#35: The Great Spirit of the Camel
Today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast brings guidance from the Great Spirit of the Camel.
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Welcome friends, this is your host, Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. While I don’t recall choosing this setting the photo storage feature on my I phone started to display a selection of daily photo “memories” from years past. Well one image in particular kept reappearing a photo of my daughter riding a camel while on a fellowship to India. This image kept popping until I finally realized it was time to channel the Great Spirit of the Camel.
Great Spirit of the Camel: To understand that which we have and are in our nature, daughter, is to understand that which is conservation of essential resource. We have and would honor you with the presence of our attunement. We have and are that which you have invoked that which is the Great Spirit of that which is understood as Camel. We have and would offer that there is a great power and wisdom that has and is in our nature that which has and is the power of attunement to con— conservation of resource. We have and will repeat that. We have and offer that which is the power of the attunement to conservation of resource, and while we have and would offer our physical form is most beautifully constructed to serve our need state with great efficiency and grace, nevertheless one has and whatever the form is that you have and know yourself in attunement with in this physical plane of existence, you have and would be well-served to embrace that which is this aspect of our nature that has and is in high attunement with resonates deeply with the conservation of resource. There is much that we as a species have and continue to offer through that which is our physical form to those of the human collective. Is that not so, daughter?
Channel: Yes, it is so.
Great Spirit of the Camel: We have and are that which serves as great transport as that which has and serves as carrier of much that has and would be moved from one point to another that of your own physicality, that of your own requirements of shelter, of foodstuff, of resource, of other. We have and further offer, we have offered that which is, perhaps not always willingly we might add, our flesh, our pelt, our milk. Are we not a mighty blessing that has been conferred through our own will to serve that which is the human family?
We further offer that it is understood that this has been our relation and we are not unwilling to continue; however, there are those of our own family who have and are in requirement of a bit of assistance, as you have and are so willing to serve it. We have and are, if you will, few in numbers. Those who have and are of the Bactrian, those who have and you understand or perceive as the two-humped, those who have and were once great and roamed the lands and enjoyed a great expanse of their expression, and now they have and know themselves as that which has and is a twilight of a season of physical form.
It may appear to be improbable, or perhaps even unconceivable that this too may be that which you have and may find your own species in a space to experience at some point in your own history, and yet we offer as it has and is, as you have and do not honor the conservation of resource you have and may know yourselves in that point for that which is the resource you require for your own need state has and is not, if you will, accessible or available for your consumption. It is a matter of discernment, is it not?It is a matter of attunement such that one has and does not empty that which would be the well of your own resource such that as you have and would seek to return in the direction you have come, there is nothing for you to have and refill that which would be the waters of your own requirement, yes?
We are that which has and is most uniquely attuned to a particular environment where there is great expanse, if you will, between the opportunity and the availability of that which has and is in requirement for our own continuance, that which is the waters and other foodstuff. We have and are not unable to adapt, and yet we would offer is that which you have and understand as the rising of that which is the warmth that has and is generated from the planet and upon the planet through that which is the lack of conservation of resource and that which is the … we do not seek to use the word destruction; however, it is the one that vibrates most closely, and so with respect we have and would offer that that is what is occurring with the system of ecology that has and currently exists in this particular plane, and it is not that which has and is simply a season called forth through that which has and is the natural flow, rather it has and is that which is a season that has and is called forth through that which are the actions and the inactions, the lack of conservation and the, if you will, desiccation of the current existing resource.
It is, if you do not mind us offering, unwise to taint the waters of your own potential continuance and that of the rest of those who have and know themselves in a physical form at this point in our mutual awareness. While we have and may be able to adapt with greater efficiency and capacity that which are the higher temperatures that have and are upon us, we would offer that you are not so designed to tolerate that which has and we feel is soon approaching.
We would bestow upon you the mantle, the blessing of your own camel nature, wherein you have and yes, perhaps adapt yourselves, your actions, your behaviors, your choices, and your willingness to act to rectify, redress, or realign that which is greatly out of alignment in its physical expression in that which is the overall ecology of this planet. In this you have and would claim that which is the honoring of the conservation of resource and in truth with those of your own species, the reclamation, the cleansing, the purification, and the rebalancing such that there is adequate resource, not simply for your own species and their need state, but for all who have and are that which call forth the flow of this particular plane of awareness.
We have and would seek to continue in some aspect that which is our relation with those of your species as you have and seek to claim that which is your own camel nature, which has and rests within and we have and would confer it. Have we not offered it through our own physical out-picturing as that which is to be not simply admired or marveled at, but that which has and is available as example, if you will, of how one may and vibrate in attunement with that which we have offered, the efficient and essential conservation of resource. We will not repeat it, for we are aware that may grate upon the awareness of some, and yet we have and would bestow the blessing of our nature, for it is in truth that which has and will be most essential, not simply for your own individuate continuance, but for that which has and is the continuance in a manner of feasibility for all.
Is it not timely, brothers and sisters, Children of Eve to have and to know yourselves willing to claim that which is the mantle of your own camel nature. It has and is a great blessing we have and seek to confer upon you and your awareness, and as you have and would seek to take an action to set and intention to choose, to follow one or another path, we would simply offer as you have and are so willing that you have and take a moment and turn to that which is the wisdom of the camel, the nature of the camel, and to align yourself as you have and are so willing with those aspects that have been bestowed upon you and are simply available should you choose to claim them within your own field.
We have and are grieving for those who have and are of our own expression who do not know themselves in that which is the potential of continuance; however, we have and would seek to offer a prayer of profound gratitude for the blessing of your own intent to have and if you will, serve to tend, to heal, and to assist in the return to that which has and rests unwillingly upon that which is the twilight of its own awareness. We have and are most grateful for your willingness to have received the gentle knock of our attunement and to have and to share that which has and is a required, if not delicately served blessing of guidance.
It is that we sought and we have and feel it has been most plainly laid out on that which is the alter of your own attunement. We speak of you as a collective awareness and we have and it is with great hope in our hearts that we have and sing a song of gratitude for the blessing of your willingness to raise up that which is the great attunement of your own camel nature, that which is the mantle and to wrap it firmly around your own shoulders and to claim it as that which has and will guide you with efficiency towards that which is the potential of rebalancing for each and all.
It is complete, daughter. We have and are grateful for your service. We have and take our leave.
Channel: Blessings and godspeed to you, Great Spirit of the Camel. Thank you for your wisdom and your grace.