#40: The Great Spirit of Ancestry


The Great Spirit of Ancestry honors us with channeled guidance in today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.

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Show Notes & Transcription


 Welcome friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. Recently I spent an evening with relatives looking through old family photographs and historical  documents. I marveled at my ancestor’s struggles and their determination to create a better life for themselves and their families. It is with deep respect and gratitude I acknowledge the blessing of my individual and collective ancestral heritage. In this episode of the GaiaTranslate podcast it is an honor to channel the Great Spirit of Ancestry.  A transcript is available in the show notes for today’s episode at Gaiatranslate.com 


Great Spirit of Ancestry: We have and are that which you have invoked at this point in our mutual history, daughter. We have and are the Great Spirit of Ancestry. You have sought that which is the greater attunement of ancestry, is that not so?

Channel: Yes, Great Spirit of the Ancestry. Thank you so much for answering that which is my attunement to your field.

Great Spirit of Ancestry: We have sought your awareness with the assistance of one of your relatives, is that not so?

Channel: It is so, thank you.

Great Spirit of Ancestry: And we appreciate her persistence such that you have and were finally able to understand just whom was knocking at the door of your awareness, and we are pleased to know ourselves called into your receivership at this point, for there is that we have and would seek to serve as, if you will, suggestion for re-attunement of that which has and knows itself as distortion in the field of the collective of the human awareness, and it is timely, more than in truth, to have and be made aware, if you will, of this, if you will, the distorted perception of how one has and what one has and is in your own current physical form, and how one has and is in truth deeply tethered to that which has and offered itself through that which is the birthing, through that which is the living, through that which is the expansion, through that which is the struggle of one or other particular life experience, such that each and every one who has and knows themselves in an informed expression upon this plane has, and in truth is in a manner indebted to those who have paved the way, those who have cut down and opened the path, such that there is that which has and knows itself in its current expression in that which is the physical geography of this plane.

We do not only speak of the physical geography, we also speak of that which was the great song of determination, of will, of persistence, of those who have come before when life as you would understand it was a bit more challenging and the simple act of survival was a great triumph for many. Those who have and know themselves in a physical form, in an incarnate expression in this dimension have and are the winners, if you will, of a great and powerful journey. They are those whose ancestry survived, and perhaps even thrived as they had and call to themselves their own learning, their own expansion, their own evolution in this remarkable plane that has and serves as the great school room, if you will, for your own development.

There are many who have and in this point in your history, we speak of the collective, daughter, still honor in a manner that has and is efficient, and in truth most joyfully received those of their own ancestry, and in this there has and is a healing,there is a rebalancing for there is much that has been offered upon the altar of continuance, and in truth of that which is understood as hope for a better life, or simply existence in a manner that is feasible, that has been offered through that which is and is understood as the choices, the will-based intent of those who have come in your prior lineage.

Do not lose track, if you will, of just what has been served upon the plate of your own blessing, each and all that has allowed you, offered you that which is the great opportunity to know yourselves where you have and are in the blessing of an informed expression. As much is you may not perceive it so at points in your own history, nevertheless there are many who have and would be most joy-filled to have and earn the experience of a physical lifetime for there is much to be gained and much to be lost when one has and is offered this opportunity. In this we have and would suggest it is considered polite, if you will, an honoring, not simply of those who have paved the way for you, those who have and would greatly appreciate the nod in their direction on occasion, for all that has and has been served through their own life experience that has and brings each and all of you to that which is the point of your own awareness in this particular plane of exploration, discovery, learning, and attunement.

While many who have and receive this song may not perceive themselves as better off than those who came before, and we do not argue there are some who have and know themselves in that which was a relatively standard life condition for many, many, many eons, if you will, and yet there are many who have and know themselves in that which would be considered in the great and powerful lap of a luxurious, in truth that which would have been considered a royal existence known only by the very few, simply a few years behind you in that which you understand as the linear unfoldment of clock time, that which has and is a constant companion to those of this particular plane of awareness.

We have and would seek to offer this point of view, if you will, for all that has and has offered themselves through their own expansion and discovery, their own physical out picturing and struggle in some aspects to have and simply be that which could offer and has that which is the next generation of their own lineage. In this there is much that has and grieves the heart place of each and all of your own ancestry, for I am as a great sea that has and holds many tributaries that have and know themselves born of each and every single incarnate expression, that has and knows itself in physical form across all aspects of this dimensional experience.

We are great and we are empowered, for as we have and hold that which is, if you will, the great loom that has each and all of the lineages of all beings who have and know themselves in the blessing of the physical form have and are a part of the great tapestry, if you will, of the collective ancestry of that which is the human awareness, has and rests within me, has and rests within that which is the vibratory field of my awareness, and there are those who have sought that which is a request of sorts, to have and flow and in through my own attunement, and to each and all of you through the being who serves as channel, as you have and are so willing to be in receivership therein.

There are many who have and feel that that which they have strived for, worked toward, lived and in truth died for, is being treated without respect. For have they not called forth all that they have and are and offered it as that which has and is the sweet water of continuance in and through that which is your own, each and all of you, opportunity to know yourselves here at this point in that which is the unfoldment of that which has that is the human evolution?

There is much that has and grieves the heart place of many of your ancestry, sons and daughters, and it is not more than or less than that which has and is a knowing, an awareness that has with willing and joy-filled heart offered all that they have and are to that which would be the continuance, the blessing, and the grace of their own light, if you will, of individuate expression, being carried through that which is the river of continuance. And in this is that not a beautiful and blessed gift that each and all have and for the great part do not understand and rarely, if ever, take out and hold, admire, and bring close to your own heart in deep and joy- filled gratitude for this mighty blessing that has been bestowed upon you by the many, many, many, many, if you will, seasons of your own lineage as it has and reaches back to that which has and was the beginning times where there were little and few, whereas now there are many and more to come, we would offer.

It is timely as you have and are so willing, sons and daughters of that which has and knows itself as the human awareness to honor not only that which was and is your own individuate spark, if you will, of expression which has flowed most beautifully, most diligently, most persistently in and through that which are the great seasons of evolution of your own personal and collective growth, expansion, and development, as that which has and is the human collective. And in this they have and would simply seek that you have and turn and look, if you will, into that which are the origins of where you have and knew yourselves called forth. There is not a one who has and is not the receiver of the great blessing of that or the other particular, if you will, thread of individuate flow that has and knows itself much as a single bloom has and is of a rosebush, has and is of other where that which is the bush has and calls forth its own unique, beautiful, and singular song.

And that is how each and all of you are perceived as coming from that which is the rosebush, if you will, of your own lineage, and are you not simply this season’s bloom and is it that which has and calls forth the deep rooting of the…of the intent into the soil of continuance that has and offers that which is the great and blooming floral of your own expression in that which has, and maybe you may pick that species that resonates with you. We use rosebush for it is commonly understood as that which has and is the bloom, beautiful, singular, unique, and blessed that has and shines forth carrying the fragrance that has and is unique to each and all of your own lineage, and is that not most beautiful and blessed? 

And we have and would offer those who have and are of the bush or tree as you have and would choose of your own lineage, have and grieve for they have and perceive that which is the diminishment of future seasons of that which is their song of individuate life in a particular frequency or node of awareness.

On behalf of those who have and have called forth that which is the blessing of your own tree of life, or family tree, or bush, as you wish, you have and are guided to turn and water with your gratitudes, with your joy at having this great opportunity to be in an informed expression in this plane of awareness at this delicate point in your common history, and to know that much as those who have walked before you and served to have and, if you will, open up the path for your own potential, they have and would seek to have me offer you that which is a heartfelt request and a bit of guidance, for they have and they would seek to have you turn inward and to call to them for guidance and wisdom for that which has and is lost a bit in this particular point of your mutual awareness, that which has and is a great respect, honor, and duty towards and stewardship of that which is the Gaia, that which is your mother, that which is the mother of each and all those who have and are of your own lineage, and many, many, many other beings who have and know themselves in their own unique and exquisite physical expressions.

They have and seek to have each and all turn a bit and placed the hands of their heart upon that which is the sacred song of the blessing of your own lineage and to know as you have and feel this that all who have and come before have and stand ready to have and serve you as you have and would seek to claim that which is the blessing of a bit of rebalancing and re-attunement in your field of awareness, such that you have and continue to carry forth that which is the great blessing of your own unique and beautiful bloom, that which has and is a singular fragrance, that which is the garden of the human collective, that which has and knows itself born in singularity and in unity from that which is the common source of flow.

It is timely, we would offer, sons and daughters, to have and open the arms of your heart and to call forth that which is the attunement and the wisdom,the willing service and the steadying of your own ancestry. For they have and are most willing to have and assist you at this point in your mutual histories and in your singular attunements. It is a great blessing to know those who have and are the source of the river of your own particular individuate awareness, so willing and eager in truth to have and hold you in the arms of their own attunement.

Do not worry as you have and would seek to receive that which is what you understand as clear message, as you have and offer gratitude, as you have an open your heart place with great gratitude for and honor and respect to those who have and are of your own ancestry and in truth, the greater ancestry of the human awareness. So you have and will find yourselves turning into the wind of your attunements. You have and will feel it, some will hear it, some will perceive it and you have and are guided not to question, but should you feel confused and wonder this is coming from another or through another? Is it coming from my own heart or from that outside of my heart? We offer it is only through your heart that you have and would be in receivership while it may appear or feel that it is coming from outside of your own heart place there is not of your own lineage that has and knows any egress that has and is not that which has and is the door through your own heart.

Do not doubt as you are able and willing, simply turn to those who have come before who have and are willing to serve their guidance, their wisdom, their steadying, and their grace through each and every single being who knows themselves as human at this point in your collective history, for there are none who are not quite blessed with a great and mighty gathering of those who are your ancestry as you have and seek the wisdom of those who have and are in high attunement with that which is the rebalancing and reconfiguration of much that has and is out of balance, so those have and would step forward a bit and would seek to attune themselves in and through your heart place as you have and are in willing receivership therein.

We do not offer that they have and are not constant companions, some or other of them many, many of you. For as you have and are aware, those who have and are your beloved who you have known in form are often those who have and seek to remain as companion in light, as guide, if you will, how many have and know themselves hearing the voice of a loved one who has passed in their head and you simply attributed it to that which is your own imagination, and we would offer there is that which may come from your imagination; however, there is much that actually it is the ease of flow of those who have shed their physical form, and yet hold most dearly that tether from heart to heart.

It is timely, I offer, as that which is the Great Spirit of Ancestry to know that which is our vibrative-our vibrational field held in deeper respect as you have and are so willing, held with great tenderness, joy, and honor, for we offer it is an honor to be selected, to be that which has and is a part of the mighty thread of the human awareness. In this, each and all have and are truly and powerfully blessed, and each and all have and bless those who have and served to come before and offer you the great blessing and opportunity of this physical expression.

It is of course your own choice, for this is that which is the plane where free will has and knows itself as that which is the law of the vibratory field, and you have and are wise to claim that which is the blessing that you have and know yourselves imbued with, such that you have and may choose how you have and would seek through your own intent to proceed, to reclaim, to reconfigure, and serve as that which has and would seek to offer, if you will, the act of retribution in service to those who have and know themselves deeply wounded, or in truth extinguished from this particular plane.

We do not offer that it is you in individuate form that has and is “to blame,” rather that is it not timely as one has and would claim the rebalancing that has and will resonate as we have and feel deep in the heart place of your own collective through that which is the claiming of your great and empowering free will. It is that we sought as, if you will, the formal representative of many, many, many threads of your own lineage, your own ancestry who have sought to make themselves available, if you will, and who would be most grateful for your turning, your full awareness in that which is the ears of your heart, the eyes of your heart, and the great and powerful song of your free will in their direction, and as you have and settle yourselves and simply allow them, they have and companion you with great joy and gratitude for your willingness to hear what might be at first the quiet whisper of their own light.

We have and are grateful for your willingness to have and to be in receivership, daughter, and we are most grateful for the openhearted and grace-filled attunement we have and feel rising in the heart place of those who have and are the current issue, if you will, of the human collective. We offer our blessings and our prayers, gratitude for that which we have and is our intent to have and re-attune each and all of you to the great treasure of your own lineage which has and awaits and is most joy filled to know themselves sought out and allowed in through your own open-hearted attunement.

That is as we have and agreed to serve, and we have and offer each of all the blessings of continuance, the blessings of awakening, the blessings of realignment, not simply with your own ancestry, but with that which is the mother source of all who have and know themselves of the human awareness. It is complete, daughter. We have and would take our leave as you have and are so willing to serve it to us upon the plate of your will.

Channel: I have and am, Great Spirit of the Ancestry. Thank you so much. Blessings be. Blessings to all.

Great Spirit of Ancestry: It is complete.


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