#15: The Great Spirit of the Mushroom

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Today’s Episode of the GaiaTranslate Podcast channels the deep wisdom of the Great Spirit of the Mushroom.

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Show Notes & Transcription


Welcome to the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. In this weeks episode I am honored to channel the Great Spirit of the Mushroom. On May 23rd, 2021 NPR ran a story about a rediscovery by a mushroom photographer, Tayler Lockwood, of a mushroom that had been thought to be extinct in the US for over 100 years.Lockwood developed a passion  and a deep admiration for the beauty of mushrooms and has been taking and cataloging images of mushrooms from all over the globe for the last twenty-five years. I could not get this story out of my thoughts and I knew it was time to channel the Great Spirit fo the Mushroom.  A transcript for the Great Spirit of the Mushroom is located in the show notes for this episode at Gaia Translate.com.


The Great Spirit of the Mushroom:  We have and await your atunement daughter. We have heard you and we have and would serve you the grace of our awareness. You have and have been made most aware through various, if you will, atunements into your field and we have and appreciate your willingness to turn that which is the eyes and ears of your awareness to that which we have  would sing. You are accurate in both counts daughter for we are that which has and in our fullness is both the Spirit of the Mushroom which is of fruit of our greater awareness which is The Spirit of the Mycelia or Mycelium as you would understand it. And we have and are that which is so pervasive, so much a part of the organism that you understand as the Gaia, as the structure in physical form that has and serves as the underpinning to great degree of that which has and is the song of interwoven flow in this particular  physical out-picturing.

  It has and would be similar, if you will, to the stripping out of one or other of your own physical forms, your body, your entire network of if you will, that which has and would carry the electric impulses in and through you across your own physical matrix. Without these there is no flow. You may understand your flow as only being in requirement of that which is blood that has and is pumped through the mighty being who is your heart. That is one of the if you will the mighty tributaries of your life that you have and are in requirement of. The other of course is the breath through which you have and understand you are held in the blessing of awareness within a form yes? And the third are that which you have and know as the neurotransmitters and we are akin in some aspects to each of these and also to that which you understand as your nerves or nerve endings. For these are all large matrixes, large webs and weaves, large system wide (space) elements that have and serve not simply one or other small outcropping such as a finger or a toe but rather the entire structure of your system as an organism of life. One that has and knows itself as that which has and is if you will a closed system in some aspect and not fully closed in other.

We offer these and you have and observe the being who is Paul Stamets, a great  representative if you will, of our intent and we are most grateful and indebted to this  being. However, we digress we simply had and brought that being to the forefront of your awareness as he is one who also draws the analogy of the great and powerful matrix of our awareness in a physical form as akin to the of the web of information and if you will energy that has and is connected through thought form and electronic  devises and in this manner is that not also a good example in part, of how we understand ourselves and how you as a species have little understanding in truth other than those who have and are attuned to that which is the mycelia that have and are the structure, the construct if you will of much that has and supports life as you understand it on this particular planet or plane of existence yes? 

You have and are unaware in large part because we have and are not visible or, if you will, an intrusive  or quite present part of your daily existence. And while you have and observe the fruits and avail yourselves of them for many, many, uses we are aware  for that of medicinal, that of food source, that of if you will portal to your greater understanding and there are others that you have yet to discern although there is one that is coming forth for we do not only serve your species or that of an other  for we have and serve all. There are blessings that have yet to be if you will unwrapped in the great bounty of our resource.

We are that which is a mighty and powerful transmuter of that which you have and would understand as in requirement of reclamation, reabsorption, reformation and other in truth. And we have and are to unwilling to serve you have simply to open the eyes of your heart and that of your intellect and together when you have and allow much that has and has been obscured from your view through lack of faith, belief or awareness, has that which is served with great willingness from our heart place to your own. We are not unwilling to serve for it is that which has and is a part of our own matrix and in that are we not great servants to the will of Gaia as we have and hold together if you will, offer foundation if you will, offer that which is as the warp and weave that has and stitches this small dimension and this particular planet together as one has and knows it to be held and informed. To be as that which knows itself as  a greater and a singular organism that has and if you will, offers many little offshoots or smaller aspects that have and are not so physically tethered in that which is the intent of the Gaia.

We have and would offer there is much that has and is out of balance, out of the feasible continuance of life in form as you have and know it.  And while you have been made aware daughter that  while much may be if you will swiped off this planet .We have and know ourselves yet as that which has and is essential and continuing in great measure. Although we have and would dearly miss many of those lifeforms we have come to know, support and honor and know through that which is our service ,our willing and joy filled service to the if you will expansion of expression of life from in this particular dimension and well  ( sound drop) we will not pursue that either of awareness at this point . 

We have and will seek that which we would encourage as a conversation of sorts as you have and are willing to receive that which is the wisdom of our awareness as a sentient being. Not simply as that which has and holds together that which  you have and would trod upon, or build upon, or seek to remove, loosen or destroy as it has and if you will is inconveniently located and yet we offer it is only that our particular song of engagement and presence and inter-related flow that has and offers you that which you have and understand as the ground beneath your feet.  As that which has and not simply serves for you to stand upon, to grow upon, to build upon, but that which which has and is in truth the true building blocks  ( sound variation )of that which you understand as the physical earth in truth. 

We speak of the actual earth and all that has and is supported and in truth without that which has and is the great- it is a well worn word however it is appropriate, the great web that has and is woven through our intent and our willing support you have and would not understand yourselves let alone any of your friends neighbors or life forms in this particular dimension able to know themselves in a place of sustenance or sustainability.

When you have and we speak of those who have and would  know themselves as ones who have and would seek to call forth that which has and knows itself born of the soils  ( sound drop)we have and would offer it is not wise to have and remove all that we are and expect that which is the song of expansion, of continuance, of growth, of health to continue. For it is much as if we were to have- or you were to have and know yourself fully stripped of that which is the network of your neurotransmitters of that which is the network of your blood, your veins and your arteries and all of our blood vessels. One could not survive yes without these essential channels that have and call forth that which is the transference of the flow of nutrient and other that has and supports you in the current form you have and know yourselves held within is this not accurate?”

Channel: I believe it is, yes. 

The Great Spirit of the Mushroom:  We do not seek a response from you we simply seek  to phrase it such that  you have and feel the underscoring of our intent it is simply that, a style if you will ,a pattern of speaking that has and is common to our species and others when we would seek to communicate directly to one or other. We further offer it is timely to have and to  turn with great honor, great respect and in truth more than a little responsibility to seek to serve redress if you will and to remake that which has and would be sustainable environs for those who have and know themselves as that which is the foundation for that which has and supports all that has and is born through it, from it and of it. 

We are aware this has and may confuse this has and may entangle the thought process such that it does not understand what direction or in what manner the knowing has for would be arriving and yet as you have and hold this awareness and this if you will, blessing of wisdom served upon that which is the heart place of each and all of the sons and daughters of Eve. We speak in metaphor yes? Please do not confuse that with those stories that have and are in your books, not that they are not sourced from that vibration of truth. However we are not seeking to confuse with that reference it is simply a common phrase for those who have and are of the human collective that has and is used as reference point much as you have and refer to us as mushroom when we have and are multifarious and multifaceted yes? And that which you understand as mushroom which has an serves most profoundly that which has and is great powerful healing and nutrient that which is great if you will ameliorate one that has and is able to remove, reduce and restructure large aspects not only of your own matrix in physical form in that way we have and cleanse, purify and transmute. 

We are if you do not mind us offering, incredibly powerful and incredibly potent for those who have and would seek a respectful, honoring and inquisitive relation for all that we have and would offer. For you have in truth would be well served to become intimate acquaintances with that we have and are in our potential and in our service  to the Gaia and to all who have and seek to know themselves supported, healed, blessed and able to know that which is the continuance, sustaining of their own personal flow. We speak of that of individual species not only of that of the individuate within the species that have and populate this small part of the multiverse. 

You have and are one who has and is aware and in receivership of our vibration, our atunement and we have and are grateful for that. We have and would encourage mightily and we have and offer gratitudes and joy filled expectation in truth of that which is a merry party that has and may begin with one such as yourself and soon, we feel and hope, include many many others who have and simply attune themselves to that which is the flow of our awareness as they have and open their heart place and are willing to be in receivership therein. Not simply of our physical attributes or that which they have of would seek to discern or to analyze as great puzzle or curiosity but rather that which is a powerful fellow inhabitant a willing and if you will, wise companion and elder in the community of life forms that have and know themselves blessed to have and be that which is and plays a part in that which is the great song of flow here and through that which is the intent of the Gaia light.

We have and are willing to offer more than you have or could conceive of in the points of our mutual history although there were times and places where there was a great deal more knowledge and willing relation between those of the human species in their various iterations and those of our own species in the form of that which is the mycelia and that which is the fruit or what you have and would observe and be offered as gift from that which is our intent to your own and many others. The fruit, the mushroom yes? In this as you have and would return and as you are willing seek the wisdom of your own elders those who have and were the ones who have and were the caretakers of the lands. That which has and is in right relation. That which has and understands, respects and honors those who do not happen to look like them, those who do not happen to sound like them, those who do not happen to feel or in truth taste like them. And then to have and to understand that this is how one has and walks in companionship in right relation, in respect, honoring and atunement, and in truth, we have and are great allies to those who have and serve respect, honor and willing and open heart.

It is timely  brothers and sisters for there are many who have and are unable to hold onto that which is the last thread of continuance of if you will an informed expression. For that which has and tethered them to this small dimension has and is dissolving. Has and is being dissolved. Has and is being torn apart and in some aspect with great awareness and for others with great lack therein. It is timely to awaken, It is timely to claim your, if you will, adulthood for you are no longer an infant as you would understand yourselves. We speak species wide. You have and are that which has great and powerful potential and great and powerful will. It is simply a matter of shaking off the distortions that that which does not walk or talk or look or or taste or smell as you is in some way inferior, in some way less than, in some way simply that which is designed to serve you and your own need state rather than to be a part of a much greater and sustainable song.

We have and are great and powerful healers . We have and are great and deeply wise and willing. We are that which has and is essential and that which you have and have been fr the most part unaware of and therefore we would offer, unable align yourselves in proper and respectful atunement to those who have and know themselves able to educate, to heal and to reweave much that has been unwoven. We do not seek to, we do not seek to offer that which would come off as the knowing all the know-it-all or one who has and is superior for we do not preserve ourselves in that manner. Rather we seek to walk side by side in mutual honor, respect and if you will, polite society. And we have and understand your species as at a place in your own evolution were you are no longer in requirement to see with your eyes of the body to hear with the ears of the flesh, to taste with the tongue of the flesh in order to believe or understand that there is more than the simple physical object that is before you. 

This is essential. This is the essence of how we have and all are as one greater organism. Greater even that that which is the Gaia and our atunement in service to her light. And as we have and are willing and joy filled in truth to have and make your acquaintance as a member of the mature or fully attuned community of awareness that has always been if you will, a part of this dimension and wherein many of us have and are most aware of each other have and work in great concert and willing and joy filled alignment with each other is it not timely to know yourselves if you will formally invited to the event.

We have and offer prayers of profound gratitude - the blessing of your atunement, your willingness and your grace. For you have and are most able to accumulate to learn  to grow and to expand and it is in truth a season of powerful potential, opportunity and grace  (sound drop) as you have and choose to harness that which has always been yours and yet not always understood as that which you have and may direct and may guide such that it has and carries you to the destination that has and  would knows itself in the light of high discernment for your own continuance of that and other .

We have and offered that which is a welcome introduction we feel. And one that may not have been as gently placed as that of a loving parent upon that of a fevered child, and yet we offer you are no longer a child although you have and do burn with a fever. The fever is of ignorance, the fever is of intolerance, the fever is of resistance. Is it not timely to know yourselves willing to no longer be fevered? To no longer know yourselves at that point where the fever of your ignorance, intolerance and resistance may be that which dominates and consumes you fully. For that is not what we have or would seek, or desire. In truth it would be a great grief upon our heart place and many other.  We simply seek to have you awaken from your fever dream of denial and to know yourself invited to sit  if you will with the grown ups and to be that which is welcome and honored companion as we have and would seek to enjoin ourselves in the great feast of continuance .

We have and may seek to knock upon the door of your awareness at another point in our history daughter for we realIe this has and is a partial introduction and we are not unwilling to engage with honor, dignity, respect and allowance. And so that has and is all we would seek to serve upon the plate of your awareness and that of your brothers and sisters for they have and will know themselves quite full, stuffed if you will, from the consumption of this great meal of awareness that we have placed upon the plate  of their knowing should they have ad choose to consume it. It is with great joy inner hearts that we have and appreciate the ability to have and sing in and through you and to offer the which is the gracious atunement  of our flow through that which is the river bank of your will. It is appreciated .

We have and are grateful and it is we feel sufficient at this point in our mutual alignment. We have and sing a song of great hope and we have and wish to claim our intent as that which has and is a mighty partner and respected member of the greater community of all that has and is born of the Gaia. We have and offer you blessings of the evening and we have and take our leave as you are willing to so grant it.

Channel: Blessings  to you Great Spirit of the Mushroom,, the Mycelium I have and receive with gratitude the wisdom of your light. Blessings be.


#16: The Great Spirit of the Cicada


#14: The Great Spirit of the Grasses