#34: The Great Spirit of the Bee


The wisdom of the Great Spirit of the Bee is channeled in today's episode of the Gaia Traslate Podcast.

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 Welcome friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman with this episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. I’m grateful to say that bees are still pretty common where I live and therefore perhaps I am not as attuned to when my awareness is being tapped by the spirit of the Bee. However, several weeks back, I was enjoying lunch with a friend when a large and persistent bee could be seen outside the window hovering right at eye level strangely the bee was paying no attention to the flowering bush below as it flew back and forth I front of our faces. Thankfully my friend commented more than once about this odd behavior and I finally made the connection. You will note this channeling session begins with an acknowledgement of this clever strategy as  apparently other attempts to garner my awareness had been less successful.


Great Spirit of the Bee: We have and are that which had sought the awareness of the being who companioned you at your repast yesterday. We are the emissary of the Great Spirit of the Bee. Were we not one who had and spoke most clearly in our requirement to call forth that which was your attunement?

Channel: Yes, you have and you were.

Great Spirit of the Bee: We found that the being who was companion to you was able to receive our knock with a bit more clarity, and therefore we sought to request of her, her attunement through you to our requirement, did we not?

Channel: You did, and she was most willing to serve.

Great Spirit of the Bee: We are aware We have and are the Great Spirit of the Bee, daughter. We appreciate your awareness, your attunement, your concern. We have sought the opportunity to have and to align ourselves in a more, if you will, complete manner with those of your collective, and we felt this was an efficient and timely egress into the awareness of those of the human species at this delicate point in our mutual histories, yes?

Channel: Blessings and thank you, Great Spirit of the Bee. It is an honor and you bless me with your awareness.

Great Spirit of the Bee: That is so, daughter. We have and are in truth essential. We have and are, if you will, a key to more that is understood of the awareness of that which has and would be required sustenance to that which is the plant kingdom for those of your species and many, many others. We have and know ourselves as you have and know yourselves, if you will, on the receiving end of that which is blight or virus, that which has and calls us to our own diminishment. It is not the only aspect or contributor, if you will, for there is much that has and is served to us through that which is the tainted soils, the tainted blossoms, the tainted waters that have and contaminate that which is what we have and know ourselves in requirement for our own sustenance and those of others continuance to serve.

We speak of the contamination that is created through your own discharge or desire to cultivate that which is a more perfect or a more rapid response in the growth time or the yield, if you will, of the fruits and vegetables and other aspects of the natural world, the plant kingdom that you have and would seek either to consume for yourselves or to serve to those whose flesh you seek to consume after they have consumed that which has been, if you will, cultivated in that service, yes?

Channel: Yes, those … that is so.

Great Spirit of the Bee: You are not in requirement to respond when we have and would offer that simple and, or question, if you will. In truth it is a question of wisdom, is it not? It is a question of discernment, is it not, of awareness of that which has and we feel as much as is the air we breathe as it is in truth apparent, and yet there are those who have and go about their lives, we feel who may be breathing in and out with each moment and are in truth completely unaware of the great blessing of the opportunity to inhale and to exhale that which has and offers them the gift of life.

It is timely to have and to shake off that which is, if you will, the confusion, the unawareness, the illusion that all has and will be well if one has and simply continues as one has done. We have and would offer that aspect of continuance has not and will not exist. It has not and cannot be called forth in the probabilities of our current out picturing at unless and with that which is the opening of the heart place of the collective will of your own species to have and seek another option, to have an open the door of possibility and to seek not only to walk through, but to bring many with you. We have and would be one and others have and would know themselves most blessed to be included as you have and would seek to shift that which is the lack of will-based intention, to have and call forth that which is the great fruiting of mutual expansion, continuance, and growth.

It is- all is not lost, friends. That is not the song we sing. For we have and are aware there are many of your species who are most attuned with that which is the requirement of our essential nature and that which has and is missing in terms of what is required to have that which you understand as your own food stuff in great measure, or the foodstuff you would serve to your food stuff as that which has and may not know itself in continuance without, and we do not desire to speak from a place of grandiosity, rather simply of that which is the truth without distortion, without that which is the service of our attuned and physical expression.

We are most willing and have been to share that which is the sweetness of our honey, to share that which is the blessing of our pollination, to have and continue to serve as we have been known to and we have and are most grateful to those of your species who have and would partner with us, not as those who have and control us, for you have and are unable in truth, but those who have and would be and would seek a willing, respectful, and honored relation, as many have and do. We are not offering that there are not those of your own species who most attuned to that which is the vital nature of our service to your own species and to that which is the Gaia, and those she has called forth through her creative will.

We are most grieved in truth, for there are many whom in past season we would be joy-filled to see, to drink from, to gather, and to, if you will, pollinate and yet we do not see them anymore. There are those who have been long companions to us, who have and are no longer singing the song of their own presence in this particular plane and that is a great grievance and weight in our heart. We have and know ourselves as those who have and that which is our informed life force has and is tenuous, if you will. In this we have and would seek a willing, respectful, and reciprocal partnership with those of your species, as you have and are so willing, and we offer we understand there are those who are more than willing to work with us, to stand with us, to collaborate with us such that we each and all have and know ourselves able to continue in our own aspects of stewardship, of partnership, of collaboration, and of reformation and reclamation of so much that has and is wilting or has already returned into that which is the soil of potential.

In this we do not deny that there is always flow. We do not refuse and there is that whose season has and has arrived at the closing therein. We have and would offer, however, that this would be, if you will, a premature frost that has and is touching the heart place of many that has and is of deep wounding to the Gaia, for she has and bears witness, terrible, brutal witness, again and again, to the suffering, to the diminishment, and extinction of those she has called forth in great tenderness, in great joy, and great delight, and great creative flow as we have and are all woven as brother and sister, woven as cousin, woven as essential member of the greater community that has and is her own body, her own flesh, her own will, her own awareness, her own intent, and we have and are most honored and incredibly, profoundly grateful to know ourselves in such an essential point of service to that which is the continuation and flow of that which is the song of her heart, and we have and hold within our own that which is the sweetness of hope, that which is, if you will, the honey of possibility that which is our own faith that as you have and turn the mighty wings of your own will to have and call yourselves not in a slow and drowsy flow, but in that which is with great intent, much as we have and serve with great honor and diligence to pollinate all who have and turn themselves in our direction and with their own requirement, so too we have and would offer is it not timely, brothers and sisters of the human collective, to have and call forth that which is your own will, your own beautiful and powerful intent to have and pollinate that which is potential for our joy-filled communal collective, collaborative, coexistence.

We have and admire much. We have and admire your great honeycombs. We have and admire your hives, and we have and appreciate when you have and admire and respect the song of our own. There are others who have and are the living forms, be they vegetable, or animal, or other in truth that have and are our fellow, neighbors and companions in this plane who have and also understand themselves in a sacred and, you will, complex relationship, which we have and seek to serve and they have and serve to us. 

You have and were offered example, were you not, that which has and is the song of the bear who has and as they have and would open up for us, that which is the bark, such that we have and may feel ourselves of the sap so we have and may heal ourselves, so we have and yet as that which is the balance of those other beings and their service, complex, intricate, and sacred, in truth has and is disturbed, upended, for other reasons, such as encroachment upon those of your own community, such as the desire to have and consume for yourselves and without consideration, in truth of the need state of others who have and are in truth, essential to the continuance of the greater environ.

In this, as you have discovered most most recently through the being who is Paul Stamets, one who we have and know as a great wisdom-keeper and a wisdom bringer that we have and know, or have known how to offer healing to ourselves, and in truth to many; however, this current imbalance has and denies us what would be our natural remedies and we have and would turn to you as you have and are aware for that which would be assistance, and we are appreciative and offer deep and profound gratitude for your willingness to assist us, not simply through that which is the addition of this or that in service to seek to heal us from outside of that which is the natural flow of interrelation, but also to offer to us and to all the discernment, the attunement of awareness that there is purpose, meaning, and balance that has and is in the natural world, as you have and would perceive it and that there is great intellect, there is great wisdom, there is great purpose to much that may seem to those who are unaware or, if you will, passers through, to have little or no related meaning or, or requirement of interaction, and this is simply a distortion or, if you will, a form of unintended, we offer, ignorance.

There are those who have and are quite aware of the interrelation that has and would be upended should they have and seek to claim, to harvest, to gather, to destruct or reconstruct upon that which has and was in service to a particular environment or ecological system, and yet while this is not unacceptable, we simply would ask that one has and considers one’s neighbors, for there are reasons you have selected a particular neighborhood to settle in and as you have done so, is it not polite to honor the need state of the neighbors as well as your own? We have and offer this as that which would be as delegate, as emissary, and in truth as wisdom-bringer for that is what we are. We have and serve our wisdom upon that which is the plate of your awareness. We speak of you as species, as hive, if you will, of the human species, for you have and while you may understand yourselves as many varied and singular, in truth you vibrate as human, you serve as human, you experience as human, and that is as it is, and we have and understand ourselves also. We have and know ourselves as varying bees. We are – I know – the honey, the bumble, and other, the carpenter. There are many of us in many forms, and yet we have and are all of a particular vibrational node, a particular attunement, and in this we have and know ourselves in truth, threatened, and we have and would seek with respect and gratitude your willing service to that which is the greater community that you and we are a part of.

Together we have and are great healers should we so choose, together we have and are great servers not only for our own need state, for we have and are quite effective as you are in that, but for that which is the greater song of our own neighborhood, if you will, of our own community and we ask as you are willing to consider that not simply as that which has and is within your own physical purview, that which you have and perceive with the eyes of your body, but that which you have and understand vibrationally as all that have and are, those who have and are the waters of that which is life or life force in a physical form in this dimension, in this Gaia, in this planet.

We have and seek to know ourselves in great communion and enjoining that which is our will with your own for in this we have and both and all will know ourselves greatly served and many, many others who in truth depend upon both the actions that we have and take and the actions we have and no longer choose to take as they have and contribute to the dissolution of that which has and is a mighty, complex, and sophisticated alignment of inter-related flow, yes?

It is not impossible, and yet it has and is most timely and essential that those who have and would seek to know themselves in any manner or form of continuance that bears any resemblance to what you have understood, what you have loved, what you have and would seek, we would put it this way: you have and use the expression “the honey of life,” that which is honeyed or sweet, and we offer as we have and know ourselves called into extinction that which is the sweetness or the honey of life as you have known it will no longer be available for those of your own offspring, nor many others, and that is not what we feel in our hearts has and would be how you have and would seek to call forth that which is the potential of our own, if you will, evolution.

Together we have and are in truth a mighty and beautiful partnership where we have and turn the will of our heart place in concert with your own. There is much that is no longer in requirement of being lost. There is much that can be gathered, can be, if you will pollinated, not simply through our own as you understand it physical pollination, but through your own pollination of your will, pollination of your intent, pollination of your heart as you have and claim these things which are in truth your essential nature, brothers and sisters of the human collective, hive.

You have and are great and powerful builders, architects, not simply of your own communities but of the world’s and that which you have and envision as that which you have and may call forth and have done most beautifully and most powerfully in your own history and ours. We have and will await that which is the answer of your heart. We have and listen with open and joy-filled gratitude for we have and are most desirous to know ourselves as those who have and may companion with, rather than that which has and is in requirement of dissolution together in all that we have known of this mighty, beautiful, and sacred song that is the vibratory field of the Gaia.

We have and offer that which is our salutations and our gratitude, our expectations, and our hope-filled alignment as we have and listen deeply with our hearts to that which is the song of each and all of your own, as you have and seek to sing together in that which would be a mighty duet that has and carries the sweetness of honeyed continuance. So it has been, yes? So we have and would seek it to be. It is sufficient, daughter. We have and with hope in our hearts and gratitude for your willingness and the willingness of each and all have and receive this song of our intent, that they have and would taste the sweetness of its possibility and know themselves well served, to claim it with open and willing heart.

It is sufficient. We take our leave.


#35: The Great Spirit of the Camel


#33: The Great Spirit of Mother Gaia