#44: The Great Spirit of the Great Blue Heron

The Spirit of the Great Blue Heron serves the blessing of deep wisdom to listeners of this episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.

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  Welcome friends  this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in this episode of the Gaia translate podcast you will receive channeled wisdom from the Spirit of the Great Blue Heron. I like to start each episode with a little bit of a back story about how I came to channel a particular spirit and it should come as no surprise that living on a pond it’s not unusual to spot a great blue heron moving  across the water. Imagine my delight one afternoon when a Great Blue Heron perched itself right at the end of my dock and it remained there in perfect stillness gazing intently at the waters below.  Apparently there was no better time to channel the Spirit of the Great Blue Heron. 


Spirit of The Great Blue Heron: We have and are old friends, are we not, daughter? I have and appreciate your awareness to the gentle knock. I have and have offered upon that which is your field this morning. I have and am the Great Spirit of the Blue Heron, one who has and has companioned you for many seasons at this point in your journey. Is this not so?

Channel: It is so, blessings. Thank you for your knock. I am grateful to receive it.

Spirit of The Great Blue Heron: We are seeking that which is the willingness of your flow, such that we have and may address not simply your own personal attunements, but those of the greater collective, the greater clan of the human family, as you have and are so willing to receive it at this point in our mutual histories.

Channel: I have and I am, Grandfather.

Spirit of The Great Blue Heron: Ah, you remember that which has and is a long and blessed attunement as we know each other. So I have and would seek to offer that which is a small taste of wisdom of one who has and has known itself in high attunement with the Gaia light and other members of our greater community of that which you understand as life force, as life infused in form in this dimension, yes?

Channel: Yes, Grandfather.

Spirit of The Great Blue Heron: There are many who have and would seek to sing the song of rebirth and renewal at this spring season in your particular corner of the planet and we are in our physical form, simply one of many who has and seeks to know themselves in a place of renewal, of expansion, of continuance. Is this not accurate?

Channel: It is accurate, yes.

Spirit of The Great Blue Heron: We would offer that while we have and are able to sing the song of our own continuance, there are many who are not so enabled, if you will, at this point in this season of spring, and it is that we had sought to come to address, to invoke into the awareness of those of your fellow brothers and sisters and cousins in human form, for it is, if you will, a great grief that has and weighs the heartplace of my own spirit and many who have and would know themselves able to sing in deep and profound gratitudes once again to that which is the Great Mother, that which has and offers us in this particular dimension, in this particular out picturing, the opportunity to know ourselves, to explore and to expand our awareness in and through not simply that which is our own physical expression, but that which is our relation, sacred and other, with all who have and know themselves also so blessed. Can you understand this, granddaughter?

Channel: I believe so. You are saying that we are not only able to enjoy ourselves in a physical form, but that part of uh, experience is in our relation with other of those who have and know themselves in physical form, in a form of life, in one manner or another.

Spirit of The Great Blue Heron: That is not inaccurate, granddaughter. We would further expand a bit as you have and are so willing to receive it.

Channel: I have and I am.

Spirit of The Great Blue Heron: There are many who have and serve most diligently, most joyfully, and most gratefully, who have and are yet unknown, undiscovered, under-valued, unappreciated by those of your own species, and yet we offer this does not diminish the power of their own, if you will, thread of attunement and its service to the greater song, or composition, if you prefer, of Gaia. For She has and knows, has and is a master at that which is the great weaving of a huge and blessed canopy of life, one that has and is little understood, even by those who you would revere most profoundly in that which you understand as the sciences, those of the natural or biological sciences, those of the chemical, those of the geological, and other. For while you have and scratch at the surface, we would offer there is so much, much more that is yet undiscovered, unknown, and yet we serve this discernment upon the plate of your awareness, each and all as you have and are so willing to receive it. That which is unknown should never be or, at least in our opinion, that which is undervalued, that which is undiscovered should never be, in our opinion, assumed to not be in existence, that which is unknown should not be, in our opinion, that which is unappreciated.

For in this you have and honor a wisdom, a breath of awareness that has and embraces so, so many beings in all forms, known and yet unknown, and in truth in many who do not acquire a form that is understood as physical as you have and would define it, and yet nevertheless holds great sway and value in terms of that which is the mighty braided flow of our interconnected relationWe would offer at this point in our mutual awareness that it has and is a blessing to us, those who have and would seek to receive our song of wisdom, of awareness, attunement to that which is the greater flow that has and while it is not perceived in the density of physical form is nevertheless essential, a key, if you will, to that which is the balance and blessed continuance that we have and all are most grateful for and most joy-filled to know ourselves in the flourishment therein.

Can you consume this little tidbit into that which is your heart, granddaughter?

Channel: Yes, I can. I have, thank you, and I have and will serve it to those of my species with gratitude.

Spirit of The Great Blue Heron: We appreciate that. There are many who have and are most willing and most, if you will, ready to know themselves in the bloom of an open heart, to know themselves in the attunement of one who has and is in a harmonic relation with all of life, all that has and would vibrate in that which is this dimension, this planetary knowing expression, that which has and is the intent in manifest form with the being who is Gaia, who is the Earth Mother, who is that which is the Pachamama or whatever the vibratory attunements are that have and are melded to that which is the understanding of the great source of life that has and blesses each and all with its grace, here, together, yes?

We seek to offer that which comes from a place of openhearted and joy-filled gratitude for the receivership therein, that which has and is from our personal perspective as that which is the Great Spirit of the Blue Heron, one who has and is known a bit by your own species as that which has and stands with feet in both that which is this dimension and that which is the dimension which is not in requirement of physical form to have and hold its own awareness, yes?

In this we would seek to offer this is not that which is unattainable by those of your own species, for there are many who have and already call to themselves that which is their Heron nature, if you will, the nature of one who has and is able to stand in the stillness of attunement, such that you have and are able to hold yourself in a physical form in this dimension, and also to have and hold yourself in the awareness of that which has and is outside of, or in greater expression than in this small dimension of your own awareness of all that you have and are as that which is a knowing, a spirit, if you will, a note of light, a vibratory field, all have and express certain facets of that which is the great and greater alignment of that which is the larger song of all that has and vibrates in the human expression.

You seek and see yourselves as so separate, as so distinct from, as so alone and this is a distortion, if you do not mind us offering, for while you may understand yourselves in the beautiful variety of your own expression in physical form as separate or other than, for us, both in and out of this dimension, we understand you as species, as collective. We have and feel not simply your individuate awareness, that individuate will that you have and are so blessed to carry as constant companion on your journey through this or other lifetimes. We speak also of that which is the collective will, collective awareness that has and is the general, if you will, vibratory field of your own species, your human collective, and we have and are most aware that there is a great awakening, a great [15:00] blossoming of that which has and would know itself as one who has and whose roots may be perceived as sourcing from the physical plane, and yet who has and knows that its nourishment, its expansion, its growth, and its blooming has and is served as you have and push through the soil of your own limitations into that which is the great light of greater attunement or awareness of all that you have and are.

For you have and are most beautiful. You have and are as a species incredible in truth, and incredibly blessed with that which is the song of your own freedom of willing intent, and in this we offer there are many of you who have misunderstood or forgot this great gift that is, if you will, that which is your birthright in a physical form here in this particular dimension, and we have and would sing a song of awakening for you, those who have and are the sons and daughters of the human collective. For is it not timely to honor the great blessing that has been bestowed upon you as those who have and know themselves able to express in the small vessel of your physical form as human and in the greater vessel of your unified awareness of that which has and is a part of the vibratory field of the human collective awareness?

We have and know that this is confusing and foreign to some of you and that is to be expected in truth. We would, however, offer that it will be that which has and vibrates, resonates, and, if you will, gently taps each and all upon the shoulder of your greater knowing, your greater knowledge, your greater understanding of all that you have and are in your expansion, in your grace, in that which is not bounded by a single dimension, in that which is not bounded by a single vessel of physical form, but that which has and knows itself in the great expanse of the ocean of consciousness, and you have and are beautiful, powerful, and elegant awareness when you have and align yourself in truth, much as that which is an instrument that requires a bit of tuning, such that you have and vibrate as you have and would seek to know yourselves in that which is a great concert of expansion, of evolution, in truth.

It is simply that you have and are being called not to claim that which was not native to you, but to have and to claim to yourselves that which is the simple, through your own will and intent, attunement and tuning of the instrument of your will, as you have and would seek to be that which is a member in full awareness and joy-filled alignment of the greater, if you will, community, if you will, environ of conscious attunement in and through many, many, many life forms that have and vibrate on a particular frequency or level of awareness.

While you may perceive those who have and are fellow companions, fellow members of the earth community, if you will, as being less than, as being beast or ignorant or simple, and that may be so in certain aspects of physical measurement, and yet we offer there are many who have and may not speak a human language who yet have and yet are most attuned and speak most beautifully the language of their heart. You are not unaware of these. You have and keep them close to you as companions, help-mates, teachers, and guides. They are those of the canines, those of the dogs, those of the felines, those of the cats, and other who have and are willing to serve as companion and guide and, you will, teacher to all that has and vibrates without the distraction or distortion of verbal language as you would understand it.

You have and may wonder why we have and serve through verbal language that which is the message of the day that we have and are blessed to sing, and that is simply because it is that which is accepted, it is that which is understood by the majority of those of you at this point in your development or, if you will, unfoldment of your attuned awareness. And while there are many, many of you most easily the awareness, the knowing, if you will, the feeling, if you will, of that which you know in your heart place is as guide, be it to suggest a form of discernment about a particular action, be it that which is an encouragement about a particular choice, or lack of choice that you have and would seek to make. In this we have and offer you have and know when you hear your gut speaking to you. You have and know when you feel your heart speaking to you without hearing it say “hello, this is your heart. Hello, this is your gut. I have a little news bulletin for you.” 

You are aware of these things and yet we find this most peculiar. You have and deny and deny, and yet you also have and after you have ignored that which is a song of fair warning, the song of guidance, the song of deep knowing that you have and you know in your higher selves of your higher aspects and that of other guides have and would seek to tap most [laugh - 0:22:29] diligently upon the shoulder of your awareness with. You have and then acknowledge, again and again, when you have ignored, denied, or refused to open the door willingly to this knowing, and you have and acknowledge I should have followed my gut. My gut told me, my heart sank when and we would offer is it not timely to honor these aspects of your very own form, your very own physical and nonphysical awareness that has and seeks simply to know itself held in the grace of respect, of acknowledgment, and of willing attunement. For you have and will find that you have and are well served, brothers and sisters, to have and listen deeply to that which you have and know in your greater aspect of awareness.

We have and simply sought to offer this small guidance that has and would seek to embrace all that you have and are, which is so very much greater and more magnificent than the simple physical vessels that you have and know yourselves as drops of light within varying containers such that you have and would shine in your own uniqueness, which is most beautiful, most blessed, which has and each and all have and contribute most effectively to that which is the expansion of awareness and of as -- attunement and understanding of that which is your own species, and as you have and would sing, you have and your song is received by that which is the heart place and the awareness of many, many others, both in and out of form as you understand it.

We have and would complete this small song of our awareness and in through this willing being with that which is a blessing, a bestowal, a conference of sorts that we have and bestow upon each and all those of the human awareness who have and receive this song of our alight at this place, this most delicate point in that which is the unfoldment, the expansion, the evolution, if you will, of your own species and therefore as is only and completely interrelated that which is the relation, attunement, and rebalancing of that which is the relation of all life forms in and out of a physical expression in this dimension, and in truth, unlimited by the small dimensional requirements.

In this we have and bestow upon you that which is the blessing of the Great Spirit of the Great Blue Heron, for we have and are in high attunement with that which has and is one who has and knows one’s self able to straddle, if you will, the song of this physical dimension and the greater awareness of all that has and is not limited or bounded by that which is the physical container, and we have and bestow this upon you, for we have great love for you, your human family, and we have offered our wisdom and guidance for many seasons to those of you who have turned the face of your awareness into the light of our wisdom and our willing service to your, if you will, tutorship in these small aspects of awareness, yes?

Channel: Thank you, Grandfather, Great Spirit of the Blue Heron. I receive with gratitude your song of awareness and attunement and guidance.

Spirit of The Great Blue Heron: You are most welcome, daughter, and we have and are most grateful for the blessing of your willingness not to consume all that we have laid upon the plate for yourself alone, but to offer with generosity of heart that which we have and sing to all who have and would seek to consume that which is the resource of our light.

It is all we sought to offer at this point in the awareness of your collective of those of your human family, although we have and are not unwilling to return in a bit to see how you have enjoyed this meal, and if we have and are aware that you have consumed it, each and all with gratitude and joy and it is to your liking, we have and are not unwilling to offer that which is a next course for your nourishment and your alignment as you have and are so willing to receive it, yes?

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Blue Heron. I am grateful and I have and share this plate of wisdom with joy and gratitude.

Spirit of The Great Blue Heron: It is that which we had and sought and we are grateful for your receivership therein and your timely dissemination thereof. We have and take our leave, daughter. Blessings to you and all of your greater clan who have and bloom most beautifully in this season of their potential.

We take our leave.


#43: The Great Spirit of the Mouse


#41: The Great Spirit of the Clouds