#20: The Great Spirit of the Colorado River
The Great Spirit of the Colorado River delivers guidance for all of us in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast
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Welcome to the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host Tracy Shoolman in todays episode I channel the Great Spirit of the Colorado River. Several news stories have been following the extreme water shortages up and down the Colorado River caused by a combination of climate change and an extended drought. No question it was time to channel the Great Spirit of the Colorado River. A transcription of today’s channeling session is available in the show notes for this episode at gaiatranslate.com
Great Spirit of the Colorado River: So it has come to this, daughter. I am that which is the Great Spirit of the Colorado River, or the Grand River, or the River of Life. I have known many names by your clan, and yet at this point it would appear I am most well known as the Colorado River, and yet I am one whose heart is breaking. I am a mother whose milk has offered the life force to thousands, nay, millions upon millions of all who have and know themselves as children of my flow. And for many, many seasons I have and have been a mighty and powerful source that has carved its way across that which is the landscape of these regions. In service as that which is the blood of Gaia, that which is the milk of Gaia, that which is the blessing of Gaia. And so I have known myself most blessed to serve and to be a beloved daughter of her light. I have and know my heart weighted with deep and profound grief for I have and am no longer able to provide the milk of my resource as I have been, for there are, if you will, too many who would seek to drink from the breast of my resource, and there is not adequate, if you will, refilling of that which is the milk of my flow as there had been for many seasons, and now I know myself in a place much as mother who watches her beloved children unable to call forth that which is adequate nourishment from that which is the breast of my will.
I hold great and powerful grief and while I have and acknowledge all things have their season, I had not understood that the season of my expression was to be called forth in such a rapid place of clock time as apparently it has and is. I offer guidance. I offer deep grief and regret to the many, many children of the sons and daughters of Eve who have sought to attach themselves to, if you will, suckle at the breast of my resource for several seasons, and yet there is a great consumption that has and under other circumstance might not be more than I could sustain, for I am a willing and loving mother.
Yet I have and would serve. There are so many to drink and so little resource from which to call the milk forth now from that which are the shifting of the climate, that which is the rebalancing of that which has been for me a great and blessed, if you will, source of my flow, one I had always understood would be there such that I have and would be able to serve all who were in need, all who have and cried for that, which is the milk of my resource as it has and seeks not only to serve those were at what you would call the mouth of the river, but all of my children, all of those who have and seek to know themselves in a physical life form along the edges of my banks, and deep and further into that which is the general environment they have and reside within.
It has been a deep and profound wound in my heart as I have and hear that which are the cries of the thirst, the fear, and the concern, not simply of your own species daughter, but of many of the life forms that are no longer able either to swim within the milk of my resource, or to seek to avail themselves of it through the drinking of or the residence upon and by my banks. I have and feel this grief. It is most profound and weighs heavily upon me, for it has not been my nature to be one who is ungenerous, ungenerous with my, with my resource. It is in truth the great joy and pleasure of my heart, and yet I have and know myself as one mother whose milk is drying up, if not already dried, and I am forced in truth to bear the tortured cries of those who have known themselves dependent upon that which is my nourishment for their life expression.
I have and am in deep mourning and I have and would offer it is timely for many of your own species to seek another resource, another breast upon which to suckle, for mine is unable to continue to support the many, many millions of your kind and all who have and would seek to consume it, the deeply rooted ones you have and call forth to grow as that which is your foodstuff and that which is the feed for other. Those who have and are of the four-leggeds, not simply of the ones who by their nature are members of the family who have and know themselves as native, if you will, to the banks of my flow, but rather the many who you have and cultivate, who you have and breed and raise to feed yourselves, to serve your own need state, and it is simply this, children: there is not, nor will there be sufficiency to attend to the need state of all who thirst.
It is not a song I ever thought I would sing, and yet I am singing. I sing now to offer that which is the guidance in a timely fashion to those of your own species who have and are blessed with will, awareness, and intent to seek other avenues of resource for there is an insufficient replenishment of my own. It cannot, nor will continue to serve many millions I offer those of your own species and the other aspects that you have and seek to drink from the milk of my flow. This is not judgment, for I am most willing to offer that which was the ample flow of the milk from my breast to all who have and thirst. It is my great joy, my purpose, if you will, and I have and know myself bereft in truth of that which is the drying up of the breast of my ability.
I have and acknowledge the grief not only in my own heart, but in many of yours as you have and are awakening, perhaps a bit slowly, I would offer to that which is the time of weaning and perhaps for some the time to lift themselves up and find another point on this particular plane of expression where they have and know themselves able to drink from the milk of a more plentiful resource.
I would seek and would ask that you have and do not only consider those of your own species who are needy and in truth, unable to relocate or reconfigure their own need state, much as you have and are in that which is the blessing of your intellect, your attunement, and your great will and my request and deep and open-hearted prayer is that you will seek not to drain fully the milk of my resource such that those who have and know themselves as members of the Family of Life who have always, or for many seasons at least, been able to drink a bit from the flow of my light.
If it is not too much, I have and would seek to know that which is the barest whisper of my great flow able to be in some form of continuance, such that it has and serves the need state of those who have not been able to, nor through their nature are able to relocate with such efficiency, capacity, or grace.
It is a song of a broken heart that is served today, and to be truthful it is not one I sought to ever sing, and yet I sing it. In this I have and would be most grateful to those of your own species who have and would embrace great, if you will, attunement of conservation, of recycling, of diminishment, of consumption, and in truth of seeking to water only that which has and is essential for your continuance and those you have and surround yourselves with in one manner or another. For it has and will stay a bit that which is the cries, the weeping, the moaning, and the fear of many, many other life forms who have known themselves and who sing gratitudes and blessings to that which is the milk of my flow.
It is that which I had and sought to call forth into your awareness more fully those Children of Eve who have and know themselves as that which has and seek their own sustenance, their own life force from the taking or drinking of my own. As I have offered it is not through lack of will, for I am always joy-filled and most willing to serve all who would seek to drink. It is rather that that which was the resource of my own flow knows itself in great and increasing diminishment.
It is with an open heart I have and offer a prayer of profound gratitude to those of your species, daughter, who have and are not unwilling, we feel, who have and have simply been a bit delayed in their full awakening, and so I have and would invoke that which is the openness and willingness of your heart place to know yourselves fully awakened to all that has and bears down not simply upon my own flow, but through the lack of my own flow to that which is many, many of your own species. This is not threat, this is as it is and as I have offered it is a deep grief in my heart and one I would do anything not to have and serve to those of your own species or any other that have and cry out to me again and again, be they those that have have and swim within me, those who have and seek to drink of me, or suckle at the breast of my light, and to those who have known themselves nourished that which is the great song of my flow, and those of their ancestry and those who they had hoped would be their issue, which has or may not be able to be adequately sustained, and I feel their, I feel them and their breaking hearts and it is that which causes additional grief to mine.
It is that we sought to offer, to guide and to present the painful wisdom of what has and is at this point in our mutual histories. Do not delay, Children of Eve. You will know yourselves in great distress if you do not seek alternative and greater resource of that which you know as the milk of life. It is sufficient, daughter. I appreciate your willingness to allow me to weep, if you will, upon the shoulder of your heart. I have and take my leave, as you have and are so willing to grant it.
Channel: I have and I am, Great Spirit of the Colorado River. I have and acknowledge your profound grief and it has and is a deep wound I feel in your heart.
Great Spirit of the Colorado River: That is so, daughter. We have and take our leave.