#17: The Great Spirit of the Elephant

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Receive guidance from the Great Spirit of the Elephant in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.

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Welcome to the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. Today’s episode features a directly channeled message form the great spirit of the Elephant. I like to start each episode with a bit of a back story about how I cam to channel a particular Spirit . And during 2021 there have been a number of reports about a migrating herd of fifteen  elephants in China. According to NPR, the group left a wildlife reserve in the southwest of Yunnan province more than a year ago and has trekked 300 miles north to the outskirts of the  provincial capital, Kunming.  Scientists have suggested the migration was spurred by the degradation of their habitats and the decrease in the quality of their land due to environmental pollution. A transcript for this episode is located in the show notes at Gaiatranslate.com.


Great Spirit of the Elephant:  For many seasons we have known ourselves as co-inhabitants of the small plane and we have for the most part been in a gentle and willing companionship and our relation with those of your species and our own. We have and are that which you have invoked this day, daughter. We are the Great Spirit of the Elephant and it is with gratitude we have and arrive at this place of our mutual attunement. For it has been a bit since we had and served our awareness into that which is the field of your attunement. Is that not so?

Channel: Yes it is, Great Spirit of the Elephant. Thank you. You bless me with your attunement.

Great Spirit of the Elephant: We would not deny this, daughter. You are aware that ours is a sophisticated culture. We have and appreciate and honor that which would not be apparent to those of your species, the complex relationships and if you will, understandings of our own species, and while we are not unwilling to offer that to you in part, we simply would say that much as you may not believe we perceive your own species at the depth that we have and do, we have and would offer you have but barely scratched that which is the surface of your own understanding of all that has and is that which is the nature of the Great Clan of the Elephant.

We have indulged you and we have enjoyed in some aspects, been abused in others in our physical form and known an interesting relation with your species and our own. It is time, we would offer, for each of us to acknowledge that we have and are blessed children that have and know themselves sourced from that which may be, distant, however similar and in truth singular source that of what you call the Gaia, what we call The Great Mother, and in truth there are those of your own species who vibrate with that attunement as well.

We have and in this would offer it is timely for us to have and reacquaint ourselves in a higher attunement of relation then we have known prior. We are not unwilling. There are those of your species, however, who simply continue to view our own species as that which is a resource for what you would understand as financial gain. What you have and see that which is a resource, much as a soil that has and grows a harvest you have and would seek to consume. We speak of our tusks and that has and is unacceptable to us. It has and is a violation of our own expression and we would gratefully and in truth with less patience seek to know that which has and is no longer called forth through the will of those of your species. For it is unnecessary and we have and feel it is not in service to that which is the sustenance of your own physical form, nor is it in service to that which would be of medicinal use for those of your species, and in this it is a less than attuned claiming on that which is the physical expression of another in service to one’s own desire.

It has and is timely, and we are aware that there are many of you have and do not disagree. There are many of you who have and are seeking in your way to protect, to honor, and to seek to deny that which is the continuance of this trespass of our own expression in physical form. And that is appreciated. You have and observe that there is that which has been in requirement to have and call forth the, if you will, iteration of our expression that is without that which would be the temptation of our own tusk to have and serve that which would be the destruction, the killing of our entire expression in order to obtain that which was never, if you will, that which would be of service in any meaningful manner from our perspective.

It is timely to cease this imbalance as you have and are so willing. We are aware that there are those who have and are unable to see past the end of their own noses and that which is the desire to consume and to obtain that which is the financial renumeration of the selling of that which is our tusk. And it is timely to have and reconsider this as inefficient, or in truth that which has and is not a simply claiming of that which is not yours to claim, and we have and appreciate the greater awareness that you have as a species and are calling to yourselves most beautifully, we feel, at this point in our mutual relation in terms of the rebalancing of this great imbalance and wounding to that which is the continuance of our own physical out-picturing and we appreciate that.

We have and offer that we are not dissimilar in many ways and while we may appear quite different in terms of our physical expression, yet we have and are wise, if you will, aware, if you will, and in some aspects able to use that which is our thought process to perceive, to problem-solve, to honor, and respect those members of our own community in matters that are not only similar to yours although they may appear to be distant, but in truth in many aspects, superior in that we have and do not seek to wound, destroy, or decimate that which has and is your own physical expression in service of this or that which is not essential to our own continuance.

We do not seek only to call to task for we are aware there are many, many of your species who have and are most loving and beloved and in great attunement with that which we have and are, and if we are not mistaken, there are many of your expression who have and honor us in the form of The Ganesh, as that which is the God of great wisdom and blessing. Is this not so?

Channel: It is so, yes.

Great Spirit of the Elephant: We are most aware, daughter, and in this we would have and would offer, it is not by chance, it is not by whimsy, or happenstance that you have and in many parts of your awareness in this plane honor and pray to that which is the great God who has and knows itself born with that which is the head of the elephant. You will observe, and we make a point, rather obvious, and yet we still would serve it, that it is not the body of the elephant that has and is born with the head of a man; it is the body of a man with the head of an elephant and that is because we have and are wise, all-seeing, all-knowing in certain aspects of our own expression. And while we would suggest it is wise to be with this a bit and to feel in your heart place that which is the great alignment, attunement, and in truth, blessing, that the Great Spirit of the Elephant have always had and bestowed upon those of the human species, is it not timely to return not to the worshiping therein, but to the honoring, if you will, and respectful relation of that which is our own nature and that which is yours.

We have and serve in ways that are unknown to you. We have and are grateful children and offspring, if you will, of the great light of the mother, who you understand as the earth, or Gaia, and we do seek, as do you, brothers and sisters, to know ourselves in the blessing of continuance in the manner that has and is in attunement with that which is the flow, the evolution, the expansion, rather than that which is the dissolution and the destruction of the beautiful song that has and is the environment we have and are blessed to have and know ourselves held so beautifully within. We feel that this is that which you have and for many also would seek to be in attunement with, and for that we have and offer a prayer of profound gratitude for the blessing of your alignment and your open heart, your will, to know yourselves anew, and to know that which are your brothers and sisters, your cousins, and your kin who have and may appear in out-picturing as extreme and very, very foreign in nature, and yet we offer. It is the song of our heart, it is the will of our heart, it is the attunement of our hearts that have and are, if you will, deeply related as children of a single source.

Do not be offended. We are not suggesting that you are as elephant. In truth, we can be honest, there are those of our own species who might find that offensive as well. We have and would offer, however, we have and are that which is a formidable, if you do not mind us offering , a wise and a benevolent energy, and we have an out-picture in our mighty and powerful form, not as that to intimidate, not as that to cause threat, but simply as that to know ourselves in the fullness of our own nature, in balance, in relation, in integration with those who have and are of our fellow inhabitants and members of the greater community that have and are the informed life expression at this point in the history of the Gaia and all who have and will themselves in a physical out-picturing, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of the Elephant: We would further offer, is it not timely, brothers and sisters, to know ourselves in the great song of an attuned relation, one where we have and assist, serve, and offer that which is mutual respect honoring and companionship, for we have and are aware that while you have and treat us as overgrown pet, or that which has and would serve to carry or to drag, to entertain, or in truth to provide that which is a part of our own physical expression that you have found some or other purpose for to call forth that which is your own physical gain, and we have and would offer that these are a very, very small, in truth, miniscule point of engagement. Are we not both well-served to open that which is the will of our hearts to a greater, and in truth, more sophisticated engagement? For are we not both those who have and love our children, those who have and care for our elderly, those who have and are honored and honoring of our own collective in great degree? And have we not also known ourselves of that which has and is wise and discerning in that which has and would be the manner with which to navigate, if you will, our physical experience in this beautiful plane?

We have and would seek to know you and ourselves as those who have and are good neighbors, collaborators, and in truth friends, and in that is it not the key for us we understand to start and create the foundation of this relation upon that which is the foundation of respect, awareness, and discernment, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of the Elephant: We do not see a response. We simply offer that as a point of, if you will, digestion if you have and consume that which we would place upon the plate of your awareness and we have and offer. We are not unwilling although we have suffered greatly with many, if you will, what we would consider more than improprieties that have been taken out upon our species in order to obtain that which is financial resource or other that has and does not honor, respect, or attune to that which is our own expression as fellow and quite aware, quite powerful neighbor in this particular point] in our mutual history.

We further offer that there are many who have and hang by the slimmest of threads on to that which would be the ability to know themselves as ones who have and would carry on the lineage of their physical awareness, and that is a great grief for our hearts. We have and know ourselves in some aspect, facing that which would be the, if you will, unraveling of our own potential for continuance in this manner. Is it not timely, brothers and sisters, to honor and to accept the greater wisdom of one who has called forth through her own m- her own mastery, her own intent all that we have and are together and to honor that there is more than chance at play, to honor that there is great wisdom and great intent and that nothing has or is, if you will, inefficient in the calling forth of that which we have and would understand as our physical environ, and to honor and respect that each and all, however, if you will, physically dominant in terms of our expression, or physically delicate have and serve with the same point of value from the perspective of the one who has called us forth, not without reason, not without purpose, not without relation that has and serves that which is the song of flow.

What is flow? We realize there are those who hear that word and are put off a bit for it seems not to be grounded in what you would understand as science. Flow is that which is movement, that which is life, that which is continuance, that which is the constant exchange of energy that has and knows itself able to recreate itself in varying form in this dimension. When one has and through one’s actions or lack therein calls to this current point in our mutual histories the extinguishment, the ceasing of a particular aspect of that which is this delicate interconnected web of flow, how may one understand the, if you will, downstream consequence of these actions and we would offer, you have and as a species are becoming more aware of the huge and distressing consequence of these actions or lack therein that have called us to this particular point in our mutual awareness. Is it not timely to take one’s hand and lift it off of that which has and would be a continuance of behaviors, of patterns, of choices that are made without the wisdom of consideration? 

We have and understand you in great measure as those who have and stand upon a plank that straddles across a great chasm and have and in the desire to claim a piece of the plank, to place upon that which would be your hearth-fire. You have and are sawing away at that which has, and is in truth that which supports you and keeps you and those of your own species from, if you will, careening into the abyss. This may seem a silly analogy and we offer, we have and from a perspective of wisdom or attunement, don’t, do not disagree; however, it is exactly what has and is currently occurring and has occurred. 

We have offered this to illustrate how one has and may be so intent upon your immediate need state that you have and do not take a moment to pause and to glance up and ahead, and to comprehend deeply within your own heart and the great wisdom of your thoughts that this has and may not be the highest action in attunement and discernment of what has and will in truth serve that which would be the beneficial outcome for all.

If we were able, we would be far more delicate and gentle in the delivery of this song of awakening we have and sing, and yet, unfortunately, there is not clock time as you understand it to serve this in any other manner but with that which is less than delicate, less than politic, if you will. We do not seek to know ourselves and all of those who have and are most beautiful companions on this song of physical awareness to be that which has and is offered no option for continuance for those of your own species have, if you will, sawed all the way through that which would be the bridge for all who have and are in requirement of the crossing.

We are most hopeful in truth. We hold great hope in our hearts is that which warms us in the night and that which has and delights us in the dawn of the potential of all that has and is known, and that which is the season of evolution for your own species, and as you have and open your hearts willingly, brothers and sisters, to the greater truth of all that we have and are, each and all of us, having and holding great, deep, and powerful awareness, no matter how it may appear from our out-picturing, is it not time to see in truth with that which are the eyes of your heart. For we have and often watched you with the eyes of our own.

We have and admire greatly much that you have called forth in form in this dimension and we are hopeful as we have and assess and weigh your great cunning nature, your great intellect, and simply seek to offer that which is the balancing of the scales such that your intellect and your hunger for consumption do not tip the scales so far that they have and crash upon the grounds of dissolution. Is it not best, we would offer in our hope and gratitude, to place upon the other side of the scale that which is the awareness of your heart that which is the perception of the eyes of your heart, such that you have and may continue with that which is the blessing of your intellect and the blessing of your own willing intent to know yourselves not simply as one who has run most effectively and quickly all the way to the center of that bridge and has been sawing away most diligently without awareness in some aspect and with great awareness in other upon that which is the ability to continue to cross into what you would understand as your future and all of ours. 

It is that we have and offer gratitudes for. It is that we have and in truth hold as faith in our heart that you have and will call to yourselves that which is the balancing of the scales such that you have and know yourselves held in the light of your balance between that which is the will of your heart and the intent of your head. In this you have and are remarkable beings. In this you have and know no limit to your potential and it is that we have and sing.

I have and would offer a final blessing to those who have and know themselves as our brothers and sisters in human form, and that is to seek to bless you with the mantle of our elephant nature, one who has and is able to remember what we have chosen and how it has or has not served, and in this as you have and walk into your future and that of ours in this plane, you have and will always carry with you the blessing of awareness, of consequence of choice and of that which has and is the opportunity to walk in great balance with the scales of your heart and your head in attunement to the light.

It is that we had and sought to offer. We have and are most grateful for this opportunity to have and bring our awareness and our attunement in a manner that has and is receivable by those of your species who have yet to attune themselves fully to that which has and has always been deep within their heart. Blessings to you, each and all, brothers and sisters who have and share this home with us. May you have and feel the light. It is sufficient. We have and take our leave as you have and are so willing to grant it.

Channel: I have and I am. Thank you Great Spirit of the Elephant for your wisdom and your light.

Great Spirit of the Elephant: You are welcome, daughter. It is complete.


#18: The Great Spirit of the Soil


#16: The Great Spirit of the Cicada