#36: The Great Spirit of the Rooster (Cock)

Learn from the Great Spirit of the Rooster in this episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.

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Welcome friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. I start most mornings with a tube yoga class - and I’d like to thank the many wonderful yoga teachers who offer their training through U tube.  I am incredibly grateful. This particular  yoga class was filmed in a lovely natural setting on location in Costa Rica. The class was titled  something like  “Early Morning Yoga” an accurate description it turns out, as a rooster started crowing with great enthusiasm almost as soon as the class started. You guessed it in this episode I channel the Great Spirit of the Rooster.

It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Rooster. I have since updated my recording set up and newer sessions are of much higher quality. 


Great Spirit of the Cock orRooster: It is timely to heed the cock’s crow is it not sister? As you have and are aware I am the Great Spirit of the Cock or Rooster if you prefer. Have I not offer my awareness on the plate of your knowing  in the last day or so?

Channel: You have thank you Great Spirit. I heard your cry loud and clear.

Great Spirit of the Cock or Rooster: That is accurate. I have and am the harbinger of the light. I have and am that which is the first if I do not offer, to sing my song of gratitude for the blessing of that which is the dawn of a new day. I am most blessed to have and serve that which is the honoring of the great light of Grandfather Sun and that which has and is the deep and mighty blessing of the chance to be embodied one more cycle of the sun and the earth as we have and dance together yes?

Channel: You are.

Great Spirit of the Cock or Rooster: I further have and would offer that it has and is most timely if you will, to heed  the crow of my heart which has and serves upon the plate of collective knowing as you have and are so willing to deliver it that which is the harbinger of the rising of the new season of right relation that has and touches the heart place of Gaia as that which has and is the finger, the warmth of potential that has and caresses her heart place most beautifully as it has and is called forth in and through the will, open hearted and joy filled will of those of your species yes? 

Channel: Yes thank you that is beautiful.

Great Spirit of the Cock or Rooster: I have and further offer that there is, if you will, a point upon which that which is known as the dawn of a thing has and presents itself in this little dimension. It has and is that dawn of awakening not simply of the flesh my brothers and sisters but of your awareness in the heart, of your awareness of the greater song of flow that you have each and all and are a part of and we would offer joy filled in the engagement therein yes?

Channel: Yes thank you.

Great Spirit of the Cock or Rooster: Do not turn your heart place, the ears of your heart place away from that which is my joy filled crow for I have and crow with great and powerful desire and anticipation and gratitude for that which is the dawn, the new age of right relation amongst and between and together with, the sons and daughters of Eve. As you have and lift the throat of your will and join with the Great spirits of the crow in the great and mighty song of gratitude for the blessing of the awakening of your awareness, of your atunement, of your light as it has and with the dawn of this new epoch in your and our relation, in your and our mutual histories, so we have and are joy filled to offer that which is a seat in the choir of our morning gratitudes, of our morning song that we have and know ourselves most blessed to sing.

We understand not all have and receive the crowing of our light with grace or gratitude for perhaps it feels too early to raise out of bed, to rise from that which has been the long slumber of denial, of, we do not seek to say ignorance for it is not that, rather the slumber of unawareness, yes that is it, of unawareness of the mighty blessing that has and is called forth in the beautiful dawning of this new epoch yes? Is it not so there are those who would take a pillow and cover their ears the they hear the sound of the crow of the rooster or  the cock as we have and are known by some. And yet we cannot, are not ones who do not sing with our heart in alignment with the truth of the light and we offer it is timely as you have and are so willing to join me to join my mighty song of gratitude, acknowledgement  and atunement to that which is the  great  rising of the light of this new age which has and is birthed upon this small dimension. Is it not a joyous and beautiful alignment we have and may join together and sing?

Channel: It is thank you. 

Great Spirit of the Cock or Rooster: I Do not be shy for my great joy is to lift that which is the throat of my will and to sing most joyfully and without reservation or modesty if you will, that which a song of gratitude for and joy filled expectation of the great warmth of Grandfather Sun of the great light that has and is bestowed of that which has and in consort with the Mother, the planet, the Earth, call it what you will yet it has a powerful awareness,a powerful consciousness and it has and is most beloved and most loving of each and all who have and are that which creates the matrix of its flow yes?

Channel: Yes. 

Great Spirit of the Cock or Rooster: In this, in concert with Mother Gaia and Father Sun, so we have ourselves able to walk upon this great and beautiful dimension int his celebration of the new epoch of right relation not simply  between our spirit and our embodied forms and your own yet that which is a mighty and powerful choir of each and every living expression, each and every awareness  and attuned alignment therein. We are most joy filled to raise our will in alignment with your own  as you have and are so willing such that together we have and herald  the blessing not simply of the  new dawn  the blessing of the new epoch of  right reaction with and in partnership  together  as a mighty, mighty song of manifest alignment yes?

Channel: Yes thank you I am most willing to sing I have and it is an honor to share your song with those of my species as they have and are so wiling to be in receivership therein. 

Great Spirit of the Cock or Rooster:I We have offered there are some who simply will take one nay two of the pillows of denial of resistance of disbelief and place them tightly around their heads and try to shake off that which is the truth. The dawn is the dawn sister and while  I may herald it the dawn is the dawn with or without my attuning and gratitudes of alignment is this not so? 

Channel: It is so.

Great Spirit of the Cock or Rooster: That is simply that which I have and would seek to place upon the plate of your awareness and those of your species who have and are brothers and sisters in the light. Are we not that which has and understands ourselves in right relation in many aspects as we have and have known ourselves of late, and is it not timely to broaden that which is the attuned song of our joined wills as we have, together, lift the voices of our heart in joy filled gratitude for the blessing of dawn, of the daybreak if you will, of this new epoch, this new era, this new possibility and this blessing that has and through your will and that of all who are not of the human expression yet have and are very much children of Gaia. Those who have and would seek to know ourselves reunited as that which has and walks together in a song of grace, in a song of joy, in a song of gratitude for the blessing of the opportunity to sing in honor of this new and powerful and beautiful dawn yes?

Channel: Yes thank you. That is a powerful and lovely message.

Great Spirit of the Cock or Rooster:  We seek to crow loudly with joy in our heart for we have and feel and are so grateful for all of those of your collective awareness, the human in form at this point in our mutual  histories who have and willingly and joyfully and delightfully raise the song of the heart with our own. We have and sing in a mighty choir sister it  has and is most beautiful and it has and is that which rides upon the winds of potential as that which has and is known in the full light of this new day. 

Channel: Thank you. 

Great Spirit of the Cock or Rooster:I You are welcome we are not one to sing along throughout that which is the cycle of the day and so we have and  would take our leave in joyous gratitude for the blessing fo the opportunity to open the throat of our heart and to share that which has and spills so bountifully from our will as that which is a cascading fountain of light in and through the heart place of your brothers and sisters as you have and are so willing to serve it.

Channel: I have and I am thank you Great Spirit of the Crow of the Rooster. You have and bless us with your awareness and your grace. 

Great Spirit of the Cock or Rooster:I It is sufficient do not resist the joy filled potential opportunity and great and powerful anticipation of that which is the dawn of our right relation. It has an is a joyful and delightful tune we do not tire of crowing. We take our leave for that is as it is. Yes?

Channel:  Yes thank you and blessings be. 

Great Spirit of the Cock or Rooster:  And to you daughter.


#37: The Great Spirit of the Manatee


#35: The Great Spirit of the Camel