#16: The Great Spirit of the Cicada

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The Great Spirit of the Cicada honors us with channeled guidance in today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.

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Welcome to this week’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. In today’s episode you will receive channeled guidance from the Great Spirit of the Cicada. To say the 2021 has been an unusual year would not be an exaggeration. Among the many others stories the news has been filled with reports about the re-emergence of  billions of periodical Cicadas after a seventeen year cycle underground  The Cicada’s, known as Brood X, emerge from under ground once every seventeen years to breed. It is a noisy and remarkable display and as the NPR report offers, in the midst of what has been a terrible  pandemic year for most humans, the emergence of the periodical cicadas is a moment to pause and marvel at nature. After all who knows what life will be like the next time Brood X comes out in 2038. This episode brings you the channeled wisdom fo the Great Spirit of the Cicada. 

It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast episodes, as such, the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Cicada I have since updated my recording set up and the newer sessions are much better quality.


The Great Spirit of the Cicada: To call us forward sister we have and hear you. We have and are willing to place our awareness at the hearth fire of your knowing, we have and are the Clan of the Cicada as you know us and we have and feel the stirring in the heart place of those of your own clan as you have and know yourselves much as we in the point of emergence from a deep and long season of growth and nurturing or development and expansion. We do not expect you to see this as a physical analogy for we are fully aware it is not the way of your species to rest within and then to enter into the greater awareness of other for our short season of above ground expression. 

We have and are most pleased in truth for we feel that which is the awakening of the wings of ascension in those of your kind and we would offer is it not timely to attune yourself to the song of your heart, to sing in the vibration of all that you have and are in your sweet potential brothers and sisters for that is, as you have and observe the song of our heart when we have and are offered the opportunity to lift ourselves into that which is the greater expanse of experience. For as you have and know yourselves in your cicada season it is a beautiful and powerful blessing. For you have and have known only that which is the warmth and imitation of the soil of your own creation in truth. 

Is it not timely to know yourselves anew as we have and know ourselves anew after what would appear to be an impossibly long period of as you would understand it gestation. And yet it is not so for us for are there not seasons of requirement? Are there not seasons of unfoldment? Are there not seasons in which all have and consume the nutrient, the wisdom if you will, the requirement that allows one to call forth that which is a full and powerful and in truth, blessed transformation. And that is how we know ourselves as that which has and calls forth that which would appear truly impossible by that which would be our full understanding of our experience in a living form. For how would one ever understand, comprehend or intuit the great expanse and freedom of flight, of song, of vibratory atunement in the great above ground  When for many, many seasons we have only known ourselves in the soil of our own limitation yes?

Do not doubt brothers and sisters that you have and will know yourselves gifted as we have been and are and will continue to be into that which is the great expansion of your own ascension as a collective, as an awareness and while there are many who have and are yet to know their season as they have and remain in that period of gestation within their own growth, within the soil of their own will, of their own learning, so we have and offer yet there is a season for all  and this is a great and mighty season of birthing, of transformation, of blooming, of fight for the human spirit the human awareness. And we are most joy filled for it is that which we have and will sing when you have and l hear those of our particular physical informed expression in this cycle as we have and are known to sing most beautifully we offer and with great finesse we would say that which is the song the vibration of our profound gratitude for the blessing of that which is for us miraculous and yet is it not so?

Channel: It is so. It is amazing! 

The Great Spirit of the Cicada:  We do not seek to disturb those who have and it is not their season of unfoldment and yet we offer there are many, and we feel many those of your own species who have and are ready to honor, to bless and to rest in joyous gratitude for their own  season of unfoldment, transmutation and song. Do not hold back the great song of your heart place sister. Do not hold back the great song of the collective as you have and lift your hearts and lift your wings into the light of greater alignment, communion and relation with all who have and join you in this song of joy filled reunion. In that we are most blessed to own ourselves in a place of alignment and we honor that which is a mighty journey a mighty gestation period where while we have and know ourselves in cycles of hm 15 or so of your rotations around the sun we have and are aware most deeply that there are some cycles that require many dozens or hundreds or thousands of rotations around that which is Father sun before it is timely  to know one’s capacity in that which is the spreading of the wings of awareness,  and is this not a joy filled song and a joy filled season in which to know yourselves without the limitations that have burdened you and your awareness for such a long period of growth, of distillation, of incorporation and we offer it is not that which one has  to think through it is simply that which one has and is invited to offer gratitude for and to feel it in your heart  and to know it in that which is the deepest part of your will and so it has and is. Is that not so beautiful?

 As we have and warm ourselves in that which is the winter of our waiting  we have and sing the songs of that which is the season of our enlightenment as we have and are called forth into that which is the new world, the new environ, the un-cloaked awareness of what we have and are as one who sings together and as one who knows oneself individuate and yet of a greater song. That is why we chose to sing together and that is what we have and feel has and arises from the throats of the heart place of your species We are aware we speak in symbolism and yet we would ask that you have and simply observe that which would seem impossible, remarkable, or perhaps even unnatural at the great ebb and flow of our own expression and simply claim your own Cicada nature for it is the season of your own song brothers and sisters in the light. And we have and are joy filled to lift the throats of our heart in our own atunement to gratitude for as you have and know yourselves able and willing to take flight so we have and know ourselves in a place of grace and gratitude. For are we not all of a great choir who has and in truth sings together? Whether we are aware of this or unaware and that is as it is is that not so daughter?

Channel: It is, thank you Great Spirit.

The Great Spirit of the Cicada: You are welcome. We are most pleased and joy filled to feel that which is the  transformation the transmutation of that which is the awareness that has slept so long in limitation if you do not mind us offering and has and feels itself awaking to that which is the greater or other aspect of your truth. One cannot know one’s truth unless one is willing to release the hold on that which would limit one in the hearing, in the feeling, in the being and becoming. There are those who have yet to fulfill the season of their maturation in your species and that is as it is. There are always cycles is this not so? And yet we offer this is a mighty season for the birthing of many who have and will call to themselves their unlimited nature, their unbounded awareness, their ascension as you have and spread the wings of your will and fly and sing in joy filled gratitude for the blessing of that which has and is no longer understood as untenable, unreachable, impossible, or unbelievable.

We realize we do speak in puzzles and yet those who have and feel the unfurling of their own wingspan of awareness have and will vibrate with our resonance most deeply and in this we have and lift the throats of our heart with great, great joy and anticipation as we have and will listen to your song, as you have and so kindly listen to our own.

Channel: Thank you great spirit of the Cicada. Blessings for your unfoldment  and your bloom and your guidance. 

The Great Spirit of the Cicada: It is most joy filled to have and feel the knock of your awareness upon our own and we have and would offer a blessing to those of your species as you have and are so willing to serve it. We have and offer  that as they have and receive the song of the cicada they are to know that while we have and sing to each other  we  also have and sing in gratitude  for the awaking of your own awareness such that you have and  join us in the great choir of right relation with one and all of the children of Gaia yes?”

Channel: Yes thank you it is an honor and a blessing to serve.

The Great Spirit of the Cicada: We have and are most joy filled and will take our leave. Although we offer do not forget to listen with the ears  of your heart for ours is a most joy filled and delighted song yes?”

Channel: Blessings and thank you.

The Great Spirit of the Cicada: You are welcome sister we will take our leave do not forget to listen for we have and sing with joy filled heart.”


#17: The Great Spirit of the Elephant


#15: The Great Spirit of the Mushroom