#21: The Great Spirit of the Squirrel
Today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast brings channeled wisdom from the Great Spirit of the Squirrel
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Welcome to the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. The trees surrounding my cottage are home to several families of squirrels. And last week I was in the middle of my morning yoga routine when I got the feeling I’m being watched only to look out the window and see a squirrel perched on the fence literally just sitting there and looking in at this human twisting herself up into all sorts of ridiculous shapes. I imagine the squirrel might have been happy to find a remote somewhere and change the channel and watch something slightly more entertaining. However it was definitely time to channel the Great Spirit of the Squirrel. A transcription of today’s channeling session is available in the show notes for this episode at gaiatranslate.com
Great Spirit of the Squirrel: We have and seek a moment of your knowing, daughter. We have and are that which you have and sought to attune your awareness with that which has and is the Great Spirit of the Squirrel. We have and find it amusing that you have and know us as, if you will, a great community of neighbors and that which has and serves your awareness multiple times in each daily cycle, and yet it has and is not surprising that you have and would not seek to attune yourself to our higher awareness until the being who was your son offered you that which was external knock upon the door of your awareness.
Channel: Yes, I apologize. That made it quite clear.
Great Spirit of the Squirrel: It is understood, daughter. You are not the first who has and, if you will, does not see that which has and is in plain sight. However, we are grateful that you have and receive that which is our attunement and we have and would offer is it not timely for each and all of those of your own species to hunt about a bit and see if they may find that which is the nourishment of their squirrel nature in that part of their own awareness that has and has been, if you will, much of fact which is in plain sight a bit overworked.
Channel: Yes, thank you Great Spirit of the Squirrel. All of your guidance and wisdom is greatly appreciated.
Great Spirit of the Squirrel: We are happy and willing to serve. What have you observed, daughter, in that which is our behavior in our physical form, our characteristics, if you will.
Channel: You enjoy … You enjoy life. That’s how it appears to me.
Great Spirit of the Squirrel: That is accurate. What else have you experienced in your perception of our, if you will, companionship in that which is your own field of awareness?
Channel: You are facile and you are able to move in several physical dimensions without any resistance as you are able to climb vertically as well is to walk or run horizontally.
Great Spirit of the Squirrel: That is accurate, and we would offer that it is timely for those of your own species to consider that they too have and are equipped. We do not speak in the physical although we use it as a, if you will, convenient analogy. You are able to know yourselves in a place to expand, if you will, in a vertical as well as a horizontal method in terms of fact which is your own field of awareness. Is it not timely to have and embrace those aspects of your own awareness that have in truth yet to be explored in deep aspect by many of your own species. We have and feel you are a bit confused and for that we have and would take a moment to expand further on that which we have and are offering upon the plate of your awareness and those of your fellow brothers and sisters who know themselves in a human form.
Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Squirrel. I appreciate it.
Great Spirit of the Squirrel: It is understood, daughter. What we have and would refer to is the ability to have and to open yourselves up to the potential that you have and are not limited as you have understood yourselves to be, wherein you have and know yourselves, although quite clever and able we would offer in creating that which would be devised to have and carry, devised to have and bring you in a vertical manner in the physical form, and that is as we have and observe it and that which has and our devices that have and increase that which is your own physical acceleration, such that you have and may cross vast distances in less clock time and these are also impressive devices that have and serve you as you have and expand that which is the reach of the intellect. However, we have and would offer that there are other manners to have and transport yourselves. There are other methods that do not require that which is external device to have and bring you from one point of awareness to another. We are speaking of that which has and is your willingness to open up that which is the eye and ear of your heart in such that you have and are able to hear and to see that which has been and yet is not perceived with great clarity by many.
In this you refer to your ability to understand and to engage, to move through that which are the great and mighty limbs of awareness, to know yourselves able to climb that which you felt you were not able to in your old understanding, your limited awareness. How would it be we ask if the squirrels that you have and watch in our nature were never to have or seek to climb that which is the tree or other that has and offers us so much joy, protection, and in truth that which has and is our domicile of choice.
How would it be we ask if all we chose to do is all we chose to do is to walk or to, if you will, crawl in trepidation in fear of that which has or might come out of each corner, rather than have and seek to jump and leap as we have and are in our nature willing to experience and embrace all that has and is the song of Gaia in her great bounty and her great flourishment, yes? How we ask you are we to be that which we are if we do not climb, leap, jump, explore, play, engage, and in truth gather that which has and would serve our own sustenance in physical form? We now speak not of your need state in physical expression, but rather in the need state for you each and all of those of your kin, daughter, those who know themselves as part of your human family for there is that which has and in truth, the stores are low in that which is the pantry of your higher awareness.
We do not speak of all, for there are some, as there always are, who have and understand that the seasons may require a certain storing up, if you will, of that which would provide sustenance, be it in what you would understand as the spiritual form or that of the physical, and in this situation you have and many of you are quite well, if you will, stocked up in that which is the physical requirement. In this we have and speak that which is available to all, and yet unavailed by many and that is the great bounty of the spiritual or, if you will, higher awareness of your own pantries.
Is it not timely to seek to sustain and to nourish yourselves with that which is a connection with that which is your greater awareness and attunement, not simply to all who have and share this beautiful environ, but to all that you have and are as that which is a great and beautiful being that has and vibrates from your source light. We speak of your own individual source light that has and is, of course, much as the drop of water in the greater sea of awareness of all who have and know themselves in the attunement or frequency, if you will, of the human expression.
In this we have and would offer there are those of you who have and bear witness to our varying, if you will, of certain food stuff and that is as we have and would seek to, if you will, assure ourselves of that which is a well-stocked larder through those seasons that are less conducive to the ease of acquirement, acquisition, if you will. In this we have and would offer your larder, if you will, has and knows itself in great measure depleted and large part by current circumstance, and the other part by lack of awareness of how to gather, how to collect, how to store, and then how to retrieve that which has and would nourish those aspects that are not only physical, those aspects that have and are of the heart place, those aspects that have and would soothe that which you understand as your soul expression. We have and refer to it as a part of your spirit, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Squirrel: We have and would continue as you have and are willing to remain in receivership therein.
Channel: Yes, I am blessed to be in receivership, Great Spirit. Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Squirrel: We would further offer it is not difficult. It is simply a matter of holding oneself in that which is the stillness of observation of attunement, of awareness that there is always that which has and will sustain. There is always that which has and is there to hold, to comfort and to, if you will, expand your own capacity and to know yourselves steadied whatever the weather, to know yourselves held whatever the storm, to know yourselves most beloved whatever you may be experiencing in this small awareness that you have and understand as so encompassing, and we have and further offer, much as you, daughter, have and may enjoy a brief glance at that which is the song of our own life force in physical expression as we have and are filled with the joy of physically being embodied and that which has and is so much a part of your own environment that you have and are no longer in truth aware.
We simply call you to this, not as a manner of disparagement, for we have and understand. Simply we offer it as an example, for we have and would offer there is much that has and surrounds each and all of those of the brothers and sisters that you have and know of the human family that has and offers great joy, great pleasure, great sustenance that has and is in truth in your own backyards, in truth in front of you, in truth, available in each moment of your awareness to each and all to be gathered, to be held, to be treasured, and to be stored in that which is the larder of your own heart. Do not underestimate the great power of having and collecting with great joy that which has and is, if you will, the small seeds of attunement as they have and are that which has and supports you and serves you, and offers you that which is the nourishment of your own expansion, your own evolution as you have and would seek to claim it at this sacred point in our mutual histories. Yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Squirrel: We are aware that the nut-meats we have and offer will not be to the taste of all who have and would seek to know wherein we have and what we have placed upon the plate of their awareness, and that is as it is, daughter. For as you have and are aware you who have and seek to see with the eyes of the heart, you who have and seek to hear with the ears of the heart, and yet it has and is, if you do not mind us calling you up to the front of the class as good example, you have and in your own way do not see that which is placed right in front of you for your own consumption.
Channel: That is so. I understand and I am willing to be made an example of.
Great Spirit of the Squirrel: We appreciate your good heartedness with regard to our calling out you as that which is a typical example of many who have and walk only in truth and view only in truth and smell only in truth and hear only in truth through that which is the eyes, the ears, the mouth, and the awareness of the physical form. There is so, so much more that you have and would know yourselves simply able to rest in great and joyful delight and attunement with should you have and simply claim it so. We offer it is timely for those of the human species to call to themselves that which is their squirrel nature, that which has and knows itself able to, if you will, call forth that which is the great heights of that which is the tallest tree, the tallest limb, and to enjoy and to gambol, to run, to play, to explore, and to rest deeply and beautifully within that which is the vertical, if you will, dimension of your own awareness here in this particular lifetime and knowing. Yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you Great Spirit.
Great Spirit of the Squirrel: We are not suggesting you all go out and start to climb the nearest tree, although you are perfectly welcome to do so. What we are offering is that you have and understand there is so, so much more that has and is in truth available to each and every one of those of your own family, your own clan of human expression that has and remains unexplored, unclaimed, un … [pause 16:56] experienced and is it not timely, brothers and sisters, who have and know themselves in that other form that is human to open your hearts and to open the eyes therein and to see and claim and revel in truth in that which is the greater attunement with your greater capacity, your greater awareness, your greater abilities that you have and seek to allow yourselves the ability to attune with your greater knowing that which some have and would refer to as the higher self. Some have and would refer to as the greater awareness and there has and is in truth that which too is the collective awareness. Each and all have that in their own nature. It is much as one who has and understands themselves as that which plays in a particular key, yes? So all who have and are of the squirrel nature have and are vibrating in that which is the key of the squirrel nature. All who have and are of the human nature have and vibrate in that which is the key of the human nature. Perhaps there are different tonalities, if you will, and yet is that not the beauty of individuate expression and individuate exploration in this human expression that you have and claim for yourselves at this point in your history?
We have and would invite you to join us and know yourself shed of those limitations that have only in truth been self-imposed, or if you will, you have and have grown up never watching those of your own species gambol, climb, jump, leap, and fly in that which you have and would understand impossible for those of your own physical expression. And so we offer there is not that which is impossible as you have and are so willing to claim it deeply within your heart. We do not speak at this point of your physical capacity to leap and climb from limb to limb as we have and are blessed to know ourselves in physical form able to experience. Rather we speak of that which is the great and vast, if you will, forest of awareness that you have and are welcome and invited, encouraged in truth to climb into with that which is your own attuned, open, and willing heart.
We have and would confer the small gift of our squirrel nature upon each and all of those of your species as they have and are so willing to claim it for themselves when it has and knows itself well-bestowed, and that has and is to know themselves no longer limited by that which has and has been, if you will, understood as all there is and may be not simply after you have and passed from this human form and return to that which is the home base, if you will, of your greater awareness, but rather as you have and are in your human form, and are in that which is an incarnate expression here in this dimension. You have and are able, we offer, to know yourselves connected, if you will, to the greater aspects of your own awareness, and it is most delightful and most profound, most blessed, and we have and invite you, encourage you, and have sought to guide you a bit into the awakening of this awareness. It is not placed to the side and offered only to the few. It is that which has and is a right and a blessing that has and each and all carry within them and always has in that which is the well of their heart.
Do not doubt. Simply seek to open that which is, if you will, the long unopened pantry door and you will be amazed at all that has and awaits within and has and would offer great sustenance and great, if you will, balance and wholeness that has been greatly lacking for many, many of your species, and we have and would offer this blessing most willingly and gratefully, and we offer prayers of gratitude for the blessing of your willing receivership and consumption therein, for we have and are aware that as you have and seek to know yourselves in your greater expression, you have and will be most pleased. You have and will be most blessed, and that is what we have and sought to offer to those of your human family at this point in our mutual awareness.
We have and offer you and all blessings of the season of a well-stocked pantry that which has and is not limited through your own small distortions of what and who you are. It is sufficient, daughter. It is what we sought to lay upon the plate of your awareness and those of your collective. We have and will take our leave.
Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Squirrel, and blessings be and Godspeed. Thank you for your wisdom.
Great Spirit of the Squirrel: It is understood, daughter. It is complete.