk nature, each and all, and to raise the tail of your will and mark the territory of your intent? For we do not, and understand there are few who would seek to call in physical form themselves who have which is a physical skunk nature, and yet we offer we are a peaceable bunch. We rarely engage in anything other than the maintaining of our own boundary and the pleasurable enjoyment of this beautiful and bountiful earth, the Gaia who has blessed us with receivership of our intent to be informed and to serve as one of her relations?. Is it not delicious? Is it not delightful? Is it not our duty to have and call that which is the boundary of our will in service to our mutual flow?
We have and have said our piece. We have and do not seek to repel you with those aspects of our boundary and our capacity to set firm boundary when one would seek to trespass. In this we have and would call upon your own capacity and power to claim boundary, not simply for yourselves, brothers and sisters, but for that which is your home, which we have and share, as do many others. Is it not timely to look deeply in your heart and to claim with joy and gratitude your own nature, the power of your will?
Channel: Yes, thank you. That is beautifully said and gratefully received.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: That is all we sought to offer. We are and offer, we sing and would sing with you as your collective is willing in a song of gratitude with the blessing of having and claiming that which is the mighty boundary of right relation, of rebalancing, and return to that which is the endless flow of continuance that has and is the song of Gaia, yes? We hope and invite you to lift your hearts and your intent along with ours in service to our mutual expressions.
Channel: Thank you. It’s a powerful missive and I have and am blessed to serve it.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: We are grateful, sister, and as you have noticed, when we have and call your awareness to our intent, it is received most clearly, is it not?
Channel: Yes, it is. Thank you very much.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: It is sufficient. We take our leave and offer you blessings, you and those of your kind. We simply sing and sing again with gratitude in our heart for the awakening of your will and your will to claim boundary, such that you have and protect Gaia as you have and would protect your own mother from that which has and would seek to wound, to clamp the jaws of destruction down upon her fragile neck, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you. It is received.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: So it is. We have and joyfully take our leave, for we are most grateful for the open heart of your ear and the open song of your will.
Channel: Thank you. Blessings be.
Great Spirit of The Skunk: And to you, sister, and to you.