#19: The Great Spirit of the Lion
Today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast brings you the channeled wisdom of the Great Spirit of the Lion
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Welcome to the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. In this episode I am honored to channel the deep wisdom of the Great Spirit of the Lion. I like to start each episode with a bit of context about how I came to channel a particular spirit. So in March of 2021 a close friend shared one of her favorite Jazz songs “Be Good,(Lion’s Song)” by Jazz artist, Gregory Porter. I found the lyrics both surprising and beautiful.
It's important to note this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast episodes. As such, the audio quality isn't ideal, but I ask that you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Lion. I have since updated my recording set-up and the newer sessions are of better quality. Both a video of this recording and a transcript of today’s episode are available in the show notes for this episode at gaiatranslate.com
Link: Gregory Porter - "Be Good (Lion's Song)" Official Video
Great Spirit of the Lion: Shall we walk a bit daughter? You have and are perceiving me in your mind’s eye are you not so I have and approach you through the open door of your will.
Channel: Yes Great Spirit of the Lion.
Great Spirit of the Lion: That is accurate. I thought of myself as rather clever through that which was a most amusing manner of calling your awareness to my light.
Channel: It was beautiful manner, thank you that song was lovely.
Great Spirit of the Lion: You are welcome. Did you find that song fiercesome or aggressive?
Channel: No it was simply beautiful and peaceful.
Great Spirit of the Lion: That is so, and while we have a mighty reputation as ‘king of the beasts’ according to those of your species, we would offer we are simply one who has and honors the flow are we not? Are we not one who has and seeks to meet the needs of our own life-force and it may not be a pleasant out-picturing for those of your species and yet we offer it is our way. As you have and understand that all creatures, all beings, all life in this dimension and in truth others have a nature, it is wise if you do not mind us offering, to discern between that which is the nature of a being and that which is of mal-intent that has or would come forth from that being.Yes?
Channel: Yes I appreciate that and agree thank you.
Great Spirit of the Lion: You are welcome daughter. We would offer that there is much that those of your collective knowing, those sons and daughters of Eve as it were, had and are most confused by their sense of awareness of source. Their ability to sniff out the scent of mal-intent is less than powerfully developed from our perspective. It is that which we have and would offer allows our species the ability to remain in stillness and simply allow ourselves to be aware of that which is carried upon the winds to our knowing and there are times when that which is carried upon the winds of a beings awareness is not simply in the physical yes? We have and we smell not simply the scent of the flesh.We smell the scent of fear, we smell the scent of vulnerability, we smell the scent of opportunity. We do not seek to go forth and decimate or wound or seek to destroy that which would be food source for us, if we have and take more than we and those of our clan can consume this is simply wasteful and illogical for are they not beautifully contained as that which has and in their life not only call forth that which is future opportunities if you will through their issue, but yet are they not most beautifully contained? They do not rot while they are in their form. They do not call forth other and seek to consume and simply they have and are in their own flow in their own nature yes? We have and serve a purpose that has and is bestowed upon us by the Gaia light you know. We are not simply seeking to fill our bellies and lie and bask in the sun although may appear to be all we have and do much of the time. Rather is it not a benefit to be that which has and consumes the less than, the weaker, the not as able to survive, from a particular field of awareness, a particular four legged or other that has and knows itself in a flock, in a herd in a gathering of their own species yes?
Channel: I hadn’t understood it that way but that makes—that’s very clear yes.
Great Spirit of the Lion: We are not bragging that that which we have and would seek to consume as that which is the ‘lag behind’, the small, the weak, the feeble, for there are many times when those are not opportunities afforded to us and in this we simply avail ourselves of whatever is open and willing and opportune yes?
Channel: Yes thank you.
Great Spirit of the Lion: We have and are mighty and powerful physical force are we not? We have and know ourselves as greatly admired and feared, however, admired we feel is the primary resonance from many of your species. We have and know ourselves as that which is the icon of courage, the icon of nobility, the icon of pride, or proud of stature and we appreciate these and acknowledge they are a part of our awareness however, we offer there is much that is imposed upon us and all others by that which is a perception of your species and in this while we are not unwilling to be known as those accolades we have and would offer there is much to our nature that is little understood and there is much to the nature of other that is less than understood as we perceive it.
Is it not timely my friend to offer that which is the light of awakening in the heart place of your species not simply to that which has and is if you will, the mantle of societal preference , distortion If you will of rumor as to what we have and are, or what any others have or might be- have been or will be. We further offer that it is timely, and we offer this in that mantle as you are wiling to receive it as ‘king of the beasts’ we have been called, as ‘king of the jungle’, as courageous and leader. We are not that in truth, not that we lack courage, however, we have and may be mighty with our prowess and our physical strength and yet we have and know our place in the flow, n the balance in the inter-aligned web of all that has and is called forth by that which is the Gaia.
In this we are grateful and honored to be one of many who have and are called forth in form and to know ourselves in the vibration of expression as not that which dominates rather that which has and is a part of, a companion, a willing partner in the flow Yes? You have been offered example of that which has is the imbalance that is called forth when there is the lack of what you would understand as alpha or that who is at the highest level of what you see as food chain which we find rather amusing in truth for there is so much more to the food chain or the recycling of the physicality, the vessel, that has and holds the life force than you are aware of or acknowledge even though some have and are most aware. For while we have and claim our share we are not that which has and does the work of reclamation in full. That is our brothers or sisters if you will, those of the maggots, those of the vulture and even those of other for legged such as hyena and other who have and would seek to consume and return that which we have and have not use for yes?
Channel: Yes.
Great Spirit of the Lion: We offer it is timely as your collective awareness has and is willing to acknowledge, that it is not efficient to hunt and claim more than one can have and fill one’s belly with. It is not efficient nor is it sustainable and in this as you have and honor the light of the Lion, the Great Spirit of therein we offer it is timely, more than, to have and hold that which is the hand of your desire and to look carefully upon it and to ask: what is it that you desire that is found in the hunting of the resource of Gaia? Be it in the flesh of another being, be it in the soil, be it in the belly of Gaia through that which are mines , through that which s tunneling, or coring, or extraction that has and does not satiate your being? For we offer if we were to simply go and completely hunt to the point of completion of a particular herd or collective how would this serve us for there is only that which we could consume at one point the rest is simply wasted is it not? Not that others would not consume it, but if we have and consume all, or hunt down all there are none to carry one that which would feed us in the next season or the season thereafter. In this we offer our brothers and sisters, the sons and daughters of Eve, it is a metaphor for your collective awareness we do not speak in literal terms.
Channel: Yes thank you.
Great Spirit of the Lion: And we simply would offer it is time to develop the scent of wisdom more deeply in your hearts. The scent of awareness for the direction of that which has and carries in the wind that which is of mal-intent, and we offer this scent is not that which we carry upon our awareness for we do not seek or offer mal-intent to yours or your fellow brothers and sisters in the human form however if we have and know our belly is hungry and we have and hear that which rustles through reed, or wood, or plain is it not simply our nature to have and seek to consume that which has and presents itself so clearly to our opportunity.
Channel: Yes.
Great Spirit of the Lion: We do not seek to walk down the street of your great cities. We do not seek to enter into the domiciles that house your children or your elders. We do not seek to claim as our own that which you have placed yourselves in as village, as town, as metropolis, as other, and yet we offer has that been how you have and offered the same grace of territory to those of our species and that of other for it is not surprising that as one has and encroaches upon that which is the hunting ground, that which is the grazing ground, that which is the watering place , that which is the birthing place of those other members of this particular planet. So it is to be expected that where is that which has and would naturally walk the path that had been walked, seek to drink where they had been able to drink prior, seek to hunt where the hunting has and always was, seek to rest where their dens and other have and always stood? Is it not timely for us to join together in that which is the right relation between our species and all species and all life that knows itself a part of this mighty light of Gaia?
Channel: Yes it is.
Great Spirit of the Lion :We simply offer that there is little efficiency or wisdom if you do not mind in the great consumption and violation in some aspects of the flesh of Gaia, of those who have and are a part of a mighty and most delicate and beautiful web of interconnected life flow here in this sacred valley that we have and understand as our shared home. We do not seek to have you go and find another planet. We do not seek to have ourselves destroyed, we do not seek to watch all that has and would come in future seasons be reduced such that there are none who have and may bear a new season of life upon this blessed and beautiful song of flow Yes?
Channel: Yes.
Great Spirit of the Lion: We do not roar and yet our hearts roar loudly as you would understand it with the great pain that we have and feel in the wracking sobs as the one who has and birthed many, has and called forth many in all varying forms. Those that have and are of the grasses, those that have and are of the trees, those that have and are of the winged ones- birds as you understand them, those that have and are those who breath within the waters- the fish and other, the great crocodile and other that has and knows itself a part of that environ. That which has our brothers and sisters who have and would seek as you seek to know themselves in the blessing of continuance, to know themselves in the blessing of right relation. It is not hard yet it is a place that has and is required, that sits sits deeply in the heart place of each and all. It is a choice, it is a will and in this as you have and have ever admired or sought to admire our grace , our power, our we use your word majesty we have and would ask that you call upon your own race, your own power and your own majesty of heart and in theses you call upon your Lion nature that which has and is powerful and mighty yes, that which has and is wise and prudent yes. That which has and does not expend, or abuse, or consume more than is efficient. This is not beyond your capacity my brothers and sisters. This is in truth well with for are you not all most remarkable in that which you have and once you have and hold it in the heart place of your will you have and call it forth most amazingly and powerfully into that which is manifest for .is this not so?”
Channel : It is so yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Lion: We do not deny the great power of your will we simply seek to have you and those of your species embrace it in a manner that has and would offer all the blessing of a great and mighty season of en-lived, and joy filled embracing of our connected song which has and is most beautiful as we would have and seek together to assuage the wounded heart of our mother yours and ours, for if you have and would understand yourselves only and always as children of the mighty grace of the Gaia, the planet, the earth, mother earth, you have and claim this yourselves do you not?
Channel: We do.
Great Spirit of the Lion: Then why is it you have and seek so desperately, we speak of the greater ‘you' to disregard, disrespect and disgorge that which is her life force? It is confusing for us for we have and have always admired the light of your wisdom in some aspects yes?
Channel: Yes thank you.
Great Spirit of the Lion: We are not seeking to turn and walk from this or that which is a service through our willing cooperation as one knowing, awareness, species, to another. We have and seek to return to that which has and is, and to walk forward to that which has and is the garden of great potential, that which has and blooms most beautifully in concert with an open and willing heart yes? We would offer it is timely to have and serve this observation, awareness and request to those of your species for we have and watch and feel that which has and much as that which is the lifeblood have and drip away so we have and feel the lifeblood of much that has and has served in ways you have not able and do not understand in truth be wrenched out of many who have and are as you, as we, children of the Gaia light yes? We have and offer a prayer of profound gratitude for our wisdom and your will as you have and call to yourselves the great song of your own Lion heart as you have and understand it for you each and all have and carry within you the mighty light of a most powerful and beautiful will. Is it not time to lift that which is the throats of your will in a great roar of agreement to that which has and is a communal and bountiful continuance.
Channel: Yes thank you Great Spirit of the Lion.
Great Spirit of the Lion: That is all we sought to place upon the plate of your awareness. However, we would offer, as we have sought to bring that to your awareness it is a meal that should be consumed by each and every member of your collective for there is much there that would not do to only be consumed by a few yes?
Channel: Yes thank you.
Great Spirit of the Lion: It is sufficient, we have and take our leave as you have and are so willing to grant it.
Channel: I have and I am. Blessings In the highest to you Great Spirit of the Lion and deep gratitude for the wisdom you have placed upon the plate of my awareness it is my intent to have and to offer it to those of my community.
Great Spirit of the Lion: We appreciate your willing service to the Gaia. We take our leave.