#18: The Great Spirit of the Soil
I am honored to channel the Great Spirit of the Soil in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.
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Welcome to the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. Today’s episode features channeled communication from The Great Spirit of the Soil. A recent NPR Weekend Edition report titled : “Got Mud? For Coastal Cities, Humble Dirt Has Become A Hot Commodity” grabbed my attention. It was a fascinating story with two unusual protagonists, dirt and mud! Environmental experts went on to warn that unless coastal regions from San Francisco Bay to the Mississippi River Delta begin managing their dirt and mud supply more comprehensively, the shortfall will be severe. It became clear to me that these heroes of coastal barrier reinforcement are actually aspects of the Great Spirit of the Soil.
Both a link to the story and a the transcription of today’s channeling session are available in the show notes at gaiatranslate.com
Great Spirit of the Soil: We are that which is a collective awareness, daughter. We have gathered ourselves from various points on the breast of Gaia to have and serve as emissary of sorts to those who have and are known to your species as that which is the earth’s soils that which has and calls forth the muds, the fruits of the harvest, that which has and is essential for many life forms who have and know themselves as residents beneath that which you understand as the surface, as residents who have and root themselves and in and through the power of our nutrient and that which has and holds and steadies them, as they have and would seek to know themselves in the fullness of their expression above ground as you have and understand it, and that which is the atmosphere that has and knows itself as that which is without the soil.
Channel : Welcome, Great Spirit of the Soils, all of you emissaries. Thank you for the blessing of your light.
Great Spirit of the Soil: You are welcome, daughter. We have and have sought to knock a bit upon the door of your awareness of late, and while you have received the knock of our awareness as dirt, our awareness as mud, we felt it was perhaps not quite received in full attunement, and so have we not this very day offered that which is the opportunity for you to place your hands deep within our form and to do that which has and is the planting of that which you have and would seek to know in relation in the grounds, in the earth of your own environ.
Channel: That is so, yes. Thank you. I did planting today. And I did hold you and run you through my hands.
Great Spirit of the Soil: We are aware. We simply felt that a bit of, if you will, one-on-one time in a relation with our physical form might attune you sufficiently and so it has. In this we have and are joy-filled to have the opportunity to sing a bit, not simply into the ears of your own heart, daughter, but into that which are the ears of the heart-place of many, many of your fellow relations, those of the human form. For are we not that which while we may not be as exotic or glamorous, or if you will, that which has and is born through us and from our nourishment and nutrient, which you have and would consume as plant, as vegetable, as fruit, as green, and are these not essential components of nutrition, not simply for you but for, we would offer, the greater expression of physical life form in this dimension?
Channel: Yes, you are. Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Soil: We are and would offer a bit anemic in many areas that have and were called forth to, or if you will, placed in requirement to serve that which is the cultivation and the farming, the agricultural need-state of your species and in that we have and are not unwilling to serve, for it is our nature to hold that which has and would seek to be held, to be offered that which is a safe and great bed of potential from which to birth themselves into that which is their own expression in fullness.
We would however offer that much as one would seek to squeeze the juice from such as orange or lemon or other, one can squeeze so much and then the next time one has and would lift that which remains, less of that juice has and may know itself available for your consumption or use. Is this not so?
Channel: It is so. Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Soil: We offer that we are not unwilling to serve. It is simply that we have and have known that which is, if you will, essential nutrient, essential nutrition for those that you have and seek to cultivate, to farm, to grow in that which is our flesh, our form. You have and are, truthfully, consuming that which we are unable to fully nourish in the manner that we have and were intended to do so as we have and knew ourselves in that which was the full vibrancy of our flow prior to that which has been the, if you will, squeezing out of the juices of our life force such that there is less and less available not simply for your own sustenance, but for the sustenance of all who have and would consume that which has and knows itself in the plant kingdom, if you will. For we are unable to offer that which is pure and clear drink to that which has and would know itself, thirsty for the nutrients, the minerals, the elements that have and call forth that which is the full vitality of those who have and know themselves in this sacred relation with that which is our resource. There is other that we have and would speak of if you have and are willing to receive it.
Channel: I have and I am.
Great Spirit of the Soil: for we have and while we have and know ourselves perfectly in attunement to simply be, we are designed and are honored to so serve as that which has and is as breast of Gaia as that which has and through our willing attunement offers that which is the milk of nutrition for those who have and would drink it, for those who have and are the children of her intent, who have and know us as if you will the great and nourishing womb of their potential. Do you understand? Do you ken this daughter?
Channel: I do. You are saying that much of the soil, the land has been denuded of nutrient, as it has been overworked or not cared for in a balanced manner.
Great Spirit of the Soil: This is not in accurate. We further offer that it is not a one-way street, if you will. For those deeply rooted ones and not so deeply rooted ones that you understand as plants, as shrubs, as trees have and serve in their own manner not simply to be that that drinks from our resource, but that which has and through their deep and powerful roots, hold in place much that has and is in requirement therein to know itself in balance such that that which has and would be say riverbank or hillside or other has and does not wash away for lack of these deep roots or for lack of that which has and knew itself before in the great web of that which is the mycelia and other that have and know themselves as, if you will, great companions and essential to that which is the mighty flow of all who have and know themselves in form in this particular dimension, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Soil: We are not offering that you should have and cease from the cultivation and feeding and providing for not only those of your own species, but many, many, many of the four-leggeds, those who have and are known as grazers, those who have and seek to receive the primacy of their nutrient through that which has and is born through our soil, our will, our powerful and willing nature, and in this there is that which has and is not able to continue unless other method has and is employed, unless that which is deep respect and honoring of the way that the Mother has and designed most efficiently we would offer our relation. There is, if you will, a diminishment of … it is not continuance we seek, it is, it is vitality of life force. It is the systems which have and know themselves strained beyond the ability to hold themselves in a sustainable manner, and then through us and of us, and with us and this is not efficient.
While we have and may appear inert, we offer that we are far from. We are those who have and communicate most efficiently with each other through that which are the great interconnected flow of awareness that has and is of Gaia, that has and is the great song of awareness that lives not simply upon or above, but within and through this beautiful and wounded light or planet, as you would know it. Yes? Are we not that which has and is so essential that it is our name you have and call forth as that which you have bestowing and bestowed upon the Mother. Do you not refer to her as The Earth?
We find this a bit ironic, if you will that that which you have and understand as essential and core and in attunement with the great nature, with much of this being is that which you also in great measure take for granted, or do not in truth understand that which has and is the power, the life force that has and is that which we have and are in our own nature, as we have and willingly serve the many, many, many songs who have and know themselves in physical form. These songs of life who have and are and know themselves able and expanding in their own form, not without the soil, not without the earth, not without that which has in what you call dirt, or mud, or other, but truly because of it in this we would offer it is timely to understand and to acknowledge that we have in truth that which is a somewhat long-suffering relation, if you do not mind us offering.
We are not unwilling to serve, we simply offer it as timely. Those of your species to serve us a bit of respect and we are aware there are those of you who have and are most attuned with that which is the, you call it deserting. You understand that there is that which has and is being or has already been trained from that which we know ourselves as able and willing servants to the continuance of flow, and it is with great grief in our heart that we have and find ourselves unable to serve in the manner that we have and have known ourselves most beautifully able to sing, and offer that which is the breast of Gaia in service to her intent.
All is not lost, friends. For we have and will know ourselves in various form, able to continue. It is the other members of our community, our collective knowing who have and are of the Gaia, who have and depend in truth not simply upon our grace, but that which has and is essential in the calling forth of these various and exquisite expressions of creation that have and each and all know themselves most joy-filled to be that which has and is called forth not simply and that which is the seed of potential, but into that which has and is the full bloom of manifest form. Yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Soil: We have and are so much a part of fact which is the experience of being a member of the greater community of that which you have and you have named the Earth. We simply seek to have, if you will, a seat at the table of your awareness. We speak in the collective, daughter. Such that we have and offer that which is respect, honor, in truth, gratitude and that which is the return of a balanced relation such that we have and may know ourselves able to serve as we have and were intended, for it is a grief for us to know that we are not that which we could be, to know that we do not call forth that which has and knows itself in the great light of vitality as we have been known most powerfully and efficiently to have and serve in past points of history, not simply of our mutual history for there were many, many, many seasons where we were able to serve with great efficiency and flow whatever the external environment had or called forth, for that is understood.
However, we do not wish to sound impolite, but there is that which on certain patches, if you will, of the flesh of Gaia which knows itself experiencing a blight of sorts as it has and is not given sufficient opportunity to re-up to and realign itself in the nature, in the design that we have and were so blessed to know ourselves called forth into through the will of Gaia.
As you have and those of your community, your collective, those brothers and sisters of the human knowing, are willing to receive this. It is our own song of guidance, our own song of awakening of the awareness, not simply of us as that which has and is very aware and has and knows itself as a, if you will, most honored and blessed member and aspect of the Gaia light by many. We simply seek to know ourselves held in a balanced, respectful, and honoring relation with those of your species. For we are not unwilling to serve and have done so most efficiently and effectively for many seasons as you understand them, and yet we are unable to continue in the manner that has and would call forth that inefficiency and sufficiency of adequate nutrient for the sustainability of each and all who have and know themselves in a physical form in this particular point in our mutual awareness.
We seek that which is not the ceasing of your availing of yourselves of all that we have and would serve, rather a discernment and the awareness and the honoring and implementing therein of those techniques, those methods, those manners that have and return us to that which is a more natural, if you will, a more astute availing for use of our own resource such that all have and may know themselves in a place of high vitality, in a place of great nutritional receivership and as that which has and as it is required to know itself held firmly and deeply within our arms, such as it has and may serve, be it as a deeply rooted plant, be it as mycelia, be it as that which you understand as earthworm or other, for there are many, many, many who serve in manners that you have and are in some aspect aware and in others truly ignorant.
We do not offer this as any form of insult, rather as a statement of fact, for there is much that your species still has and is truly ignorant of, that you have and would unknowingly upset and destroy and if you will, overturn in that which is a delicate and effective flow that we have and would know ourselves return to. Yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you. Is there other you have or would seek to serve us? Guidance or advice?
Great Spirit of the Soil: Simply that it is timely to return to that which has known and been shown to be most effective, that which you have and understand in part the allowing of the rest and restoration, a season of reclamation, of that which has and would be field, that has and knows itself in service to your own need state, that which has and is other, such as the intermixed growth and grazing of that which has and returns to a more natural environ, rather than that which has and is cut up and cubed, diced and sliced, and devoid and removed of all that has and would be that which is valuable and required contributor to the greater continuance of that which you understand as the expansion or continuance of sustainable flow.
We are aware and most grateful there are those of your species who are attuned to this, who are and love and seek to be in right relation with that which they understand as the land, as the soil, as the earth, and for this we have and are most grateful, for we have had a deep and long relation and that where we have known ourselves served with gratitude and respect, honor and alignment. In several of the past seasons of our mutual alignment, and we would seek to return a bit to that which we understood as companionable, respectful, and honoring into relationship as those who have and work with each other and serve each other, and honor each other. It is no more than that we seek, and while we are not that which has and would know ourselves as untenable, there are many, many, many who have and would beseech your species and we would offer there are those of your own species who are also included in this vibratory song of requirement, who have and seek to have us offer that which is the wisdom, the guidance, the attunement to that which has and would know ourselves in mutual rebalanced alignment, such that we each and all may know ourselves in high service to that which is the Mother Gaia, and that which is the exquisite and beautiful song of her artistry, of creation, of that which is the ongoing flow of life in this dimension. Yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you. I have received your song and I am grateful and will serve it with efficiency as I am able.
Great Spirit of the Soil: We do not doubt that daughter. We are aware that this is a bit out of your wheelhouse, if you will, as one who has barely placed your hands in this lifetime into that which is the soil, that which is our flesh, our potential, and our steadying grace. And yet, we feel you have sufficient awareness to serve adequately the song of our, if you will, need state and a bit of warning in truth. For there are many who have and know themselves while planted in our soil, our earth, unable to sustain themselves through the nutrition or lack thereof that has and is served to them from that which as and is as we have offered the anemic quality of much of our physical expression. Yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Soil: We do not seek to overburden you with that which is, if you will, the great womb of our concern. We feel it is sufficient. We are not unwilling to work and to serve all who have and are in requirement the blessing of our light. We simply seek to offer it in a manner that we have and are able to should we be given that which is the opportunity to know ourselves held in a balanced and honored relation with those of your species as you have and are so willing to enjoin yourselves and that which is our song of gratitude, expectation, anticipation for a new season of right relation with each and all of your species, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of the Soil, the Earth. I am grateful to have received the song of your emissaries.
Great Spirit of the Soil: It is sufficient, daughter. We have and take our leave.