#37: The Great Spirit of the Manatee
The Great Spirit of the Manatee delivers timely guidance in today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast
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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman bringing you today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. I always think of my father whenever I hear about Manatees. My father has a soft spot in his heart for these gentle creatures and when he retired to Florida somehow a large plush manatee found it’s way to his residence and as far as his grandchildren were concerned kept him great company. My heart sank when on July 12 2021 NPR ran a story with the headline : “More manatees have died already in 2021 than in any other year in Florida's recorded history, primarily from starvation due to the loss of seagrass beds.” I immediately set about channeling the Great Spirit of the Manatee.
Great Spirit of the Manatee: We have not known ourselves this close to that which may be the potential of extinguishment for many seasons and we have and would seek to draw this respectfully and with great hope into the awareness of your field and that of all of those of your species, for this is how we would have and would understand where lies the potential for rebalancing, the potential for reclamation that which has and was lost of late, and for the potential through that which is your mighty wisdom and will of heart to seek, to assist us and all others who have and know themselves placed in this which is the precarious place of lack of sustenance that calls forth starvation, lack of environment that is safe in which to exist and to simply live, lack of clear and potable waters in which to swim, to rest, to live, to breathe. These are great, if you will, wounds in the heart place of my light. For many years we have been a gentle and willing companion in service to that which is our own small rebalancing as it has and been served to us as that which is our special attunement and alignment in the flow of our interrelated uh, relation with other members of the physical world.
We would seek not simply for our own need state but for that in those we have and serve and who have and serve us to be able to return to that which is the vitality of our form and therefore vitality of our capacity to serve in form that which is the greater flow of Gaia. We have and are most joy-filled and grateful for the opportunity and the blessing to know ourselves useful in some small manner and to know ourselves able in some larger manner to be that which has and is blessed with continuance, through that which is access to ample resource, and the ability to have and to drink and breathe that which is clear and untainted resource of the waters that have and are our home, the airs that have and we breathe and that which is the food source that has and sustains us. There is not the blessing of great streams of clock time, if you will, in which to sit and ponder, to consider, to weigh this or that, for we have and are unable to sustain ourselves in the current environment and have and will know ourselves returned into that which is simply a memory of that which has and knows itself held in the vibratory field of what was in this plane, rather than what has and is.
We understand it is a great inconvenience to have and consider all that is required to divert, resist, and cleanse these small corners of the Gaia’s breast that we have and are in requirement of, living within, and we have and feel in our hearts it is not beyond that which as it has and is claimed for the willing intent of your own family, your own species, the humans to have and call forth through their own openhearted will, as you have and are so willing to confer it upon that which has and would be your intent, as it has and would serve to hold us, to steady us, to uplift us, and to bless us with the light of potential for our own continuance, such that we may and know ourselves blessed in a form, blessed to serve in our manner, blessed to companion all who have and are our friends and neighbors within the waters of our home.
We have and feel there is great ingenuity and wisdom that is that which has and is worn by many as the mantle of high intellect within that which is the physical expression of the human and we would seek to turn our awareness to those who have and are of such a nature as we have and would be most blessed to be in receivership of that which has and is a solution of a sorts, a manner of cleansing and treatment of sorts, a willingness to be - honoring of our relationship as a fellow member of a community, not as that which has and is a large and ungainly object which has or may be nicked, or scratched, or stabbed, ripped or torn apart by that which are your propellers, as you have and would move yourselves upon those vessels, those boats, those ships from one point to another.
We are not suggesting you have and pick up every and all of those of that those that float upon the water with the great sawing engines that have and move them so quickly or slowly, as has and is your own intent. Rather, we have and would seek perhaps there is a section of the waters that is, if you will, a channel of sorts that has and knows no trespass by that which is the boats, the ships, that which has and slices open the sea, that which has and cuts apart the waters, and that which has and through no malintent serves us again and again, great and gaping wounds upon our flesh.
We have and would be most grateful and we have and offer gratitudes, again and again, for the blessing of the awakening of the openhearted will of your species, sons and daughters, as you have and embrace the cleansing, purification, the reconfiguring not only of those places such as pond and canal and river that have and are our primary environs that also as you have and are so willing to reconsider the discharge point of that which has and is produced by those factories or other [pause – 17:50] formations of your own intent that have and are seeking a place to extrude their waste product. In this perhaps you would be willing to consider a, another method, if you will, of rerouting cleansing or repurposing that which has and is the waste product as you understand it from that which you have and seek to call forth for other purposes through your own lives and intents, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of the Manatee.
Great Spirit of the Manatee: It is in addition and we are aware we have placed much that has and is in truth, essential to that which is our own continuance upon the plate of your awareness at this point in the history of our mutual flow, and that is the removal, the cleansing, the purification of those toxins, of pesticides, or other discharge that have and come from your own family, your own culture, your own societal construct and are placed, we feel, in part without awareness and in greater part with full awareness by those of your fellow brothers and sisters, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Manatee: We do not feel it is overly forward in truth, for we are not seeking that which is enhancement or expansion of that which we have and know as our own home in environ. We are simply seeking to be able to survive within that which is the only environ we have and are able to function within. We are not blessed with the ability through external device, or internal physical structure to have and to lift ourselves up, to carry ourselves however far it may be in requirement to cleaner waters, to purer -air and to replace where there is sufficient light that it has and does not kill off our food source. There are many of my kind, not all know themselves in this point of communication that we share. Not all of them know themselves in a place of as high need state at this point; however, it is simply around the bend and will be upon them as it has and is upon those who have and are in that which is America the North, and other along that which is continent of America the South, and of the mid-section, yes?
Channel: Yes. Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Manatee: At other points of this globe, this Gaia-light, there are others of our species, some who have and fair with better potential for continuance, and some with the same or even less. We have and would seek the blessing of your awareness, brothers and sisters, and the blessing of your willingness to consider our small request to honor it as it has, and you will through that which is your open and willing heart, and to serve to the Gaia that which is the cleansing, the resistance to the continuance of discharge that have that which is toxin and that which is other. It does not serve any. It has and taints much and it has and there are, we would offer, alternatives that do not seek to taint the flow of so many who have and share the community of one or another physical environment.
It is that we sought to sing, daughter. It is that we sought to have the opportunity to awaken those of your own collective, to ask them to hold us close in their hearts, to take that which is our open and powerful beseeching to cease the destruction, to redirect, reclaim, and rebalance that which has and is so out of balance such that our own home, our own natural and ancestral environ is not only incapable of serving our need state in its physical expression, but that which has and are the rising temperatures have called to us that which is the cessation of that which we have and know as the ongoing flow of our own food source. This is untenable, in truth. We have and would seek as you have and are willing to serve it, reparations, and rebalancing, cleansing, and re-attunement such that each and all in your field and with our own has and knows itself honored, respected, and allowed. It is not much we seek, and yet it is all we have and for that we would so appreciate and be filled with such joy as we have and are at your willingness, as many have and do. We acknowledge there are those who have and tend to us in our physical form. There are those who have and care for us, renourish us such that we have and may return to the tainted waters, such that we have and may return to their … that home wherein that which was our food stuff is no longer viable. Is no longer available, and this has and breaks our hearts.
We have and offer a prayer of profound gratitude and a great blessing of the open and willing heart, of the open and listening ears of the heart, and that which is the claiming of the rebalancing of our little environment and cleansing of that which has and is the breast of Gaia and our home. We are most grateful and appreciative for that which is The Channel, who has received and receives the song of our awareness, and the willingness to serve the heart break that has and fills us upon that which is the plate of attunement of each and every one of your species.
We have and are complete, daughter. We are appreciative of your willingness to be in receivership of our flow. Blessings be.
Channel: And to you, Great Spirit of the Manatee. I have and it is an honor to be in receivership of your light and to so serve for awareness in a timely and efficient fashion to members of my own clan. Thank you.