#39: The Great Spirit of the Luna Moth

Listen to powerful wisdom directly channeled from the Great Spirit of the Luna Moth in this episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.

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Show Notes & Transcription


Welcome friends this is your host tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. I like to share a bit of the backstory about how I came to channel a particular spirit, in this case during a hike this spring I had stopped to admire a large mural of a Luna Moth bordering one of the trails at Garden in the Woods, a 45 acre woodland botanical garden located at in Framingham, Massachusetts. It didn’t click until my next door neighbor returned home from a weekend in New Hampshire excited to share that she had seen something unusual - a  large, beautiful, green winged Luna Moth right on the screen door of the cottage.

It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I  decided to release them as podcast  episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Luna Moth . I have since updated my recording set up and newer sessions are of much higher quality. A transcription of today’s channeling session is available in the show notes  for this episode at gaiatranslate.com


Great Spirit of the Luna Moth: We are grateful for your attunement to our light. You have and were made aware of our desire to connect when you perceived the image that had been drawn upon that which is the environment of that which is the sanctuary of the woodlands, gardens, and other aspects of nature that you have and know yourself enjoying the other day, is this not so? We have and are that which is the Spirit of the Luna Moth, and are we not most unique, most beautiful in our physical expression? That is how we feel. You have and vibrate with our own attunement, if we may offer.

Channel: Blessings and welcome, Great Spirit of the Luna Moth. You are most beautiful and most intriguing.

Channel: We appreciate your awareness, and as you are attuned for that aspect of the season where you have and would abide, it is a bit early for that which would be the full blossom of our expression in our winged nature. That being said there are not many of us that are observed by many of your species, and in that we felt it would be perhaps more efficient to simply offer you that which is a clear illustration of our physicality to have and draw your attention as it did.

Channel: Thank you, it was … it did draw my attention and I became aware of, of your life as I saw the beautiful painting along the path at the garden in the woods.

Great Spirit of the Luna Moth: We are pleased for we have and would seek to take a moment of your gentle awareness as you have and are so willing to offer that which is the attunement of your light with our own. 

Channel: I have and I am. I am grateful in receivership.

Great Spirit of the Luna Moth: We are pleased to hear that. You are aware of it, of our nature, we feel. Is it not so, daughter?

Channel: It is so, a little.

Great Spirit of the Luna Moth: Would you be so kind as to share that which you have and have touched a bit with that which is your knowing, such that we may understand and elaborate or expand as is necessary.

Channel: I do not have much, but I understand other than that you have and remain in your caterpillar state for a while, as you have and feed yourself as you seek to know yourself, prepare for your own transformation into that which is your moth presence.

Great Spirit of the Luna Moth: That is not inaccurate. Is there other?

Channel: I have heard … I’m not sure but I have heard that when you have and become in your Luna moth form that you are unable to eat or consume anything, that you simply are in this form for a brief moment, more than a week, I think. Sufficient, I imagine. You hope to have and reproduce before you are unable to sustain yourself in a life form any further. Is this accurate?

Great Spirit of the Luna Moth: It is generally speaking so, yes. And while it is our nature to have what you would understand as a brief bloom in that which is the form of a winged creature, do not discount what you would understand as less-than glamorous, if you will, as we have and know ourselves able to and in awareness in our caterpillar alignment, for that is a great expanse of our life experience in a form, is it not?

Channel: It is.

Great Spirit of the Luna Moth: We feel there are many of your species that are so intent upon that brief moment where you have and understand yourselves, in your Luna moth expression, that which has and draws the attention, that which has and is considered exotic, or beautiful, or rare, that you have and to great degree do not honor that which has called it into expression, that which is your caterpillar experience, and we do not see that which is our winged awareness as the culmination, or the ultimate destination of that which has value, meaning, and a secret to us in our experience. Or is that not one who has and denies all that has and is required, to know oneself in the fullness, be it of the bloom or the fate of the particular life experience, yes?

Channel: I had not considered it so, but yes, that is … makes,… resonates deeply with me.

Great Spirit of the Luna Moth: We felt that it would, for we would offer there is not a single one of you who has and knows themselves in that which you would consider your transformed or transmuted expression, either in in physical or energetic manner that has not earned it and claimed it through and for so many lifetimes in your caterpillar nature. It is only through the consumption and the alignment with that which has and is in requirement for your own growth, not simply in the physical way as we speak of your own, if you will, expansion of your matrix in all manner, your emotional or intellect, your spiritual, and that which is the actual vibration of your field. Is it not timely to understand yourselves as blessed in the journey? For the journey is that which is in high service to your own unfoldment, and that we have and offer is a great and beautiful blessing, is it not?

Channel: It is, yes.

Great Spirit of the Luna Moth: We would have you understand that we would seek to, if you will, cheer you on, not that such that you have and claim yourselves as ones who cannot consume and con-and know yourself in that which is the light of continuance, and yet we offer there is so much that is unknown to you, so much that has and you are embarking upon most beautifully. In this, it is a beautiful and powerful point of reformation and transformation of your own expressions.

And do not fear; you are not that has and will be unable to consume physically, rather you are that which as you have and are willing to claim it, no longer need to consume, again and again, the lessons and the teachings that you have been claiming and calling to yourselves for many, many seasons. You are able now to know yourselves, many of you as those who have and are ready to surrender what they have been to surrender the limitations that have and are blessed and that have and are no longer serviceable to that which would seek to know itself with wings, to know itself unbounded by that which was its old understanding, its old relation, its limitation.

We do not deny the beauty of each stage of our own expression or of yours, for we are not one who sees a single destination for any or all less, rather we understand that we together are on a journey and together we have and would seek to know ourselves, if you will, companioned in flight, and in that, brothers and sisters of the human expression, we invite you and we offer a prayer of joyous gratitude for the blessing of the great, if you will, transformation of your own awareness, such that you have and may avail yourselves of your own winged nature.

We see in your head an image of an angel, and while that is quaint and charming we do not speak literally. We speak as that which is a symbol of that which is your own spirit, your own awareness, your own attunement, your grace of vibratory alignment having and increasing such that you have and know yourself able to lift yourselves with the wings of your will, daughter, and to that, which is a great and wonderful and beautiful alignment in what you might understand as a more refined vibratory field of awareness. 

It is that we have and are joy-filled to have and know you as willing and open-hearted companions therein. It is simply that we have and are most excited, most hopeful, and most blessed to be able to serve as we have and sing our hopes and our welcome and our joyous expectations into the ears of your heart at this great season of your own claiming. For it is only those who have and seek to claim that which is the breathing of themselves anew in a manner unimagined by many, and only dreamt of by some, and yet in truth is it not so, are we and those of our cousins, those of the butterflies, those of the other, those of our fellows, the cousins who are other moths, do we not in our very expression in this little dimension and on this earth, the Great Mother, have and serve to you that which many consider miracle, impossible, unbelievable, and yet it is so? Are we not that which in the very base of our physicality have and serve as example of that which has and is held in the field, not simply of potential, but of manifest grace. 

Do not doubt, brothers and sisters, that we are singular in this capacity, for it is not so. We simply have, and in truth as emissary of many of those who know themselves blessed with the song of profound transformation in a physical form, offer that it is in truth the season of the transformation of that which is the vibratory field of the human expression. It is simply a matter of claiming, and many have and are in the process therein, and many more have and approach it, much as they have and feel the light of dawn as it has and caresses their knowing, and in this we are most grateful, most joy-filled, and most effluent in our great expectation and exultation of all that you have and are. 

You are incredibly beautiful, as you have and claim that which is unique, empowered, and light-filled as you have and shine with that which is your unlimited nature, as you have and call it forward into that which is the fullness of your unfurlment of that which is a mighty attunement, the wings of your will, as you have and will know yourself able to fly upon great currents of profound expanded awareness and attunement with those who have only been that which you have felt in lightest touch, as feather upon your awareness up until this point in our mutual histories.

It is that we sought to serve. It is that song, joyous and excited, and uplifting expectation and gratitude we have and serve to those of our brothers and sisters, our cousins, and our neighbors in this, that which is the song of Gaia, and she as proud mother has and watches as one who has and watches that which is fledgling to that which would seem impossible, and yet is truthfully embedded in their nature, that which has and is to trust their own capacity to be carried upon the invisible currents of the winds of enlightenment, as you have and know yourselves having and being able to do that which is in truth your nature. 

So you have and will and we have and will companion you, for you have and hold a deep and long vision in our heart. We are not that which is familiar, and yet we are that which has and vibrates with deep love for you, admiration and hope, and that is the song of the Spirit of the Luna Moth. We have and are complete. We take our leave.

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit. Thank you for your light and the blessing of your grace.


#38: The Great Spirit of the Boston Ivy


#37: The Great Spirit of the Manatee